Violet Eyes

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Chapter 4: Violet Eyes
out of the bed suddenly remembering the memory of what had just happened but.. He isn't here anymore? I kept on turning my head double checking that I was in Rantaro's room. Maybe it was a dream..? I yawned tiredly, then I noticed writing on my palm. 

"No, it was not a dream.

-Your Beloved"

So he really did kiss me.. Great way to ruin the mood, huh? I started blushing slightly, still not knowing his intentions that surround his mind. What does he want? Why does he want me? Right now I should really be thankful that I was able to have another day of freedom before I was taken..


I'm not going to let him take me..


He must've laid me into bed.
I walked into the living room with small eye bags, "Ah, your awake. Wanna eat some breakfast with me?" Rantaro asked nicely. I apologised and suggested that I should get going but he continued to decline until I said yes, I finally nodded and sat at the table waiting for him to come back with the food. I felt kind of bad knowing he was making food and I wasn't helping. I come over to his house just to sleep here, I'm wearing his own clothes, slept in his own bed, getting free food and yet I give him nothing.

I'm such a bad friend..
I frowned feeling guilty about that but then Rantaro announced he was done and brought over the food.

"T-Thanks, Rantaro.." I muttered shyly thanks to my shy persona and started chewing on the surprisingly good food. After I had finished eating, I left with my clothes now dry and clean. I started walking again and this time it wasn't raining, I felt some relief in me knowing I can go home without having to wash and dry my clothes again. Yet it was still rather cold, but then again why would I let that thought get to me. I arrived at my cheap apartment rushing towards my bedroom to get changed. I grabbed a basic black shirt and plain boxers which were grey. Sure I may look like a detective, which I am, but I'm not going to put effort into my clothes if no one's going to see. I sighed resting my head against my pillow until I received a message from Kaede. 'Are you still up to head off to the cafe? And do you mind if we go to Vibe Cafe?'

I gasped in realisation and quickly typed in a message,

'Yeah, I am. What time?'

Kayayade is typing..

'How's 12:30?' -Kaede

'Yeah, that's fine.'

'Okay, see you then!' -Kaede

Seeing as I had work tomorrow at 6, I didn't really mind. I set down my phone going back into my lazy state just about to doze off but then remembered I had left Rantaro's house a bit late. I rushed to grab my clothes, a white shirt along with a black hoodie since it was cold here in London and also some black jeans. I was tempted to ditch Kaede and go back to sleep but I definitely wasn't the type of person to do that, especially since I actually care for others unlike some people. I walked out with my phone and some money almost near the cafe, I stuffed my hands into my pockets in my jeans and yawned tiredly. I could tell that I had dark eye bags but it didn't bother me. Finally reaching towards the cafe I opened the door instantly being greeted by the feeling of love. I then see a blonde haired female sitting in the corner by herself, her facial expression showed worry. I'm guessing because she thought I wouldn't show up? "Hey, Kaede!" Her face then changed into a calm expression as I sat down opposite her, "Y-You came.." She smiled softly. "Of course I did, anyways.. How's your life been?" I smiled back, her face grew red for a quick moment but I must've been imagining it. "I-It's been rather good, how about yours?" She stuttered trying to manage her words, "It's been.. Confusing I'm guessing?"

She tilted her head, "Huh? Why's that?"

"U-Uh, it doesn't matter! Sorry.." I immediately apologised after seeing her face drop a bit, "Aha, it's fine. Don't worry about it!" Seeing her smile cheerfully after seeing her face drop seemed to make me feel a slight feeling of happiness, the fact that this girl holds so much hope compared to me.

She's so cool.
She's so nice.
She's amazing.

Yet look at me.

I'm nothing like her.

"Hey, Shuichi.. Are you okay?" She asked me with worry on her face, I looked up at her and smiled, "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" She asked again, "Yeah, don't worry." She nodded still feeling a bit worried and just carried on with our conversation. After a while I decided to get a drink, it was just tea, and Kaede also agreed to get something. "H-Hey, Shuichi?" She asked shyly, "Yeah?" I responded feeling surprised in her stuttering all of a sudden. "Uhm.. Can I ask you a favour?" She muttered as I nodded after her, "W-Well, is it possible if you could.. Get me with R-R-Rantaro..?" Her face quickly turned red, covering her face she started to apologise, "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Ignore what I said—"

"W-Wait.. You like Rantaro?" I asked in disbelief and she nodded awkwardly, "Sure, I wouldn't mind."

