Chapter 4

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CH. 4 : Signs of manipulation

"Oi, Hiroto! wait!!"

Shinso Hitoshi frantically packed his bag, trying to catch up with the bluenette who immediately dashed off just after the last bell rang. Poor guy was panting as he raced after him, 'Damn— why is he so fast?!'

Meanwhile, Hiroto kept blaming his past self for asking that 'cursed' question. 

'Ah.. so troublesome, I shouldn't have said anything.' He complained in his heart, fastening his pace to avoid the determined teen.

Earlier, Hiroto had been curious enough to ask Shinso, about wether or not he can utilize his quirk to make people forget certain memories. The shorter boy was shocked at first, but still answered with a nod and then his expression become extremely concerned.

Before he could even inquire about his intentions, lunch break had ended and Shinso wasn't able to interrogate him. Though that doesn't deter his new friend from squeezing a reluctant promise out of him to explain later, while also throwing meaningful glances during classes.

Hiroto himself does have multiple of reasons that he could give to Shinso. He was just escaping to mess with him and also for...

Well, speak of the devil.

"Don't run away! You still owe me an explanation!" Shinso's voice echoed through the hallway. Many students moved out of the way as they zoom past, gaining several outcries in the process.

Skillfully turning at the next corner, Hiroto had to stop on his track. He blinked in puzzlement –not even winded from the exercise– and stared at the growing crowd gathered in front of Class 1-A. Shinso soon joined him, hands on his knees as he tried to ease off his rasping breath.

The undercover police patted the male beside him, "What's going on over there?"

"Changing.. the subject now, huh?... I won't let you off this time, cough—"

Deadpanning, Hiroto grabbed his chin and tilted it upwards, "Look."

"—?! What are you.."

When he glanced ahead, the door was finally opened. A petite female behind it instantly panicked as she saw the students blocking their exit. "Wh– What's going on?!"

Seeing the commotion, Shinso automatically grabbed Hiroto's wrist and dragged him closer towards the ruckus, never releasing it. Said victim of the manhandling was a bit surprised that his grip was actually quite strong, he'd have to use force if he wants to get out of it.

They could hear one of the male student politely asking, "What business do you have with Class A?"

"We can't get out! What'd you come here for, anyway?!"

Then a slightly familiar voice sounded out, cutting through the murmurs of people around them.

"Scouting out the enemy, small fry."

"--We're the ones who made it out of the villains attack. They probably wanna check us out before the Sports Festival."

Brown eyes glinted in interest, 'Bakugou Katsuki.. he looked just like in those photos from the background checks last night..'

He can feel Shinso's grip on him tightened to the point of bruising, but Hiroto kept silent.

The messy haired blonde glared fiercely, "There's no point in doing stuff like that. Out of my way, extras!"

"Stop calling people 'extras' just because you don't know them!" his friend chided, though Bakugou was acting like he didn't even hear him.

Apparently Shinso can't take it anymore. He barged right into the crowds, bringing him along while commenting, "I came to see what the famous Class A was like,"

"But you seem pretty arrogant."

'No, you're here because of running after me.' Hiroto sweatdropped.

Purple eyes focused at him, "Are all the students in the hero course like this?"

Other residents of Class 1-A simultaneously shook their heads, while the one Shinso addressed to only got annoyed.

They finally stopped in front of Bakugou, the hand not restraining him rubbing his head. "Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned."

Shinso raised his chin and looked down, "There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?"

Hiroto silently sighed, knowing full well what he's talking about.

"The school has left those of us a chance. Depending on the results of the Sports Festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. And it seems they may also transfer people out." He elaborated, his tone dead serious since the beginning. The bluenette could see that his words really affected the students, as they reacted almost instantly.

His gaze moved from Bakugou to stare at the others, "Scouting out the enemy? I, at least, came to say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you."

Glaring, he proclaimed aloud, "I came with a declaration of war."

Hiroto pinched the bridge of his nose, fending off an eminent headache. 'He's too bold..'

"And I'm sure the innocent person you all kept accusing of being a villain without any bases, would also do the same." Shinso placed a hand on his shoulder, finally letting go of his death grip. Suddenly the young man was the center of everyone's attentions.

'Hold on! What are you talking about?!'



A shout suddenly broke out from somewhere among the students, "I'M FROM CLASS B NEXT DOOR!"

"I HEARD YOU FOUGHT AGAINST VILLAINS, SO I CAME TO HEAR 'BOUT IT! DON'T GET SO FULL OF YOURSELF!" the silver haired guy raged. Hiroto could say he was relieved when the spotlight wasn't on him anymore.

The teen kept on ranting, no signs to stop anytime soon. Hiroto observed Bakugou from his peripheral vision, gauging his reaction. 'What are you going to do now?'

