L. Mrs. Petty

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*y'all we on chapter 50, period. this book is SLOWLY coming to an end, we still have a long way to go! So don't worry! Anyway enjoy the chapter*

Trenton, New Jersey

Amir (Shooter)
"Mrs. Petty"

"I know this nigga isn't serious?"

I shook my head as I lean on the wall in between Amaya and Kalyan. We were at the skating rink for some apparent reason. Amaya and Kalyan wanted to get out the house and they fucking chose the skating rink. Even though, their fat asses can't skate. Got my ass hugging the wall with them.

"Yeah, he serious as fuck." Amaya said back.

I already knew what they were talking about. Onest ended up bringing whatever girl he's messing with along. I really didn't think he would, but he did. I guess to not be alone, but whatever the reason was I thought it was fucked up.

This nigga was busy trying to find pussy while the mother of his child was home alone. If you ask me, my little brother was going through some shit right now. And I wasn't even trying to be funny about it either. I'm not sure what exactly he was going through, but I do know he didn't love himself and he was confused as fuck at the moment.

No man, and I mean NO MAN would say they love a girl then turn around and talk bad about her. And to put the cherry on top, want to get back with her but go and fuck with some other girl. In all honestly, it look like he couldn't be by himself. Like he was scared to be alone.

Which would explain a lot. From his dad leaving, his mom raising him as best as she could, and a girl he use to date set him up...my little brother was scared as fuck to be by himself. Not saying that was an excuse for what he did. Nothing, really could excuse him for the fucked up shit he did.

It just played a part in it I guess. I'm not sure honestly on what the hell goes on in my brothers big ass head. But, I could tell he didn't want to fuck with that girl. I mean you could see the shit on his face. His smile wasn't the same and I notice him zoning out at times. If that's not obvious he still wants Lia, then I don't know what is.

He was just going about it the wrong way. And I wasn't even going to help him out. He needed to figure it out on his own. I just hope he come to his senses soon.

Amaya ended up hitting my arm and I slowly look over at her. "What the fuck is your friend doing?" She asked and I mug her.

"What I tell you about keeping your hands to yourself?" I retorted, ignoring her question.

"I'm sorry, but answer my question. Who is this bitch?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know and I really don't care." I answered, not caring.

"Well, you should cause that's fucked up." Kalyan added and I shrugged my shoulders again.

"That's not our business, so stay out of it." I told the two of them, but I already knew they were going to ignore everything I said.

It seem like no one fucking listens to shit I say, but I be the first ones they come to for advice. Niggas mane.

"But, that's messed up Amir and you know that. How you claim you love a girl then come out with another bitch?" Amaya asked and I didn't even bother to answer.

"Exactly, Onest really is an asshole. He never acted this way and I blame that hoe ass bitch Junior. I wish you would've shot him Mir."

"It's not too late! Ooh, baby daddy please shoot him!" Amaya begged and I shook my head.

"Nigga, isn't worth my energy." I told them and they both suck their teeth.

"You know what imma call my girl." Kalyan said, taking out her phone and I groaned.

"Please leave that girl alone." I mumbled. I look over seeing she was FaceTiming Lia.

I know for sure she tired of all of us and I'm not even mad.

"Yesss." I heard Lia voice making me shake my head.

"Hi fat mama." Kalyan greeted her. "Are you and the baby okay?"

"Were fine just shopping for unnecessary things at Target before it closes."

"That's good, I don't want to upset you, but are you able to explain this to me."

I watched as she turned the camera around and put it on Onest and the girl. All I could do was shake my head.

"Onest bitch ass here with some girl when you should really be here. What's up with that?" Amaya asked, pushing me out the way. I smack my lips debating if I wanted to snatch her wig off.

Nah, lemme not. I know she had beady beads under her shit.

"We broke up y'all, so he can do whatever he want."

"Yeah, but-"

"I gotta go. Have fun y'all."

I chuckled a little once Lia hung up on them. That's what them niggas get.

"Imma let that off cause that's my sis." Kalyan said and I shook my head.

"You know what I'm thinking Kay?" Amaya asked looking over at her.

"Yes, I am." Kay answered and I smack my lips.

"I want y'all to remember y'all are six months pregnant. So, if y'all decide to do some dumb shit, so help me god imma fuck y'all up." I warned them.

"We're not fighting just being petty." Kay said giving me a smile.

"Call us Mrs. Petty."

I shook my head not even bothering to say shit. People don't listen to me anyways.



"So, what made you bring her?" Kalyan asked me out of nowhere.

I tuck in my lips at Kalyan question. I look around the table and everyone had their eyes on me. Expect Shooter who's head was on the table.

"Are you not going to answer?" Amaya asked, rolling her neck at me.

"Why does it matter?" Sky chimed in and I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I don't think we asked you, so don't answer." Kalyan retorted.

"But, I answered. He asked if I was doing anything and I said no. Now, I'm here." Sky remarked, grabbing my arm.

"Is there a problem I'm not seeing?" She added.

Well, here we go.

"Yes, there is a problem cause we don't know you nor do we like you. Actually, another girl was suppose to be here instead of you." Amaya told her.

"Well, if she was suppose to be here then why isn't she?"

"Yeah, Onest why isn't she?"

I ignored their question not bothering to go through all of this. It wasn't worth it and I really wasn't even in the mood for it honestly.

"I think it's time for us to go." Shooter said getting up.

"Yeah, let's go." I added getting up as well.

"I'm not leaving until this bitch know her place." Amaya said while her and Kalyan stayed seated.

"If y'all don't bring y'all fat asses on somewhere damn." Shooter told them sternly before walking off.

I shook my head watching them get up as well. They both bumped into me before walking off. I took a deep breath just wanting to go home.

"What the fuck is up with your friends?" Sky asked standing up.

"Nothing, lemme take you home." I said, walking past her. I walked out the cafeteria then headed out the rink.

"You don't even wait for a bitch. What type of gentleman are you?" I heard Sky and I ignored her.

Reaching my car, I unlock it then got in. Sky got in the passenger, slamming the door shut.

"You don't even open the door for me, that's fucked up." She said, I shrugged my shoulders starting my car.

"Where do you live?" I asked looking over at her.

"Actually..." she took a pause leaning over to me and start touching my chest. "I was thinking we could go back to your place for the night. You know have some time to ourselves."

"No." I answered and she frown.



Dear God, I'm confused as fuck.


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