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Sarah barged into her room and threw her handbag away somewhere towards the couch. Her personality screamed that she was angry. She sat on bed with face buried in her hands. 

What the hell just happened?
That man! What was his name?
Adrian. Yes. This was it.
He is crazy!
A complete goner! 
He should book a cell for himself in mental asylum!

All the cuss and swear words that Sarah learnt in her high school and college life, were thrown at him in her mind. Especially the ones that Ethan taught her.

What on the face of Earth was he doing? 

She felt like crying. But why? It isn't as if she loves him or something. He is a nobody! A Nobody!

Few more minutes later, she felt someone enter the room and closing the door completely.

“Sarah… What's wrong..?” 

Who it could be other than Rachel! 

Rachel understood that for sure something has happened. Now what happened in this drama queen's life?! She sat beside Sarah and held her hand. 

“What's wrong bud?”

Rachel used her clever mind calling Sarah with the nickname which is given by Ethan. It will be her undoing. She heard a sniffing and sobbing kind of sound. 

Rachel mentally rolled her eyes. She could never understand this brother sister duo. At times they are at each other's neck. Ready to slit eachother's throat. And sometimes, they want nothing but each other. 


Sarah was trying hard to reason with herself to not to cry and when Rachel asked oh so softly, all hell broke loose.

“He… He is not the person I was supposed to meet!” She let out a frustrated cry, making Rachel confuse. 

Did Rachel get her best friend right? Has Sarah banged her head somewhere?


“He is not Liam. His name is Adrian. He lied Rachel!” 

“And he told you now?” Rachel asked to which she nodded, sniffing.

Rachel tried to process the information. What in earth is happening? She blinked her eyes few times trying to absorb the fact. 

“I am sorry Rachel. I left you alone yesterday for absolutely nothing…” That brought Rachel back to earth.

What? Sorry? Why??

“Don't apologize for giving me such a nice opportunity to be me for a while please!” Rachel spoke a little irritated.

Sarah looked at her taken aback. Something wasn't right. Rachel is not a snappy person. Nope. But she gets when she fights or is in a constant bad mood.

And what else or say, who else other than Ethan can upset her? He have that effect on Rachel. It's like a sword is given to a monkey to fight in the war. 

“Rachel…. Is everything between you and Ethan okay?” Sarah asked tiredly. 

This wasn't the first time that Sarah was getting in middle of these two to sort things out.

Rachel was surprised at the question. Surprised at the fact that how much Sarah knew her from inside out.

Sarah knew her brother was an idiot. But he truly loved Rachel. She had no doubt.

“I don't know… It's just… We fight with each other so frequently…. I don't even remember last time when we spoke nicely to each other. Forget about some loving moments..” Rachel let out all that she buried in her heart for few months.

Liam or Adrian or whosoever, can go to hell! It's her best friend that is important right now.

Topic was suddenly changed and Sarah wanted nothing more but to comfort Rachel.

“Ethan loves you…”

“As if I don't love him!” Rachel snapped and regretted immediately.

What a mess these two ladies has become!

“What happened…? Tell me…” Sarah softly persuaded her to let it all out.

“Actually… Few months back, I missed my date and we both thought that I was pregnant. More than happiness, anxiety took over both of us. For me it was a normal kind but Ethan, he panicked. Hell he said he wasn't ready for the child and then we fought that what if I already am pregnant…” 

Sarah looked at her in disbelief. Are they five year old or what?? 

“So… You didn't turn out be pregnant, right?” Sarah kind of stated.

“Yeah… But he has been kind of edgy and even I had a sore mood from then. Can't he just come and apologize?!” Rachel shouted out of frustration making Sarah jump at her place.

It's very less of Rachel to behave like that.

”Even I should apologise for being a stubborn ass…” Then she cried. 

What's wrong with her? Rachel looked at her in shock. Someone's ghost entered inside her? Or has she developed a dual personality? Such sudden mood swings??

“Rachel… Are you on your dates?” Sarah asked worried.

Because if she is not on her month then something is off in her mind. Surely. She will need to book an appointment with a psychologist. Or psychiatrist.

“No..” Rachel shook her head slightly.

“Then? You missed your date?” Sarah asked concerned.

“Yes… I am pregnant. Maybe….” Rachel whispered lightly.

“We are taking a test okay…” Sarah spoke and was going to stand up when Rachel stopped her.

“Ethan won't be happy… I think he don't love me anymore. He has been so distant…” She spoke like a sad little girl.


Sarah was going to give her a piece of mind but controlled herself. She needed to be polite. Because the lady sitting in front of her was a ticking time bomb. Who knows what her reaction will turn out to be! 

She sat on her knees in front of Rachel. She held Rachel's hands which were in her lap.

“Ethan can be an idiot. A complete jerk. But I know him better. He is hopelessly in love with you.” Sarah started.

“You remember when you came for my birthday when I turned twenty two..? Everyone left and we three were playing the game. And he lost to you. Remember? Ethan lost a game! And that's a big deal. Because he doesn't do that. Not even for me. He was and still is completely into you. Just give him sometime okay?” 

She completed and Rachel nodded giving her a small smile.

“What about you and this Adrian thing?” She asked, with a concerned look. 

Sarah rolled her eyes at her. Now she remembered the real problem eh? 

“We will figure it out later. First we need a test kit for you.” 


Adrian was standing at a flower shop making the florist prepare a bouquet personally.

“This one…” He instructed her pointing towards the white flowers.

“Oh! Allow me mister. I will prepare a good bouquet for your lady.” She said, smiling widely at him.

“Thank you. But please do as I say.” He denied her request, roaming his eyes all over the flower shop. 

“This one. This one. And this one.” He chose and the florist tried hard not to roll her eyes.

He was one hell of a character. Florist has faced a lot of customers. Of different kinds. Guilty, nervous, happy, romantic. But nobody like this one. She shrugged away, ignoring it. Moreover it doesn't concern her untill she is getting to sell her flowers.

He was getting this bouquet ready for Sarah. He will apologise to her and try to convince her why he did, what he did. 

His way might have been wrong, but his intention wasn't. Only if she will listen… He sighed and watched the florist do her work.

She will understand na? She will. Yeah. He tried to assure himself.

But she wasn't even listening, let alone understand. She won't understand. Will she?
Think positive Adi!!

“Here. Throw these in.” He ordered her, gritting his teeth on his own thoughts.

Florist looked at him sympathetically. He must have really goofed up that his beloved was angry and he is anxious. 

“Bless you…” She wished with a polite smile as she handed him the bouquet.

After letting out everything they had in their hearts, Sarah and Rachel had breakfast in their room only. Mostly talking about all men being same and idiots and stupid. 

According to them, god first created men. But they were such a big liars and cheat that God has to create women in order to balance the world. 

And this fact, still hold the base in every situation.

They shared this ‘Bestie time’ after so long. It definitely lowered down a level or two of anxiety in them.

Both decided to sleep for a while instead of going out. Things have been tiring and when fate is hell bent on making you look like a clown, you will need all the energy to bear it laughing at your expense.


Forget it!

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