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🦸🏽‍♀️🔮⚔🦸🏼‍♀️| 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐥
' for the rest of your life'
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Melaina and Josie were currently at the hospital in the waiting room for Courtney. Pat had just told Josie that Courtney wanted to see her so she went. Melaina sat there with her mother awkwardly.

"Melaina, honey, we need to talk about a lot." Diana started.

"Yeah I know."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you-"

" That you were a kickass demi goddess superhero?" Melaina responded.

"Yeah." Diana chuckled.

"I mean I understand why."

"This life, it isn't fun. I've lost more people than I can count. But i knew if i lost you, Hippolyta, Hestia or your father I wouldn't be able to come back from that. So-" Diana explained.

"So you left, to protect us?"

"Yeah sweetie. The difference between the Joker and the ISA is that he worked alone. He was an evil master mind on his own but this team. They all have skills and abilities." She paused. "I wished you would have told me sooner."

"I didn't want to drag you back into this life. I mean if anything went wrong you'd have to leave again. I... I didn't want to lose you. Not again." Melaina explained to her mother.

"Oh baby, come here." She told her before her daughter shuffled over into her mom's embrace. "I never wanted to leave you and I won't...ever again. We are going to stop the JSA and get justice for Joey." Diana assured the girl.


It had been a few hours since the hospital, Josephine and Melaina were currently at Courtney's in her room sharing a tub of ice cream.

They had arrived early that morning to give the blonde some company.

"Oh crap." Melaina said.

"What?" Courtney asked the girl.

"I still have Homecoming with Cameron later and I'm supposed to go get ready now. I'll call him and explain."Melaina explained as she looked at her phone.

"No, nope never. You are getting of your ass and you are going to go get ready and go have a fun with your dear Cameron." Josie demanded before laughing at the girls.

She said her farewells and left the Whitemore-Dugan household.


Melaina arrived home to find her sisters, mom and aunts waiting for her by the door. The second she closed the door they dragged her to her room to help her get ready.

They made her take a quick shower and made her put on some sweats so that they could do her hair. They combed it out and straightened it. She was lucky her natural hair was o long so they decided to tie her hair half up and down and curled it.

"Heres the dress." Tia exclaimed as she brought in something she had been working on for her older sister.

Hestia loved fashion and had quite the sewing talent. Her sisters Homecoming dress wasn't the only thing she had made. She had also made some clothes of her own over the past few years.

Tia held a hanger that had a gorgeous mid length A-line tulle sleeveless champagne dress. In her other hand she held a pair of matching heels.

"Oh my God did you make this?" Melaina gleamed in happiness as she looked at the master piece.

"Yeah, I've been working on it for awhile and I thought this is the perfect time for you to wear it." Tia smiled before handing the dress to the girl.

She changes into it and came out her closet making the women in the room scream in pride. She twirled slowly for all of them as her mom and aunts took pictures.

Tia had found some jewelry and a small purse that matched perfectly which was a pair of silver hoop earrings and a few rings.

She then put the heels on right before the doorbell rang.

By now Diana, Lisa and Donna had freshened up and gone downstairs to greet Cameron.

They all exchanged words before Melaina came down the stairs. Cameron immediately gazed at the girl. He looked up and down and was enchanted by her.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs he took out the corsage and slid it onto her hand.

"Come on we need pictures." Diana insisted.

"Mom, no."

"Lanie, let's do it." Cameron agreed.

So they did, they took a few. Some with the family some by themselves. But there was one that felt the best. When Cameron told Melaina something that made her laugh. They captured the perfect moment before they left to go to the school.


The two lovers walked in, fingers intertwined. They looked around and saw the decorations and classmates who were attending.

They first decided to get some drinks. They sat down at a table and talked to some of their mutuals that they knew. Then Melaina heard the intro for Green light by Lorde.

"This is my jam, come on." She insisted with her hand out to the boy who took it and pulled himself up.

She led them to the group. They started screaming the lyrics and jumping around to the music just enjoying themselves. Cameron twirled her and they did a little shimmy every now and then.

They danced for a few more songs then Cameron went to sit down while Melaina decided to get them some refills.

"So you landed Cameron Mahkent. Nice!" Jenny exclaimed as she joined the girl at the refreshments table.

"He asked me." Melaina assured with a smile before looking back at him with a smile.

"You two are cute though, own it girl!" Jenny stated.

"You know you are alot more nicer without Cindy Burman up your ass." Melaina said before taking a sip of her punch warning a laugh from her and Artemis who had joined the two.

"Ouch, but thanks. I needed to get rid of her." Jenny said with pride.

"Amen!" Melaina exclaimed.

"You know what cheers." She paused as her, Artemis and Melaina raised their cups. "To getting rid of Toxic people." Jenny cheered before the three girl cheered and chugged down the fruit punch.

They talked for a few minutes before Melaina decided to go back to her date.

The two sat there and talked about alot and just told jokes and laughed like the old times. That was until the slow dance song, Deep End by Birdy started playing.

Cameron stood up and offered his arm to the girl who took it and led her to the center of the dance floor.

There they were, in the middle of a large group of couples. Cameron hands were on her waist and her arms snaked around his neck as they gazed into eachothers eyes.

"I never mentioned how absolutely gorgeous you look tonight." Cameron said to the girl.

"Thank you, you too. I- I mean you look handsome." She babbled before her cheeks heated up making the raven haired boy chuckle.

"Don't worry its cute when you babble. " Cameron assured as they swayed to the song.

" I only babble when I'm nervous, like really nervous."

"Do I make you nervous?"


"Its okay, you have nothing to worry about." He paused as he looked down at her lips. " But there is something that I've been wanting to do for a while now." Cameron continued as his hands snaked up her body to her face.

"Then do it." She insisted as both their hearts started beating faster.

So he did, the raven haired boy cupped the girls face and pulled her in so that their lips could connect. It wasn't fast or rough. It was slow and passionate. It was the perfect kiss. Their best kiss.

What Melaina didn't know, was of the events had gone down that night.

Here's chapter 11!!!

I loved writing this sm

So recently in the country I live in the femicide has gone up and the government hasn't said anything... life wtf

So in my bio theres a petition to sign so please do and share it too :)

Ily all and I hope u enjoyed

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