Sophomore 59

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Hampton University, Virginia
My Boo by Usher and Alicia Keys
Wed. Dec. 15th, 12:00PM
"I Can Rely On My Boo"

To Daddy❀️
Hey Daddy! I'm just checking in. How are you?

From Daddy❀️
Hey lettuce, I'm well. You?

To Daddy❀️
I'm all good. My finals started yesterday and I'll be done Friday. I'll be right back at home for break.

From Daddy❀️

Dess hearted her dad's message then swiped out of the thread. She locked her phone and flipped it over. Sitting in the library, she was studying for her test in Kinesiology tomorrow. Two hours and sixty questions. She done tests like these before but she was always nervous when they came up. Especially, finals. She pushed her hair back from her face and strained to read over her notes.

"Mrs. Young!" Professor Marsh, her kinesiology professor, called out to her. He took his time as he was limping and relying on his cane.

"Correction, Mrs. Carter." Professor Marsh corrected himself, lighting patting his chest. Dess looked up at him and smiled largely. Day by day, she was loving how everyone addressed her as Mrs. Carter. Even putting it on assignments had her grinning from ear to ear.

"How is everything, Dess?" Professor Marsh asked, using the table to hold him up.

"I'm doing fine. You?"

Professor Marsh nodded. "I'm doing alright. I see you're studying so I'm sorry for interrupting. I'm glad I found you here though because I wanted to give you something." He responded. He reached inside his satchel and pulled out a folder.

"There's an open position to be a physical therapist assistant at Pivot. You should remember I told you I knew the owner and he needs employees. I recommended a couple students to him, including you." Marsh further explained while handing over the folder.

"Oh!" Dess expressed, opening the folder. "That's nice of you, Professor Marsh. I've been thinking about finding work to keep me occupied." She said while looking through the papers.

"Yes, this is a perfect opportunity for you so don't waste it. The manager knows I have students coming for interviews on Monday at 3. Don't be late." Professor Marsh told her.

Dess nodded. "I won't. Thank you." She thanked him. She scooted out her seat and gave him a hug.

"You're welcome. I'll leave you be so you can study. I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

"See you tomorrow."

Professor Marsh started on his way, clearing Dess view and she seen Autumn heading her way. Autumn already had her eyes squinted, a questionable look on her face as she came over.

"Was he bothering you?" Autumn asked, pointing at Professor Marsh.

Dess chuckled and shook her head. "No, he wasn't bothering me. That's my kinesiology professor." She answered.

"Oh okay cause I'm ready to fight." Autumn said while sitting across from her.

Dess furrowed her brows. "Why are you all fired up?" She curiously asked picking up the irritated emotions Autumn was expressing.

"Girl!" Autumn exclaimed, clasping her hands together. "Do you know a girl named Kimberly?"

Dess rolled her eyes once she heard Kimberly's name. "Unfortunately. What happened?"

"Girl, so I'm in class right. Her and her friends must be watching the videos from the fight last night. Side note, Shai did his big one and had me scared when I watched it. Anyway, they're watching it and Kimberly starts talking shit. Saying that if she was there then she would've dogged Shai for touching her man and how her bitch, talking about you, can get it too. So, when I heard that I got heated because I know you're not a fighter and I be damned in someone touches you. I got in her face and all that, and she said nothing." Autumn expressed loudly and with irritation as she recall the events.

Dess shook her head then spoke, "I can't stand that girl and her friends."

"No seriously. It's like she wants to be included so badly and calling that boy her man? The delusion is always the funniest to me because Shamar talks to several chicks out here." Autumn said.


"Girl, yes. He talks to a sophomore and two seniors. But her man got his ass beat and her ass was going to get divided and subtracted too."

"Were you in math class?" Dess snickered, Autumn bobbing her head.

"Yup in math class and was ready to split her in half. Cause please don't play with my sis who doesn't bother anyone. I don't play that." Autumn seriously said. Dess smiled, thankful she found a friend like Autumn. She didn't need anyone to fight her battles, but knowing someone was there other than Shai to defend her was a blessing.

"Thank you love." Dess thanked her.

"Mhm, you're welcome. But while we're on this topic, I would've never expected Shai to be like that. He fucked Shamar's face up badly."

