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Tatiana tap her long nails on the counter. She stared at Romana who was sitting on the couch on her phone. She then put her attention on Zack and TJ who were talking amongst each other. She huff out of boredom, she was tired of being in this shop with these same lame people.

She wanted entertainment, she NEEDED entertainment. A sly smile grew on her face as she came up with an idea to get the shop stirred up. She just needed to wait until Cannon came back. As if her wish was granted, the door to the shop opened and Cannon walked in.

"Bro, you got our food?" Zack asked quickly getting up and walking over to Cannon. Cannon pushed him away from him then put the bag on the counter.

"Next time y'all hungry, go get y'all own food. Y'all legs work." He remarked sitting down.

"You was already leaving, so it was only right for you to get our food." Zack told him taking out the tacos. He sniffed the wrapper smelling the greasy meat served with an excess amount of lettuce for no reason.

After everyone got their food, they all went back to what they were doing before. Tatiana look back at Romana then smile.

"Does anyone else find it interesting how Romana is the only white girl here?" Tati asked grabbing everyone attention. All the boys look over at Romana and she kept her head down.

"Well, I mean she's a good tattoo artist. She did my tattoo." TJ said, shrugging his shoulders.

"But, like why a white girl? Y'all never wondered why Demetrius chose her out of all people?" Tati continued trying to get under Romana skin.

"D, chose her because he like her skills. We're really wondering how the fuck you still have your job." Cannon remarked, Zack laughing loudly until Tati sent an intense glare at him.

He cleared his throat, "That shit wasn't funny." he said lowly, Cannon raising his brow at him.

"I still have my job because I'm the best bitch here." She answered, flipping her hair.

"Also, because me and Demetrius have a very, very tight connection." She continued.

"Not really, but go off." Cannon said, tossing his head back.

"Yes really. Anyway, Romana why are you here, like seriously?"

Romana sigh, looking up at her. "Because I wanted to work here. Is that such a problem to you?" She asked smartly.

"Uhh, yeah it is a problem. But, your white so you wouldn't understand the problem since you think the world revolve around you and your stupid people."

"Aight, Tati chill the fuck out." Cannon interjected.

"Yeah seriously, Tati you doing too much." TJ added on.

"No, I'm not chilling out. I can't be the only one that have a problem with her being here. Do y'all not remember all the bs white people put us through and it's continuing today. All because of her racist leader, President Trump." Tatiana said, rolling her neck at Romana.

"How does it feel to be a racist?"

"I'm not a racist!" Romana shouted, quickly standing up.

"Ooh, the racist is getting mad y'all. Let's hope she doesn't call the cops on us and say we threatened her." Tati fake jumped then started laughing. Romana walked up to her, her face now red as she got angry.

"You got a problem?" Tati asked, standing up fully and staring at her.

"Yeah, your my fucking problem! Your always coming at me for no reason at all, I don't do shit to you." Romana raised her voice.

"Girl, you better lower your voice or else imma punch the shit out you." Tati threatened which made Cannon and TJ get up quickly.

"Aight, chill." TJ said, grabbing Romana hand but she snatched it away from him.

"No, I'm not chilling out because Tati got me fucked up. You always picking on me and I don't do shit to you. But, if the roles were reversed then it'll be a different story. That's fucked up!" She shouted getting closer to Tati.

"You getting closer bitch like you finna do something. And yeah it'll be different, so try me white bitch!" Tati shouted as Cannon moving her back.

With that Romana exploded and snatched her arm away for TJ. Tati ended up getting out of Cannon grip and the two ran up to each other and started fighting.

"Oh my fucking gosh!" Cannon exclaimed, quickly moving as the two kept fighting.

"Bro, go get Demetrius." He told Zack, who shook his head as he recorded the two of them.

They didn't need to get Demi anyways, since he was already coming out due to the noise. He was just trying to simply talk to Constance and Amira.

"What the fuck?" He asked seeing Tati and Romana on the floor fighting. TJ and Cannon attempting to break them up while Zack recorded.

