𝟎𝟎𝟐 Ungrateful Bitch

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Tell It To The Frogs.




Intermittent explosive disorder.

Logan didn't know what was wrong with her at first. When she was a toddler, Logan would always throw a fit for the smallest things. Her crayon breaking, someone talking over her, or even just running into something by accident. It was easy for Logan to control her anger. But as the girl got older, Logan's anger grew to the point that when she did explode; it would be bad.

The first fight Logan ever got into was in the 6th grade. A kid named Billy Meyer took her red guitar pick and threw it at her face. So, she chucked a book at his nose, shattering it. She got suspended for 2 weeks.

The sixth time was when she was talking to her friend, Chloe, in the school halls. A guy passed them and slapped Chloe's butt. That fight was a bit more difficult, she ended up with a broken nose, black eye, and a busted lip...but so did the other guy.

Logan has had many therapy sessions and many drugs prescripted for her. And at some point, Logan could admit that she was better...until the whole apocalypse thing occurred.

Her father was dead.

When Shane first got the three Grimes' and his son to the camp, Logan wanted nothing to do with anybody. She kept her distance from everyone, but Carl. Logan avoided Elliott and Shane, still furious about them leaving her father behind. But there was a reasonable voice in the back of her mind that told her to forgive them. Logan wanted to forgive them. The Walsh's were two of her favorite people. But, Logan's anger always had a way of forcing her to hold a grudge. No matter how much she didn't want to.

And that grudge grew even deeper when Logan found out that Shane and her mother were sleeping together. Logan didn't understand how Lori and Shane thought they were being secretive. And Logan didn't understand how no one else noticed? Not even Elliott knee and that made her want to ram her head against a tree trunk.

Everyone in this camp treated her like a ticking time bomb that would explode at any moment. Guess that'll happen if you shout at everyone, wondering who stole your rations once. Sadly, that one time blacklisted Logan from the 'approachable' list.


The brunette's eye twitches out of frustration from her mom's voice ringing in her ears.

Lori rushes around the camp looking for her daughter.

The teen exhales sharply, she looks down at her mom running around like a chicken with its head cut off. "Lori, Lori..." Shane touches her arm, trying to calm her down.

Logan's chest tightens with rage as she watches Lori touch Shane's arm back. Lori looks at Shane with wide eyes. "I was watching Carl...I looked away from the river for one second and..." Lori trails off her sentence as Shane points behind her.

Lori follows his finger and her face twists up in anger as she sees her daughter sitting in a tree. "Logan, get down from there right now!" she stalks over to the tree

Logan rolls her eyes, she presses her converse against the tree, and she grips the large branch she was sitting on. Her feet slide off the tree, they were hanging in the air. She lets go of the branch and lands in the dirt on her feet. "Jeez, are you sure I'm the one with IED?" She slaps her hands together, cleaning them off. "Your vein looks like it's about to pop, mom." The brunette quips.

Lori grips Logan's arm, stopping her daughter in her tracks. "Listen to me," the mom says in a low voice so, only Logan can hear her. Logan snaps her emerald eyes to her mom's coffee brown ones. Lori slightly pulls her face back, noticing the challenging look in Logan's eyes.

Logan opens her mouth to argue, but Lori points a finger in her daughter's face. The teen pulls her brows together.

"Don't start. Just listen." Lori seethes. "I am your mother. I raised you, you are the child who hasn't learned anything about this world."

Logan rolls her eyes, "I haven't learned anything about this world?" she cocks her head to the side, her arms folded. "My father is dead because of this world!"

Lori lets out a quiet sigh, "Honey, he died of a gunshot wound--"

"No, he didn't," Logan growls. "He would've woken up if this world didn't go to shit! And he would be alive if Shane hadn't—"

"Calm down." Lori's tone was low.

Logan pulls her face back and lets out a frustrated breath. She could see the embarrassment across Lori's face, knowing that Logan was raising her voice; catching everyone's attention. "My father is dead," she whispers harshly. "And you can barely look me in the eye and comfort me."

"Why are you like this?" Logan's voice starts to shake with grief and rage.

"I can ask the same about you." Lori snaps back without any hesitation.

Silence settles between them, Logan looks around, noticing the other adults staring at the mother and daughter duo; the familiar expression on their faces when staring at Logan. They were all on Lori's side and they thought she was ungrateful. And once again, Logan was embarrassed about the way that she was. Her snappiness. Her issues.

