05 | the curious case of victor creel

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Chapter Five
The Curious Case of Victor Creel


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Olivia missed Eleven.

Eleven was like the little sister she never had. Olivia hoped that California and high school were treating her well. After all, El deserved to just finally be a kid for once and have fun. And while she knew El was so much more than just her powers, Olivia hated to admit that the gang needed her now more than ever. The way that Eddie described what happened to Chrissy, Olivia had a terrible feeling that was gnawing inside of her, and who knows who could be the next victim of Vecna's curse.

Olivia could hardly sleep last night; her worries were intensifying quickly. If Dustin or any of her friends were next, she wasn't sure that she could handle it. She already lost Chrissy, she couldn't bare loosing anyone else.

The next day, the gang piled up in Steve's BMW again. Once they bought some food for Eddie at Melvald's, they pulled up to Reefer Rick's house again. Eddie was still nervous and fidgety, understandably. He jumped back and almost fell over when they the five of them walked in. Olivia greeted Eddie with a tiny wave and her famous sweet smile, that Steve believed could brighten up any room. Eddie's shoulders relaxed a little, and was quick to snatch the bags of food from Dustin.

Everyone gathered around Eddie. Olivia stood in between Dustin and Steve, while Robin and Max were across from them. Eddie was munching on the cereal like he had never had food in his life.

Dustin was the first to speak up. "So, we got some good news and some bad news. How do you prefer it?"

"Bad news first. Always," Eddie answered in a mouthful of honey comb cereal, taking a swig of beer.

"Alright, bad news. We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you. Also, they're pretty sure you killed Chrissy," Dustin said ever-so-charmingly.

"Like a 100% kind of convinced," Max added with a look of sympathy spreading across her features.

"And the good news?" Eddie queried, a small glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Your name hasn't gone public yet," Robin answered this time. "But if we found out about you, it's only a matter of time before others do too. And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you."

Olivia hated how much truth was held in Robin's words. Hawkins was full of small-minded and shallow people. There was only a small amount of people that were purely good and kind-hearted, and Olivia was more than grateful to have them in her life.

Eddie shifted his eyes to the ground. "Hunt the freak, right?"

Olivia softened her gaze at the older boy. It was weird to see the Munson boy in such a vulnerable state. At school, he was confident and didn't care what other people thought of him, which Olivia always admired about him. But now she was getting to know a different side of him, and it broke her heart to see him like this. That seemed to have become a theme for Olivia, noticing that there was always so much more to someone than what they might seem like on the outside.

"Exactly," Robin nodded. Eddie cursed under his breath.

"So, before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence," Dustin explained like it was the easiest thing in the world. Olivia nodded along at Dustin's statement. Their lives have been on the line too many times to count, and while yes, it was incredibly dangerous, they did at least always manage to live in the end. There was no one else she'd want to be doing these so-called "adventures" with.

Eddie raised his eyebrows and looked at Dustin with disbelief. "That's all, Dustin? That's all?" Eddie quipped with a hint of irritation.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it," Dustin answered unconvincingly, his voice an octave higher than normal.

"Listen, Eddie, I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this kind of thing before. I mean, they have, a few times... and I have once. Mine was more human-flesh-based, and theirs was more smoke related," Robin rambled. "But bottom line is, collectively, I really feel like we got this."

Olivia shook her head at the girl. As much as she adored Robin, she wasn't the best at giving motivational speeches.

"Yeah, see, we usually rely on this girl who has superpowers, but uh, those went bye-bye so..." Steve commented, resulting in Olivia swatting him gently on the shoulder.

Eddie's eyes darted back and forth as everyone tried to reassure him that everything was going to be okay, but they were doing a miserable job at it.

For the first in a while, Olivia decided to speak up, having had enough of them. "Eddie," Olivia began to say, taking a step closer to him. Her voice was soft and gentle. Everyone abruptly stopped talking and all eyes shifted to Olivia.

"Look, everyone you see in this room are some of the most important people in my life. I trust them with my entire life. They're my family, whether they're blood related or not," She spoke honestly.

And her words couldn't be more true. Max and Robin were like her sisters, Steve was the love of her life, and Dustin was like her other half.

"Our lives have been on the line more times than I can count, but there is no one else I would want to be with than them. We are going to get through this, Eddie. As Dusty here said, we will kill Vecna and we will prove your innocence. If there's anyone that can do that, it's us. Trust me," Olivia finished.

Silence fell in the room after Olivia finished her small speech, and Eddie was staring at her with a look that she couldn't quite read.

Robin and Max both looked at Olivia with pure admiration. The Henderson girl was really a true friend. She always had a gift of comforting others and somehow knew the right things to say, even in the most stressful times.

"Liv's right," Dustin spoke up, breaking the silence. "Well, she's always right. T-there's nothing to worry about."

