𝟎𝟓𝟑 Fight or Flight

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a/n : If you've watched The Rookie, they'll probably be some scenes you recognize from 2x11, Day of Death


The truck had finally stopped moving.

It took a few minutes before Joe jumped out of the driver's seat and rounded the truck. He took his time on purpose. He wanted to see if Emery's mind was racing about why he was taking so long. Joe wanted to drive Emery insane by the end of the day. He wanted her begging to be put out of her misery.

Joe keeps his eyes on the truck door. His eyes shift to his watch. 22 hours left.

A serpent smirk forms across his lips. Joe grips the handles of the door and slides it open. Light bleeds into the dark truck and his eyes land on Emery. Joe pushes his lower lip out from the sight in front of him. Emery was sitting on her knees with Tom's head lying in her lap. The boy's face was now pale. Dry blood painted Emery's face and uniform, but obviously, she wasn't paying any attention to it. The girl wasn't paying attention to anything. She didn't even flinch when the door opened, her fingers were running through Tom's hair and her eyes were trained on his pale face.

It caused Joe's envy to flare.

Joe jumps into the truck and slams it shut. He flicks the dim lightbulb on, which slightly lit up the truck. "All right, let's get this show on the road, yeah?"

A brief silence settles in the room, but Joe could hear a small murmur escape Emery's lips. "What was that?"

Emery lifts her head. Her dark cold gaze meeting his amused one. "I said, go fuck yourself."

Joe pinched his brows together, but there was still a small smile across his lips. "Well, well, well...I put a bullet in little Tom and your morale compass is just thrown right out the window, huh?"

Emery pulls her eyes away from his and looks back at Tom. "I...t-told you he had a kid." She softly whimpers. "He deserved to get back to everyone and you still..." Emery bites her lower lip, forcing herself to keep her cries silent. She inhales a breath. "Yeah, Joe. My morale compass is out the fucking window. You don't deserve my patience or kindness anymore. Not after this."

Joe reaches behind his back and pulls out a potato sack. "We're switching locations, Em..." he crouches in front of her.

"I'm not leaving him."

"And you're making demands now?" Joe softly laughs. "Gotta admit, you're fearless...but you're not in any position to be doing that."

"What are you going to do with him?" Emery looks back at him.

Joe raises his brows, mischief flickering across his eyes. It made Emery's stomach turn and all she wanted to do was headbutt him.

"Bury him. Obviously."

Emery couldn't shake the feeling that Joe had something completely different in mind. She couldn't trust a word he said. Joe could see the hesitation in the girl. His eyes soften. Joe reaches forward and places a hand over hers. "Emerson, I promise. I won't do anything to him."

Emery lifts her head and her eyes connect with his. Joe's eyes were soft and there was a comforting smile across his lips. Emery's shoulders sag and she nods her head and looks to the side. "Yeah, okay..." her voice was soft.

Before Joe could even register anything, Emery lunged forward and slammed him to the truck floor. Her hands had immediately found a place around his throat. Joe grabs at her wrists, trying his best to pry her hands off him. Despite Emery not consuming any food the past 24 hours, she still had a lot of strength. But all she was running on was anger.

"You're not going to kill—"

Emery squeezes tighter around his neck.

Joe's words were immediately cut off by the sudden intense pressure. Panic had quickly raised in Joe when he saw Emery's teeth were bared and her breathing was quick. That was the look of someone who felt as if they didn't have anything to lose. He even told her himself that her ending up alone was the reason he chose to take her life. Who knew that would be a reason she would take his?

Emerson could feel his pulse slowing against the palm of her hand. She was close—she could feel his life slipping away. For most of Emery's life, she has dreamt of saving others. And she was lucky enough to have a career in which she could save people every day.

But as soon as that gunshot rang through the truck and pierced Tom...she had thrown away any morality that was left in her trembling weak soul.

Along with her morality being thrown away, her recklessness had made a quick appearance. Emery's vengeance got the best of her. And she wish it hadn't. Her eyes had caught a glimpse of Joe's Bowie knife and without a second thought, she reached for it.