Logan looks back at Lori. Her mother didn't have an ounce of regret on her face.

"I have been listening to you, for the past 16 years of my life." Logan hisses her hands now in fists. "Do you really think I want to stay in trees all day and watch you run around like a maniac?" Logan scoffs. "Entertaining--yes." she shrugs her shoulders. "But, it gets old. I want to be useful."

"You are useful--"

"Bullshit." Logan snaps.

Lori opens her mouth, "You watch your mouth."

The brunette bites her tongue. "You don't even let me go fishing with Carl anymore," Logan states, her eyes shifting to the brunette boy, who was hanging out with Carl. "But, you let him and Elliott go together."

Lori rolls her eyes. Envy rises in Logan's chest and she grits her teeth. "So, you trust Elliott more than me with my own brother?"

"He pays attention—"

"He isn't Carl's sibling. I am!"

"You and Carl make too much noise in the quarry."

"We were being kids, mom!" Logan raises her voice. "I was taking care of Carl."

"It wasn't good enough, Logan." Lori sighs, already growing tired of this conversation.

Logan scoffs, "He cut his leg on a rock." She adds.

"You were supposed to be watching him. I thought he got bit--"

"I would never let that happen to him," Logan growls. She shakes her head. "God!" She stomps away from her mom.

Logan turns back to her mom, "Also, a cut looks nothing like a Walker bite."

Lori opens her mouth to speak, but Logan lifts her hands up and shuts off her hearing aids. Lori's eyes widen and her nostrils flare as her daughter walks away.

Lori exhales sharply, her eyes traveling to Shane, who was trying not to smile. "Shut up." She walks past him.

Logan picks at the grass with anger, her eyes glued on Lori, Carl, Elliott, and Shane sitting around the campfire. Logan never liked how Lori treated Rick, now even after he was gone she tries to replace him with Shane. His best friend.

Angry tears fill Logan's eyes. Fucking bullshit. Logan looks down at her hands, she inhales and digs her thumbnail into the palm of her hand. She grits her teeth, ignoring the pain and digging her nail further into her palm.

This was one of the ways she always had to suppress her anger. Was it pathetic? To Logan it was. But without her being prescribed. It helped her.

Elliott's laughing trails off when he sees Logan from afar. Her eyes were glazed over and just from that look he could tell that she was being consumed in her anger once again. Logan usually sat by herself with her hearing aids off when she didn't have anyone to be angry at. That usually meant there was going to be an even bigger explosion of Logan's anger later. And that was never good.

So, Elliott decided to take one for the team. He rubs his hands against his green cargo pants. "I'll be right back." He softly speaks.

Everyone looks at him and Elliott motions his head to Logan. They all look at the brunette.

"Eli, sweetie, I think she just needs time to herself." Lori voices. "That always helps."

"Sometimes it doesn't, Ms. Grimes." Elliott says.

It took Elliott a while to get used to calling Lori 'Ms.' And it took Lori awhile to get used to not crying over the change.

"Logan's like a volcano when she keeps in her anger, mom." Carl speaks. "Maybe I should talk to her."

"Actually, bud..." Shane touches the top of Carl's head. "I think that Eli and Logan are long overdue for a chat." He looks at his son and nods.

Elliot slowly nods his head and stands up. He makes his way over to Logan. Out of the corner of her eye, Logan sees Elliott walking over to her and she inhales a deep breath, tensing.

"Hey..." Elliott waves his hand.

Logan raises her hands and turns her hearing aids on. "Uh, hi..."

"That looks like it's gonna leave a mark." Elliott says, points to Logan's hand. Logan raises a brow, "That's kind of the point."

Elliott sits on the log across from her. "Shit, Logan."

Logan looks at the crescent moon marks that were embedded into her skin. Blood slowly seeps from them and lets out a content sigh. "You know me, Eli. I'm good." She presses her lips into a small smile. "You should go back over to your family and laugh it up."

Elliott rolls his eyes, "Stop—"

"What? I'm serious. You really fit in there, my mom likes you better anyway."

"Yeah? Well, my dad likes you better than me."

Logan squints her eyes and examines Elliott's eyes. "That's not true."

Elliot smirks, "I know. I just wanted to make you feel better somehow."

A small chuckle leaves Logan's lips. "You know I've been..." she starts to pick at the grass and blows air out of her mouth. "...wanting to apologize."

