3. ; Maple Street.

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"Dustin, I have to take care of Anthony, I really don't feel like dealing with your bullshit prank today." Jackie sighed over the phone, rolling her eyes.

"Jackie! I swear on my mother, this is not fake. Please please please just come over. We really need your help." Dustin pleaded.

Jackie sighed. "Alright, fine." She reluctantly agreed, sending Anthony to bed before she left out the house.


The two girls sat on the couch, breathing heavily. Jackie watched curiously, her arms crossed. The only sound that filled the air was the thunder striking outside the basement door.

Jackie observed the two girls, one had a buzz cut, and the other with a short, curly bob. She looked at the curly-haired one, slightly confused, she looked alot like Trinity, her sister from the lab.

But Clair couldn't reveal that truth yet.

"Is there a number we can call for your parents?" Mike broke the tension. "Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" Dustin spoke up, "And why do you have hair?" Dustin asked the other one.

"Did you run away?" Lucas inquired.

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" "Is that blood.." Lucas went to touch the buzzed one. Jackie scoffed, slapping his hand away. "Stop it you three! You're freaking them out!" She lectured.

"She's freaking me out!" Lucas frowned. "I bet their deaf!" Dustin chimed in. He clapped in their face, they jumped. "Not deaf." He shrugged.

"That's enough." Jackie scowled. "They are scared a-and cold." She reasoned. She turned to Mike. "Go get some clothles for them please." He complied.

The thunder rumbled in the silence, the curly-haired one jumped a bit. Jackie looked back at her, full of sorrow.

"It's okay. It's just a little thunder." She softly smiled. Mike passed jackie the clothles. "Here, these are clean." He said.

The girls slowly took the clothles, almost hesitantly. The buzz cut one sniffed it, jackie furrowed her brows. They both stood up, looked at eachother, shrugged, and tried to take off their shirts.

"NO!" Jackie and the boys all said at the same time, protesting as the girls froze.

"Oh my god." Dustin repeated, covering his eyes. Jackie sighed. "Okay, i'll help you guys. See over there?" She pointed. "That's the bathroom, go change in there. Never change infront of boys." She whispered that last part.

The two girls nodded, Jackie leading them to the bathroom. She went to close the door before the curly-haired one stopped her. "You don't want it closed?" She asked.

The girls nodded.

"Okay, i'll leave it cracked like this." She smiled, cracking the door open a bit as she stood in front of it, making sure none of the boys could see.

"That better?" She asked. "Yes." The buzz cut one spoke. Jackie nodded, staying in front of the door. Jackie tried her best to tone out the boys making assumptions about the girls, sighing in annoyance.


Mike had told Jackie the plan him and the boys formed, and she agreed, just ready to go home and to go to bed. She ushered the boys out of Mikes house, making sure they got home safely. Mike had the girls tell him their names, learning they were called Clair and Eleven.

Jackie eventually drove herself home, tossing and turning the entire night just thinking about the similarities the curly girl had to her sister Clair.


Clair's eyes slowly shut throughout the night, she so badly wanted to tell her sister, Jackie, that she knew it was her, but she didn't want to reveal where she was from, Eleven had told her not to when they were in the bathroom changing. She sighed, and mentally decided to tell her another time they met.


Clair slowly awoke from her sleep, though she barely slept the entire night. Mike opened the small curtain of the fort he made for them, crouching down.

Eleven was messing with a radio before Mike spoke up. "Hey! You found my supercomm. Pretty cool, huh?" He beamed.

"I talk to my friends with it. Mostly Lucas cause he lives so close. Signals pretty weak." He shrugged, taking two waffles out of his coat pocket. "Got you guys breakfast."

He handed the waffle to them, Clair taking it immediately. She began to dig in, biting the plain waffle like it was her first ever meal.

"So listen, this is gonna sound a little weird, but I just need you to go out there. Then you two go to the front door and ring the doorbell." Mike explained.

"My mom will answer and you'll tell her that you're lost and that you need help. But whatever you do you can't tell her about last night or that you know me." He proposed.

"Understand?" Mike added.

"It's no big deal. We can just pretend to meet each other again. And my mom, she'll know who to call." He shrugged. Clair's eyes widened, what if his mother called Papa? They would be punished severely... she stuttered, chiming in. "No."

Mikes brows furrowed. "No...you don't want my mom to get help?" He asked. They shook their heads. "You guys are in trouble, aren't you." Clair lifted her head up at this. "Yes." She muttered.

"Who are you in trouble with?" "Bad." Eleven whispered. "Bad people..?" Mike was beginning to realize what they meant. Trinity nodded. "They want to hurt you?"

