𝟎𝟎. prologue

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Grosvenor Square, 1813.

Dearest reader, the time has come to place our bets for the upcoming social season. Consider the household of the Baron Featherington. Three misses foisted upon the marriage market like sorrowful sows by their tasteless mama. Far better odds might exist in the household
of the widowed Viscountess Bridgerton. A shockingly prolific family, noted for its bounty
of perfectly handsome sons and perfectly beautiful daughters. And for the Blair Family, after a lucky year for them it seems as if the youngest daughter, Anastasia, remains unmarried. We can only hope the beauty can have the same luck for both sisters.

     ANASTASIA'S heart softly bumped as she read the paper, sighing at the mention of her being pushed back into society, once again. Anastasia hated things like these. She didn't need a husband. But, society— men, believed that's what a women was for. But, of course she had no control in the state she was in.

Her fingertips grazed the baby pink dress. The satin fabric hugged her body with ease, enhancing her breasts as her mother would say. She sighed once she heard the faint knock at her door. Her first thought was her father, quickly scrambling as she shoved the paper into her drawer quickly. Her father, Adam, was always pushy to his girls, eager for them to make it in society. Sometimes it was to much. The constant picking and plucking was exhausting. Like the breath was being stripped out of your lungs.

"Come in," her voice was soft and graceful, some would say angelic. "Your being requested down stairs, dear." Anastasia's maid, Cassidy, stated whilst holding the door open. She nodded, making her way out of her room. Her footsteps traveled through the halls of her, rather big, home. Adam was a wealthy man, who inherited unnecessary large amounts of money from his father. Sadly, his arrogance was only heightened after that.

"Sister, have you read the papers? Whistle down has a big trap, does she not?" Her older sister, Alice, teased with her face buried into the letter. Anastasia rolled her eyes, plopping on the couch next to her. "She does indeed."

Footsteps behind her were heard, comforting and soft. It was her brother, Elijah. She adored her eldest brother. Sometimes she wished he was her father— he practically raised her, anyway. Elijah walked to the small table, pouring a cup of tea, "Isn't it a bit early for gossip, sisters?" He questioned. Alice scoffed, her eyes still glued onto the paper, "You wish it was to early."

Anastasia crossed her arms, leaning downwards with a dramatic sigh, "What's wrong, Sister? Not excited for the ball?" Alice teased, "You were delighted on presenting yourself."

Anastasia stood up at the mention of her debut, walking over to the bookshelf. She could've had a match by now, and no one in London interested her. She wasn't a fan for fakeness or something that isn't passionate. How could she not? Anastasia dreamed of experiencing the love she reads in her books but she was running out of hope. "Well, I looked damn good, right?" She tried to joke, winking at her sister who giggled. "Damn right."

Anastasia hid her disappointed face in her book, trying to calm herself. Her father begged her to be presented again, but she refused. Elijah eyed his youngest sister, knowing what her truth was. Especially when she saw father making his way down the stairs with their mother. Anastasia pushed the book back into the shelf neatly before speaking, "Ready to go, Father?" Adam looked at his daughter, shaking his head. "Yes. To go see the new Diamond of the season."

Anastasia sighed, watching him walk away. Her mother, Cecily, simply looked away, grabbing Adam's arm with ease as they walked outside to the carriages. Elijah took his sisters arm, following his parents.

The Blair family is a hard book to read. You can never tell what happens inside there home or what they desire. That's how Lord Blair wanted it. He wanted his life a secret for the sake of his children, but it never wrapped around to Elijah to why. Everyone in the Ton was full of gossip and rumors. But, no one had nothing bad to say about the family. Not that they knew of.

Anastasia's smile widened as she saw the Bridgerton family from across the road, waiting for her best friend to notice her. Anthony Bridgerton has been her closest friend since they were children. Many believe he will court her, but it will never be like that, Anastasia would say. She was like another brother; one who didn't treat her like glass.