"Yeah? About what?"

Logan looks at the cloudless sky for a moment. "Blaming you and Shane for my dad's death...wasn't right." She forces out. "I know that now. Well, I've always known, I just never know how to let things go, y'know?"

"I can never forgive and it sucks." Logan scoffs. She tilts her head to the sky and sputters her lips.

Elliott presses his lips into a small line. "Well, you're lucky you've got me then, right?" He stands up and sits next to Logan on the log. Logan looks at Elliott and pulls her brows together, waiting for him to clarify.

"I'm your Jimney Cricket." Elliott shrugs. "The person that guides you with some of your decisions."

Logan keeps her eyes on her friend's and a small smile forms on her lips.

"So, if that means I have to be on your shit list in order for you to deal with your feelings and anger in the right way. That's what I'll do."

Logan pouts her lower lip. "Aww..." she lightly nudges her boot his leg. "...you're too sweet, Eli."

Elliott presses his lips into a small smile. "I'm sorry about what your mom said to you."

Logan's mind goes back to her conversation and forces out a scoff. "It's nothing new." she shrugs, trying to brush off her pain.


Logan's throat tightens and she looks at the ground.

"She made me feel like a freak."

Elliott's eyes soften as Logan brings her walls down. The boy meets Logan's shaking eyes. Elliott tilts his head to the side. Logan swipes her tongue across her lower lip. "Everyone thinks I'm an..." she trails off her words. "...ungrateful bitch."

"Well, I don't."

Logan looks back at her best friend. Elliott shrugs a shoulder, he give Logan his signature warm smile. The smile that would get anyone to smile, no matter what mood they were in. Logan let's out a soft chuckle and wraps her arms around Elliott's neck. He touches Logan's back, hugging her.

A sound is heard in the distance, causing the two teenagers to separate from the hug. They both look at Dale, who was looking through the binoculars. Shane stands up and jogs over to the R.V. "Talk to me, Dale." Shane says.

"Can't tell yet," Dale replies.

Logan stands up quickly with Elliott and they jog over to where the R.V. was. They stand beside Amy, who speaks. "Is it them? Are they back?"

"I'll be damned," Dale murmurs.

"What is it?" Amy asks.

"A stolen car is my guess." Dale states. Everyone's eyes follow the red convertible driving closer to them. The blaring echoed throughout the area. "Cool..." Elliott says under his breath.

The car door opens and the former Pizza Delivery boy steps out of it with a huge smile on his face.

Elliott lets out a sigh of relief seeing Glenn okay. They only heard from the group in Atlanta once and they were saying that they were surrounded. It was good seeing Glenn got out.

"Holy crap. Turn that damn thing off!" Dale orders.

"I don't know how!" Glenn replies, the smile still on his lips.

"Where did you get this?!" Elliott walks over to Glenn with a smile.

Logan follows behind the confident boy with folded arms. Amy and Shane start to talk over each other. Shane was ordering Glenn to pop the hood, and Amy was asking about her sister. Glenn gets back in the car and pops the hood. Shane looks in the hood of the car and Jim turns the blaring off.

"She's okay," Glenn says, looking at Amy. "Everybody is...Well, Merle not so much." Glenn says hesitantly.

Logan arches a brow. Must've pissed someone off.

"Are you crazy, driving this wailing bastard up here? Are you trying to draw every walker for miles?" Shane questions Glenn.

"I think we're okay," Logan speaks lazily.

"You call being stupid okay?" Shane looks at the teen.

"Well, the alarm was echoing all over these hills," Logan says, in a factly tone, challenging him. "Hard to pinpoint the source."

Shane squints his eyes and Logan smirks, "I'm not arguing. Just saying." She shrugs.

Elliott looks at Shane then Logan with a nervous expression, because she was indeed arguing with the man. He didn't know why Shane and Logan's relationship changed. Every time he asked Logan, she just got nervous and changed the subject.

"But either way, it wouldn't hurt you to think things through a little more carefully next time, would it?" Dale looks at Glenn.

Glenn looks at the two angry men. "Sorry..." He points at the red vehicle. "Got a cool car."

Elliott chuckles softly.

"Hell yeah, you did..." Elliott looks at the car's red sleek red surface with admiration. While Glenn and Elliott continue to gush over the car, Logan watches Elliott conversate. The Walsh boy has always been talkative and open with others. Everyone loved him. Logan had to admit there were times she was envious of her friend.

