twenty nine

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don't play the song yet ✋😔


From the tired look on her face, I could tell Jayla had gotten weary from holding a gun to novas head so long. Like all her right wrist joints were finally giving up on her. I was thinking, contemplating, hitting her, grabbing Nova, running.


We all jumped up and I was glad that jaylas reflexes didn't include pulling a trigger when startled.

"Wow Cobra and Bubbles... so nice of you to finally show up. Did you actually think that gun would work on me?" Jayla mocked as they stood before he appalled.

"I mean yeah kinda... that's why we shot it."

"You of all people should know that doesn't work on me." Jayla spoke, but those words were unsettling sending a deep pain in my chest, this never ending taste in my mouth. It was dry, meaningless, like I was tasting how it would feel to be trapped in a silent, lonely, abyss.

It was disgusting.

Because the feeling had escaped into my chest, heavy, pounding, not letting me sleep or breathe.

and finally it let go off it's choke hold on me.

leaving me with this feeling that everything. I mean everything was about to go terribly wrong and I couldn't do anything about it.

But I had to be stronger than that. Fear wafted through the worn out room and it wasn't only belonging to me. The smirk fell against Jaylas face as a thud was heard in the distance and was replaced on Cobra and Bubbles'.

What the fuck were they so happy about?

"You didn't think we'd come here without back up did you?" It was different hearing that instead of only in the movies. We watched around twenty agents in black crowd the enclosed space, clutching onto their weapons.

Hope lit up in my mind like a vibrant song playing in a boring party. We could get out of this, alive, we could do it. In my mind their was no possible way she could escape this. Every ending was happy, I had Nova-no-we had each other.

Something sinsiter told me it wasn't over and just like that she was back to smiling from ear to ear, the feel of the room had shifted. "Do you think I would?" She as she stayed smiling.

"These are our agents." Bubbles recalled but he'd been confused about it. But the answer should have been simple, are they or not?

"Well we found about your little "organization" to help the poor little aliens in need.. like this one here. Like they weren't here to destroy this pathetic planet." she chuckled. Then she looked me in my eyes for the second time that night and looked past me, "Get him." she said as if she were bored, waving her arms towards me.

Suddenly guys circled me and strained my arms against my back and now I was in the same position as Nova. Except she wasn't, within a blink of an eye she had tousled Jayla onto the floor. She looked unmoving but she was anything but that, she was furious and confused.

Almost on queue all their guns raised and they didn't hesitate to shoot.

And then they did.

The bullets. Were frozen, I could seen them, fighting gravity along with the agents that were stopped in their tracks. And nova between all that.

"N-Nova." I called out briefly, a glance headed towards me from from the corner of her glossy eyes as the bullets all fell the floor, like rain. The sound echoing the room. Jayla's frozen face was angry and spiteful.

Novas on the other hand was exhausted. I made a step towards her, "stay back.. " she whispered huskily. I did as she said assuming I had no other choice. Slowly time was returning and she looked at me desperately.

"Brandon there's no time! I need you to leave right now!" She yelled, she seemed impatient. Which half of the time was my job, I was the angry one but the tables were turned for the worst. I wasn't leaving though... I would never leave.

Time was unfrozen. In a blink the agents were unconscious against the deteriorated floor along with Jayla who caught her balance, barely. Without realizing it, she'd also knocked out Cobra and Bubbles. I was unsure they'd be much help regardless.

Noises came from behind us, Jayla moved her gun sternly towards me to check it out. I only poked my head to see if anyone had been there.

"Ummmm... hello?" A smooth voice bellowed as Nick, Leila, Edwin and Austin trailer into the building. Fuck me.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked sharply as they cautiously stepped over the agents bodies.

"You got your snap maps on! We thought you might be at a party!" Edwin shouted.

"Well they obviously are.. we just weren't invited." Austin said glaring at me.

"You guys are making this easier for me." Jayla said tiredly.

"Touch any one of them and I'll kill you." Nova threatened and Jayla forgot to laugh.

"I'm happy to see you guys really." Jayla announced. "Especially you.." Jayla said staring at someone. Staring at Leila. Nick was confused and so was I.

"I brang you what you wanted." Leila said quickly with a smile, walking away from the three other appalled faces.

"Leila... what are you?" Nick asked caoutiously, tiptoeing around the question.

She pulled a gun from her pocket, it looked normal but it let out a buzz and illuminated with blue light. Her eyes lit up with amusement. She waved the gun before Jayla and yanked it back suddenly.

"You're gonna let me go." She demanded as Jayla rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Dramatic." She mumbled as Leila stood beside her, not paying attention to the way she left Nick. Broken and confused.

"Leila.. why? What are you doing?" He asked but her face was unmoving and her expression stayed the same.

"Now... back to you guys." She said.

"We both know she's not worth it.. you can make it out of here with your family and friends. You don't need her." She said with a smirk as I stared at Nova. She was right. I didn't need her then, not before, my life was fine and there was no reason I need her now. She lied to me. I couldn't take that back, the fact that she didn't trust me with this big of a secret now the small life I had was over. It was her fault.

I pushed Nova against the floor. She was confused, her eyebrows dug into her face as she looked up at me actually frightened.

"I don't need you." I told her as her breathing grew heavy.

I ran towards the gun, sliding against the dirt and grabbing it from off the floor, swiftly and pointed it at her.

"You're weak." She said smiling but there was something nervous and unsure about her sure facade. "You're not gonna pull through trigger, you and I both know that." She smirked.

I was. And I did.

I pulled the trigger.

No sound, no noise, no change.

