Puke in the bushes

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A/N: I love this one so freaking much, my sister read it and this is one of her favs

Toni sat drunk in the white wrym. She was looking to have fun with her boyfriend and that's exactly what she got. She glanced over to see her sober boyfriend sitting there scanning the bar. She kissed his cheek.

"Did you know I can fit the whole world in my hands?" She slurred. He looked over at her confused.

"Babe..that's impossible." He smirked at her, preparing to give her a list of reasons why. Toni cupped her hands around Sweetpea's face.

"See! I did it! Because you're my world!" She laughed a little as he blushed furiously. She pulled his face closer to hers and kissed him. He pulled away after a minute and picked her up, spinning her around and walking out to the car.

"Let's go, you've had enough fun." He laughed, carrying her outside.

He helped her get inside the truck and began to drive her back to the trailer. He drove quietly with Toni half asleep, after a couple minutes she broke the silence.

"Sweets, I'm gonna puke"

"Are you serious Toni?"

"Pull over right now"

As soon as the car stopped Toni stumbled out and threw up in the bushes. Sweetpea chuckled softly as his girlfriend made her way back into the car.

"Do you feel better?" He asked softly, while pulling back onto the road. He grinned while he felt her cold glare.

"I feel a lot better" she stated, crossing her arms. He smiled at her and shook his head, resuming the silence in the car.


"What princess?"

"I'm starvingggg!"

"Where do you wanna eat at?"


She heard Sweetpea sigh loudly, "baby we aren't going to McDonald's, how about somewhere good?"

Toni shook her head angrily.

"I want McDonald's!" She slurred, banging her fist on the car. He rolled his eyes and pulled into McDonald's. He helped her inside and sat her down at one of the tables.

"Okay princess look- we are at McDonald's and you are very drunk, so what do you want to drink?"




"How about water?"

"Okay" she shrugged.

Sweetpea asked her what she wanted to eat, Toni hesitated and thought for a minute.

"I want Dino chicken nuggets"

Sweetpea frowned, oh god...he thought to himself.

"Baby- they don't have dino chicken nuggets, they have regular chicken nuggets."

He watched Toni's lip begin to tremble. He sighed and put both of his hands on hers, before standing up and ordering the chicken nuggets for her. She put her head down on the table as he collected her meal.

He rubbed her back a little and watched her head tilt up, giving him a lost puppy look. He set down her food and water and told her to eat, leaning back against his chair. She looked at her food confused.

"Toni- eat, you need food in your system"

"But- how am I gonna pay for it?"

"Toni I already payed for it" he said, getting annoyed a little. She sipped her water and said she had to pee, he sighed and watched her walk/run to the bathroom.

He heard her puking and stole one of her chicken nuggets. He closed the rest of the small cardboard box they were kept in and waited for Toni to come back out. When she finally did, she looked exhausted.

"Can we go home?" She asked, tilting her chin up.

"Yes Princess, we can go home" he nodded, holding her water and food for her and making their way to the car. Toni stumbled a lot and grabbed Pea's arm, which threw him off balance a little.

He grumbled something and set the stuff in the car before picking up a drunken confused Toni, who before, was retracing her steps in a circular pattern. He carried her to the car and set her in the seat. Then he drove them both to his trailer.

"Get some sleep babygirl"

"But- what about.." she cut herself off and leaned her head against the window. He glanced over at her and saw she had fallen asleep, he noticed she drooled a little. When they got back, he carried her inside and gently put her on his bed.

"Pea.." he heard her murmur,

"What Toni?" He asked softly, giving her his hand for her to hold.


"Wasn't planning on leaving" he said as he climbed into bed with her.

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