A truck soon arrives, and it parks in front of the campsite. Logan snaps her eyes over to the truck. Anytime a group went into town to get more resources, Logan used to always have a small piece of hope deep inside of her hoping--praying that her dad would be one of the people they found. But Logan quickly lost hope.

The brunette walks away from everyone reuniting with their families. Elliott rips his eyes away from the car and his eyes follow Logan as she sits on the log with Lori and Carl.

"How'd y'all get out of there anyway?" Shane questions, looking away from the three Grimes.

"New guy--he got us out." Glenn answers.

Elliott looks at him. "New guy?"

"Yeah, crazy vato just got into town." Morales answers. "Also, we found a girl."

Shane raises his brows, "That's not something we see everyday...two survivors in the same day."

Morales nods his head. He turns to the truck, "Hey, Helicopter boy! Come say hello." Morales motions his head, for the man to join the group. "The guy's a cop like you."

The man gets out of the front seat of the truck. Shane looks at the man, and his scrunched expression falls. He stares at his best friend...his brother who he thought was dead, standing feet away from him. Elliott's eyes widen, seeing Rick standing there. He remembers what his dad told him, what the hospital looked like. How did Rick get out alive?

Rick places his hands on his hips, trying to catch his breath.

"Get me out of this fucking truck! I'm over it!" Reese exasperates. She grips the handle and pulls the door up. "Look, we're...somewhere—are we here?"

"Yeah, yeah we're here." T-Dog says.

Reese hops out of the truck and inhales a deep breath. She walks to the front of the truck and sees a campsite in front of her. Reese's eyes travel across the site and she knits her brows together. The girl has never been in a group before. This was going to be difficult for her to adjust to. But as long as they kept her safe and alive, she would be fine with them.

Logan turns her head, as soon as her eyes land on the man in the police uniform; her body freezes. For brunette's hearing goes in and out. Her lungs started to constrict and she couldn't comprehend the man that was afar. Because that man was supposed to be dead. Her father was supposed to be dead. Logan squeezes her eyes shut, thinking it was a hallucination. She then opens her eyes and sees her dad still standing there. Tears form in Logan's eyes and her breathing quickens.

"H-Holy shit..."

Lori sighs, "Logan, please don't..." she trails off her disciplined words, seeing her husband who she presumed was dead. A large smile forms on Carl's face.

Rick starts to walk toward his family, whom he had been searching so hard for. "Oh, my god." He manages to get out. He knew it. He knew they got out alive.

"No way..." Logan whispers, tears in her eyes. She shoots up from the log.

"Dad! Dad!" Carl runs over to his father. The boy crashes into his dad. Rick wraps his arms around Carl and falls to the ground with him. He picks his up and exhales a cry. Elliott's eyes widen and a smile spreads across his lips.

Soon, Logan's breathing quickens. She sprints through the campsite and rams her body against her father's, wrapping her arms around him also. Rick hugs both his kids, tears falling from his eyes.

Logan lets out a small cry and presses her face into her father's chest. "You're here...this is real..." She whispers. Tears leave Logan's eyes and stain Rick's shirt.

After months of feeling like a piece of her was lost, thinking that her father was dead. He was here. Alive. Hugging her right now. Logan lets out a tearful laugh and tightens her grip on her father.

A small piece of hope stitches itself back into Logan's heart.

It was 2 hours of Logan and Carl asking nonstop questions about where their father had been. Lori told her kids to give Rick his space. So, they reluctantly stopped questioning him. The entire time, Reese was quiet. As much as she was grateful about being a part of a group, she didn't know how well they were going to keep her alive. And there was no way she was going to get attached to them. They all seemed so...hopeful. It made her skin crawl. It was now sundown and everyone was sitting around the campfire. The Grimes family was close together, while Reese was sitting inches back away from the group. Elliott was sitting next to his dad with his eyes on his hands.


Logan lifts her head from her father's shoulder and looks at him. She knits her brows together.

"I guess that comes closest." Rick continues. "Disoriented. Fear, confusion--all those things but...disoriented comes closest."

Logan can't even imagine how scared her dad would've been. The whole world was destroyed and he woke up in a stranded hospital with no knowledge of his family's whereabouts.

"Words can be meager things," Dale speaks up. "Sometimes they fall short."