Clair glanced a look at Eleven before making a gun with her fingers, using her gun to pretend she was cocking a trigger, then did the same to eleven, then mike.

"Understand?" Eleven gestured.

"Micheal, where are you? We're going to be late!" His mother yelled from the top of the basement stairs. "Alright- i'll be back. Just stay here okay? Stay. Here." He stammered.

He dashed up the basement stairs, Eleven and Clair looking at eachother before she spoke up. "Can I...tell...Jackie?" She paused between words, trying to formulate her sentence correctly.

Eleven gave her a considering look before nodding.


Mike walked the two girls around the house, eventually speaking up again. "Want anything to drink? We have OJ, skim milk...what else.." He mumbled the last part to himself.

"Oh this is my living room." Mike smiled as Clair examined the TV. "It's mostly just for watching TV. It's nice right? 22 inch. It's like 10 times bigger then dustins." He perked up towards Clair as Eleven looked at a picture.

"Pretty." She said to a photo of Mikes sister, Nancy. "I guess. That's my sister, Nancy. That's baby holly." He explained each of the pictures as eleven looked at them.

"Those are my parents." He finished. "What are your guys parents like?" Mike asked. "Do they live close?" He trailed off.

Clair looked up from the tv and back at Mike. "The..the last thing I remember about...f-family is..my sister.." She spoke up. "That's nice!" He nodded.

Eleven went over to a couch. "That's our La-Z-Boy. It's where my dad sleeps." He softly chuckled. "You can try it." He gestured. Eleven slowly sat back on it as Clair observed. "Just trust me." He proposed.

Mike made it so the lazy boy went all the way back, Clair eyes widening for a second before Eleven laughed softly, mike following along. "See? Fun right?" He brought her back up.

Eleven put herself back down, and all three of them chuckled again.


Mike took a yoda figure, slamming it down on the table while he mimicked his voice, the girls kneeling beside him, now in his room. "Ready are you? What's know you of ready?" He smiled.

"His names yoda!" He exclaimed. "He can use the force to move things with his mind, like this." He pushed all the figurines off the table, making a whoosh sound effect.

Eleven stood up from the table as Trinity smiled at mikes playfulness, she was staring at a gold statue type award. "These are all my science fair trophies." Mike explained.

"We got first every year. Except for last year when we got third." He frowned slightly. "Mr. Clarke said it was totally political." Mike scoffed as he thought about it.

The two girls eyes landed on a kid with a bowl cut, beaming along with the other three boys in a photo. Mikes smile slowly faded. "Did you see him last night? On the road?" He stammered.

The sound of a vehicle pulling into the drive way was heard. Mike looked out the window. "We gotta go." He panicked, grabbing the girls by their wrists and running downstairs.

"Ted? Is that you?" His mother yelled, Mike running right back up the stairs. "Just me mom!" Mike yelled back.

"Mike? what are you doing home?" She furrowed her brows. "One second!" He exclaimed, dragging the girls back into his room. "In here. I'll be right back, okay?" Mike opened his closet.

Eleven tensed up, Clair could feel her blood rate speeding up, she could also feel Mikes heart racing, and it gave her a headache having to hear and feel the blood rushing through his veins. She was normally good at tuning it out since it was a defect of her powers, but because Mike was in such a panic, it was hard to ignore it.

"You have to get in." He pleaded. "My mom will find you!" He stated. "I won't tell her about you guys. I promise." He begged. "Promise?" Eleven raised a brow.

"It's something you can't break. Ever." Mike explained, his mother yelling his name again. "Please?" He looked back at them.

Clair grabbed Eleven, holding her tightly as Mike shut the closet door.

Eleven fell to her knees, beginning to sob, Clair hugged her, holding her close as she tried to comfort her. "He'll come back...I-I know it." She frowned, very angry at Mike for leaving them.

Soon Mike came back up, opening the closet. Eleven looked up at him. "Mike." She sniffed. "Is everything okay?" Clair gave him a 'What do you think.' look, very obviously annoyed.

Eleven reluctantly nodded. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Promise." She whispered.


Jackie was the first to arrive at Mikes house, going up to his room and seeing the two girls still there, she paid them no mind, waiting for Dustin and Lucas to arrive.

Dustin stared at the girls, confused as he shut Mikes room door. The two girls were sitting criss crossed on his bed, a blanket over their legs. "Are you out of your mind?" Lucas scoffed.

"Just listen to me." Mike sighed. "You are out of your mind!" "They know about will!" Mike blurted. Jackie raised a brow. "What do you mean they know about Will?" She leaned off of the dresser.