"Yeah." Dess muttered, pushing her hair back.

She seen videos of the fight and it frightened her. Not because of what most people would think either. She could tell from the video and just looking at him that Shai was serious about killing Shamar. How dark his eyes gotten as he spoke about it was all she needed to confirm it. She made sure they talked before going to bed about all of it. She didn't blame him for how he reacted. She just wished it didn't get as ugly as it did. Seeing him running down the bleachers and fighting with everyone that blocked his way was unexpected. His feelings were valid at the end of the day.

"Is everything alright though?" Autumn genuinely asked. She didn't know Shai personally but was filled with concern after seeing the footage. She felt the rage through the screen and got her emotional since she knew that feeling. All too well.

"Uhh, I want to say yes but I know the real answer is no." Dess admitted truthfully.

"There's an ongoing problem with the two of them that doesn't seem like it'll be solved. I don't know but I'm hoping Shai keeps it together for the sake of himself." She mentioned.

The police were ready to take Shai away because of his behavior. Gabe managed to talk to the staff and get them to understand the situation. He stressed, as much as he could, that Shai wasn't the problem. Shamar was. Dess was unsure if what Gabe did was helpful or not. She hoped it did do something so Shai could finish off the year with no complications. She was sure he was adamant on dropping out now but she needed him for the remainder of the semester.

"Hopefully things go well. Let him know that I'll fight whoever he needs me to whenever he wants me to. My hands are rated E for everyone." Autumn disclosed while holding her fists up.

Dess giggled. "I'll tell him."

"Good. Anyway, I don't want you to think I came over here to talk about Shai because that isn't it. Candy and I are deciding to do a road trip to Delaware. Do you wanna come with us?" Autumn asked, changing the subject.

"To Delaware?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Aww, I wish I could but I'm going home. Are you and Candy not going home?" Dess asked. Autumn face fell at the question as she grew uncomfortable. She cleared her throat and rubbed her arm. Dess easily picked up the sudden change and knew there was something up.

"Uhh...umm, well long story short, I don't visit family often. My mother is in rehab and my siblings stay with my Dad. None of us are on good terms so I don't visit." Autumn briefly responded with a shrug.

She didn't allow Dess to question anything so she changed the subject instantly. "So, no to Delaware?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's a no." Dess answered. "Sorry. Maybe we can do something when I come back. I really think I need a trip."

"Of course. Just let me know." Autumn said, looking off and seeing Shai entering. She squinted her eyes at his suspicious he looked.

"Why does your husband look like he's about to commit a crime?" She asked while pointing.

Dess looked over her shoulder to see him. He was walking fast with his hoodie on his head. She seen the mischievous smirk on his face which made her sigh. There was always something with this boy. When he reached the table, he swiftly sat beside Dess and theirs turned to face him.

"What did you do?" Dess and Autumn asked simultaneously. Shai pushed his hood off and kept that mischievous look on his face.

"I didn't do anything." He answered with a laugh. It didn't make him innocent the slightest even though he was.

"That smile says otherwise." Autumn pointed out which made him laugh again.

"Anyway, let me get going and allow the married couple to have their privacy. I'll see you later love-bug." Autumn said her goodbyes then stood up. Before leaving, she gave Dess a loving hug then left.

Dess snapped her head in Shai's direction. He threw his hands up getting ready to defend himself. He was not supposed to be here as Gabe told him to stay out the way while he figure things out. He didn't listen as he was here now.

"Before you come at me, I was bored." Shai explained, putting his arms down.

"Gabe told you to not come back while he's handling the situation. You don't listen." Dess responded, plucking his forehead.

Shai rubbed the spot and replied, "Can you blame me? Sitting in that house doing nothing is boring. Guess what? My mom is gone."

Dess shut her notebooks and put her things in her bag. "Gone? What do you mean by that?"

"Gone!" Shai put emphasis on the word. "Indy told me that she booked a flight and dipped. Where? I have no idea. No one knows actually. She did what she always does, run away. I'm cool with that because I have an idea."

He changed the way he was sitting and scooted closer to Dess. She was finished putting her belongings away and gave him her undivided attention. Lingering his eyes was a glow similar to a light bulb shining on the top of his head. He had an idea, Dess sensed it all in his face and the fidgeting he was doing to get it out. He was waiting patiently for her to give him permission to speak.