One of her hands lifted from Joe's throat.

Joe took that window to lift his hands and grip both sides of Emery's neck. Emery quickly grabs the knife from Joe's sheath and lifts it up.

Joe suddenly yanks Emery down towards himself and rams her nose against his forehead. Emery's hand slips from Joe's throat and she falls back with a groan. Joe lets out hacks and coughs, gasping for air. He scurries over toward the groaning girl, whose nose is now bleeding. Joe presses his knee against her wrist and snatches the knife from it. His breathing was ragged and his hand was still grasping at his throat.

Emery's eyes had begun blurring with tears from how hard her nose came into contact with Joe's forehead. Joe looks across Emery's face and he laughs. "You're so fucking naughty, you know that? Choking really?"

Emery's wrist twitches from the painful pressure of Joe's knee digging into it. "I was close though, right? To killing you?" She then chuckles as Joe's smile drops. "Yeah, I was."

"Yeah, well, not close enough, Em." Joe sneers. "I've got the upper hand and that shit isn't happening again."

Joe slides the knife back into his sheath. He grabs the potato sack and pulls it over Emery's head. There was a slight light that bled through the sack, but not enough for her to tell where she was going.

Suddenly, she felt soft hands around her wrists and her skin jumped. Joe notices, "Relax—"

"I would rather die."

Joe chuckles, "Aww, what's the rush? You've got 21 hours and 52 minutes left." He tapes her wrists together. "And there is still so much to do."


"So, you guys have nothing?"

Wren keeps her arms folded and looks to the side. Athena inhales a breath before speaking. "Our lead was a dud. Joe stole the man's identity, so—"

"He had no connection to Joe whatsoever? We're back to square one?" Buck could feel his chest painfully chest and his eyes began to burn.

"Our lines are open to the open to the public," Athena states. "If anyone has seen anything...they'll call."

"How often is there a positive lead from the open lines?" Eddie asks. "Honestly."

"Honestly? Never." Athena softly speaks. "But right now it's all we got."

"I can't believe this..." Buck turns away from the group.

"Buck, Joe has been doing this for years. He's good at what he does, that's why no one's..." Hen trails off her words. But everyone knew what she was going to say. That's why no one's ever been found alive.

"We can't give up."

Wren pulls her brows together and looks at Buck. "No one's giving up."

Buck looks at Wren and despite her red-rimmed eyes, there is a strength in them that shows the group that Wren is far from over with the search for their friends. "I promise."

Buck had to admit, it made him feel slightly better. It didn't put his mind at ease though. Wren looks across each firefighter and paramedic's defeated and worried expression. They felt powerless--they all did. Maybe Wren could give them an assignment. Something that could help distract them from their worries while also still helping find Emery.

Wren turns to Athena, "Maybe some of them can help with tip lines?"

Athena points at Wren, understanding what she is doing. "Yeah, Chimney and Hen. Would you want to handle the phones?"

Chimney and Hen immediately accepted the task. For Emery, they would do anything. Even if it meant combing through the callers who truly had no leads.

As everyone left the room, Eddie noticed Buck had sat at the table with his eyes on his hands.

"Emerson and I...just started getting back to being us." Buck could feel the anguish and pain rising through his body. All he wanted to do was cry. "If I don't get a chance to make it up to her after everything I've put her through..." his voice gets caught in his throat.

Eddie saw how all of Buck's unresolved guilt was beginning to drown him.

"She's important to me," Buck admits. "I can't b-breathe thinking about her being in pain and now if she d-d—"

"She's not," Eddie says. He grips Buck's shoulder and squeezes it. "She's not. Emery's a fighter—we know that. But Joe doesn't."

"He's in for a hell of a ride with that girl." Eddie chuckles. "And lemme tell you. He's not going to win."

"I'm excited—Are you excited?!"

Emery lets out a weak cry and she hangs her head low. Her breathing was ragged and her entire body trembled from the pain settling into her body. Joe had dragged her into a cabin, but all the windows were covered with dark curtains. Emery had no idea where they were. Even if the curtains were open, she wouldn't have paid any attention to what's outside. Not with Joe's knife digging into her every minute.

