Senior Camping Trip (4)

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A/N: This one is gonna be tough💔😣

As they all get back to camp, they hear a horn. Mia turns her head and sees Clay standing there with bags on his shoulders. "I won." He sighs.

Diego and Brett walk over to Clay. He drops the bags. "Where'd you get all that?" Diego questions.

Clay walks up to them, "You left me for dead." He barks.

"Oh, no way, dude. We went back for you, you weren't there." Diego states.

"I was unconscious." Clay snaps.

"No. You were gone." Brett shakes his head. "I don't know what you think you're up to, but we know shit now."

Clay looks over at Winston. "You." He walks over to him. "Was it you? Are you working with them now?" Clay questions.

"I...seriously, don't know what you're talking about."

Mia and Jessica walk over to the boy. "Clay..." Mia says quietly.

"What about the both of you? You knew that Diego and Brett were gonna fuck with me." Clay says, looking between the girls.

Mia arches a brow, "Fuck you, Jensen!" Mia snaps.

"Hey." Deputy Standall stops the confrontation that would've escalated. "Campfire's ready. Let's go."

Jessica walks over to Diego. Mia and Clay burn their eyes into each other. "You actually think I would help Brett mess with you?" Mia questions.

"Did you?" He questions, force in his voice.

Mia shakes her head, "You don't know me at all, Clay." Mia says, pain behind her voice.

Clay's angry expression drops as he sees Mia's hurt eyes. "Mia I--"

"Hey, Mia are you okay?" Brett walks over to them.

Mia looks at Brett and Clay. "Oh, Hell no!" She chuckles. "I am not gonna be stuck in a damn love triangle." She holds her hands up. "Last time I go fucking camping."


After the camping trip, Mia was just happy to be able to wash away all the dirt and anger she had. Mia steps out of the shower, she gets dressed. She walks into her room. Did Clay really think she would help the football players mess with him? Was she going crazy? Seeing all these hallucinations?

She sets her stuff down and grabs her phone. Her mom wasn't home yet from her cooking class. The floor creaks behind her, Mia turns on her heel and tenses up. "Another fucking hallucination..." she whispers, as she sees the man in front of her.

The first hallucination she ever had was of Hannah, then her brother, Monty, then herself...not it was John. Mia closes her eyes and shakes her head. "You've grown so much..." He whispers in a chilling tone.

Mia opens her eyes and sees John closer to her. Immediately her whole body runs cold, her mind takes while to comprehend that this was really John. "What are you...what the.." Mia trips over her back, but she keeps her footing. "What the hell are you doing here?" Mia questions.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" She shouts with a shaking tone.

John smirks, "You...I knew you still wanted--"

"Get out, John." Mia snaps, her hands shaking uncontrollably. He stalks toward her. "You're fucking, free!" Mia shakes her head. "My dad got you out, why not start a new life. Be free!" Mia snaps. "You get a second chance at life, that my brother wanted, but never got!"

John wasn't listening to her, he never did. Mia's jaw tightens she grips her phone and chucks it at his face. She attempts to run past him, he grabs her arm and pins her against the wall. The brunette knees him in the crotch, she shoves him to the side, her mirror shattering against his weight. He grabs her ankle before she could sprint out of the room. Mia kicks him in the face until he lets go of her.

She sprints out of her room, but John was not giving up, she sent him to prison. He wasn't going to stop until he got his revenge. John grabs her short hair and throws her to the ground, her face hits the hardwood floor. Mia ignores the immediate headache and crawls towards her mother's room. "H-H-HELP!" She screams, hoping the neighbors would hear.

John grabs her legs and pulls her close to him. He hovers over her and grips her neck. "Come on, doll--"

"LET ME GO!" She shrieks. She punches him in the face. John's nose begins to bleed aggressively, his blood falling on her clothes. Mia slides out from underneath him. She stumbles onto her feet and kicks him repeatedly.

The brunette breathes quickly, she runs to her mom's room and looks around quickly. She runs to her mom's closet, she opens it and crouches in front of the safe. She puts the code in, as she opens it, she feels a force hit the side of her face. Mia falls on her side and gasps in pain.

John's hand clamps on the back of her neck, he forces her to lay in her back. The brunette gasps in pain as she collides with the ground.

The brunette's eyes widen as John gets on top of her. He starts to unbutton her pants. "No, no, no--PLEASE!" Mia sobs.

John punches her in the face, Mia continues to scream as he attacks her. "You said you weren't afraid of me of me anymore." John chuckles. "You were wrong about that, weren't you doll."

Mia's face throbs in pain, her hands shake profusely, but she wasn't gonna give up. She wasn't going to lose.

Joh grips her neck, tightening his grip around her. Mia's eyes widen, she claws at his face, she presses her thumb into his eye, blood stains her thumb and John screams in pain. Mia shoves him off her, the brunette coughs, she takes this moment to grab the gun from the safe.

She stands up, she presses her forefinger and thumb against the slide of the gun, but her hands her so shaky she couldn't pull it back. John slowly stands up and touches his bleeding eye. Mia uses her whole hand and pulls the slide back.

She aims the gun at John before he could take another step towards her. He holds his hand up and lets out a nervous chuckle. Mia's hands her shaking, but her finger was on the trigger and she could shoot him at any moment. She was in control.

John slowly raises his hands, "Em, please--"

"Don't call me that," Mia says, her whole body and voice shaking. "I've told you...only people I love. My friends call me that...not you!"

John sees the hesitance in her eyes. "You're not going to shoot me. You don't want to hurt me." He shakes his head, trying to call her bluff.

Mia's jaw tightens. He steps forward and she steps back. "DON'T!" She screams. "D-Don't come any closer...I swear...I'll shoot you..." Mia says, her voice more cold and calm.

"You think that you can get over me?" John questions. "You look me in the eye and you--" As soon as he steps forward, Mia shoots him and he falls to the ground. John falls to the ground and gasps for air. Mia blinks, she opens her mouth as her ears begin to ring, from the sound echoing in the room.

"Oh, My God..." She whispers. What did I do? She drops the gun to the ground and runs over to John. She looks at the blood flooding out of his body and her stomach turns. She presses her hands against the wound, that's what you're supposed to do right? John begins to cough up blood and tears brim the brunette's eyes. "I knew you still cared..." He wheezed.

Mia shakes her head, "I-I-I didn't w-want to hurt anyone. I didn't want to shoot you. W-Why didn't you...why didn't you listen to me...? I DIDN'T WANT TO FUCKING HURT ANYONE!" Mia shouts tears streaming from her eyes.

She could barely think right now. How did John get here in the first place? Why didn't he take his second chance to do something good in his life? Where the fuck was her phone?

Mia looks at John still coughing up blood. Her shaky hands search John's pockets and grab his phone.

She inhales a deep breath before dialing 9-1-1.

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