Sprinkles the cat

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"Sweetpea look!" Toni shouted excitedly, holding up a fluffy calico cat to her boyfriend. Sweetpea furrowed his brow.

"What. Is. That?" He asked, crossing his arms. Toni's eyes were full of joy as she cuddled the creature.

"It's Sprinkles!" Toni squealed, smiling from ear to ear. Sweetpea glared at it,

"We are not keeping it." He said coldly. Toni looked up at him offended,

"But he's soooooo cute!" She giggled, placing the kitty in his arms. If Toni wasn't so happy about this cat Sweetpea for sure would've dropped it.

"I- Toni no!" He argued, trying to give the cat back to Toni. Toni smiled and sat on the couch finally taking the cat back.

"Why won't you love him?" She asked, giving him her best puppy eyes she could. Sweetpea scoffed,

"I have my reasons!" He stated, uncrossing his arms. Toni continued to play with the kitty and ignore Sweetpea's constant grumbling about the cat.

Toni took some string and tied it around a little plush fish and the other end on a stick. She began to mess around with Sprinkles telling him to get the fish.

She called Fangs and told him to get her cat food and shampoo for Sprinkles. Fangs agreed and came over 20 minutes later. He saw Sweetpea looking upset.

He gave Toni the cat food and sat next to Sweetpea on the couch. He looked over at him,

"Hey- you okay?" Fangs asked, tilting his head to the side in front of Sweetpea's face.

"She keeps obsessing over this cat" Sweetpea observed, frowning in disgust. Fangs nodded,

"It is a cute cat though..." Fangs said, crawling down from the couch and going to play with the cat. Sweetpea stared at Fangs in disbelief.

"That's it." He stated, throwing his hands in defeat. "I'm going to sleep." He muttered, clearly seeing Toni and Fangs were too occupied to care. He rolled his eyes and slammed the bedroom door closed.

A while later Fangs had left and Toni had realized Sweetpea was sleeping, she ran into their room with Sprinkles, quickly and quietly. She contained a giggle as she placed the cat right by Sweetpea's face.

Sprinkles purred and snuggled up to him, Toni walked out the room for a moment to fix herself and Sweetpea lunch.

Sweetpea felt the fuzzy fur rubbing against his face and opened his eyes, he looked down at the cat.

"What are you doing?" He asked, but this time his tone was soft and gentle. The cat looked up at him with its big brown eyes. They sort of reminded him of Toni's.

"Hey kitty..." he cooed, petting the cat gently.

"I don't hate youuuu" he mumbled happily to Sprinkles. "No no I don't" He looked down at it again and kissed its head. He didn't notice Toni's head in the doorway.

"Pea- lunch is ready." She chuckled, looking at him adoring the cat. Sweetpea bit his lip,

"I can explain-" he mumbled, jumping out of bed and away from the cat. Sprinkles seemed confused a little.

"Well?" She smirked, Sweetpea straightened his back.

"I didn't like the cat- because you were giving it all the love and attention and didn't save any for me....but then after it started to like me I figured maybe not.." he said shyly, avoiding Toni's gaze of utter confusion.

"Pea- nothing could ever replace the love I have with you!" She said, sitting on the bed and tugging at his hand to join her.

The pair held one another close as they both enjoyed their moment and each other's company. Sprinkles decided to interrupt by crawling between both of them.

"Does this mean we can keep him?" Toni asked lightly, he rubbed her shoulder and kissed her head.

"I guess so..." he gave in. Toni smiled to herself as they both pet the new addition to their family.

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