"Go ahead." Dess gave him the clearance.

He almost jumped out of his seat then pressed his lips together. "Hear me out, I buy the house and give it to Indy and Priscilla. They've been working for my parents close to twenty years and I have yet to see them with their own place." He proceeded to tell his idea.

"Is the house under your mom name?"

"No!" Shai shouted while pointing at her. Dess lightly smacked his hand and he apologized for shouting. "Sorry. But, no the house isn't under her name. Allison didn't even own the house, she was renting it. Turns out she didn't pay the person and they showed to the house asking for money. I offered to buy it off him, if I can, and hand it over."

"That's a lot, don't you think?" Dess questioned, resting her cheeks in her hand.

Shai shook his head. "Not really. They've been taking care of me for years. I have to pay them back some way. Hugs, kisses, and thank-you's aren't enough for what they've done." He answered.

"Understandable, however, that's too much if you think about it. You just bought us a house and you want to buy another?" Dess asked for confirmation.

"Yes. For good reason too. I know it sounds like a lot, especially with what everything is going on. But if you were in my shoes then I'm positive you'll do the same to give back to the ones you love. Right?" Shai dragged, bumping her knee to get an answer.

Dess playfully rolled her eyes then nodded her head. "Yeah, you're right. I'd do the same. Are you going to talk to Indy and Priscilla about it before doing it? You don't want to make a purchase like a house and they're not down." She informed him, bringing him down off his high horse. He always jumped into things off his excitement. He's been successful other times, but all it can take is one bad plan that can bring everything down.

"I'm thinking about telling them tonight at dinner. You're cooking right? I hope you're cooking because I really want those steak bites and garlic bread. Like badly." Shai rubbed his stomach that started growling. He could taste the food in his mouth which made him want it desperately more.

Dess chuckled, "Yes, I'm cooking."

"Steak bites?" He asked while leaning towards her. Dess pulled the string of hair in front of his face then pecked his lips.

"Yes." She answered, the smile on his face growing larger. Shai went for another kiss but Dess blocked it with her hand.

"How are you feeling after yesterday?" She asked. Her hand moving from his hair and to his face. She held his chin and ran his thumb over his bottom lip.

"I'm cooling in all honesty. That nigg-man needs to chill. I want peace and everyone keeps bothering me." He corrected himself.

"I get that but you also over-do it. Yesterday was scary. You need to learn how to tone it down better than you did last night. I want better for you and you need to want better for yourself. Can you relax for me please?" She begged desperately needing him to chill.

Shai bobbed his head taking the advice since he felt the same. He was a monster last night. The videos showed that. They were all on social platforms being reposted on people stories and the HBCU shaderoom. The embarrassment he felt when he read the comments chastising him for his actions. These people weren't aware of his issues with Shamar, and honestly they wouldn't care either way, but their opinions had him wanting to relax too. He needed to.

"I promise to relax and put all my focus on you." He said and leaned closer. He placed his hands on her waist and gave her a nose kiss.

"You don't have to put all-" Dess sentence was cut off when the alarm on Shai's watch went off.

"Gotta go." He said while stopping the alarm. He popped up from the table and put his hood back on his head.

"Please tell me you didn't set a timer for how long you can be here." Dess started laughing since she was confident that was the reason.

"I did exactly that. Them buff behind officers are searching for me, I know they are." He jokingly replied. He had walked right by the officers coming on campus so they weren't looking for him. But he wasn't taking any chances with these people. The officers would do anything to be able to touch students.

"You're so unserious sometimes." Shai cheesed at the statement.

It was the truth, so he wasn't going to deny it. Having to go, he leaned forward and gave her a passionate kiss on the lips. The kiss left Dess with her eyes shut for a couple seconds once Shai pulled away. Her cheeks got hot and her smile shined brightly from the loving gesture. She always loved his kisses.

"I'll see you later baby. I love you." He said, giving her another kiss on her cheek.

"I'll see you later. I love you too." She said back.

