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Fangs, Toni, Jughead and Fp were all sharing a drink at the white wrym. The rest of the serpents were out at an arcade, but the four decided to stay behind.

"Fp- you didn't actually do it with Alice Cooper in the locker room did you?" Fangs laughed, for Fp was telling them all a story from his past. To the teen's astonishment, Fp nodded confirming it.

The group all burst into laughter simultaneously. Fp noticed Sweetpea came in with another black eye.

"Hey Sweetpea!" Fp shouted, his laughter slowly fading from his voice. Everyone followed his gaze, Toni stood up worriedly going to check out his damage.

"What happened?" Jughead said grimly, Sweetpea looked up at him and ignored Toni lightly touching his eye.

"You know how my father said he wanted me to come home and move back in?" He started, "yeah well apparently I'm not good enough to come back and he gave me this." He pointed to his black eye, "he spat in my face and basically disowned me." He stated, throwing his arms down in defeat.

Toni looked up at him apprehensively for a moment and then hugged him tightly, tears spilled slightly out of Fangs' eyes while Fp and Jughead exchanged looks, remembering how their relationship was similar.

"I'm so sorry." Jughead muttered, standing up to hug him too. Fangs got up and joined in as soon as he could control himself, he was always emotional.

Fp sat in silence, thinking about something. He wanted to make sure Sweetpea was okay, and he could only think of one way to confirm that he was.

He looked to find the group of four hugging, Toni was the closest to him followed by Jughead and Fangs on either side of her. Sweetpea was crying a little.

After Toni and Fangs went home with Sweetpea, Fp looked at Jughead with a form of pride. Jughead looked at him and started to clean up the bar a little.

"Jeez Dad- lighten up." Jughead said sarcastically, Fp looked at him and changed his expression.

"Sorry Jug- I just was thinking about things." He replied, helping him out with some glasses.

"Alright Dad...spill." Jughead concluded, dropping some glasses into the back sink.
Fp smiled at Jug.

"How would you feel if you got a brother?" Fp asked, tilting his head and watching Jughead's reaction. He saw his face was shocked.

"Dad- you mean?" Jughead scoffed, his expression happy, his eyes shone with tears. Fp nodded hugging Jughead, both father and son heading towards Toni and Sweetpea's trailer.

"I'll get it babe." Toni sighed as she hugged her boyfriend tightly before getting up to open the door. Sweetpea nodded and kissed her forehead before waiting to see who it was.

Fp and Jughead both stood outside in Toni's door, both nervous and excited. Toni opened the door followed by Sweetpea's voice asking who it was. Jughead told Toni they needed to talk to her first alone outside. Toni called Sweetpea and said she'd be gone for a moment.

"What is it?" She asked, looking at both of them. Fp cleared his throat.

"I want to give Sweetpea a family." He said, Toni furrowed her brow,

"He's got me!" She said angrily. Fp motioned her hands towards her,

"Calm down Topaz- I'm saying legally. I want to adopt him."

Toni froze, unable to move her arms or anything, all she heard was her soft breath and felt Fp and Jughead's stare.

"Oh my god- that's brilliant!" She yelled, jumping up to hug Jughead and Fp.

"Yes. Do you want me to tell him?"

Fp looked uneasy but Jughead spoke up, "can we come in and see his reaction?"

Toni smiled and opened the door, calling Sweetpea into the living room. He pulled Toni on his lap once they were all settled, she kissed his cheek but moved and sat next to him instead. He looked at her oddly.

"Sweetpea." Jughead stated, folding his hands together biting his lip with nervousness. Toni rubbed his back,

"Babe- Fp wants to adopt you...he wants to give you a family with legal support and things." Toni smiled, hugging him gently.

Sweetpea put his hands to his mouth and tried to control his breathing. Fp looked up at him worried, but Sweetpea started to scoff, giving a big smile to the Jones'.

"You want to adopt me?" He choked out, wiping his wet eyes with his hand. Fp and Jughead smiled, both nodding their heads in unison.

"That'd be amazing Fp- I don't know what to say."

"You could give us a hug-" Jughead laughed, standing up. Sweetpea and Fp got up too and all hugged each other. Toni grinned. Fp and Jughead explained that they were going to sign the papers tomorrow. Toni had everyone put their fists in the middle like a circle.

"On the count of 3...1, 2, 3.." she said clearly.

"In unity there is strength!" They all said in unison. After Jughead and Fp left, Toni and Sweetpea ran into their bedroom.

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