(Chapter 3)

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Hey. I'm not ded.

Sonic's (Modern) POV

I winced as Tails compressed the ice onto my right cheek:

"Can't you stand five minutes with Shadow without fighting?"





"Am not!"

"Done." The kit put the first aid kit away, grinning as he did so.

I'll get you back.

I stood up and stretched lazily, heading for the kitchen for a good ol' chilli dog.

I stepped into the kitchen only to find:

"Man, these are the best chilli dogs I've eaten in my life!"

My copy was already munching on the last chilli dog I saved for later.

"You-That's mine!"

"It was labeled 'Property of Sonic'. It's clearly mine." he said, while stuffing the rest of the chilli dog into his mouth.

"Nobody, and I mean nobody, touches MY chilli dogs!"

The two foxes had come to see what all the commotion was about.

"Watch me."

As I was about to spin-dash into that smug face of my copy, I felt a pair of hands grab me.

"Not here. Not now." Tails hissed into my ear, "We can always get more."



Unknown POV

I swatted a fly as I trudged through the thick woodland of the unfamiliar forest I was in. 

How did I end up here? Let me explain:


I was skating through the forest I called my home, minding my own business. I leaped over the Gogoba village, ignoring the exclaims of the villagers.

Man, how much I hated them.

I then felt something strange, like a tingling sensation. I never experienced it before, yet it felt so familiar.

Next thing I knew, I was falling through a very colorful and dizzying tunnel.

Then I landed in this forest.

I bet it has something to do with the blue idiot and his friends in Hedgehog Village.

"This is getting me nowhere." I mumbled to myself as I activated my rocket shoes and shot straight up, over the forest canopy. I startled a few strange-looking birds along the way.


Why are their wings so small? How do they fly?

I shook my head. Probably hallucinating or something. I headed towards the edge of the forest, nearing a small river.

I let my feet meet the ground, as I assessed my surroundings.


I jumped at the sudden, unfamiliar noise.

I turned to see a little cyan creature looking at me with curious eyes. I returned the gaze.

As if something triggered it, it started chattering excitedly and clung onto my fur. Soon after, I was covered in cyan creatures. I didn't like it, but I couldn't bring myself to get them off.

Pathetic. I'm so pathetic.

The first one nuzzled in the crook of my neck. Next thing I knew, it was napping.

And now it's illegal to move.

Why was I so soft all of a sudden? I haven't the faintest clue. I am known for my edgy persona, loner lifestyle, and attempting to destroy the universe.

Yet, here I am.

I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't notice a mobian approach from behind.

"Hello, Mr. Shadow! I didn't expect to meet you here." A small rabbit stood there gazing at me, a basket in her hand and... another of those creatures resting on her head.

Great. Just great.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" Were the first things that popped into my mind.

"Mr. Shadow, is something wrong? It's me, Cream." She talks as if she knows me. Yet, I have no idea who she was.

Then it hit me.

The tunnel, unfamiliar forest, strange birds, the cyan creatures.

They could only mean one thing.

I'm in another dimension.

"Mr. Shadow?" I snapped out of my thoughts as the rabbit addressed me one more time.

"I'm... fine." I responded.

"Ok..." She didn't seem convinced.

"Mr. Shadow, can we play with the Chao together, please?" I was taken by surprise at this question. I'm not very social, and playing? Absolutely not.

But I couldn't say no.


What is wrong with me? 


I sat at the edge of the river, head in my palm. I was on the verge of breaking. I had played with the rabbit and the chao for TWO hours straight. 

"Here you go Mr. Shadow." She handed me a small flower crown. It had dandelions and daisies twisted together. And a bit of lavender.

I stared blankly.

She proceeded to place the crown on my head.

I sighed shakily.

"Cream!" A mature, feminine voice called.

"Coming, mother!" The rabbit replied. She grabbed her basket -Now filled with flowers- and ran off, her Chao following. 

"Goodbye, Mr. Shadow!" She called to me before she ran towards a small house in the distance.

I activated my air shoes and zoomed away flower crown falling behind. I wasted enough time here.

I had to find my way home, asap.


Shadow's (modern) POV

I was done with my report, so I decided to go out for a little run. Along the way I met Cream.

"Hi Mr. Shadow, are you going to play with me more?" She asked.

What does she mean by 'more'? 

"Not now, I'm busy." I dashed off, her question ringing in my ear.

Strange things are happening these days. 