Shai gave her a wink then went off, leaving her alone as she was before. She kept her attention on him until he disappeared out the library. A wave of sadness overcame her as she looked around the library. She pushed her back and turned her phone upside down, lighting the screen up where she seen her wallpaper. Her and Stephen at a basketball game when she was eleven. Thinking that she'd never get the chance to attend another with him caused a wave of sadness to come over her. She swallowed hard and locked her phone to stop herself from getting too emotional.

"Positive thoughts, Dess, positive thoughts." She said to herself.

She was trying.


"Wassup, Gabe." Ameer greeted.

Gabe dapped him up, ending it in a hug. He scanned the gym and seen the teen boys dribbling and shooting around. No Shai or Shamar in sight. That was expected due to yesterdays events.

"It's empty in here." Gabe mentioned, turning his attention to Ameer.

"Yeah." Ameer muttered, taking a look around as well. "We have two games coming up and it's not looking pretty." He truthfully told him.

The team was in shambles and it didn't seem like anyone cared enough to fix it. He was lost on what to do, so all he did was play and keep his mouth shut. He couldn't wait to graduate and be on his way.

"Is your coach here?" Gabe questioned.

"Yeah." Ameer turned and pointed towards the men locker room. "He's back there in his office." He answered.

Gabe thanked him with a pat on the shoulder. He walked away and headed to the locker room, having to kick a basketball out the way. When he entered the locker room, he seen Danny's office door opened and peeked inside. Knocking on the door made the three men turn his way.

"Sorry to interrupt." Gabe spoke, taking a step inside the office. "I'm Gabe, the school therapist."

He noticed the way the three men stared at him, each with a different expression on their face. Maxwell was approachable, friendly, and open to talk. Logan was exhausted and could barely keep his head up. Danny irritatedly staring back with no desire in speaking right now. Gabe assumed he was the head coach, the person he came here to see. All he had to do was remember the description Shai gave him during one of their talks. The light, old, grumpy man who was bias.

"What do you need?" Danny jumped right into it, saving the introductions. Gabe hummed at the aggressive attitude. His therapist ways jumping out in seconds.

"I came because I wanted to speak to you about a player. Shai." Gabe replied. Danny's face dropping once he heard the name. Gabe even noticed an eye roll coming from the grown man. That said a lot about how he viewed the young man.

"If it's about last night then I don't want to speak on it. The situation died down and there's no reason to bring it back up. You can go." Danny waved him off but Gabe refused to go. He needed to get a few things off his chest, whether Danny wanted to hear it or not.

"I'll stay actually. Mainly because it's been brought to my attention that you're quite bias in regard to the situation at hand." Gabe went ahead, ignoring Danny demands to leave.

"Bias?" Danny scoffed. "No one is bias about anything. I see more than you hear. I also don't care for your opinion, so you can leave as I said before." Danny expressed aggressively still.

That wasn't going to get Gabe out. "Mr. Adams, can I ask a question? Weren't you supposed to be fired last school year because of an altercation on your team? A player was hospitalized by another player of yours, right? And was there an unofficial student on campus as well?" Gabe asked multiple questions at once. He didn't necessarily need an answer since he already knew. He wanted to see if Danny would be honest.

"Why is that any of your concern?" Danny offensively asked his own question.

Gabe slowly nodded his head, picking up the deflection. "You know what you're doing is common for people who know they're wrong. Deflection. I'm not here to attack or judge. I am here to defend a student and player that's being openly being bullied and taunted in the eyes of someone that's supposed to be a mentor." Gabe disclosed to him.

He was sure Danny knew what was up, but in case he didn't he informed him. Danny rolled his eyes again. He wasn't trying to hear whatever Gabe had to say. Yet, he knew the man wasn't going to stop talking until he got his point across. He can tell when someone was here trying to make a change or drastic statement. He couldn't care less about all of it.

"No one is being bullied..." Danny waved his hand trying to remember Gabe's name.

"Gabe." Gabe helped him out. "My name is Gabe. A therapist here on campus, Shai being one of my patients."

"Ahh, I see where this is going." Danny deeply chuckled.

"You do?" Gabe questioned with an arched eyebrow.

"Oh, I do. I'm well aware of Shai and his past issues with family. His mindset is different from others and I'm not faulting him for that. His ongoing problem with Shamar is a family issue. Not mine and neither is it yours. We don't play a role in their lives. We're just staff." Danny said.