Eddie still seemed a little tense, but he was starting to relax just a little at Olivia's comforting words. Just as he was about to reply, a commotion was unfolding outside of the shed, startling the gang. Eddie quickly pulled the tarp back over him so he wouldn't be seen and the rest of them scurried back in Steve's BMW to go see what was happing.

Arriving at the scene, a group of police officers were huddled around something, though Olivia couldn't see what was going on. A small smile appeared on her face when she noticed a familiar set of dark raven curls. Nancy was talking to Officer Powell. A mix of emotions flashed across Nancy's features β€” scared, hurt, frustrated β€” but her emotions quickly morphed into relief when she turned her head and spotted her friends who were looking at her with concern. A tear rolled down Nancy's cheek as she gave her friends a small wave. Olivia waved back, just relieved to know that Nancy was okay despite the terrible things that were happening in this messed-up town.


The five of them were sitting on the bench that was in the middle of the trailer park as Nancy recounted what happened to Fred. The same thing that happened to him is the exact same thing that happened to Chrissy. Olivia didn't know Fred, but he didn't deserve this. No one did. She wouldn't wish this kind of torture on anyone, not even on her worst enemy. Fear was creeping inside of her at the mere thought of one of her friends being the next victim of Vecna's curse.

"So you're saying that this thing that killed Fred and Chrissy, it's from the Upside Down?" Nancy queried, her voice shivering slightly.

"If the shoe fits," Steve grimaced.

"Our working theory is that he attacks with a spell or... a curse," Dustin said slowly. "Now weather or not he's doing the bidding of the mind flayer or just loves killing teens, we don't know."

"All we know is that this is something different," Max stated. "Something new."

"Doesn't make sense," Olivia spoke quietly, saying her thoughts out loud. Fred and Chrissy were just two innocent teens, why did Vecna choose them?

"It's only a theory."

"No. Fred and Chrissy don't make sense," Olivia clarified. "I mean, why them?"

"Maybe they were just in the wrong place?" Dustin suggested. "They were both at the game."

"And at the trailer park," Max added.

"We're at the trailer park," Steve shifted uncomfortably and scanned the park carefully. "Uh, should we maybe not be here?"

Steve did have a point. With both murders happening here, it might be a good idea to leave. And with the trailer park being in the neck of the woods in Hawkins, it sure did give the place an extra spark of eeriness about it. It was the perfect place for this Vecna creep to show up, away from the rest of the town.

"There is something about this place," Nancy shivered at the thought. "Fred started acting weird the second we got here."

"Acting weird as in?"

"Scared, on edge, upset..." Nancy trailed off.

Dustin's eyes grew bigger. "Max said Chrissy was upset too."

"Yeah, but not here," Max shook her head. "She was crying in the bathroom at school."

"Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike, right?" Robin asked with hesitation. "So maybe Fred and Chrissy saw this Vecman-"

"Vecna," Dustin corrected.

"I don't know about you guys, but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone," Steve said uneasily.

"Maybe they did," Max shrugged. "I saw Chrissy leaving Ms. Kelley's office. If you saw a monster, you wouldn't go to the police. They'd never believe you. But you might go to your-"

"Your shrink," Robin finished, realization hitting her.

All having the same idea, the gang immediately fled to Steve's car. Just as Olivia was about to step into the vehicle, Nancy stopped her and pulled her to the side. "Hey Liv, I think I might have an idea on who this Vecman might be, I just need some help with research. I was wondering if you could come with me?"

"Find out who this Vecna creep is? Yeah, I'm in," Olivia nodded, trotting behind Nancy to her car.

Noticing that the girls were heading in the other direction, Steve immediately stopped them. "Liv, Nance, where are you guys going?"

"Oh, there's just something I want to check on first. Liv is coming with me," Nancy shrugged, looking down at the ground.

"Something you maybe want to share with the rest of us?" Dustin said sarcastically.

"I don't want to waste your time," Nancy answered. "It's a real shot in the dark."

"Yeah, okay, are you out of your mind Liv?" Steve huffed, mostly concerned for Olivia's safety. Of course, he was worried for Nancy as well, but if something happened to Olivia, he wasn't sure what he'd do. "Flying solo with this Vecna creep on the loose? No, too dangerous. You need someone too..." He paused, tossing his keys to Robin. "I'll stick with Liv and Nance. You guys take the car, check out the shrink." Dustin, who was standing behind Steve, had been chuckling the whole time, clearly amused by Steve.

"I don't think you want me driving your car," Robin informed.

Steve furrowed his eyebrows, confused at the girl. "Why?"

"I don't have a license," The blonde answered with a shrug.

"Why don't you have a license?"

Looking slightly dejected, Robin shrugged again. "Because I'm poor."

