Chapter 14

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Y/n P.O.V

Today was the first of Jimin and I dating... Yes... He asked me be his girlfriend after confessing... I'm very happy... I got the love of my life...

Today as a date he took me to a party... Even tho I don't like parties but I accepted because he requested to me... I wore a dress... It was a bit long because Jimin told me to not wear revealed dresses... I took a medium size purse with me too... I don't know why but my mind told me to take it with me...

We reached the party with hands in hands...

Jimin: You know what?

Y/n: What?

Jimin: You're looking very beautiful and hot at the same time...

Y/n: Thank you... *chuckle*

We went to the VIP section... They were some people... Suddenly one them... A girl... Came and hugged Jimin thighly... Jimin left my hands and hugged her back...

???: I missed– I mean we missed you so much Jimin baby...

Baby huh?...

Jimin: I missed you guys too... And Stephiny I have a girlfriend already... You can't call me baby... She's my girlfriend... Choi Y/n...

He said while putting his hands around my waist... Stephiny looked at me up and down... And rolled her eyes... I want took off her eyes from her skulls so that she can't look at anyone's boyfriend...

Stephiny: So what?... You're gonna break up with a few weeks later anyways...

Y/n: Actually no... I'm special... We're serious...

Stephiny: We were serious too... But we broked up because we were bored...

Y/n: He confessed his love to me...

I said that with a smirk as the cocky smile on her face dropped and glared at me... I took Jimin's hand and went sit with his other friends...

It's been a while since Jimin didn't even looked at me... He was busy talking with his other friends... He totally ignored me while Stephiny was touching Jimin and he didn't even noticed...

I stand up felling left out... Feeling left out... I was about to go inside the washroom when someone stopped me by grabbing my wrist...

I turned around and saw Stephiny...

Stephiny: Hey bitch...

I raised an eyebrow...

Y/n: Are you talking to yourself?

Stephine: Aish... Bitch listen... Jimin's only mine... You can't come out of nowhere and take him away from me... I love him...

Y/n: Are you his ex... Well... Why did you became one?...

Stephiny: W–Well... I cheated on him... But that doesn't mean I don't love him... I love him from the bottom of heart... So he's mine...

Y/n: *brust out laughing* You're so funny Stephiny...

Stephiny: What's so funny about it bitch?...

She said slapping me... And she went inside the washroom... Wrong move babe...

I took out my hair chopstick... And gloves... Todays gonna be fun...

I went inside to see Stephiny was washing her hands... I looked around and saw there was someone except the both of us... I could say that because only one of the door of the stalls was closed...

I looked at Stephiny and smirked... And quickly grabbed her mouth from behind so that she can't make any noise... I quickly pushed her in one of the stall and carefully closed the door without letting go of Stephiny...

I looked at her and stabbed the hair chopstick in her stomach... I at least stabbed her with the hair chopstick 14 times... All this time I was smirking while looking at her eyes...  It was filled with fear... She was terrified... And it gave me peace..  She gave me threat to take my Jimin away... How dare she...

After making sure she's dead I came out of the stall and closed the door from outside... Thank god no one was there... But that person was still inside... I quickly took off the gloves and cleaned the hair chopstick...

I got out the washroom and straightly got out of the building... I don't want to meet him right now...

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