"I felt like I'd been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else." Rick continues. "For a while, I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever."

Logan shifts her eyes to the fire. "Mom said you died," she states in a spaced-out tone. Logan then snaps her emerald green eyes over to Lori. Her mother stares back at her, knowing what Logan was trying to do.

"She had every reason to believe that." Rick voices.

Logan shifts her defensive eyes over to her father.

Rick touches the side of Logan's arm and she knits her brows together. "Don't you ever doubt it."

Logan inhales a deep breath. She wanted to tell her father everything she knew about Shane and Lori. But to be honest, she didn't know much. And she knew the truth had to come from them. Logan wanted her mother to look her father in the eye and tell Rick that she was sleeping with Shane.

"When things started to get really bad, they told me at the hospital that they were gonna Medevac you and the other patients to Atlanta, and it never happened," Lori explains. "Well, I'm not surprised after Atlanta fell."

"And from the look of that hospital, it got overrun."

"How about it Shane..." Logan then looks over to the man. Elliott quickly looks at his friend with a crease between his brows.

"...was it overrun, I mean, you were there, right?" A dry chuckle escapes Logan's lips. "You went to get my dad out, but you never did."

"Ease up, Logan." Elliott softly speaks. "My dad did everything he could."

Reese raises her brows from Logan's over-aggressive tone. Rick looks at his daughter, "It's no one's fault, Logan. You have to know that."

Logan bites her tongue and exhales through her nose. "Right..." her shoulders slump.

"I barely got them out, y'know?" Shane speaks.

"I can't tell you how grateful I am to you, Shane." Rick gives his best friend a nod. "I can't begin to express it."

Logan snaps her eyes back over to the fire while digging her nails into her palms. Reese squints her eyes at the brunette, sensing that her anger wasn't going away anytime soon. An entertained smirk forms on Reese's lips.

"There go those words falling short again," Dale pronounces. "Paltry things."

Reese hears fire crackling behind her, she turns and her eyes land on a man tossing a log into another fire. The teenager shifts her eyes to the fire growing. With every second that the fire got stronger, the illumination of the fire grew across the campfire. Reese looks back at the larger group.

"You guys do know that the bigger the fire grows, the easier that the dead can find us," Reese speaks up.

The group shifts its eyes to the newest survivor. Reese raises her brows, waiting for someone to do something about it. She shakes her head with a scoff. Reese then turns to Glenn, "Why the hell did you bring me here?"

"Would you rather have been left in the infested streets of Atlanta?" Glenn raises his brows.

Reese stays silent and looks away from him with a scoff.

"Hey, Ed, you want to rethink that log?" Shane speaks up.

Ed brushes Shane off, "It's cold, man."

"The cold don't change the rules, does it?" Shane questions. "Keep our fires low, just embers so we can't be seen from a distance, right?"

"I said it's cold." Ed repeats. "You should mind your own business for once."

Reese lets out a soft breath and scratches the corner of her brow. Glenn quietly hushes the teenager and she covers her mouth to silence her laughs. Shane quickly stands up and stalks toward Ed and his family. Reese quietly yelps, "Oh, there he goes."

"So, this is funny to you?" T-Dog looks at Reese. The teenager looks at T-Dog and nods her head, "Believe me, I'm shocked too. But then again, I've been on my own for months. Can you really blame me?"

Shane soon came back after stomping out the extra log Ed put in the fire. Silence settles around the area, but Dale quickly speaks up; wanting to divert the attention to something else.

"Have you given any thought to Daryl Dixon?" Dale inquires.

Reese blinks, "Who?"

"Merle's brother." T-Dog clarifies.

Reese frowns and slowly nods her head. She honestly didn't care.

"He won't be happy to hear his brother was left behind," Dale says.

"I'll tell him. I dropped the key. It's on me." T-Dog offers.

"I cuffed him. That makes it mine." Rick adds.

Reese scoffs, "Do you really wanna compete on who tells this Daryl guy that you left his brother to die on a roof?"

"Don't you kind of have a part in this too?" Glenn asks.

Reese raises her brows, "I beg your pardon?"

"You told me to leave Merle," T-Dog adds onto Glenn's point.

Reese slightly opens her mouth. She snaps her eyes over to Glenn and T-Dog. "If I hadn't convinced you to leave Merle, all three of us would be dead. You understand?" she then squints her eyes. "I saved your life."

