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"Ow, Fuck!"

"Almost there."

"Just finish it."

"Yes, ma'am."



"...Done." The man rolls his chair away from her. The girl slowly opens her eyes, her blue eyes blankly staring at the ceiling. She wipes away the tears that were brimming her eyes. She slowly sits up and the man hands her a mirror.

She grabs the mirror and inspects the black nose ring. "Cute." A voice says.

The short-haired brunette turns her head and her mouth twitches. "Yeah, I guess so..." She says quietly. She slides off the seat, "Thank you." She says, landing on her feet.

Mia pulls her wallet out, "How much do I owe?" She questions.

"Just 75." He answers. Mia nods her head. "Dollars." He clarifies.

Mia looks back at the man, "Thanks for clearing that up..." She says with all the sarcasm in the world and hands him her card. She folds her arms and turns to the girl with her.

"So, are we gonna take your nose ring out for a test drive?" She questions with a smile.

"Test drive?" Mia questions.

"Boys--Men. My dear friend!" She exclaims.

Mia shrugs her shoulders and looks down at her shoes. The girl slumps her shoulders. "I thought you said that this would help--"

"Well it obviously didn't," Mia say sin a firm tone, looking back at the girl. Mia closes her eyes and exhales softly, "I really wish I could drink right now..." Mia pinches the bridge of her nose, ignoring the throbbing in her nose.

"I mean...technically you could, would just end bad." The girl says.

Mia doesn't reply, she just stares off into space. "That's it!" The girl claps her hands together, causing Mia to flinch.

"We're going out...for a nonalcoholic beverage." She points at the brunette. "Grab your card so we can hit the road." She turns and exits the parlor.

Mia opens her mouth, "Gwen--wait!" Mia calls out to her, but she was already gone. The girl gnaws on her lower lip. She exhales through her nose, she's dreading what's coming next...talking to someone alone. She turns to the man and grabs her card and receipt.

"Nice tattoo." He compliments her.

Mia looks down at her forearm and stares at the skull tattoo. Sometimes she forgets she even got this thing. "Thanks, I decided that if death does come my way again. I'll welcome it." She says the familiar words with a smile.

The man looks at her with raised brows, obviously freaked out about what she said. Mia's cheeks heat up as he doesn't say anything. "I was...joking it was a--it was a joke, sorry..." Mia stuffs her card in her pocket and walks out of the building, never wanting to talk to anyone again


"Don't touch it!" Gwen smacks Mia's hand away from her own nose.

Mia quietly winces, "It's my nose. I can do what I want!" Mia looks at her.

Gwen rolls her eyes, "Right, and if that fucking thing falls out, you're going to be in such pain. And I'm gonna laugh my ass off." Gwen takes a sip of her Coca-Cola. Mia rolls her eyes and places her lollipop in her mouth. "Y'know...before I met you. I never would've thought that I could use sugar as a substitute for my addiction." Mia snorts.

Gwen throws her arm around Mia's shoulders. "Stick with me, kid and you'll be living the good life." She sighs.

Mia smirks, she grabs her Coca Cola bottle and clinks it with Gwen's. Mia keeps her eyes on the sunset, her mind stuck in the past. Gwen looks over at the girl, "You're doing again." Gwen says, sipping her soda.

Mia blinks, she clears her throat. "N-No, I was just--"

"Em..." Gwen looks into Mia's blue eyes. "It's not easy getting over the love of your life." She states.

A flash of pain crosses Mia's face. "I'm--I'm fine, Gwen." Mia chuckles. "We weren't even that...serious." Mia looks down at her soda. Gwen arches a brow, "Right, that's why he moved on so fast." She nods her head.

Mia's jaw tightens, "See, exactly.'s all...good." Mia says.

"And what about you moving on?" Gwen questions.

Mia chuckles, "I moved on...I moved...all the way...o-on." Mia loses confidence in her words.

Gwen wrinkles her nose, "Yeah, Brett wasn't really your type anyway." She states.

Mia gnaws on her lower lip, "Yeah, he was...fine, but...he was...controlling." Mia tangles a hand in her hair and chuckles. "Jeez, I have trust issues." Mia runs a hand over her face and groans.

She looks down at the charm bracelet on her hand and sighs. "I should get home," Mia says.

Gwen nods her head, "Yeah. I'll drop you off." Gwen says.

Mia nods her head, "I would expect you to since you drove me to this cliff." Mia chuckles.

They both slide off the top of the car. "Hey, I was helping you feel better," Gwen says.

Mia smiles at her, "You always do."


Mia sits on the barstool sitting next to Clay. Their arms pressed together, Mia was busy writing in her notebook while Clay was just staring at her. He knew how happy Mia has been with her life. She's finally stopped seeing her therapist, she's started to smile more again. But how can he see her get better when she doesn't know the truth about her brother?

Mia slightly turns her head, her blue eyes landing on his. "Yeees?" She questions, fully turning to him.