Emery felt exhaustion overtake her body and her eyes began to shut. Joe noticed her tense body begin to loosen and he clicks his tongue. His fingers wrap around her chin and he forces her face up. His eyes examine the dried blood across her face and nose, and the dark purple bruise that had been forming around her eye. Her wrists were duct taped to the wooden chair she was tied to and so were her ankles. Emerson had nowhere to go. All she could do what take what Joe was doing to her. Emery's eyes begin to burn and she pulls her face from his hand and looks to the side.

Joe taps his knife against the tray and circles her. Emery keeps her eyes on the cabin wall. Her trembling breaths and Joe's boots clicking against the floor were the only things heard. Joe stops behind Emery and her heart drops into her stomach with terror. But she clenches her jaw and her back straightens. She wasn't going to let him know that she was scared. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

Joe softly chuckles, he raises a hand and lightly touches her now frizzy hair. "You might want to close your eyes. I hear that helps you take the pain a lot easier."

Before she could even have a chance to register what he said, a sharp pain is felt in the back of her right shoulder. Emery lets out a muffled cry and hangs her head low again while biting her lower lip. Joe drags the knife down and the muffled cries become piercing screams that make 'The Firesnatcher' smile.

Joe continues to have his way, cutting Emery's skin. Normally, he would inflict a lot more torture on his victims, but he's figured Emery has been through enough these past almost 48 hours.

"It's like music to my ears."

"I'm glad you're...getting your rock off." Emery forces out through her heavy pants. "So, what's the deal? Your dad taught you this at a young age? He kills your childhood dog or something in front of you?"

Suddenly the knife is pulled out of her back.

Emery then lets out a soft laugh and leans her head back, her eyes gaining sight of Joe's shaken expression.

"Holy shit, he did, didn't he?" She then pushes her lower lip out and nods her head. "Makes sense...dad kills dog and you become serial killer." The girl then scoffs. "You couldn't have made things simple and just killed your dad—"

"He was already dying. There was no point." Joe speaks, the playful tone had slipped.

Emery rolls her eyes, "Your dad was dying? Is that another reason?"

"Yeah, actually, it was."

Emery then chuckles.

"Well, boo-fucking-who?" She shakes her head out of disbelief. "My entire family has died or left me. And look at me, not a murderer."

"No, but, I'd rather be the one doing the carving, Emerson." Joe stands in front of her and crouches, so his eyes can connect with hers. His eyes shift to her arm. He grips her arm in a bruising manner and raises the knife.

Emery's hands curl and her body shakes. Joe presses the blade against her forearm and she begins to scream from the hot fire flaring in her arm and shooting through her entire body. Emery could feel him continually carve into her as if he were using a pencil. Then once he stopped, her stomach turned.

"So, you won't forget me." Joe lightly taps the newly carved 'Joe' in her forearm.

Emery's lower lip quivers. "God, you better hope I'm fucking dead by the end of th—"

Joe grabs the hammer from the tray and Emery's threat falls silent. He tilts his head, noticing how fast Emery became quiet.

"You scared?"

Emery then does something unexpected to Joe.

She rolls her eyes. Emery moves her head to the side before hanging it low. "Oh for fuck's sa..." she inhales a breath and lifts her head, her face inches from Joe's. "I'm not scared of you Joe,"

Joe pulls his brows together when he sees the fearlessness and amusement dance across Emery's eyes and lips. "I'm scared for you." Her eyes then softened and her face was filled with pity.

"People are looking for Tom and I." Emery stared with confidence. "And you killed him. He's gone and I'm still breathing." She pulls in a ragged breath, but her pretentious cocky grin never breaks. "When they see what you've done, you won't even be conscious to see me escape that fucking barrel—"

"Someone's confident they're going to survive this." Joe pulls her chair closer and his lips ghost over hers. "And as for them killing me? I'm counting on it." Emery's jaw clenches and her eyes harden. She wanted to spit in his face and tell him to go fuck himself. But she knows that's the kind of reaction he wanted to see. That's the fight the others gave him. But Emery was using a different rule book.