There were no bullets in the gun. Just my luck. Jayla aimed at Nova but I wasn't going to let that happen. I sped towards Nova standing in front of her.

Jayla's gun was now facing directly at me, she had perfect aim. I stood there. Not thinking about anything. Not anything about her. I was willing to risk my life for her.

"That works too."

"Brandon don't." Nova tried to use the last of her strength to move me out the way. I wouldn't budge.

She pulled the trigger.

Again, nothing.

"Missing something?" Leila said holding the bullets of the gun before she punched Jayla in her shock ridden face, a heavy thud circling the room.

"Whooo! I always wanted to do that!" Leila shouted before wincing and holding her fist against her chest, "wow! That hurts!" She yelled as nick ran to her side.

"This will knock her out for a few hours until we figure out what to do with her." Cobra said injecting her with a green syringe. I wanted to say kill her but Nova wouldn't want me to be in that spirit and I knew it.

"I never doubted you for a second." He lied, "shut up." She smirked.

"Wait so... was this a party or...?" Austin asked as Edwin rushed over to our sides.

"I'm so glad you guys are safe." He said with endless relief.

"You too eddy." Nova said, she was still tired. She'd used a lot of her energy, too much of it.

It was over! I held Novas face in my hands and kissed her. She was mine. It was over. I loved her. I love her.

The sound of a click. Somehow Jayla had gotten up, she sprawled over towards a gun that was beside her. Then a bang. I shut my eyes right, I wish I had done the same for my ears. A yell. My name was being called, from beside and then from in front of me.

Another bang.

𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗴 🕺🏽.

I rubbed myself shaking my hands throughout my body, nothing. No pain but the pain coming from my tight chest. Which didn't matter. I almost let relief flow through me until I saw everyone looking at something, their faces colored with sympathy, sadness and shock.

But nothing happened to me.

Novas body dropped lightly beside me. That's when I realized she was in front of me the entire time. She was pale. Her breath was hitched in her throat, the tears that were pooling in her eyes finally spread across her face.

She was shot.

I didn't realize the pounding in my knees until I was on the floor, kneeling beside her. Pushing the soft hair away from her face. She was blurry, I rubbed at my eyes.

"Nova!" Edwin cried out but he kept his distance, giving us space. Space was all we needed. Everything would be fine.

"Nova... " I whispered, the way you do when you want to wake someone from their sleep but don't want to frighten them. She looked at me, she was weak, everything was in slow motion again.

"I love you." She said like she had really realized it, she knew it. So did I. "It's ok." I attempted to convince her, to convince myself.

"Nova." I laughed quickly, just to clear my throat, just to force a whirlwind of happiness to erupt. "You have to stay.. stay awake.. please!" I begged desperately, my hands were painted red, nova on the other hand was fading, she looked transparent. Most of all she looked like she hadn't heard a word I was saying.

"You can't leave! You can't leave me! We're not done! I love you..." I sobbed into the ground as she smiled vaguely. "Remember when.. you.. made all my white laundry pink.. and.." I laughed thinking of the time before I could finish my sentence.

"It didn't seem like it but... I loved you then.. I love you now." I admitted as she smiled and exhaled. She was fighting the pain but by now she was tired. She'd saved me twice today and it swallowed her energy like a black hole.

"Me too.." she smiled.

"Please.. you're my best friend.. I can't lose you... I c-can't. I can't spend my days without you... I can't do anything without you. There's nobody like you. I never cared what you were, only who you were. You're someone who wears.. bras on her head. Who doesn't care about her own happiness if it means someone else get to have some. And I wasn't enough for you, you were too good for me. This was my fault and I'm sorry. I can fix it.. just stay with me. You're supposed to have my half alien babies and she's supposed to be just like you." I laughed suddenly as she let out a cough and a laugh.

"It'll be... ok." She said before he eyes finally shut, but I could still feel her, she was somehow warm. I hugged her against my body letting the tears fall against her.

"Cobra... Bubbles what do I do? Y-you have to help." I sobbed uncontrollably, my eyes were swelling I was growing a headache I just wanted everything to go back to normal.

"I don't think... we can do much." They admitted solomnly.

"There's one thing we can do." A random guy interjected as we looked at him weird. He was skinny, had long jet black hair that fell up to his hair, pale skin and hazel eyes.

"What're you doing here?" Bubbles asked, looking threatened for once. So did Cobra but that wasn't new.

"I'm saving her." He said seriously. I was happy at the idea but I didn't smile, Bubbles somehow knew what I was feeling as he stared me down.

"This guy was responsible for torturing her along with the evil side of the organization." Anger course through my veins, I was too mad to even look at the guy.

"No I wasn't. I tried saving her. I'm the one that got her out." He argued as I stared at her against my arms.

"I don't give a shit at this point! Just tell me how to save her!" I said yelling in a rage as everyone studied me.

"Ok." Bubbles and the guy said at the same time, shooting each other dirty looks at the coincidence.

"When we were in the agency there were capsules, they preserved her... they don't hurt." He told me reassuringly. "But if I fix it the right way it'll slowly heal her. I'm not sure how long it'll take though." He said and now the hope felt like a false one.

"But if you do... you'll never see her again.." Bubbles said grimly. I looked at the man, his face didn't change. I quickly shook my head. I couldn't lose her. But wouldn't it save her? I would have to then, she'd do it for me.

"Damn like he can see her he just can't talk to her." Cobra corrected with a forced smile. I stared at Nova cradled in my arms, I kissed her forehead.

"Just.. do it." I stared at her, eyes shut tightly, her chest barely rising.


this was such a long process...
i don't think I'm gonna make HOME.
please correct my mistakes, I love you all 🥺

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