Logan looks at Reese, "Sounds like you guys had no other choice." she voices.

"And it's not a competition either." Elliott voices.

Glenn slowly nods his head, agreeing. "Also, I don't mean to bring race into this, but it might sound better coming from a white guy."

"I did what I did." T-Dog says. "Hell if I'm gonna hide from him."

"We could lie." Amy suggests.

"Or we tell the truth," Andrea adds. "Merle was out of control. Something had to be done or he'd have gotten us killed." she looks at Lori. "Your husband did what was necessary. And if Merle got left behind, it is nobody's fault but Merle's."

Logan softly chuckles and she shakes her head. She knew Daryl and Merle were more outcasts in the camp than she was. Logan wasn't very fond of Merle, he was a selfish bigot. She wanted nothing to do with him. And by association, Logan wanted nothing to do with Daryl.

"And that's what we tell Daryl?" Dale asks.

"Sure, if you want your ass handed to you..." Logan murmurs.

"Logan," Lori says, warning her daughter about her language.

Logan closes her mouth and exhales through her nose. She then inhales a deep breath, trying to choose her words carefully.

"I just...don't really see a rational discussion to be had from that, do you?" Logan's voice was strained, but she tried to be more approachable with her words.

"Hold on, Hold on..." Reese slightly leans forward. "...is this Daryl guy really that bad? Like, what is he really gonna do besides cry?"

Everyone falls silent like Reese was missing something. Elliott slightly opens his mouth, "Daryl Dixon isn't the easiest person to have a rational discussion with."

Reese shifts her eyes to Elliott and he gives her a small smile. She then knits her brows together and looks back at the fire.

"We're gonna have our hands full when he gets back from his hunt." Dale states.

"I was scared and I ran," T-Dog admits. "I'm not ashamed of it."

"You shouldn't be." Reese huffs. "You did what had to be done in order for you to survive."

"We were all scared," Andrea adds. "We all ran. What's your point?"

"I stopped long enough to chain that door." T-Dog states. "Staircase is narrow. Maybe half a dozen geeks can squeeze against it at any one time. It's not enough to break through that--not that chain, not that padlock."

Reese scratches behind her ear. "My point--Dixon's alive and he's still up there, handcuffed on that roof. That's on us." T-Dog gets up and walks away.

Reese lets out a soft breath as she watches the group exchange looks. "The question is...is this guy really that important and useful to go back for?" she then bunches her shoulders. "I say no. Anyway, I will leave you guys to discuss this..." she then stands up with her hands on her hips. "...where am I sleeping?"

Elliott looks around at everyone, sensing their untrusting energy towards the girl. "Uh--I'll show you." he stands up and makes his way over to her.

Logan raises her brows, "You sure?"

Reese chuckles, "Relax. I'm not gonna seduce your boyfriend, Lola."

Logan squints her eyes at the girl. Reese then sends Logan a playful wink. Elliott presses his lips into a small smile. "I'll be okay." he then looks at his dad. Shane gives Elliott a small nod, telling him he could go. Elliott looks back at Reese and she was standing right in front of him. The Walsh boy slightly pulls his face back. Reese tilts her chin up to Elliott, "Lead the way."

Elliott nods his head, "Okay, cool." he walks past Reese and she follows him.

Reese slides her hands into her jacket pockets. "So...how long you been here?" she walks beside him.

Elliott glances at Reese, "Since the beginning, actually."

Reese raises her brows, "Oh wow, pretty lucky." she looks forward. "And did you come with anyone?"

Elliott inhales, "Yeah, my dad and my friend's family."

"Your friend's family being, Logan?" Reese asks. Elliott scrunches his brows, "So, you know her name is actually Logan?"

Reese laughs softly, "Yeah, Officer Dumbass, never stopped talking about his family on the way here."

Elliott lets out a small laugh. "Officer Dumbass, that's a good one."

"I know." Reese lifts her shoulders.

Elliott stops walking and stands in front of a tent. "Here you go."

Reese looks at the tent and raises her brows. "This is a lot better than a car on a dead-infested freeway."

Elliott looks at Reese with knitted brows. "You really had to do that?"

Reese frowns, "Mmm, yeah." she shrugs. She then looks at Elliott, "Thanks for showing me my tent." she gives him a pat on the arm. Reese then unzips the tent and gets into it.