Emery leans her face closer to Joe and his breathing hitches. "You don't get it, Joe." She then chuckles. "They won't kill you—they're far better people than I am. They'll keep you locked up surrounded by four cement walls and barbed wire."

Joe's smirk wavers and Emery quirks a brow. "You'll rot in that jail cell and when you finally have some kind of epiphany about all the wrongs you did and wanting a better life? They'll send 100,000 volts in your head—ending that fucking fairytale."

Emery lets out a laugh. It was the kind of laugh someone who has the upper hand would have. "And I'm gonna be there to watch."

Joe clenches his jaw. "I think I've let you talk enough..." he drops her chair back on all fours and stands up straight. Joe reaches for the syringe on the tray and waves it back and forth. Emery's skin begins to crawl and her stomach turns. "Get that away from me—"

"Mm no." Joe casually points it at her. "I know what you need, Emerson Sharpe—I know what you're itching for and it's this."

Emery's breathing quickens as Joe grabs the rubber tourniquet and ties it around her forearm. But she doesn't even give Joe the chance to put the syringe near her skin. She headbutts Joe and he stumbles back, knocking the tray and tools all over the floor. The momentum of the headbutt was strong enough to lift the chair's front two legs off the ground and slam Emery's body into the hardwood floor.

She exhales a soft breath when she feels the arms of the chair break. This is it.

This is what she's been waiting for.


Emery had her head against Tom's chest with her eyes glazed over. The tears had stopped, but all that was left was the hopeless rage she couldn't push down.

"You know you're getting blood all over your face, right?"

Emery doesn't react to the voice, she just keeps her head on Tom. "You shouldn't be here." She croaks.

"You shouldn't either. Which is why we have to come up with a plan."

The voice gets closer and she softly scoffs. "A plan...right." She lifts her head up and connects her eyes with her little sister's. "There's no way out, Maya."

Amaya puts her hands on her hips and looks around the semi-truck. "Well...yeah, okay. But you're Emerson. I'm sure you can find a way out—"

"Not this time." Emery shakes her head.

"Well, that's why you have to buy time."

This time Emery freezes from the other voice. She instantly felt her stomach twist and her throat goes dry.

"You're a smart woman, Em." Helena crouches in front of her. "I get you're angry. You thought Joe was your friend then he..." Her eyes trail over to Tom's body. "Then he does this."

Emery begins to feel sick thinking about Tom once again.

"But, now's not the time to give into delusions."

Emery pinches her brows together. She lifts her hard eyes and connects them with Helena's soft hazel-green ones. The same eyes that would bring her so much peace had brought her an equal amount of rage at this very moment. How could she listen to her say she needs to run away? After what Joe did to Tom? She couldn't just run, right?

"You know what? I completely agree." Emery's tone was cold.

Helena pulls her brows together, looking across Emery's expression. Her mouth slightly opens, realizing what Emery was getting at. "No, no, no. This isn't the same thing." She motions to herself and Amaya. "We are here to help you."

"Yeah! Give into the delusions of us!" Amaya raises her arms.

Helena squints her eyes, trying her best to read Emery's stone expression.

"You need a plan—"

"I do have a plan." Emery snaps. "And that's to fight. End of discussion." Her eyes shift back to Tom's paling face.

"No. Not end of—"

"She's ignoring you now." Amaya sighs, a small smile on her lips. "I've missed her stubbornness."

Helena runs a hand down her face.

"This isn't going to end well..." she looks at Amaya. The girl softly hums and tilts her head. "True...but it'll be fun to watch."


"Get the hell away from me." Emery snaps.

Joe swings the syringe back and forth. "Oh, c'mon...I know you want it—"

Emery kicks his stomach and Joe stumbles back with a soft grunt. He looks to the side and a bitter laugh escapes his lips. "You know...you're lucky you're cute. Otherwise, I would've killed you a long time ag—" as soon as Joe turned back to the girl, Emery lifted her hand. She was so quick, Joe didn't even know what she hit him with. But it was hard enough to force him to fall to the ground and for the side of his head to start bleeding.