"Jesus, y'all are annoying." He muttered before going to help. They finally got the two of them apart and it wasn't pretty.

"Get the fuck off me!" Romana shouted and TJ quickly let go of her. They all look at her seeing she was crying and bleeding.

"I FUCKING QUIT!" She shouted grabbing her things then storming out.

The shop got quiet, Demetrius rubbing the bridge of his nose. His heart beating fast as he got more and more angrier the second. He was trying to calm himself down, but sadly it didn't work.

"Welp, that got rid of her." Tati said and Demi quickly look up at her.

"You gotta go." He told her and she raise her brow.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard what the fuck I said, you gotta go. I should've been fired your ass, but I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. But, your so fucking annoying and always causing unnecessary fucking drama. What the fuck was the reason for all of this, huh? Pure entertainment? Cause if that was the fucking case then your the butt of your own fucking joke stupid. Now, you have one of two choices, so choose fucking wisely. You either leave here willingly or get dragged the fuck out. Pick your fucking poison!" He yelled, completely pissed off.

Tati started laughing then stopped once she seen Demetrius mugging her.

"Your really letting me go because of a fight? I was doing y'all black men a favor-"

"Shut the fuck up and leave." Demetrius cut her off and she frown.

"Fine, if that's how you want it." She said and started gathering her things. She picked up her jacket then walked over to Demetrius.

"Before I go, I just want to give you something."

She grabbed his shirt, pulling him into a kiss. Demetrius quickly pushed her away then wipe his mouth.

"See you!" She waved before heading out. Demetrius wipe his mouth again, shaking his head.

"I swear to God, I hate people."

𝐜𝐢𝐜𝐢_𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬: 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥❤️

Demetrius tuck in his lips as Constance held her stomach, laughing. She had been doing so for about three minutes, laughing harder the second.

"This ain't funny." Demetrius finally said, hitting her thigh. She sat up on her elbows looking at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry you got violated at work today." She chuckled, he smack his lips walking out the room.

She snickered getting off the bed, then walking over to Amira in her bassinet.

"Your dad a crybaby." She said turning on the baby monitor. She grabbed the other then headed out the room, going downstairs.

She skipped into the living room seeing Demi sitting on the couch. She lift his head up then straddled him.

"You done crying?" She asked and he stale face her.

"I wasn't crying." He said leaning back.

"I beg to differ, but okay."

"I'm confused as fuck. Whatchu not mad or something?" He asked out of curiosity.

He had told her what happened with Tati and surprisingly, she didn't react the way he thought she would. He thought she would be mad and upset about it, but she was taking it well for what reason he didn't know.

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because I got kissed by a whole 'nother female that's been trying to get with me for a while now." He said and she slowly nodded her head.

"Lemme explain something to you. You're a very attractive man that many women want. With that being said, if a girl really want to fuck with you they'll do whatever it takes to get you. For example, send you nude pictures or kiss you. Yes, it's very disrespectful and she deserves to get her ass beat. But, I'm not about to fight a girl over a man that's laying in bed with me every single night. As long as you don't react to her bullshit then I don't care honestly. Now, if it's done in front of me then imma say something, but nothing more than that." She told him truthfully.

Even though she was still young, her mindset wasn't anymore. She wasn't fighting a girl to prove her spot was secure in her relationship. No matter what she did, she couldn't control what other females did. All she worried about was whether Demetrius was smart enough to not entertain them. And if he wasn't then she would handle him, otherwise, it was unnecessary.

"So, your not mad?" He asked and she shook her head.

"Nah, I would be mad if you kept kissing her or did something else. But, you didn't right?" She asked, tilting her head.

"You know damn well I didn't kiss that girl back. I have witnesses too." He told her and she chuckled.

"Relax, I believe you baby. You showed me several times you don't like her." She said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I hate that girl."

a. thoughts on Tati messing with Romana?

b. Demi finally fired her. how y'all feel about Tati kissing him?

c. thoughts? opinions? questions?

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