Unsurprisingly for him, the light blonde just ignored them all and walked away. The student from Class B earlier protested, while a red haired male tried to stop him.

"Wait a minute, Bakugou! What're you gonna do about all this? It's your fault that everyone's hating on us!"

Bakugou looked back, "It doesn't matter."

"Huh?!" His classmates was confused.

Red orbs challenged purple and brown ones, "It doesn't matter as long as you rise to the top."

He left with no regrets. Leaving behind a heavy impact with that last sentence.

No one even saw a horrifying smirk broke through a certain NOC's facade as he slipped away.

Now that it's over...

'Let's get this started.'



An ever frowning boy trudged his way home, dark brown shoes pounded the pavements as he walked leisurely down the street. The sun setting in the horizon, casting orange hues to his frame. 

He bypassed a dark alley on his right, oblivious to the presences lurking within until someone called him from the inside. "Bakugou Katsuki..."

"Haah?!" Hearing his name, Bakugou turned his head and snarled, glaring at the expanse of shadows clouding the secluded path. Somehow he sensed a bit of déjà vu from the overall atmosphere.

A distinctive figure soon showed up, trembling lips stretched into a crazed grin. "I've been waiting for you... Do you remember me?"

The blonde only gave him a confused stare.

He observed this weird person, apparently a male and probably the same age as him, clothed in a wrinkled school uniform that he isn't familiar with. Looking at his gaunt pale face complete with long black mane, Bakugou still wasn't able to recognize him at all.

"Who the hell are you?"

"—?! How dare you forgot about me when you came here yourself?!"

The answering deadpan was what he got. "This is my usual route. So it's damn obvious that I'd pass here. Everything doesn't revolve around you, creep."

A dry laugh sounded out of the stranger, deep and cruel with a hint of insanity in it.

"...Fine, I'll just remind you of the one who will finally get his revenge..." He stepped closer, rattling hands cleched tight. Bakugou readied his stance, arms on his side and legs a shoulder width apart. Cautious for what his next action might be.

"...for those humiliation you brought to me."

It all happened too fast.

The unknown guy raised his hands and suddenly thousands of little black dots flew to Bakugou. His target immediately avoided it with a high jump onto the side wall, supported with explosions ignited from his palms as propeller. He then kicked off of it to boost himself forward, sending a flying upside kick to the head.

Waves of little dots instantly covered his arm, and he used it to shield himself from the hit. The hero course student felt them at the moment his foot connected, eyes widening in shock as he registered the prickling sensations those tiny things do to his left leg.


Bakugou launched backwards, trying to gain some distance and assess the situation before he made mistakes. He glanced down briefly, fabrics on the side he used to attack was torn apart along with his skin. Showing a rather bloody sight to the assailant.

His attacker cackled, very pleased with himself. "Ah... being strong sure is nice.."

"I'm going to kill you tonight, Bakugou Katsuki-san."

Meanwhile, the other two presences were hiding not far away. Watching from behind a dilapidated wall at the splitted paths of the alley, piles upon piles of garbages near their feet.

"Shouldn't we be stopping them— umph?!"

Hiroto reached beside him and covered the younger male's mouth in reflex, eyes never straying from the unfolding battle. He gritted his teeth in annoyance. "No. And you, quit being loud! Do you want us to get discovered?! Why did you followed me here anyway?" The man hissed.

Shinso tapped the hand blocking one of his airways, brown eyes glowered down at him for a moment before eventually letting go.

"Ugh, you are the one who's being dodgy all of sudden! What the hell was that and why are you rushing to get here?" He whispered angrily back, peering up at him from where his head leaned against Hiroto's shoulder. The right side of his back was pressed to Shinso's left torso, due to him protesting that he can't see a thing otherwise.

The NOC shushed him again and focused back onto the fight. It's not even that exciting, since all they do now were having a stare off with each other. Shinso was a bit worried at the blood trickling down Bakugou's left leg.

'But he's an arrogant bastard, serve him right I guess. Maybe he'll learn something after this... though he doesn't deserve to die. No one would ever deserve it, however evil they are.'

His purple eyes then found Hiroto, the new classmate of his that he immediately took a liking to. He's kind and open to everyone, but Shinso wasn't sure if that's his true personality or not.

And seeing the unfathomable spark in his eyes, he was afraid of what he'd find underneath them. Would he truly be the compassionate person he showed to everyone...

Or was he a wolf in sheep clothing all along?




To be continued.

"Next up : The lead Hiroto is chasing finally come to light! What'd happen with Bakugou's fate?! Sagara, please don't let him get more injured than that!!"

"Bakugou's stronger than that. Have more faith in him."

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