My run had slowed into a walk as I entered the Chao garden. I should get out of here before-

"Chao! Chao chao!" I was hoarded by a bunch of chao. Again.

"Can you guys please get off of me?"

The chao looked at me. One of them formed a grin that would enter your nightmares. I blinked, and the grin was gone. At least Omochao isn't here.

"Hi! Im-" The robot was interrupted by my punch, sending it far, far away.

Probably shouldn't have mentioned it in the first place.

My gaze fell onto an all-too familiar set of skid marks.

Those are made by my rocket shoes.

But I didn't do them.

I slowly stood up, gently removing the Chao from my lap.

The tracks headed towards the woods. I decided to investigate.

I activated my rocket shoes and within a few seconds, I broke the sound barrier. (While making sure I didn't harm the Chao)

The trees passed by me, forming a green and brown blur as I followed the tracks. But suddenly, they just stopped. I skidded to a halt, narrowly avoiding an oak. 

I stood still, my muscles tense and ready for an attack.

I pricked my ears, catching the quietest sound.

I looked around, my sharp gaze catching the faintest movement.

I found a pair of crimson eyes staring into mine with confusion and surprise.

It was another me.


Third person POV

Shadow found himself staring at another Shadow.

Both shared the same confused expression.

"Who are you?" The shorter one demanded.

"I should ask the same thing." The other replied.

"I swear if you are another android, I-" 

"Who are you calling an android?"

"I am."

The taller one-(just forget it. Ima call them M. Shadow and B. Shadow.)

B. Shadow attempted to land a punch on his copy, but M. Shadow anticipated it and dodged it. He swung his leg towards B. Shadow's stomach, resulting in him crashing into a tree. He was going to land a punch when the other disappeared.

He can warp without a Chaos emerald!?

He ducked, B. Shadow punching nothing nothing but air.

M. Shadow channeled chaos energy into his arm and yelled:

"Chaos Spear!"

A golden spear of light emerged and nearly hit B. Shadow. Said hedgehog was just getting even more confused.

How did he do that!?

He glanced around. M. Shadow was nowhere to be seen.

He then heard a click behind his head.

"Don't move."


Shadow's  (modern) POV 

I held my gun behind the other hedgehog's head.

"Turn around." I ordered.

Growling, the other turned around.

He was taller than me, about the same height as Faker's Faker.  His eyes were a darker shade of red than mine, and his quills were more unkempt.

I lowered my gun (BeCaZ iT TOTALLY MaKeS sEnSe To LoWeR iT),  and stuffed it back between my quills.

"You must be looking for answers." 

".. Yes.."


Sonic's (Boom) POV

Man, you should've seen his face.

"Sonic?" I turned around, facing my buddy, Tails.


"I don't think that was very nice of you to do that." He stated.


"Is this how you should repay their hospitality? They let us stay in their house, and this is what you do in return? You're better than that, Sonic."

He had a point.

"I guess you're right. Be right back!"

I dashed out of the house, counting how many rings I had on me. I headed towards the nearby village.

There it is.

A chilli-dog stand.

I examined the sign. One chilli dog for two rings? That's WAY better than the prices at Meh Burger. And they actually look edible!

I walked up towards the stand, gaining a few curious stares.

"Howdy! I see you're not from around here!" The bear greeted me cheerily. 

"I guess you could say that."

"You look an awful lot like Sonic. Are you his relative or something?"

"N-no. I'm not."

"'Kay. What would you like on your dog?"

What should I choose? I'm not sure my copies' tastes were the same as mine. 

The bear noticed my hesitation, and grinned.

"How 'bout this?" He put a selection of toppings and handed it over to me.

"It's Sonic's favorite."

"Thanks!" I handed him the rings and zoomed off.

"Huh." The bear scratched the back of his head.

(How convinient for Sonic. I can't POSSIBLY come up with something worse. Anyway.)


Sonic's (Modern) POV

I stepped in the house, back from my morning run. I don't understand the people who stay indoors almost 24/7.

I ran into Tails, who was preparing to head outside.

"Where to?"

"The scrap yard. I need some spare parts for a new invention I'm working on."

"Can I come, too?" The other Tails called from the living room.


Where is-

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see... My copy...




Author's note:

Sorry it took so long! My computer was having some problems so I wasn't able to use it.

Also I'm not feeling creative right now, so it may have been a bit slow-going.


<(_ _)>


Ima go now.

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