His vision blurred for a moment and incoherent mumbles escaped his lips. Emery's grip tightens around the hammer and wastes no time in stalking over to him. She raises the hammer again. Before she could bring the hammer down on his head, a gunshot rang through the cabin. Emery's thigh begins to burn with a white-hot pain she's never felt before. She collapses to the ground and her mouth opens. Her breathing begins to quicken and she screams. "God!" Her hand clutches at her leg.

The Firesnatcher stands up and scoffs. "You stupid bitch..." he clutched at his head. He lifts his hand from his head and looks at the red crimson blood on his hand. "I mean, you're smart for fighting, yes. But also stupid." He grabs a fistful of her curly hair and Emery screams.

"No! Let me—"

He grabs the nail gun off the ground and Emery's stomach drops. "Stop, no, plea—"

"You've gotta learn, Em." The man sings.

Emery's eyes begin to blur with tears and she begins to scream bloody murder.

"For fuck's sake, I've already told you. No one can hear—"

Emery bites his hand and he screams. He stops in his tracks and Emery bites harder than before. The pain forced Joe to drop the nail gun. She begins to grind her teeth down on his hand, hearing a sickening crunch echo through her ears. He raises his other hand and slams his fist against Emery's head, repeatedly. But she doesn't let go.

Despite the many desperate punches he sent her, she didn't let go. Emery not only wanted to escape, but she wanted Joe to suffer in the process. And if that meant leaving all of her morals behind. That's what she was going to do.

Then she yanks her teeth back.

An audible tear comes from his hand and his screams rip through the cabin. Joe falls to the ground and Emery spits out the two fingers from his mouth. She reaches for the nail gun, but his boot stomps on her fingers. Emery's mouth hangs open, she tries to scream but nothing comes out.

He quickly grips her wrist and pins it to the cabin floor. Emery's eyes widen as he grabs the nail gun again and she begins to move. "N-No—No!—"

Without another thought, Joe pulls the trigger, the nail shooting into her wrist and onto the floor. Emery lets out a sharp scream, her vision turning black for a moment. Then she quickly sucks in her cries and exhales a shaky breath through her nose. Emery's head drops to the side and her entire body floods with heat. She could hardly register what was happening at this point. Her body was stiff with pain--she could hardly move.

Black dots dance around her vision and her world begins to spin. Despite all of this, The man crouches beside her and tilts his head. "Still trying not to show weakness, huh?" He clicks his tongue, fascinated by her resilience. "You know what? I respect it."

He throws the nail gun down and chuckles. "For someone so smart...you're so fucking stupid." He clutches at his bleeding fingers and slams the door shut. Joe then leans against the door and his breathing quickens. He shifts his eyes down to his hand that was bleeding profusely and his body begins to tremble out of terror. Then his entire world freezes. Terror. He was afraid of Emery's determination to hurt him. She isn't going to give up.

He had to finish this soon.

Joe softly scoffs, "And to think I thought we were going to have some bonding time before you went into the ground..." he pushes himself off the door and walks away from the room where soft whimpers are heard.

The black dots in Emery's vision grow, and she inhales a shaky breath.

A tear slips from her eye, "F-Fuck..." she looks to the side at her wrist that was nailed to the ground. Emery bites her lower lip and uses her other hand to begin to pull the nail up. Suddenly the black dots disappear and it's exchanged for a blinding white that forces her entire body to explode with heat. A whimpered cry leaves Emery's lips and she lightly hits her head against the floor. She inhales a shaky breath and cries.

Her heart begins to pound through her ears. It was so loud she couldn't hear her own thoughts. "What am I supposed to do?" She whispers to herself. "I..." another cry escapes her lips. "I don't know what to do."

She wraps her free arm around herself, trying to find some kind of comfort and her eyes begin to grow heavy.


