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The sun shined brightly as the wind made the trees rustle in the air. Demetrius walked to the back, leaning on the glass door as he watched Constance. She relaxed in the pool as she listen to the birds in the sky.

Demetrius smirk looking at her loving the fact that she was enjoying herself. It was the main reason why he took her on this vacation in the first place. He thought they were getting somewhere and by the time they got back home, everything would be fine.

Unfortunately, it wasn't.

Hearing a phone ringing inside the house, he look back before walking inside. Heading in the bedroom, he heard Constance phone ringing and grabbed it. He debated whether he should answer it or not, but ended up answering it anyways.

"Hello." He answered sitting on the bed.

"Oh, hello, I was calling for Constance. Is she around?" A man on the other line asked.

"Uhh, she's busy at the moment but I can take a message though." Demetrius said.

"Okay, I was just calling to remind her that her prescription refill is available whenever she runs out." the man replied, Demetrius raising his brow.

"Prescription? For what exactly, if you don't mind me asking." Demetrius asked out of curiosity. He was confused as to what the man was talking about, more so, confused as to why Constance needed to be reminded of a prescription refill.

"It's a prescription for her antidepressant pills she's been taking to cope with her depression. She had me change her pills, so I was reminding her." the man answered his question.

Demetrius look out the window putting his attention on Constance then proceeded to talk, "So, she's been taking pills to cope with her depression?" he asked for assurance. He wanted to make sure he was hearing the man correctly.


He rub the bridge of his nose, "Exactly, how long have you been prescribing her pills?"

"I can't necessary tell my patients business sir, so I can't give you that information sadly." the man told him and Demi nodded his head, understanding.

"Yeah, I understand. Umm, I'll let her know about her refill." Demi told him, slightly mad that he couldn't get that information. But, a part of him thought it was good he wasn't told or else he would've been even more pissed than he was.

"Thank you. I'm hoping to hear from her about them soon."

"Mhm, bye." Demetrius hung up the phone once the line went dead. He lock Constance phone putting it back on the nightstand.

He place his head in his hands processing the news he had just gotten. He was angry, annoyed and upset at it's finest. A part of him told him that something was up with Constance. No matter how many times she told him she was fine, he just had that feeling she was lying to him about something so important. Reason why he kept mentioning that she shouldn't be scared to tell him anything, but she just refused to do so.

And it wasn't like he was mad at her for being depressed and taking pills to cope with it, more so, he was angry at the way he found out over a phone call. He had to hear about his girlfriend problems from someone else instead of hearing it from her own mouth. That was the shit that pissed him off because he gave her plenty of opportunities to tell him something. He didn't understand why it was so hard for her to just tell him what was going on.

Hearing footsteps, he look up seeing Constance coming in the room. He tried to hide the pissed off expression that was plastered on his face, but was having a hard time doing so.

"I thought you was coming in the pool?" Constance asked, completely unaware of what had happened.

"I changed my mind." Demetrius answered, nonchalant. Constance look at him weirdly, noticing his vibe was off and his mood had changed from earlier.

"Are you okay?" she asked taking a seat beside him, but he got up.

"I'm fine, I'm going for a walk real quick." he told her, she nodded her head watching as he walked out the room.

She heard the door open then closed making her scrunched up her face. She was confused as to why his whole mood changed out of nowhere and she was going to find out later.

"Baby..." Constance dragged walking in the kitchen. "Wanna walk to the beach with me?" she asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.

She roll her eyes, "That's not an answer. I need a yes or a no." she told him.

"I guess so, Constance, I really don't care." he told her, which came out more rudely than it should've.

Constance frown at his attitude, "Umm, okay there's really no need to be rude about it. I just asked a question." she remarked, looking him up and down.

"Mhm." he hummed getting up from his seat then putting on his shoes. Constance kept a frown on her face as the two walked out the villa and then proceeded to walk down the dirt road nearby.

Constance could feel the huge elephant between them as they silently walked to the beach together. She looked up at him, debating it she wanted to say something. But, what exactly was she going to say...that was the problem. As the dirt road came to an end, they approached the beach seeing only a couple other people there. The sun was setting making the sky a pretty pinkish-orange color as the water came up to the shore. She took off her sandals, holding them in her hand as she walked barefoot on the sand.

"It's so pretty out here." she said as they started walking alongside the shore. "Doesn't it look pretty?" she asked looking over at Demetrius.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I guess so." he answered nonchalant and that same frown plastered on her face.

"Okay, seriously babe, you guess so? Why you acting like that?" she asked him, genuinely wanting to know.

"Acting like what?"

"A straight up buzzkill. We were good in the beginning of this trip and now your acting all different for no reason at all. It's honestly starting to be annoying." she told him and Demetrius suck his teeth.

"Right, I'm being annoying all of a sudden, cool." he said sarcastically, shaking his head.

Constance stopped walking and turned towards him, "What's really good with you cause it seem like you have a lot of pressure on your chest that you need to get off. So, be my fucking guest and spill the shit." she said angrily, crossing her arms.

Demetrius scoffed turning towards her, "I personally feel like I should be the one asking you what's good." he remarked and she scrunched up her face.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Demetrius bite the inside of his lip, "I feel like you keeping some really important shit from me for what reason I don't fucking know and it's annoying." he told her.

"I'm not keeping shit from you though, so ion know what the fuck your talking about." she retorted.

"There's no need to lie about some simple ass shit, Constance. If there's something wrong with you then just say that shit instead of hiding it. It's not going to hurt to talk about your problems to me."

She roll her eyes, "Are you serious right now? That's why your mad because I won't tell you anything? FYI Demetrius when I fucking say I'm fine, that fucking means I'm fine. Your trying to push the narrative that somethings wrong with me when I tell you I'm perfectly fine and I need you to understand that shit!" she shouted causing people to look at them.

"We're out in public, Constance, so there's no reason for you to be yelling. We're not about to argue out here either." he told her and she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"I don't give not one fuck, Demi, at all. You can talk to my black ass cause I'm done this stupid ass conversation because your butt fucking hurt." she stormed off, leaving him there.

Demetrius shook his head walking after her. Just as everything was turning out good, shit goes downhill quickly.

a. vacation didn't go as planned bummer

b. thoughts on Demetrius finding out about Constance being depressed and taking pills? what y'all think he gonna do?

c. thoughts on their small argument? what y'all think gonna happen between the two of them?

d. all of this is all intentional with the way Constance is acting, I'm not just being an ass and trying to make y'all mad

e. thoughts? opinions? questions?

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