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Toni laid in the uncomfortable hospital bed, breathing as her heart monitors beeped slowly with every heavy breath she took. Sweetpea sat down next to her as he clung onto her hand.

"We need to do more...there has to be more we can do.." Sweetpea said, looking up at the doctor who stood before him. Dr. Karev sighed,

"There's nothing more we can do...the cancers spread everywhere. It's only a matter of time." He said sadly, looking over to Toni's shallow eyes and pale face. His statement caused Sweetpea to stand up.

"No! You have to do more, you can't give up!" He choked, feeling the back of his throat start to close. Toni lifted her eyes up slowly as she looked at her boyfriend.

"Sweetpea- she needs you now...more than ever okay?" Dr. Karev said, looking down to the tiny nineteen year old clinging to life.

Toni's breath grew more slower and louder as Sweetpea climbed next to her, scooping her in his arms. He leaned over and kissed the black beanie resting on her head.

"Toni..please don't can beat it I know you can. We're- meant to be..." Sweetpea cried softly, being careful not to adjust the nasal cannula that was carefully placed in Toni's nose.

Toni continued to breath slowly as she felt her lungs working hard just to breathe. Sweetpea hugged her tightly,

"Please. Find another way" Sweetpea breathed, looking up to Dr. Karev sitting in the chair on the opposite side of Toni.

"I can't Sweetpea, I think it's time..." he swallowed, knowing they'd tried everything they could to keep the cancer away from Toni. Unfortunately it had infected her like the plague.

It's okay c-can go..." he whispered, knowing how much pain she was in with every breath she inhaled.

Sweetpea felt his lip quiver as Toni grabbed onto his hand and squeezed it tightly, her breath decreasing every second.

"" she forced out with all of her breath. Sweetpea squeezed her hand as Toni's heart monitor made a familiar consistent beep. Sweetpea bit his lip and broke down into uncontrollable sobs, while Dr. Karev stepped out to inform the rest of their friends what had happened.

Jughead clutched Betty's arm with worry as Kevin and Fangs laid their heads on each other, all waiting for news. They all knew Toni was extremely sick, and that she wasn't going to make it. They decided to leave her with Sweetpea before she went.

Dr. Karev approached the small group and informed them on what had happened, all of them slowly inches away from breaking down any moment.

Sweetpea choked for air as he laid by Toni, still clutching her body in his arms, tears streamed down his face as Dr. Karev came back in.

"S-she w-was only nineteen..." Sweetpea shivered, shaking as he kissed Toni's head again.

"Sweetpea...c'mon." Dr. Karev suggested, holding out his hand for Sweetpea to take. The nurse had come in to turn off the monitors, and Dr. Karev muttered the time of death to her as the nurse swiftly exited the room to update the chart.

"'s okay..." Dr. Karev said, still extending his arm hoping Sweetpea would get up and take it. Sweetpea looked at him and then loosened his grip around his newly deceased girlfriend.

Sweetpea reached for the locket around her neck he had bought her on their third anniversary, slowly putting it away in his pocket as he reached with his other hand for Dr. Karev's. Both slowly made their way out of the room as the nurses began to place Toni's fragile blue like body downstairs into the morgue.

As soon as Sweetpea was in sight of his friends, they came up and hugged him tightly. He cried into their shoulders as Dr. Karev left them alone to mourn the loss of their friend in peace.

A little girl sat in a chair a couple rows down, all of his friends pulled away as he stared at the little girl that reminded him so much of Toni. Sweetpea sniffed as the little girl kicked her legs back and forth and looked over to him,

"Daddy?!" She called, pushing herself out of the chair and running her to Sweetpea. She pushed past all of their friends as Sweetpea enveloped her into a hug,

"Daddy is Mommy okay?" The little girl asked, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck. Sweetpea inhaled a huge breath as he looked his daughter in the eyes,

"Baby...remember when I told you Mommy was in a lot of pain?" He asked, tears watering his eyes. The little girl nodded.

"Well now Mommy's in heaven, where she's not in pain anymore..." he mumbled. The little girl pulled away and stuck her thumb in her mouth,

"So when does Mommy come home?" She asked, Sweetpea let his tears fall down his cheeks as he hugged his daughter again.

"Mommy's not coming home this time baby..." he whispered, kissing her temple before hearing the small baby girl start to cry on his shoulder.

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