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A young Toni ran around the cobblestone streets, chasing her best friend Sweetpea around in a game of tag.

"Got you!" She yelled, tagging is shoulder. He turned around and smiled at her, somehow the two were in the middle of the jousting court.

Sweetpea! Look out!" Toni screamed, shoving him and herself out of the way from the two knights on horses.

They both landed on each other and fell in front of Toni's guardian, Lord Michael.

"Princess Antionette. It's time to go to the palace, you could've died out there."

Toni frowned and looked over to Sweetpea, "maybe you can come up to the castle with me?!" She smiled, looking up at her caretaker with helpless eyes.

Lord Michael sighed and placed his hand on his temple.

"I'm not sure Antionette, you better ask your father." He informed clearly. Toni sighed and took Sweetpea's hand, he stayed out.

"Toni...I can't go with you..." he said sadly, Toni gasped.

"Why not?" She asked, walking back towards him. He told her he had chores to do at home before his mother arrived for the night. Toni looked down at the cobblestones, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Okay..." she sighed, taking her caretakers hand and walking back to their carriage.

"Lord Michael when I grow up, I'm gonna be a knight and go jousting!" She exclaimed, climbing into the carriage.

The lord sighed, "Princess- you cannot be a knight. It is not possible and besides, when your older, two suitors will battle for your hand in marriage."

Toni scoffed, "I'm not getting married! That's gross!" She yelled. The lord sighed again, remembering how she was only six years old.

"One day..." he muttered, helping her back inside the palace.

After the accident that almost happened, Toni's father forbade her from leaving and going into town square.

"B-but Dad!" She yelled, tears searing her eyes, "How will I see Sweetpea again?!"

Her father scoffed, explaining he didn't even like her hanging out with him. He told her that children like Sweetpea shouldn't be near her at any cost. Toni frowned, angry with her father, she ran into her room and slammed the door.

A decade later, Toni's eighteenth birthday had arrived. The time for her father to choose two suitors for her was approaching rather quickly.

Toni walked down the corridor, her dress flowing slightly behind her.

"Father?" She asked. Her father was speaking with Lord Michael, the carriage was ready to go.

"Antionette. Are you ready to go?" He asked calmly.

"I want to choose who I marry." Toni declared, stepping up to face her father. He glared at her and walked her down to the area. They made their way to their court seats.

Toni sat down as her father introduced her to the two he had picked. One was from the kingdom next door, wanting to make an alliance. His name was Archibald, and he was handsome.

The second was from two kingdoms away, his name was Reginald. He was also quite handsome.

Toni rolled her eyes at both of them, shaking their hands. She straightened her dress and stood by her father. Her dress looked like this,

"I have to use the restroom." She stated, looking at her father, "I do not want any guards." She said angrily. Her father nodded her as she smiled and started to walk away. She pasted the restrooms.

Toni made her way down the streets, looking around for the familiar building she used to go to when she was small. Once found, she ran towards it, picking up her dress slightly.

She peeked her head inside the house, she saw her former best friend, sharpening what looked like a sword.

"Pea?" She said breathlessly, gazing at his figure. He turned around and dropped his jaw. Both cracking smiles and running towards each other.

Sweetpea picked up Toni and spun her around, disbelieving what he was seeing.

"Toni?" He muttered, putting her down, he swallowed and bowed down, kissing her hand.

"No need to bow..." she laughed. She looked him up and down,

"You've..grown." She whispered softly, looking at his muscular body. He chuckled and looked down at himself.

"I guess so." He said, meeting her eyes again, "You're even more lovely than I remember..." He said, making Toni blush.

"I have to pick a husband today..." she sighed, taking his hands, "But I know what I want. I've known since I was six, I want you." She gasped, looking up at him.

"Run away with me." She said helplessly. He looked at her concerned.

"Toni...I can't run away, I can't leave my mother..." He whispered sadly, closing his mouth. Toni thought for a minute,

"The jousting match. You need to win." She said, wrapping her arms around him,
"I don't want to marry anyone else..."

He sighed and said her father would never pick him in a million years. Toni said they would have to sabotage one of the men. Sweetpea looked down at her and inhaled, what they were about to do was highly illegal.

"If we get caught- I'm going to jail, but if we pull this off...I can be with you, I've been practicing all of my life knowing one day my skills will pay off to win my bride." He said, nodding his head in agreement to her plan. Toni kissed him softy,

"In case we end up getting killed-" she said. They both found Archie sitting on a bench, sighing. Toni walked over to him, leaving Sweetpea standing around the corner of a building.

"Archibald?" She asked calmly, sitting next to him. He looked up and smiled at him.

"I am faced with a conflict Miss Antionette." He sighed, "for I am in love with another."

Toni looked at him and placed her hand on his shoulder, "I am too in love with another. I was hoping he'd take your spot instead."

Archie smiled, "I could fake being ill and not compete." He suggested, Toni waved Sweetpea out.

"I was thinking he could get into your uniform and pretend to be you?"

Archie gladly traded gear with Sweetpea just as Toni's father came looking for her. Archie was already in hiding.

"Antionette- Archibald- let's go" he muttered, grabbing Toni's arm. Sweetpea mounted his horse and rode out to the field.

Toni looked at him while taking her seat. She looked at her father, "whoever wins this match shall be my husband." She told him, he nodded and agreed. Toni crossed her fingers.

The match commenced, Toni sat up in her chair and watched as Sweetpea demolished Reginald. Joy flooded in her veins as she started to cry, her father looked shocked and confused.

"Antionette- you've never been this happy before..." he muttered, watching the man on the horse take off his helmet.

"Antionette! This has to have been staged by you!!" He yelled angrily, seeing Sweetpea instead of Archie. Toni pushed him aside and ran down the isle.

He dismounted the horse, picking her up in his arms. Toni's father sighed, her old caretaker smiled slightly, holding the King back and reassuring him that this was the right way to go.

"Oh Pea! Your mother can come live in the castle- she will be well taken care of. And and you will become my King!" She exclaimed, kissing him deeply after.

In three months time, the two will become married, and both will rule the kingdom together. Wisdom provided by their family around them. And they lived happily ever after. The end.

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