"Yes, staff who come here to work and help our students. You coach a team sport, Mr. Adams, so I'm sure you preach teamwork and positive and supportiveness between each other. I don't see how you feel as though you don't play a role in these boys lives. Specifically, Shai."

"You know what I mean. I cannot control what these two have going on. They're going to fuss and fight with each other whether I want them to or not. It's out of my control." Danny shrugged nonchalantly.

"I agree with you that you can't control these boys. But let's not pretend you don't egg the situation on by not intervening. You make no efforts to change anything and stop fights from happing between the two. This isn't the first time these two went at it in your presence. Let's put it all on the floor as real men." Gabe urged. He leaned against the wall and put his hands in his pockets.

"We're putting it out on the floor and I'm speaking the truth. I don't know what else to tell you." Danny remarked, extending his hands outward in an apathetic manner.

"Mr. Adams, I'm not sure if you're understanding what I'm saying. You and Shamar are bullies. You've been bullying Shai since last year. He didn't play a single basketball game until the end of the season. You allowed the rest of your plays constantly attack that young man on and over again. The only reason this is different is because Shamar's father, Sean, helped you keep your job. You were on the verge of losing it and magically you're still here after what you did. I'm more than aware of how blackmail and bribery works, and what it does to a person." Gabe told him.

"And you think that applies to me?"

"I don't think, I know it does." Gabe corrected.

He continued, "Do I have to remind you that you were going to be fired after an incident revolving a student being hospitalized under your supervision? Then you end up keeping your job while another student shows up on your team. That same student being another child of someone you associate yourself with, Sean Carter. Everything lines up perfectly in my eyes, and I'm confident it does for you too. It's okay to admit that you were being used as a grown man. It happens to the best of us."

Danny clenched his jaw, his fist balled up under his desk. "I wasn't being used by anything, Gabe. You don't know what you're speaking on and I'm afraid I no longer want to have this conversation. You can see yourself out." Danny tried again to get Gabe out his office.

Gabe hummed again and knew this conversation was over with. He didn't regret talking to Danny even though he was being difficult and lying. But Gabe expected it. No one, especially a man, would admit that they were being manipulated and used by another man. He was sure Danny thought he'd be seen as less than a man. Gabe didn't care about any of that and wanted him to know the part he played in this mess. He was a bully towards Shai, records state that. A bully would always support their own.

No matter what.

"Before I depart I'd like to make one thing known..." Gabe pulled his hand out his pocket and held a finger up. "you're a grown man, Mr. Adams. All of you are grown men who avidly watch a young man be bullied time and time again. None of you do anything about it until he's seen as the aggressor in your eyes, which helps out with the story about Shai. I'm more than aware of Dean Freeman's dislike for him and wanting him to be expelled. Y'all 'plan' isn't smart either." He said his last words and used air quotes.

He looked around the room to catch the several reactions. Logan and Maxwell were the only ones who seemed to feel guilty regarding the part they played in. Danny tried his hardest to act cool and unbothered. On the inside, he was heated and embarrassed for being called out. Gabe smirked then turned on his heels swiftly and exited the office. He went back into the gym and only seen Ameer and another student dribbling and shooting.

Everyone else that was there had disappeared from what his eyes seen. He shook his head but kept his comments to himself. This team needed a new coach and more importantly, they needed Shai.


McLean, Virginia

"Oh this house is beautiful!" Indy complimented while she scrolled on the phone.

Her and Priscilla were looking at pictures of Shai and Dess new home. They both were proud of Shai and how far he came from that small quiet boy to a strong confident man. He was married, had his own home, and cut off his family after all these years. He was doing everything they wanted him to do, have his own life and not have to worry about family issues. Indy was more emotional at all of it.

She sniffled while she got teary-eyed. "Look how far you've came. I'm so proud of you." She said, looking up at Shai. She was presented with that child-like smile he had. The same smile she adored seeing when he was a little kid. Even seeing it now let her know that everything was okay. That's all she wanted.

"Oh man, she's crying." Shai said while throwing his arms up. Indy, Priscilla, and him all laughed together.