It had probably been an hour since Joe left the cabin. Emery had tried many times to take the nail out of her wrist. But every time she would end up being on the verge of passing out and there was always the fear of Joe coming back when she was out. What if she had woken up inside the barrel? Emery wouldn't let that happen. She would rather have Joe come back and finish the job.

"What about just yanking it out really really fast?"

Emery inhales a shaky breath. It was almost 80 degrees and yet she was shivering. Maybe she was dying. A part of her hoped she was.

"Don't think like that."

Emery's chest tightens. "There's nothing...else for me to do." Her eyes connect with the hallucinations of her late wife and little sister.

"Then just try Helena's idea." Amaya motions her head to the woman. "Pull that shit out—lightning speed."

"I can't."

Helena and Amaya exchange a look which causes Emery to roll her eyes. "Yeah, keep looking at each other like that. Like you're going to fucking die if I don't do what you say." She then softly laughs as defeated tears form in her eyes. A small breath escapes her lips and she softly whimpers from the pain digging in her wrist. "I'm done...Joe wins." Her eyes focus on the ceiling.

"No. Absolutely fucking not." Helena walks over to the trembling girl. "Emerson, baby..."

Emery's lower lip quivers.

"You can't give up." Helena softly whispers, touching Emery's face. "You are so close. You were close when you almost got him with that hammer and you're so close now."

Emery inhales a shaky breath. She was ready to share more of her pessimistic thoughts. But she falters and her brows furrow. "Wh-What?" Her eyes connect with Helena's hazel-green ones.

Amaya smirks, "Lightbulb."

"When you had the hammer. You were close and you still are so close."

"H-Hammer..." Emery weakly looks around. "Th-The..." she trails off her words when she sees the hammer a couple of feet away from her. Emery lets out a sharp breath. The girl's mind was clouded with so much pain, she didn't realize what was right next to her. Her way out.

Emery begins to reach for it. The nail digs deeper into her wrist and she lets out another scream, but she doesn't stop.

She had to get out. She couldn't give up.

"Come on..." Emery whispers. Her fingers brush against the handle of the hammer. She uses her middle and pointer finger and grips a centimeter of the handle. Emery slowly pulls the hammer towards herself—trying to keep it in her grasp.

Once the hammer is closer to her. She wraps her hand around it and lifts it towards the nail embedded in her wrist.

"I can't watch." Amaya shudders, looking away. "But then again..." she looks back. "I need to know what's going to happen."

"This is going to hurt." Helena softly speaks. "But you know that already, don't you?"

Emery bites her lower lip until it begins to bleed. She uses the claw of the hammer to grip the nail and she begins to pull. White explodes in her vision and she screams. Emery continues to pull the nail out, she watches as it slowly lifts out of her wrist, and tears along with black dots blur her vision. "Fuck, fuck..." her voice shakes and she begins to softly cry.

Emery then jams her teeth deeper into her lower lip. She stops pulling the knife from her wrist. The black dots grow larger in her vision and her face begins to flush with heat. Emery could feel herself on the verge of passing out. So, she stops, and with her mind reeling, she looks around the room.

Emery's breathing was ragged, but there was a sudden rush of determination that had entered her veins. Then her eyes land on the syringe with fluid still in it.

Emery lifts her leg out and her boot hits the syringe. She pulls the syringe toward her and grabs it with her free hand.

Emery only had one shot to do this. If she could get this to work she might actually have a chance to escape. Please don't let me lose my shit.

Emery then pushes the needle into her skin and she bites the inside of her cheek to keep her groans silent. She pushes the fluid into her vein. A bitter taste floats in her mouth. Emery inhales a deep breath as a few minutes pass, and her heartbeat begins to grow louder through her ears.

Her vision slowly begins to tunnel and she can focus only on what's directly in front of her. Emery grabs the hammer and she inhales a deep breath. She places the claw of the hammer between the nail and begins to lift it. Her cries gradually grow into an agonizing scream as the nail slowly lifts from her wrist.

