Chapter 20

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     Eclipse was shaken awake. Sapphire had left Eclipse's den just after sunset, and Eclipse had been sleeping peacefully since then. She looked up, and found Storm standing above her.

     "What do you want?" She snarled.

     "Why did you do it?" Storm growled.

     Eclipse sighed. "Let's talk outside the camp."

     Storm shot his daughter a distrustful glance, but followed her through the archway. Once out of earshot from the camp, Eclipse faced her father.

     "Why did I do what?" She growled back.

     "You know what I mean," Storm hissed. "Why did you kill Reed?"

     "Oh, so you were creeping around in the bushes at night!" Eclipse retorted.

     "And you were murdering an innocent Drolgon at night!" Storm shot back, mimicking Eclipse's tone of voice.

     "Touché," Eclipse said evenly.

     "Answer the question," Storm growled impatiently.

     Eclipse glowered at Storm. "He broke my heart. There was a price to pay, and that price was his life."

A small, unnoticed part of her was starting to doubt that was true, but the part of her that ignored it was the only thing keeping her from spiralling into insanity, so she dismissed it yet again.

     "You make murdering sound so innocent," Storm snarled.

     "You wanted an answer," Eclipse argued.

     "You're such a monster," Storm hissed. "I wish you'd never been born. That would've been better for all of us."

     Storm's words stung Eclipse's heart. She stepped back, hurt.

     Storm scoffed. "You look so upset that I'm not proud of you." He bared his teeth and lashed his tail. "But why would I be proud of a monster? You're such a disgrace to all Drolgons. And you're probably going to keep killing! You don't care that you've ruined Wind, DarkFlight, QuietFlower, and Breezy's lives."

     "You've got me all wrong," Eclipse warned. "I don't kill for no reason."

     "Oh, really?" Storm snarled. "'Cause it looks like that to me!"

     "No!" Eclipse growled, slamming her paw into the ground in front of her. She couldn't let herself believe it. "And I won't kill again, I promise. I'm not entirely a monster."

     "Your promises mean nothing," Storm growled quietly. "And you are entirely a monster. No Drolgon would kill. But you're clearly not a Drolgon. You're a living Darkbeast."

     "Darkbeasts are all dead Drolgons, and they're not all bad," Eclipse argued.

     Storm paused, thinking. Then he began speaking again, in a louder, more threatening voice.

     "Tomorrow, I'm going to expose you to all the Pacrees." He smirked. "Oh, yes... that's perfect! The Pacree will exile you, or feed you to rabid bears. That's what happens to monsters. You will be a horror tale to scare the Drolgonets into listening to their mothers. You will be known as Bloodmoon... and you will be in your rightful place, with the Darkbeasts. You'll know very well how it feels to be looked down upon by everyone, just like I was."

     "The Darkbeasts' rightful place is ruling Pyræla," Eclipse hissed.

     "Never," Storm hissed back, turning back onto the path that led back to the camp.

     "But Storm..." Eclipse growled ominously. "You realize that you've just sealed your fate, right?" Eclipse slid out her claws, examining them as they glinted in the moonlight as her hackle-spikes lifted threateningly. "I can't possibly let you just go back to camp, and expose me to everyone."

     "Ha!" Storm flared his wings. "If you kill me, you'll be breaking your promise already!"

     "Oh, what's one more?" Eclipse sneered. On the inside she was trying to stop herself, to take hold of her body again. But the primitive side of her brain won over yet again. "No one will miss you."

     Storm spun around and faced Eclipse, baring his teeth.

     Eclipse crouched a little, and prepared herself for her father's attack.

     Storm dashed toward Eclipse, and reared up, swiping his claws under Eclipse's chin. Eclipse bunched her muscles, and leapt upwards, slamming her head into Storm's jaw. Storm bit down on his tongue, and yelped as blood sprayed onto Eclipse's pelt. Eclipse jumped, spreading her wings, and landed on Storm's back. She was only three quarters of his size. She gripped the back of his neck, and raked her claws down the sides of his throat.

     She kept doing that, her claws working in a sort of detached rhythm as she tore at her father's pelt.

     Storm flopped onto his back, squashing Eclipse beneath him. The breath was driven from Eclipse's chest, and she fought to breathe.

     Storm flipped, and dug his paws into eclipse's throat. Eclipse gasped for air, but none came. She beat her wings as hard as she could, raked her claws desperately down Storm's forepaws, and kicked fiercely at his underbelly. Storm unsheathed his claws, and Eclipse winced as she felt them in her neck. Her vision was fading.

     Then she gathered all her strength, and howled as she flung Storm off her with a ferocious kick. Storm hit the ground with a thud and a crack. He was perfectly still on the ground, except for his heavy, ragged breathing.

     Eclipse stalked over to her father. She grabbed his shoulder in her teeth, and rolled him over with a fierce yank that made him screech in agony.

     Eclipse pummelled his underbelly with her hind paws, and Storm grunted and winced. He swatted at Eclipse, his claws catching in her forepaw. Eclipse took no notice and half smirked, half bared her teeth at her father. She dug her claws hard into Storm's chest, and raked her claws through his pelt. Storm hissed with pain, sending blood spraying into Eclipse's face. Eclipse stared fiercely into her father's eyes.

     "Bye bye, father," she hissed.

     Storm's eyes widened in horror.

     Eclipse raised a forepaw above her, slid out her claws, and took a ferocious swipe at Storm's throat.

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