Her face lit up as she started hugging me and thanking me multiple times, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! J-Just don't tell him I said that!" I chuckled, "Of course." Then we just continued with our conversation with Rantaro in my mind. By the time we finished talking, we both said our goodbyes and walked the opposite ways. I sighed hugging against my hoodie wishing I had worn a coat, on. I sighed in tiredness and walked slowly to my apartment thanks to the stress I've been gaining. Walking down the road I could tell it looked like it was going to rain, 'Fuck..' I mean, what do you expect? This is London. I felt a small raindrop on my head, then came another. And another, then it came pouring down. I groaned in annoyance, instead of heading home I just stood in the rain waiting for it to get heavier and heavier. Closing my eyes I felt drops of rain splattering onto my head. More and more rain came down onto my face, pouring onto the floor. My body was soaking wet and it was freezing, I wouldn't stop shaking. The sound of the rain was all I could hear, but the feeling of rain disappeared all of a sudden. I looked up and opened my eyes detecting an umbrella, the colour of dark purple, above me. "So, we meet again?" I heard a childish chuckle. I turned around to see that same boy from yesterday, I didn't know how to react so I just stared at his pretty violet eyes.

It were as if I could just drown in them, "You seem to like the rain a lot seeing as I saw you here again. Are you trying to drown in your own misery?" He joked. I just murmured a laugh back as a response, "Your soaking wet, wanna come over to my house? I'll give you some spare clothes." He offered kindly, "Oh um.. O-Okay I guess?" I responded hesitantly. Without warning, he grabbed my hand causing my face to warm up and lead me down the street with him. Surprisingly, his house looked really big as if he were rich. We strolled into the large house still amazing me and he showed me to his room, almost everything was purple. Even his lighting was purple, but that gives off a nice aesthetic doesn't it?

"K-Kokichi, right?" I asked, "Mhm!"

"Thanks for bringing me here, sorry to disturb you by entering your house.." I apologised feeling like an intruder, "What? You didn't disturb me, don't be like that~" He smiled at me making me feel warm inside. I nodded almost forgetting what he said from his smile and was asked to sit on his bed with him, "Here." He handed me over some clothes. It was the same size as me? How'd he know..? I didn't question it as much and continued looking at the black shirt and the trousers he gave me. "You can keep them, I don't need it."

"Really?" I looked at him surprised, "Yep! Don't worry about it." He said. For some reason, I kind of felt disturbed though.. He's giving me free clothes, but why? Even letting me in his house. I don't know why but I have a feeling there's something wrong with these clothes. Choosing to ignore that thought, thinking he's as innocent as he looks, I went to the bathroom to go change. I gave him my clothes seeing as he kept on offering to dry my clothes, "You should stay here until the rain stops." He told. "Thanks.. A-Actually, do you mind if I can rest for a bit..? I-I didn't get as much sleep yesterday.." I asked hoping he'd say yes. "Yeah sure, here. You can sleep on my bed."

"Are you sure?" I questioned him, "Yeah, it's fine. Don't worry about it!" He commented. I muttered a 'thanks' and tucked myself in after Kokichi had left the room with my clothes, because I was wearing trousers I took them off since it wasn't so comfortable. I closed my eyes tiredly once again yawning for the 100th time today and finally fell into a deep sleep. 

•??? POV•
Oh my fucking god his clothes smelled so nice, it smelt just like him. I sniffed hungrily at the clothes he handed me before going to sleep. I swear to god I will steal him away just for myself one day. Sniffing once more I slowly crept into my room, I hid his clothes somewhere while he was sleeping in the same room as me knowing he was in deep sleep. I planned on telling him I couldn't find his clothes and he could keep the other clothes I gave to him, I mean.. I only gave it to him so I can track where he is everywhere and any time. I stood above of Shuichi feeling an uncontrollable urge to grab him and take him with me, he was in my house. I'm full of money so I could easily get away with this crime, no matter what. I grabbed my camera and started taking photos, I then hid my camera afterwards. I kept on staring at him before remembered something.

That girl..

I don't want her near him.
I'll just threaten him.

And I'll get rid of her.

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