4. ๐‘ป๐’‰๐’† ๐‘ญ๐’‚๐’๐’

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"Hello, I guess." Yoongi stepped closer to couch, " You remember me? I came to your bar today."

"Many visited today, not possible to remember all the faces but are you one of the shooters that made a bloody visit at bar today?" Eunmi croaked her brow.

"No." Yoongi frowned.

"Nice to you then I guess." Eunmi shrugged," But on the second thought let's not meet again."

"Listen, since I saved your life how about you give me the pendrive." Yoongi folded his arms.

"I never asked to." Eunmi scoffed," I already had called back-up, we would still be alive if you had not interfered."

"Aren't you being rude?" Yoongi shook his head.

"She's surrounded by pervert drunk guys for most of her days, what do expect from her?" Jimin stated while stuffing things in the bag," If she wants to survive she has to be a tough girl to keep them away."

"And about that pendrive." Eunmi walked towards Yoongi," I'm afraid that I can't give you that because I may or may not have given it to someone else who rightfully deserved it."

"I don't have much time to waste." Yoongi sighed.

"Neither do I." Eunmi started helping Jimin to pack the bags.

"You don't even know how risky it is to keep the pendrive with you." Yoongi kneeled down beside her," No matter how much you run, those people will find you, they won't stop until you gave them the pendrive, so why not give it to me then I'll provide you protection."

"What about me?" Jimin tilted his head.

"I'll give you protection too." Yoongi faked a sweet smile at the red headed guy," By the way aren't you two too calm when an armed dangerous guy like me is in this room."

"After the shits we went through today, trust me, a guy like you is nothing for us." Jimin faked smiled too.

"Yoongi, Yoongi, can you hear me?"ย  Taehyung's panicked voice reached Yoongi through the earpiece.

"Yes." Yoongi got up and trudged a little far from the duo who didn't care about anything in the world but their luggage. "What's wrong?"

"Hoseok is injured by those fuckers. Two of them are coming upstairs again. One guy drove away with the unconscious bastards." Taehyung briefed,"ย They have sheilds now, darts and bullets won't go through it easily. I am hiding with Hoseok. Get out of there. Hurry"

"Shit, that's not good." Yoongi bit his lip, wheels in his head turning faster than before to form a quick plan,"I'll be out in 2 minutes, Taehyung."

"Kim Eunmi!" Yoongi's frustration got the best of him, he turned around to the duo but only Jimin was there wearing his shoes, a bag on his back and one in hand.

" Where is she?" Yoongi shook Jimin's shoulders.

"She went downstairs and I'm going too." Jimin shrugged Yoongi's hands off his shoulders, he looked at the broken door hanging to one screw only," If you want lock the room, lock it, if not, I don't give a damn."

Yoongi raced towards the stairs without listening any of the Jimin's words. He sprinted down as fast as he could. He halted when he found Eunmi standing on 2nd floor stairs, hands in the air as the masked menย cornered her there with their weapons.

"I saw the guns more times today than I saw my ex inย  years." Eunmi muttered," Coincidentally, I don't like both."

"Hey, you bastards!" Yoongi dashed and positioned himself between the masked guys and Eunmi, standing as sheild for Eunmi," She already gave me the pendrive. Let her go, I'll come with you."

"Sure." The masked guy replied, his body protected by a transparent green layer of shining light, the shield," But only after you show us the pendrive."

"Go on, show them." Eunmi chirped softly to Yoongi, sending chills down his spine.

"Fine, let's go down first then I'll show you." Yoongi tried to convince them.

"Okay." One of them nodded," Walk fast."

Yoongi stepped downwards behind one masked man while the other was behind Eunmi, who was slowly following Yoongi.

Yoongi suddenly stopped, making Eunmi bumped against his back, he rapidly turned and grabbed her in his arms before harshly attacking the guy behind her with his elbow. Yoongi pulled the attacked guy forcefully, he stumbled down, Yoongi pressed himself and Eunmi to the wall so that the guy stumbled into his fellow guy. Both fell down like Jack and Jill.

Yoongi immediately rushed to them and pulled the shield bracelets off their wrists. Making the guys vulnerable again to the weapons. He kicked them hard.

"Ummm." Jimin slowly stepped down one stair, watching the defeated guys under Yoongi's power," Did I miss something?"

"Just a lot of action." Yoongi huffed.

"I won't really call that action." Eunmi faced Yoongi, her back towards the other flight of stairs going down.

"I don't care about your opinion." Yoongi rolled his eyes as he stopped hitting them, taking deep breaths.

Eunmi gasped loudly when one of the masked men threw a small metal ball at her, it hit her shoulder before tumbling down the stairs.

Losing control over balance, she stepped back where the stairs were, Yoongi tried to grab her hand when she was falling backwards but only their fingers brushed with each other as if even the fate didn't want their lives to be intertwined. Maybe he wasn't her knight in shining armour. He could never save her.

She closed her eyes, her mind mentally prepared for the worst. A melody like feminine voice whispered in her head.

"๐‘Œ๐‘œ๐‘ข'๐‘™๐‘™ ๐‘๐‘’ ๐‘œ๐‘˜๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ, ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘ฃ๐‘’."

She groaned loudly as she hit the concentrate floor and her body continued to roll on the stairs. Her body ached everywhere. When she stopped going furtherย due to a wall, she thought it was okay now but a beeping sound caught her attention. Before she could say or do anything the mini bomb blasted making the old walls crumble down.

They fell on her, hitting her body. Before she lost her consciousness because of pain and an exhausted mind, she barely whispered.

"๐ผ'๐‘™๐‘™ ๐‘๐‘’ ๐‘œ๐‘˜๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ, ๐‘€๐‘œ๐‘š."

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