// Luna Midnight //

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Full Name:
Luna Angelica Midnight.

Goddess of Death.

European, Korean.

Luna's hair goes all the way down towards her thighs, ((I Change her hair style and length a lot. But this is how it is for now)). Her hair is straight, and white. When it shines in the sun it looks a light greyish colour.

She is around 500 years old, and doesn't age. But she is able to change her appearance whenever she chooses. But she usually looks around 18-21.

Eye colour:
Dark red with lighter red around the iris which is a slit, like a cat eye. She has very defined and serious shaded eyes.

Skin tone:
She has very pale, white skin. It's soft, and she never tans or burns.

Favourite/typical outfits:
Luna likes to wear gothic type of dresses as her formal/favourite attire. She doesn't like colours, and will only wear them if she has too. Black and white are her go too. She is almost always seen wearing dresses, but will sometimes be caught wearing shorts, and t-shirts. But that isn't often.

Luna is able to change her height at will, but is usually around 5'7". Though she likes to be short (around 5'2") at times too.

Body structure:
She has a very curvy but thin, and has a weak looking figure, though don't let that fool you. She is a lot stronger than she seems. She has an hourglass figure, a tiny waist, curves around her hips and quite the bust around her chest.

Only her ears.


Major scars:
She has scars along her back, but they aren't very noticeable.

B A S I C  I N F O R M A T I O N

Luna hardly ever shows emotion. She is very calm, and collected type of person. She is cold, and mysterious. She knows how to get things she wants. She can be a scary individual to be around because of how she can manipulate others. But around the people she cares for, she can be very motherly, caring and warm, even if it doesn't seem like it. She has major trust issues, and won't hesitate to kill you, if she has too.

She is half vampire, half demon. Her vampire side is from her mother as her demon side is from her father. Her demon blood is royal, as she is the queen of hell.

Opinion on Humans:
She doesn't like them, but she won't kill them unless necessary. Some humans are alright, but most of them make her skin crawl in disgust.

Luna loves to read. You'll usually find her in the garden reading some of her favourite novels. She is also a big fan of singing, and playing the violin, and piano. She also enjoys tea and wine testing.

• She loves the sound and smell of the rain.

• Playing the piano and violin.

• Reading mysteries and horror novels.

• Spending time with her friends and family.

• Sleeping in on days off.

• The night time. She is a night owl.

• Humans.

• When people touch her hair without permission.

• Cold tea.

• Dead roses.

• Sunny days.

• Her powers.

• Manipulation.

• Observant.

• Level headed.

• Intelligent.

• Her family and friends.

• Using to much of her powers.

• Her royal status.

• Can be too caring.

• Can be too cold.

• Lack of empathy.

• Scythe.

• Scissors.

• Twin Katanas.

• Magic.

R E L A T I O N S H I P S:

Relationship with mother:
When Luna was younger, she was very close with her mother until she got sick. She wasn't able to see her mother at all, in fear that Luna may also get sick as well. Her relationship crumbled with her mother once her mother had died from the sickness and never got a chance to say goodbye.

Relationship with father:
She wasn't as close to her father as she was with her mother. But they did have a bond. That was until her mother got sick and her father randomly disappeared without a trace. She holds a grudge against him for that, and almost hates him for leaving her and her family all alone. Luna still hasn't seen him since.

Relationship with sibling(s):
Yukki: Luna and Yukki are twins and are very, very close. They are each other's shields and always confided within one another. She loves her brother dearly and would do anything to make sure he's out of harms way.

Mary: She loves her big sister so much. But is broken to the fact that her sister left right after her mother died, without knowing the true reason as to why she had left. She felt abandoned and betrayed. One of the many reasons she has trust issues now.

Rino: N/A.

Best friend(s):
Lucy: Lucy was her first ever real friend. She is her bestest friend and trusts her with her life. She cares for her deeply and will always be there to help her when needed. Though they fight at times because of different point of views, you can tell that they are the best of friends the moment you see them together.

Alice: Alice is dedicated to helping Luna in any way she can. Luna confides in her, and trusts her a lot. She goes to Alice for guidance in the hardest of times, and gives the hardest missions to her, knowing she will accomplish anything that she gives her.

