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Sweetpea sighed heavily as the sea of students rushed out of the classroom as if they were eager to leave his class. He slowly made his way back to his desk and straightened out the pile of tests he had yet to grade.

"You okay?" He heard a voice call, he looked up and grinned. Toni walked in the door holding two cups of coffee with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh I'm fine. Just another day of not being respected." Sweetpea said casually, plastering a fake smile on his face as he looked down at his petite friend. Toni cocked an eyebrow to him, knowing he was being sarcastic.

"You just gotta give it to them you know?" Toni suggested, clenching her fist and holding it up towards her chin, "really let them have it.." she added, trying hard not to break character. Sweetpea chuckled as he set Toni off into a pit of laughter, she always found the simplest things funny. That was one of the things he loved about her,

"Well you can't really beat students Toni.." he laughed, scratching the back of his neck. Toni stopped laughing and placed her hand delicately on his shoulder,

"Seriously though, you gotta toughen up so they respect you. You already look intimidating enough."

It was true, although Sweetpea tried hard to hide it, children found him a little scary. He had broad shoulders and a fit figure. He also towered over most of the students in the halls. Sweetpea wanted to make the impression that he wasn't as scary as he looked but instead he made the impression that he was a big pushover.

"How many teacher compliments did you get from this week?"

Toni shifted her weight from foot to foot,

"A couple.." she muttered, looking up to him sympathetically. Sweetpea rolled his eyes.

"Oh cut the crap. We both know you got a decent amount." He pointed to her, Toni couldn't help but smile.

"Alright fine. I got a decent amount." She admitted sheepishly, crossing her arms. Sweetpea shook his head,

"I don't remember ever giving my gym teacher a compliment, I just begged him to play basketball." Sweetpea said, ruffling Toni's hair a little. Toni face hardened,

"Did you get any?"

Sweetpea chuckled as he shoved the pile of tests into his desk, grabbing his bag to head out of the building.


Toni sighed heavily, looking up to her friend with big brown eyes. Sweetpea gave a small smile and shrugged,

"It happens every year Toni..what do you expect?" He said simply. "Kids adore the lovely Ms. Topaz."

Toni blushed and let out a small smile, "I'm just a gym teacher."

"The best one there is."

Toni patted his shoulder and gestured for him to come with her, he threw a worried glance to his desk but plastered a fake smile as he left with Toni. They walked together down the hall and Toni pushed open the break room door as both of them walked inside.

"Why are we here Toni?" He asked, sitting down at one of the chairs. Toni smiled and grabbed a napkin, flicking her pen out and scribbling some words onto it.

"Toni wha-"

Toni shushed him and continued to write, a moment later she slammed the pen down and slid the napkin across the table.

"You are one of my best friends, I appreciate you a lot. Would you like to go to dinner?" He read aloud, smiling as he read every word.

"Dinner sounds nice, thank you Toni."

Toni smiled brightly, "Of course."

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