Benedict Bridgerton noticed her instead, taking in her appearance. As his sister spoke about things he had no idea of, he watched her. She was always just around, lingering with Anthony. But, he couldn't help but crook his eyebrow in interest when he seen her.

Watching all the ladies being presented was nostalgic almost. She remembered just last season she was walking down to the queen. But, most end up with husbands. She didn't.

Nonetheless, she still had a ball to prepare for. "Well, love, you will find a husband who adores you. I am certain," Cassidy smiled, whilst working on her hair. "I am in no rush. But, my father he," she cut herself off from speaking anymore, tilting her head down. Cassidy sighed, tilting her chin up so she looked at herself in the mirror.

Her hair was long and down, laid over her shoulders. Her brown eyes wandered to the ribbon in her hair, aswell as her enhancements. "You will be fine, love." Cassidy reassured before walking away. Anastasia truly wanted to believe her, but the fear and uncertainty roamed around her.

Lady Danbury was known for her Balls and closeness to the Queen herself. But, this specific ball was not only an introduction but a beginning. The many young women who walked in, expected so much with their heads held high, not even realizing the amount of criticism they would receive by something as simple as walking.

Anastasia walked in with Elijah behind their parents. Her eyes scanned the suitors that surrounded the dance floor. The staring eyes made her heart pound, taking a step by step. Elijah felt a soft squeeze on his shoulder, making his head turn. "You alright, sister?" Anastasia didn't meet his gaze, staring ahead. "Fine. I'm parched is all," she lied, nervously squeezing his sleeve.

Benedict stood by his sibling, watching Lady Blair hurry through the crowd. He couldn't help but notice once she made her was to Anthony and Daphne. "Daphne," She exhaled, taking her hands in hers. The blonde smiled, gladly taking her hand, "Stasti. I am glad you are here."

Anastasia chuckled before turning to Anthony, "I hope you weren't to sad about me not making an appearance for your eyes," Anthony scoffed, giving a playful grin and eye roll, "You wish, Blair." Benedict's head turned at the sound of the small giggle that came out of her, almost as if it was blocking everything else out. And to his surprise, she was already looking at him.

Before she could speak, she felt herself being pulled, "Oh— oh, we're leaving, okay." She mumbled, letting Daphne attempt to pull her away before Lady Danbury spoke up, "To late, Ive already noted you."

The five turned around shoulder to shoulder whilst bowing their heads to the older women. "Lady Danbury," they all faked smiles, bowing their heads at the Lady. Anastasia always thought Lady Danbury was suspicious, always poking her nose into something for the Queen. But, I guess that was her job. "Miss Bridgerton, you look rather lovely this evening. Is there a reason I've yet to see you on the dance floor?" Daphne stayed silent, instead taking a quick look at her brother who stood tall. "Oh, you poor thing." The women uttered before walking off.

Anastasia giggled before she was nudged by Anthony, "Sorry," she sniffled a laugh, a wide grin on her face. "I'll get you a drink, yes?" Daphne nodded at her friend, thanking her before she walked away. Anthony could only think he was doing the right thing. But, he truly had no idea what it was like to be a women.

"Anastasia," A familiar voice spoke from behind her, making her slightly grin. "Hello, Benedict." She greeted sweetly, looking up at him with warm eyes. "Having a good night?" Anastasia questioned, tilting her head as she sipped on her glass. The man only shrugged, softly scoffing. "Not sure, honestly."

She nodded in understanding, picking up a glass and handing it to him, "Let me know when you do." His eyes softly sparkled as he watched her walk away, an unaware feeling filling his body.

Anastasia was never an opening girl, always running off when she got to comfortable. Though, Benedict didn't know this. She spent years running around his house, befriending his family— you'd think he knew a thing or two. But, he didn't. Not even the closest people knew much about Anastasia, she didn't even tell Anthony the things she should.

Benedict's eyes furrowed as it really hit him.
Who was she?


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