"I can drive," Max chimed in.

Steve immediately shot down Max, recalling to what happened two years ago. Dustin suggested he drive, but Steve was quick to shoot him down as well.

"Alright, this is stupid," Robin tossed the keys back to Steve, and started walking in Olivia and Nancy's direction. "Us ladies will stick together, unless you think we need you to protect us," She teased. Nancy narrowed her eyes at Robin as she spoke.

"Be careful!" Steve called after the three girls as they headed towards Nancy's car.

"Are you just gonna stand there and gawk?" Dustin teased with a chuckle.

"Shut up," Steve rolled his eyes.

It was obvious how much Steve cared for Olivia, and that made Dustin happy for her. In fact, Dustin wouldn't be too surprised if they ever got married in the near future. It would be pretty cool to have Steve as his brother-in-law.

Sure, Steve and Olivia may be young and Dustin may not know much about love, but he knew that Steve and Olivia were soulmates.


Robin was rambling about the Victor Creel case as they entered the Hawkins Public Library, trying to process everything Nancy had just told them. Nancy looked like she was only half listening, only responding to Robin when she needed to. Olivia frowned, trying to think of any possible reason why Nancy was suddenly acting this way.

Approaching the front desk, Nancy rang the bell vigorously, cutting off Robin. The blonde looked taken aback by Nancy's odd behavior. She turned to Olivia with raised eyebrows, as if to ask her why Nancy was acting this way. Olivia gave her a sheepish look and shrugged her shoulders.

"Did I come off mean or condescending or something?" Robin quizzed.

"No," Nancy denied.

"Right, sorry, it's just, you seem... annoyed? You don't know me very well, I don't really have a filter for a strong grasp of social cues. So if I say something that upsets you just know that I know that it's a flaw. Believe me, my mother reminds me daily. Right, Liv?" Robin stopped talking and glanced at Olivia for help.

"Yeah, but that's what makes you so lovable Rob," Olivia giggled, patting her friend on the shoulder. Nancy still remained silent, just nodding her head at Robin.

The librarian, who was a sweet older woman with glasses too big for her face, returned back with the key that they needed. "Alright ladies, here you go. Have fun!" The librarian grinned.

"Yep... we'll try," Nancy said slowly, taking the keys. The woman sent Robin a sympathetic smile before the girls headed off to do their research.


A heavy yawn escaped Olivia's lips, the exhaustion just hitting her as she sat on one of the desks, scrolling through old newspapers. 45 minutes have passed (though it really felt more like five hours), and still the girls had no luck in finding anything helpful about Victor Creel. The dimly lit room was oddly quiet, and Olivia could still feel the obvious tension Nancy held towards Robin.

Robin leaned over the partition desk that divided them. "Liv, have you found anything yet?"

"No," Olivia sighed. "You?"

"Nope," Robin replied. "What about you Nance? Anything juicy over there?"

Nancy closed her eyes, clearly annoyed. "Nope, nothing new."

"Yep, same here. Victor seemed like a normal guy. Dead family, missing eyes, took a plea deal, sent to Pennhurst. Blah, blah, blah, blah," Robin read from her screen.

"What are we looking for exactly? Nance?" When Nancy didn't reply, Robin leaned over her partition, knocking on the wood. "Any mention of dark wizards or alternate dimensions? Things in that vain?"

"I don't know, okay?" Nancy retorted, suddenly getting up from her seat. "It's starting to seem like this was just a big waste of time and the both of you are obviously bored," She turned to Olivia as she continued to speak. "Liv, why don't you just call Steve? I'm sure he'll come pick you up, I mean, I'm not really in danger here, so..." The Wheeler girl turned around with a huff and headed down the stairs to search for more tapes.

Ah, so that's what this was about.

Olivia definitely had not expected those words to come from Nancy. Did Nancy still have feelings for Steve? If so, why had she not confided in Olivia about it earlier? She started to feel guilty for having been such a bad friend, not knowing Nancy was feeling this way at all.

"I can't believe she just said that!" Robin gasped.

"I'm gonna go talk to her," Olivia got up from her seat and swiftly followed in the direction Nancy had gone.

Olivia went down the stairs of the library and walked up to Nancy, unsure of what to say and suddenly became more focused on the ground. "Uh, Nance? D-do you still have feelings for Steve?"

"What?" Nancy asked, taken aback by her question. "God no. Steve and I are like, way in the past. And Liv, you know I would never do that to you."

"Well, uh, I just figured that you and Jonathan are still going strong 'cause you guys are like, going to college together and you're one of those unstoppable power couples," Olivia rambled, which was unusual coming from the girl who didn't talk this much. "But I just... I wanted to make sure that my relationship with Steve hasn't taken a toll on our friendship. Just in case that's adding any tension between us?"