Emery lets out a gasp when the whole nail slips out of her wrist. Blood seeps from her wrist, but she covers it. She couldn't worry about that right now.

She just had to get the fuck out.

"Th-Thank you..." Emery lifts her gaze up, hoping to see her two loved ones. But they weren't there. She was going to have to do this herself—Alone.

A small desperate breath escapes her lips and tears form in her eyes. Emery couldn't take Joe on in a fight. She was strong but strong enough to beat him in the state she was in now? Emery needed another plan. One she knew would give her a chance at surviving. She just needed time.

Emery looks around and her eyes land on the landline. She then swallows the painful lump in her throat and shakes her head. Emery had to focus. If Joe came back and she didn't have the upper hand, he would win. She limps over to the phone and shakily grabs it with her good hand. Emery dialed the number she knew would not only pick up, but that could trace the call from wherever the hell she was.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

Emery inhales a soft cry and covers her mouth, hearing her best friend's voice.

"Hello, this is 9-1-1. What is your emergency?"

Emery takes her hand from her mouth. "M-Maddie?"

The brunette's heart drops into her stomach and tears immediately find her eyes. "Emery?" Maddie softly whimpers.

Emery wipes her nose and nods her head. "Yes, yes—it's me."

"You're okay? You're alive?"

Emery's lower lip quivers. "Y-Yeah, I'm okay."

Maddie closes her eyes and lifts her head to the ceiling, a soft breath of relief escaping her lips. As soon as she heard the news about Emery being taken she kept her eyes out for any call that might've been from her or Thomas. Everyone was slowly losing their minds and patience over having to just wait around for outside information.

She knew Buck had probably been wracked with anxiety and panic over not knowing where Emery was and what state she was currently in. Maddie was relieved that she was going to be able to let everyone know that she and Thomas were okay. But right now she had to help them get out of there.

"Do you have any idea where you and Tom are right now?"

Emery's gut turns and she thinks back to Tom's decomposing body in the van. He didn't deserve that. He didn't deserve any of this. Emery's vision blurs with tears and her breathing quickens. "Maddie, i-it's just me..."

It takes a moment for it to click for Maddie. But when it did, her mouth slightly opened and her heart dropped.

She covers her mouth, silencing her own cries. Maddie shifted her eyes over to Susan and Josh, who were standing near her desk. She shakes her head, telling them it was only Emery alive. "We're tracking your call right now. Trying to get a range of where you are—"

"Okay, but Maddie...I don't know when Joe'll be back." Emery shakily speaks. "I don't know how long I can keep the phone on. I can't..."

Emery covers her eyes and softly cries. Maddie's lip trembles from the sound of Emery breaking down. "Maddie, I can't get away." She whimpers. "He's too smart, too strong. I don't know what to do. He's thought of everything."

Maddie swallows the lump in her throat. She heard the hopelessness in Emery's voice. She couldn't show worry now, she had to stay strong for her. "Listen to me, Emerson. I know this is t-terrifying. And sure, he may be smart, but you are smarter and stronger—you're Emerson fucking Sharpe, for fuck's sake." Her tone was firm. "You will find a way to survive and I promise you, we will find you—alive."

"Just survive, okay? And we'll do the rest." Maddie swallows the lump in her throat. "You don't need to think like him, just outsmart him like how you would outsmart anyone else."

Emery takes her hand off her eyes and exhales a breath. There was still doubt in the back of her mind. She tried to outsmart him in the truck and he ended up killing Thomas. Emery opens her mouth to say something, but she hears a car door slam in the distance.

"He's back..."

Maddie's breathing hitched and she couldn't stop her fear from growing. "Emerson—"

"Stay on the line, all right?" Emery softly speaks. "Just...don't say anything. And try to trace the call for as long as you can." She inhales a deep breath.

Maddie's jaw clenches and she nods her head. "Okay.

"I'll buy you some time."

Maddie pulls her brows together. "What? Emerson, what does that mean?"

Emery places the phone on the dresser.


Maddie looked at Josh, who was standing right beside her with the same look of terror. "Call Wren and Athena down here."