Elliott stands there for a moment after Reese zips the tent up. Reese was around the same age as him and she was all alone. Elliott was just glad that she wasn't alone anymore.

Lori was one of the first people at the camp to wake up. And when she woke up, she would wake her kids up. Logan didn't mind waking up early, she could get all her chores finished and hopefully be able to help someone with what she thinks is more important work. Sadly, anytime she asked if anyone needed help; everyone told her that there was nothing she could help with. But it was a lie, they just never wanted her around due to her anger issues.

So now, Logan was left sitting on a boulder with her eyes on a large stick in hand. She kept her bright emerald eyes on the stick. Laughter is heard from afar, she shifts her eyes from the stick and they land on Elliott talking to the new girl. Reese. Logan didn't have a problem with Elliott talking to anyone. She just didn't trust Reese. Especially since she heard how she almost left her father to die after they saved her. Logan was protective over Elliott, he was her best friend.

"Hey, Logan!"

Logan blinks and looks around, she looks up, and meets the elder man's soft eyes. "Uh...yeah?"

"You wanna take over watch for me?"

Logan squints her eyes at Dale. She has had one conversation with Dale and that was when he tried to calm her down after her meltdown about her rations being taken. Then she ended up yelling at him. Logan doesn't remember what she said, but it was enough to get everyone to dislike her. Dale was one of the good guys and Logan managed to get everybody to hate her with just one interaction with him.

"Why should I?"

Dale's soft expression drops, "Well, right now it seems like you're pouting."

Logan's jaw clenches, "So, you're pitying me?" she then let out a chuckle mixed in with a scoff. "I'm good--thanks."

Logan shakes her head and looks down at the dirt. Her stomach twists in a painful manner. Why are you such a bitch?

"You know, all that anger you have isn't good to keep in?" Dale speaks again.

Logan runs her tongue across her teeth. "Well, thanks for that fact. I wish someone would've informed me of that earlier." she stands up and snaps her eyes over to him. "My life would've been so much easier!"

Logan inhales a deep breath and holds it for a moment. She then raises her brows from the calm expression across Dale's face. He didn't have a look of fear or detest for the girl. He was being patient.

Logan scoffs and looks at her converse. She kicks a rock and it rolls under the R.V. small mumbles leave her lips before she finally climbs up the ladder on the side of the vehicle. Dale lets out a soft chuckle, he then hands the binoculars to Logan and she grabs them. Logan sits in the beach chair with her cheeks puffed like she was pouting. Dale climbs down the ladder and laughs.

Reese quiets her laughter and keeps her eyes on Elliott. "So, tell me more about Lola."

Elliott's smile drops and he deadpans, "Now, you know that's not her name."

"I know." Reese shrugs. "But it's fun messing with her."

"Yeah, it's all fun and games until Logan snaps at you," Elliott says. "So, in other words, be careful."

Reese rolls her eyes, "I'm shaking." she scoffs. "What's your guys' deal anyway? You two dating?"

Elliott laughs and looks at the ground. He then looks back at Reese and there was no smile on her face. Elliott's laughter stops and he stops smiling. "Oh. You were serious..." he then wipes his nose. "No, we're not together. We're best friends."

Reese slightly tilts her chin up. She then looks at Logan, who was sitting at the top of the R.V. by herself. "She's not very well-liked. Why exactly are you two friends?"

"She and I have been friends since we were little. Our fathers have been friends since high school." Elliott chuckles. "It's kind of written in the stars for us to be best friends."

Reese softly hums, "I dunno, kind of sounds like a forced friendship to me." she then shrugs.

Elliott pulls his brows together at the sudden change in conversation. Reese always had a knack for leaving doubt in others' minds. Then that doubt grows into the drama that Reese sits back and watches. Was it horrible to do? Of course. Maybe if Reese had met a group from the beginning she wouldn't be so fucked in the head.

"But what do I know, right?" Reese gives Elliott a small smile. "You and Logan have been best friends forever. You forgive her for the awful and crazy things she has done and she...holds a grudge over you and your father for a month before forgiving you for something that wasn't in your control." she then frowns and hums.

"Anywho imma go see if anyone needs my assistance with anything." she stands up and makes her way over to Elliott. Reese lightly squeezes Elliott's shoulder before walking away with a mischievous smirk across her lips.


author's note.

Reese trying to cause a rift between Logan and Elliott is kind of wiiiillllddddd. I love her tho fr

words : 6091

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