Clay clears his throat, "Uh--nothing..." He whispers, looking down at his book. Mia bites the inside of her cheek. "Are you...okay?" Mia asks quietly.

Clay taps his thumb against his book. Contemplating, "Clay, you can talk to know that, right?" She slips her hand into his. Clay looks down at their fingers intertwined, "There's just...something that I have to tell you and it's just..." Clay inhales, trying to control his breathing.

Mia feels his hand start to shake in hers. "I...I lied to you." He admits. Mia pulls her brows together.

"I've been lying to you for what feels like so long. And...I know how...hurt you were after what happened, and I didn't want to add to that. I told you--I told you that it was Monty that killed Bryce." Clay shakes his head, not looking her in the eye.

Mia tenses up, not wanting to hear about any of this. But she lets him continue, "It wasn't him..." Clay states. "It was Alex...Alex killed Bryce. We just...we told everyone that it was Monty because what he did to Tyler, it just made sense..." Clay explains.

Mia closes her eyes, she slowly takes her hand from Clay's. As Clay continues to explain everything to her, the girl's hearing goes in and out. Her breathing becomes quicker, "You think...that, that makes more sense than telling the truth?" Mia questions. Mia opens her eyes and they were stone cold. "" She stands up and grabs her things. Clay opens his mouth, "Mia, wait--"

"No, no...why would you...wait for me to get better, be happy?" Mia turns to him, her eyes filled with tears and anger.

A lump forms in his throat as he sees the pain that he's caused her. "Mia--"

"You're lying, You're a...a fucking liar!" Mia raises her voice. "P-please tell me you're lying." Mia tangles a hand in her hair.

The door opens and Justin enters the room. Mia turns her head and inhales. Justin stops and looks between the couple who both seemed like they were gonna cry. "Let me guess..." Mia chuckles. "He knows too." Mia points at Justin, who was still confused.

Clay nods his head. "You all were in on it. Just when I think I'm crazy you guys on up me, by covering up a murder." Mia chuckles and claps her hands.

Justin's eyes widen, "Oh shit, um...Mia, I'm--"

"I don't...I don't want to hear it, from any of you. Just...stay the hell away from me." Mia shakes her head and quickly leaves the room.

Justin watches Mia slams the door shut. He looks back at Clay, "Dude, what the fuck? We all were supposed to tell her together. That was the agreement." Justin walks over to his brother.

Clay keeps his eyes on the door for a moment before looking away and staring at Justin. "I thought...I thought it would be easier if I did it." He says.

Justin slumps his shoulders and exhales. "Jesus, Clay.This was never gonna be easy...with or without everyone else."


Mia sits in the chair biting on her thumbnail. "How are you, Mia?" The woman asks.

Mia turns her head, "Oh, I'm good, Mrs. Jensen." Mia says with a soft smile.

"We haven't seen you around lately...I'm sorry about you and Clay." Mrs. Jensen apologizes. Mia tenses up, both the parents notice. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have--"

"No, it's fine, really. It takes a while to process, but I'm good." Mia nods her head, plastering a fake smile on her face. "Besides, Clay and Ani are so cute together."

In her peripheral vision, Mia sees a figure she turns her head and she smiles. The three stand up, "Hey." He says.

Mia inhales, she walks over to him and wraps her arms around his neck. "Hey," Mia whispers. Justin hugs her back.

After Justin greeted all of them and caught up with Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, Mia and Justin went on a walk outside. "So, how's everything going for you?" He asks, pulling the lollipop out of his mouth. Mia always smuggled in candy for Justin. Gwen got her hooked on sweets, and now she's passed it onto him.

"I mean..." Mia sips on her soda. "It's as good as it can get. I'm just hanging out with Gwen." Mia shrugs.

"No one...else?" Justin questions.

Mia pivots, she walks over to the bench and sits down, Justin sitting beside her. "No, not Clay," Mia smirks at him. "I told you, that's over." Mia turns to Justin and sees him raising his brows. Mia looks down at her soda bottle. "Why can you forgive me, but not Clay for what happened?" Justin asks.

Mia gnaws on her lower lip, staying silent for a moment before replying. "It's different...when it's someone that you've been with. Someone that you're supposed to love and trust on a different level than a brother..." Mia shakes her head. "Besides..." Mia leans back against the bench and sighs. "I know how hard it is, to get your life in order. And..." A smile twitches onto the girl's lips. "I'm proud of you." She nods her head.

Justin chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. "It's not a big deal..." He says.

Mia presses her lips together, "I won't argue with you,'s a pretty big deal." Mia lightly nudges his arm. For the rest of the time, they just sit in comforting silence and eat.

"By the way, nice nose ring." Justin compliments.

Mia smiles, "Oh, thanks. I just got it yesterday." Mia chuckles.

"So, did you cry?" Justin questions.

Mia chuckles, "No, I didn't...I didn't cry." She stammers.

Justin slowly nods his head, "You totally cried."

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