Shots fired

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A/N: TW: guns, school shooting, mild injury descriptions

Toni typed away on one of the school's state of the art computers, clicking the website to one of her photography contests, going to submit her portfolio.

Sweetpea, Archie, Jughead, Betty were all in their biology class, bored out of their minds. Betty, outlining her next article for the blue and gold, Jughead, doodling random drawings in his notebook, Archie, attempting to pay attention, and Sweetpea was half asleep.

The teacher droned on and on. She handed out an assignment and heard her class phone ring. Archie looked and studied her face, making sure Reggie didn't do something stupid to get him suspended from football. Archie being captain, he didn't need one of his best players suspended.

He noticed the teacher place the phone down and looked around the room. "Everyone," She whispered quietly, "We are going on lockdown"

Everyone immediately started talking, chattering everywhere about what and why this was happening. Sweetpea had fully woken up and was even more confused than the rest of the class, having not paid any attention.

Jughead tapped Sweetpea's shoulder in front of him. "We're on lockdown" Jughead said perplexed, "We don't know why."

Then both boys looked up to see the teacher silencing all of them, "There is an intruder in the building, with a gun. Everyone to the back of the room please" she spoke very calmly and very quietly.

Everyone made their way to the back of the room by the closet, their teacher closed the blinds on the door before making her way by the students.

Everyone seemed quiet and content, their minds panicking on the inside. Sweetpea seemed to be taking it the worst, Jughead looked over and saw he was shaking.

"Sweetpea?" Jughead tapped his shoulder next to him again, his face a little worried.

"Huh?" The tall boy replied, swallowing hard.

"You're a little pale, you good?" He asked quietly,

"W-where's Toni?"

Betty popped her head out over Jughead's shoulder, grabbing onto Jug's hand.

"She's in the computer lab with Veronica." Betty whispered.

Then Betty saw something that she'd only seen once before, Sweetpea started to cry. Just a little bit and he made sure no one saw him, but Betty could tell he was and had a pretty good guess of why.

Jughead patted his back comfortably, "Toni's fine- I promise" he said soothingly.

Sweetpea stopped, his eyes fixed on the door. Jughead hadn't ever seen Sweetpea cry before, he had been noticing that Sweetpea and Toni were growing closer. He wondered if they finally admitted there feelings Jughead both knew they had to each other.

Archie whispered something to Betty on the other side of her right as the door kicked down, the class was face to face with a man, bulky a little, tall and had a gun in his hand. He pointed at the teacher and spoke clearly,

"Are there any Southside serpents in this room?" The teacher stood up, she took step closer and shook her head.

"No. There aren't any members of the serpents in this room." The shooter pointed his gun at her and she closed her eyes, putting her hands up.

The shooter then walked away, going into the next room. Everyone let out a breath, Sweetpea was scared as hell for Toni, he knew there are no teachers in the computer labs.

"Is this one good V?" Toni asked the raven haired girl who volunteered to help her choose photos for her contest.

Veronica nodded in amazement, "Yeah Toni, every photo you took in this collection is better than the last!"

Toni beamed as Veronica looked up to see the same man their friends saw earlier in the doorway.

"Excuse me ladies are there any members of the Southside serpents here?"

Veronica smiled, Toni looked over at the man and smiled too. "Yeah..I'm one." She said brightly, she was too excited about her photos to really notice the man's body language.

He walked slowly over to Toni as Veronica scrunched up her face. The man pulled out his gun and lifted it to her neck.

"Hey- woah! I- I didn't do anything wrong.." Toni said she felt her hands begin to shake like crazy. Veronica stood frozen in fear, before the gun pointed at her instead,

"Are you one too!?" The man shouted. Veronica shook her head and began to cry a little,

"no- n-no I'm not-" she said her voice cracking.

"Run." The man stared at Veronica took one last glance at toni before racing out of the room going to find help. The man turned back to Toni and scowled.

"Where is FP Jones?" He growled. Toni put no expression on her face,

"Members like me aren't supposed to know where he went-" she said, choking through sobs. "I don't- know" she gulped as he grabbed her arm and forced her to stand.

He pushed her back a little, still pointing the gun at her face. Meanwhile in the classroom, Jughead took off his serpent jacket and bolted for the door.

"Stay the hell here Sweetpea, stay with Betts!" He shouted as he ran out.

"JONES!" Sweetpea yelled, being held back by Archie and Betty to keep him down. "Mr. Jones!" the teacher screamed, closing the door behind him.

Jughead sprinted towards the computer lab and busted in the doorway. The man turned away from Toni and was now facing Jughead, aiming the gun right at his forehead. Jughead froze as he saw Toni shaking, but completely unharmed.

"You a southside serpent?" The man asked him gruffly.