Mike grabbed their science fair photo. "They pointed at him, at his picture. They knew he was missing. I could tell." He claimed. "You could tell?" Lucas mocked. "Just think about it. Do you really think it was a coincidence that we found them on Mirkwood, the same place Will disappeared?" Mike theorized.

"That is weird." Dustin agreed. "And They said bad people are after them!" Mike exclaimed. "I think these bad people are the same ones that took will." He muttered.

Jackie crossed her arms. "I think they know what happened to him." "Then why don't they tell us?" Lucas pointed out.

He glared at the girls, Clair giving him a glare back. "Do you know where he is?" He practically yelled in her face. He grabbed her shoulders. "Do you know where will is?" He shook her. "Stop it Lucas! You're scaring them!" Jackie spoke up.

"They should be scared!" He spat back. "If you know where he is, tell us!" Lucas yelled at them. "This is nuts." Lucas sighed. "We have to take her to your mom."

"No! Clair and Eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger!" Mike protested. "What kind of danger?" Dustin eyes widened. "Wait- their names are Clair and Eleven?" Jackie perked up.

"El for short." Mike shrugged. "Mike, what kind of danger?" Jackie asked, she knew Clair and Eleven had to be her sister and her friend from the lab.

"Danger danger!" Mike explained, Clair stepped up, making finger guns again and pointing it at all of them, and lastly, her.

Lucas slapped Clair's hand away.

"No! We're going back to Plan A. We're telling your mom!" Lucas yelled at mike. Lucas tried to open the door, and it suddenly slammed shut again, Eleven was using her powers.

Jackie's eyes widened, staring at Eleven. Lucas tried to open it again, but the knob locked shut. Elevens nose was bleeding. "No." She muttered.

"Oh shit." Jackie gasped, realizing they were from the lab.


Jackie pulled Trinity aside, stepping inside Nancy's unoccupied room. "Okay.. so you're trinity..and you have powers...please tell me you remember me." Jackie said with pleading eyes, holding Clair's wrist gently.

"I- i remember you, Jackie." Clair smiled.

"Oh thank God." Jackie sighed in relief, hugging Clair. "Y'know, Anthony's alive." She beamed, holding Clair tightly in her grip. "He is?" Trinity asked.

"Yea. He knows mike and those boys, that's how I know them. We live back in the old house..rent is low so that makes it easy." She softly chuckled.

"Mom is still in jail but..don't worry about that." Jackie shrugged it off. "A-after we sort everything out and..figure out this whole..lab..thing, you can come live with us? If you want too, of course." Jackie proposed, trying not to sound too desperate.

"I'd like that." Clair nodded, smiling.


Mike brought down a plate of meatloaf, Dustin, Lucas, and Jackie following behind. "No adults. Just us and some meatloaf." Mike set the plate down. Dustin and Lucas glanced down at the two girls. "Don't worry. They won't tell anyone about you two." Mike reassured. "They promise. Right?" He looked at the 3.

"We never would've upset you guys if we knew you had superpowers." Jackie shot dustin a look. Mike hit his leg. "What Dustin is trying to say is that we were just scared...earlier. That's all." Jackie shrugged.

"We just wanted to find our friend." Lucas muttered. "Friend?" Clair asked.

"Yeah, friend. Will." "What is 'friend'?" Eleven chimed in. "Are they serious?" Lucas furrowed his brows. "A friend is..uhm...-" "Is someone that you'd do anything for." Mike interrupted. "You lend them your cool stuff, like comic books and trading cards." Dustin added.

"And they never break a promise." Jackie said.

"Especially when there's spit." Lucas noted. "Spit?" Eleven grimaced. "A spit swear means you never break your word." He spit into his palm, shaking dustin's hand. "That's gross." Jackie lectured.

"That's super important because friends...they tell eachother things. Things that parents don't know."


Eleven and Clair were examining a dnd board, Eleven picking up a wizard figure. "Will." Eleven said. "Superpowers." Dustin murmured. Mike sat down beside them. "Did you see him? On mirkwood?" He asked eleven. "Do you know where he is?"

Clair glanced at Mike, then pushed all the other figures off the board, flipping the board upside down. She slammed the figure down in the middle of the black board. "I don't understand.." Mike sighed.

"Hiding." Clair glanced at him. "He's hiding." Everyone leaned closer to listen in. "Wills hiding...from the bad men?" Mike asked. Clair shook her head. "Then..who?" He urged. Eleven looked around the table, grabbing the monster figurine and putting it right next to will.


2614 words 😔 about to sob. i'm not confident in my writing rn so excuse me if it sucks booty fart

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