"You know I'm a crybaby." Indy mentioned, wiping her face. "Nonetheless, I really can proud of you, Shai."

Shai reached over the table and held her hand. "I'm proud of myself too, Indy, but I would've have gotten to where I am today without the two of you." He said, grabbing Priscilla's hand too.

"Which is why I want to gift you both this house." He went right in. Indy and Priscilla looked at each other then back at him, sharing a puzzled look.

"What?" They asked together.

"Hear me out first, when the owner came here about the house, I came up with the idea to buy it off him." He made clear to them.

"Why?" Priscilla asked. "You already have a house and you don't need another."

"I get that, however, you both been my biggest supporters since you came into my life. Y'all played the biggest role as not only mothers but as guardians. I can't keep going on with life without paying back the ones that helped me in the first place. I want to do that by buying you a home." He further explained his reasoning for his decision.

He may have been getting mixed emotions on his choice. Dess didn't think it was a smart move at the moment. Indy and Priscilla were on edge as well. Despite all of that, he wanted to make the people around him happy and have them live a peaceful life. He mainly wanted to take the weight off Indy and Priscilla shoulders, and allow them to finally live life properly.

"I really want to do this for you two. I'll buy the house and pay the bills. Indy, I can get your children down here so you can see them. And Priscilla, we're going on dating sites to find you a man." Shai added, Priscilla mouth dropping open.

"Umm, what makes you think I want to start dating?" She asked with a head tilt.

Shai snickered then shrugged. "I don't but I do want you to live life, have fun, and not have to deal with taking care of people. I want to take care of you." He said to her, making Priscilla stick her bottom lip out.

He went to Indy and said, "I want to take care of you as well."

"Please let me do that." He begged. It took a second before getting a response.

"I'll be fine with it." Indy answered first.

Priscilla spoke after, "And I'm fine with it too."

"Good!" Shai put his arms in the air. "I'll talk to the dude and see what's up. Neither of y'all have to worry about anything because I got you." He promised.

"Ooh, I've been waiting for someone to say that to me. I'm an old woman and need to be taken care of." Indy expressed, snapping her fingers with sass.

Shai laughed at her but agreed. They deserved to be taken care of and he was doing to do exactly that. Two more women for him to assure were good. And while he thought about that, his attention cut to the seat beside him. It was empty since Dess was supposed to be sitting there. She had gotten up and hasn't been back since. While Indy and Priscilla talked about the home, he excused himself from the table to search for Dess.

His first thought was the kitchen. He headed down the hall and peeked around the wall, seeing Dess back towards him. He quietly went up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her neck then saw what she was doing.

"Everything alright?" He asked, noticing she was reading messages between her and her Dad.

"Yeah, everything is fine." She quietly answered. She locked her phone then turned around to be face to face with him. Staring at her, Shai knew she wasn't telling the full truth. He ran his finger from her forehead to her nose and tapped it.

"Wanna hear a joke?" He asked trying to light the mood. She nodded her head.

"What did one raspberry say to the other?" Shai asked while poking her stomach.


"I love you berry much."

Dess tried holding it in but let out a snicker. His joke was corny but it did the job of cheering her up. She needed it.

"You're corny." She said through her giggles. Shai continued rubbing her stomach, placing his attention on her.

"You still laughed, so that's all that matters." He mentioned.

"I guess. You told Indy and Priscilla?" She changed the subject. She couldn't talk about herself and her feelings for long. She needed a distraction from her thoughts for a second. Shai noticed and went along with it.

"Yes, ma'am, and they're on board with it. I'll talk to the guy tomorrow and see what I can do. And we'll try to get our home situated as well." He answered.

"Yeah." Dess mumbled. Her mood going back to how it was before, mournful with a frown on her face. Even with Shai feeling on her, it did nothing. One thing on her mind.

Shai sense it and did what he knew would work. He placed his arms around her and hugged her tight. Dess resting her head against his chest and gripping the back of his shirt. They said nothing. Shai allowing her to have her moment. A hug couldn't compare to a joke. Touch was all she needed to know that she was secure and safe. Shai kissed her forehead then rested his cheek on top of her head.

"I love you berry much." He repeated his joke to her.

Dess softly giggled. "I love you too."


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