"N-no I'm not.." Jughead said calmly.

"Are you her southside boyfriend?" The man asked, still holding the gun up, his finger on the trigger.

Jughead glanced at Toni, who swallowed hard. He narrowed his eyes at her, so maybe they were dating after all. Toni looked terrified as Jughead just shook his head.

"He's our of town for the week...visiting his grandma" Jughead lied. The man lowered his gun at Jughead, but then fired it right in Toni's side.

Jughead froze, hesitant to move but he didn't until he saw the man walk out of the room, then regaining his conscience, he ran to Toni, who was screaming and was on the ground. She clutched her side as blood stained the floor.

"TONI!! Toni!" Jughead ran over to her and immediately pressed his hand on the wound, there's a lot of blood...he thought. But then he remembered Sweetpea who wanted to claw his way out of Archie and betty.

Jughead scooped up Toni and ran down the hallway, screaming and yelling for help. An ambulance team had arrived to make sure no one was hurt, Toni was the only one, and she could tell she was dying. Fast. She clutched her side and frantically looked around. She was bawling her eyes out, she saw Jughead's face and grabbed his shirt.

"Tell Sweetpea I love him okay? I love him so much. Please tell him that." She said smiling weakly.

"Toni shut the hell up, you're not dying!"

Toni laughed weakly. Then she started gasping for air as the team of paramedics placed her on a stretcher. Jughead heard a loud bang and realized Sweetpea had kicked the door down.

Toni smiled as she saw the bulky, tall figure running towards her, she now had an oxygen mask on and the blood still wouldn't stop spilling from her side.

"TINY!" Sweetpea shoved his way to her and put her face in his hands. "You're gonna be fine, you're gonna be okay!" He reassured her. Then the team began to push her into the ambulance and he kept his pace with her,

"Toni, I'm not going anywhere okay? You're gonna live, you're gonna be okay.." he shouted, watching as they closed the doors.

Jughead grabbed his shoulders and held him back just in case. "Hey hey..she's gonna be fine man alright? Pull yourself together!" Jughead hissed soothingly in his ear.

Sweetpea nodded, biting his lip hard trying not to cry. He wanted Toni to be okay. He needed Toni to be okay. Betty bursted out of the double doors and headed towards her car.

"Cmon!" She shouted as the boys jogged to catch up with her. They all got into the car, Betty driving as fast as the speed limit would take her to the hospital.

All three of them sat in dead silence, patiently waiting for anything new. Toni was in surgery and the nurses couldn't give them an update. Jughead looked up at Sweetpea, who had his head down, he looked like he was praying.

"Pea," Jughead cleared his throat. Sweetpea looked up, broken away from the nightmares he was concocting in his mind.

"Yeah?" He replied, his face expressionless.

"I know it's not the time to be asking but..." Jughead cut himself off, biting his lip.

"What Jug?" He asked, kinda confusing on what Jughead was trying to ask.

"Are you and Toni like- a thing?" Jughead forced out, he knew it was now or he would forever hold his peace. Sweetpea swallowed,

"We made it official this morning, we were gonna tell you guys at lunch." He stated, recalling their conversation that morning.

He remembered how he bit his lip when she kissed his cheek for the first time In public.

"Oh, That's- that's good, I've been rooting for you two." Jughead said cooly. As long as they were happy, he was down with it.

Betty held back a smile, remembering Toni and her having epic sleepovers and Toni finally admitting to her that she liked him.

Betty looked over at the nurse's station and walked over asking for an update. She watched as the nurse fiddled with the phone cord, wrapping it around and around her finger. The nurse looked up and said Toni was okay and could have visitors.

Betty then thanked the nurse and practically skipped back over to the boys.

"Toni's okay!" She sighed as both boys stood up, raving each other to her room. They all burst in at the same time. Toni's skin was a little pale from all the blood loss but her pink hair still shined in the light.

Sweetpea sat beside her, looking at her delicate face as she opened her eyes.

"Hey.." she said softly. Jughead watched Sweetpea's facial expression light up. He watched as he smiled, a smile that
Jughead had never seen before. It wasn't bad he thought, wrapping his arm around Betty's waist. Betty looked over at him and kissed his cheek.

Toni smiled at Sweetpea, blinking her eyes every so often to make sure she wasn't dead or dreaming. Sweetpea smiled back at her, a smile she hadn't seen in a long time. He was becoming happier, she could tell.

"You're okay Tiny." He stated as he looked in her eyes. She looked over at Jughead and made her hand gesture to come over to him, Sweetpea reluctantly stepped back.

"Thank you Jug, I owe you one" Toni said grinning. "You saved my life." Jughead messed up her hair a little.

"Anytime Topaz." He responded with a grin, all four of them were okay, for the time being.

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