Josh nods his head and immediately grabs his own phone.

Emery's eyes shift around the room and they land on the nail gun. She quickly grabs it and hides behind the door. Her breathing was ragged, but it was quiet enough to not be heard. Emery could feel the tranquilizer taking its toll on her, but she was going to do everything in her power to stay aware. If she could make it outside and have Joe come after her, that should give Maddie enough time to find her location. And if Emery didn't survive this then at least her and Tom's bodies would be found.

Emery inhales a shaky breath and holds it as the footsteps grow closer. Her hand tightens around the nail gun with her finger hovering over the trigger.

The door pushes open. "Okay, I think it's time for us to get this show on the—"

Emery raises the nail gun and fires it into Joe's back. He doesn't fall to the ground, but he screams from the sudden pain. Emery kicks him in his back with her good leg and he falls to the ground, still screaming and groaning. The momentum of the kick made the girl stumble to the ground. But she forces herself back onto her feet, ignoring the drugs flowing through her veins. It gave her enough adrenaline to not notice her pain, but she hardly knew where she was at this point.

Emery tries her best to sprint out of the room. Even though she could hardly feel the gunshot wound in her leg, it was still a struggle to run on it. Emery looks up and down the hall. She runs in the opposite direction of Joe's screaming and her eyes make contact with a door that has light shining through the blinds. Emery runs toward the screen door and pushes it open. As soon as the light hit her eyes, she couldn't see a thing. But that didn't stop her from yelling for help.

Emery stumbles down the porch steps. Her eyes had finally adjusted to the light outside, but she could feel her entire world slow down and it wasn't because of the drug clouding her brain.

Everywhere Emery looked, she was surrounded by the desert. This wasn't like where Joe's other victims were found. She was utterly alone.

Doesn't fucking matter.

Emery begins to run again, trying to distance herself from the cabin and Joe. As fast as she was going, and with the panic running through her mind, the girl didn't notice the wire close to the ground. Her ankle hit the metal wire and her chest slammed against the sand. Emery inhales a painful gasp.

"What the fuck, Em?!" She heard from afar.

Emery's eyes shift to her wrist, noticing the blood still leaking from it. She grits her teeth and picks up a fistful of sand in her hands. Joe's boots crunch against the sand, getting closer to her. He grabs the shoulder of her shirt and turns her around. Emery chucks the sand at his eyes and he groans. "Dammit—"

Emery lifts her good leg and her boot is smashed into his nose. Joe stumbles back and Emery quickly stumbles onto her feet. She goes to swing her fist, but Joe sprays her with mace. Emery screams and she staggers back with her eyes burning. She presses her palms against her teary eyes. With her vision now impaired, Emery aimlessly swings her fists forward; hoping to hit him.

Joe laughs as he dodges her hits with ease. "God, you're so hilario—"

Emery's fist connects with his jaw and he stumbles back, blood spilling from his mouth. The girl spots Joe's silhouette in front of her. So, she runs forward and punches him again. Joe stumbles, but he grips her shoulders to keep himself balanced and to keep Emery from moving. Emery grunts and screams, "No!—"

Joe rams his knee into her stomach. A cry escapes Emery's lips and she bends over, gasping for air. She felt like she was going to throw up. Joe cups her neck and lifts her head up. He headbutts her in the face which causes her to fall to the ground.

Joe spits a glob of spit out into the sand and stalks toward the stirring girl. She rolls onto her stomach and slowly lifts herself up. Joe takes a moment to watch the girl try and get back up. He admired Emery in so many ways. He even admired that she wasn't backing down from this fight. She was going to fight till the bitter end.

But this was just getting fucking annoying.

Joe grits his teeth and punts her face with enough force that she lands hard on her back, unconscious.

Joe clicks his tongue and moves his jaw from side to side. He was bleeding, aching, and bruised. In all the murders he's been involved in. Never has someone given him this much trouble. Joe knew Emery was going to be a handful but holy shit. This girl was relentless. He grabs her ankle and drags her back to the cabin.


words : 6677

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