Shadow: Shadow is a part of Luna. She followers her in her own shadow. Being so close to her is what made them be able to bond and grow a strong friendship. Luna trusts her with her life, which is the reason for Shadow existing. But she wouldn't trade her for the world. She has someone to talk to and be herself with.

Almost all of the people that live in her mansion/castle are her close friends. Though she trusts them, she only trusts her best friends and family more. She treats everyone amazing and loves them all dearly. Though when it comes to problems she is having she will go to the people who are the closest to her heart.

Miya: Miya is a person who Luna loathes the most. She is manipulative, abusive, and over all a terrible person. Luna has known her since she was young and used to get bullied and abused by Miya and others. Miya was the leader of treating Luna terribly, and holds it against her since she was young.

Chi: Chi is apart of a small, teenage type of gang and is the leader of it. Chi and Luna are enemies, because Chi likes to randomly pick fights with those in Luna's mansion and causes unwanted interaction with them.

Yuu: Yuu is also apart of this group, and follows alongside Chi, so of course she would be one of Luna's enemies as well.

Joker: Joker isn't exactly an enemy, but she definitely isn't a friend or ally either. She is shifty and can double cross you in a matter of seconds. Luna doesn't trust her one bit, but if she needs too, she will go to her for help.

Love Interest(s):
[My Oc's]
Zero: Zero has been a love interest too Luna for quite some time. He would never admit it, but he cherishes her deeply. But he would never make a move on her. They are in an awkward phase of their friendship.

Lucy: Lucy has been Luna's best friend for a very, very long time. Though somewhere along the way, it was clear to see that Lucy had started to develop feelings for Luna, yet never seemed to talk about it without getting embarrassed and angry.

Adrien: He has been a new, more recent love interest to Luna. Though she doesn't have the ability to feel romantic feelings, she does find herself liking him. At least in some way. They are almost known as an item around the town.


B A C K  S T O R Y  S U M M A R Y
Luna lived with all 4 members of her family in the castle that she lives in now. Her mother, father, twin brother, and older sister. When she was very young, her mother got very, very sick. And no one other than her father was allowed to she her mother during this time. Right before her mother died, her father mysteriously disappeared without any word, and no one knew why. With both parents gone, her fathers brother; Luna's uncle, came and had the right to the throne since her big sister was too young to become queen.
Her uncle was a cruel man who treated Luna and her siblings terribly. And he took the most interest in Luna, and would do things to her, such as beat, and take photos of the abuse, for his own entertainment, because he was a sadistic man. Soon after he had arrived, her big sister, Mary left the castle as well. Leaving Luna and Yukki alone with a terrible man. Though Luna didn't know the true reason as to why Mary had left, she was broken and felt betrayed. Luna's uncle tore her and her twin brother away from each other and kept them far away on opposite sides of the castle, to where they weren't able to see each other for years. Soon, one day. Luna had enough. She loathed that man with all of her being and decided to come up with a plan. She waiting till he was taking photos of her bruised body, and finally attacked him. With no weapons, or physical strength, she jumped on his back and bit as hard as she could into his neck, hoping to tear into his jugular. And she succeeded. Though through all of the rage she felt from all that he had done, she couldn't stop herself from eating some of his flesh. It was disgusting. And bitter. She holds this secret deep down and hopes to never tell anyone of how she was once a cannibal.

You were taking a walk down an unknown path, noticing the beautiful scenery around you. How the giant green trees hovered over you as you could hear the birds singing songs. You walked for a while till you could smell a small hint of flowers, and soon you found yourself in an enchanting garden. You were in awe at all the different types of flowers. You wandered over to a huge patch of roses to find a girl crouching down, plucking the thorns off of the bright red roses. Her extremely long white hair, danced in the warm wind as her eyes were fixated on the flower she had plucked. Soon, her crimson eyes met yours as she gave a sweet, yet unnerving smile.
"Hello, and who might you be?"

// If you want to roleplay with this character please give as much information needed about your character down in the comments before role playing. Thank you.//

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