"I promise, it hasn't," Nancy assured her. She stopped shuffling through the tapes to face her friend. "I'm sorry I've been a bad friend lately, it's just, ever since you and Robin became friends, I feel like we haven't spent any quality time together. We've been best friends for four years now, and I guess... I just feel like I've been replaced."

"Wait, that's what this is about?" Olivia asked, completely perplexed.

"I know, it's so stupid. That's why I've never really brought it up before," Nancy shrugged.

"It's not stupid, Nance. If anything, I'm the bad friend for making you feel like that," Olivia apologized, embracing her friend in a hug. "You can never be replaced. Our friendship means everything to me."

Nancy shook her head. "You could never be a bad friend. And hey," She paused for a moment, amusement glistening in her eyes. "Speaking of Steve, that boy is totally in love with you," She laughed. "I mean, did you see his face when I told him you were coming with me?"

Olivia rolled her eyes. "He was just worried, Nance."

"Liv! He made it so obvious! There were like, a lot of witnesses there," Robin cackled, suddenly appearing behind them from the stairwell. "I can't believe now that you guys are together, you still doubt his feelings for you when it's so obvious he loves you." She walked down the stairs and continued to dig for more tapes in the drawers.

"I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but Robin's right," Nancy agreed. "I have never seen two people more in love than you and Steve are."

"Holy shit!" Robin suddenly said, pulling out one of the tapes from the drawer. "Sorry to ruin the moment, but I think I found something. The Weekly Watcher. I can't believe they have this."

"Don't they write about, like, Bigfoot and UFO's?" Nancy questioned.

"First of all, UFO's are absolutely real. Bigfoot, I'm still on the fence about," Robin gestured. "But may I remind you that we are looking for information on dark wizards. If someone's gonna write about that, it's gonna be these weirdos."

Within the next five minutes, the girls inserted in the tape and they began scrolling through more newspapers. "Ah, Elvis cloned by aliens," Nancy read jokingly.

"Hey, you never know!" Olivia shrugged. With everything she has been through, she has started to believe in the impossible. After being in alternate dimensions and fighting against monsters, Elvis being cloned by aliens honestly wasn't so far-fetched in her opinion. She knew it sounded ridiculous, yes, but monsters and dimensions were ridiculous too.

"Victor Creel claims vengeful demon killed family. The murder that shocked a small community," Robin read in a voice that resembled a trailer for a horror movie.

"Ha ha. That's very funny," Nancy said sarcastically.

"I'm not kidding. Come here," Robin said. Olivia and Nancy looked closer at the screen, not believing that they had actually found something useful.

"According to several insiders, Victor believed his house was haunted by an ancient demon. Victor allegedly hired a priest to exorcise the demon from his home," She continued to read from the screen. "Pretty novel for the fifties. Exorcist wasn't even out yet."

"Keep going," Nancy encouraged. The tension in the air had died down, and Olivia was glad that they were able to work things out. Nancy and Robin were her best friends, and the last thing she wanted was any drama. They had more important things that they needed to be focusing on anyway.

As Robin continued to read about Victor Creel, her voice began to fade when Olivia began to have a sudden throbbing headache. Facing away from the screen, she rubbed her forehead but the pain only increased.

"Liv? Liv? Are you alright?" Robin's voice echoed. "Your nose is bleeding," She pointed out, worried about her friend.

"Oh, that's strange," Olivia wiped her nose with the end of her sleeve.

"We just made the conclusion that Vecna was the demon who invaded Victor Creel's home back in the 1950's, but you kind of zoned out for a moment there. Are you sure you're okay?" Nancy asked gently with concern written in her voice.

"I'm fine," Olivia assured her and Robin. "I just have a bad headache, that's all. I didn't get much sleep last night. But that's brilliant, Nance. Looks like your shot in the dark wasn't a shot in the dark after all!"

Something was telling Olivia that it wasn't just a headache, but she ignored it, not wanting to worry her friends more.

Rushing out of the library with their conclusion, Olivia grabbed her walkie-talkie. "Dusty, do you copy?"

"Yeah, I copy."

"So, Nancy's a genius," Olivia informed her brother. "Vecna's first victims date back all the way to 1959. Her shot in the dark was a bulls-eye."

"Okay, that's totally bonkers but I can't really talk right now."

"Wait, what are you doing?" Olivia queried.

"Breaking and entering to retrieve some confidential and extremely personal files."

Olivia glanced at Nancy and Robin before talking in the walkie again. "Can you repeat that?"

"Just get your ass over here, stat."

"I thought they were talking to Ms. Kelley?" Nancy asked, who seemed just as confused.

"We leave them alone for two hours," Olivia scolded to herself as she climbed in the car. "I, of all people, should know better than to leave Dustin's side."

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