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My Family

ย ............~~~.............

It was the dawn of midnight when Seokjin tiredly opened his eyes, his head was reeling and his breath was reeking of alcohol, his throat felt dried out and his body ached because of the fact he was turning 40 years old, yes now he knows he isย old.

Slowly putting his step on the soft rug kept just beside his bed on the floor, mostly to help him with the soft sensation of warmth during cold mornings, this wasn't the morning he was waking up to but midnight with a taunting headache may be originating from the depths of his cerebrum or cerebellum.

His steps weren't that stable having an equilibrium or a catch hold of consciousness in his step but still, it was not like he would fall any moment or so, he could walk to get a glass full of water and come back to have a nice little sleep and not go tomorrow to the hospital for work, and who likes to go to any work on any day of the week?ย 

Walking down the stairs he heard the heavy breathing of someone, someone trying their best to catch their breath or having a panic attack, he didn't know who it was, but being a psychiatrist his first instinct was to run even though it hurt the nerves of his jaw joining the brain.

Running downstairs he got saw his own daughter Jin-Hye covering her ears and screaming which was inaudible and barely audible as a breath, he ran to her in an instinct of being a dad to give his child support. When he reached she sat down on her knees crying hysterically he doesn't know why? He had never experienced Jin-hye in this state not since she turned eleven years old.

Pulling the shaking girl in his embrace Seokjin started mumbling sweet nothings feeling his own heartbeat rage against his ribs and shatter at the broken state of her daughter, it was really coming back again to haunt her, the same nightmares which she usually told him when she would see those when she was small.

Seokjin felt his eyes prick with tears seeing his daughter in a state he didn't know would appear againย  "Jin-Hye shh, I am here, take deep breaths okay, dad is here for you, stop crying sweetpea I am here, shh take deep breaths to calm down, I am here okay?"

He heard Jin-hye whisper with just a few decibels to hear but still he can "Was it all a dream?" Dream? He got a hint of what was the reason for Jin-Hye behaving like that he patted her back to calm her ragged pit breath and swiftly rub off the tears which cascaded her countenance and lifted the passed-out girl in his arms.

Even though he was forty he had strength enough to lift up his daughter thanks to all the gym he did back then when Taehyung and he were still youngsters.

Placing Jin-Hye on her bed gently he wiped the tears and swollen eyes which it left, parted away the hairs falling on her face a bit caressing the soft skin and leaving a small kiss on her forehead smiling a bit, he will ask about this when Jin-hye voluntarily comes to him till then he would leave it up to be.

"Dude you ain't getting any man if you propose like that!"ย 

There was a commotion on the school campus through which walked Soobin and Beomgyu had hands on each other's shoulders but it seemed Beomgyu had its shoulder twitched down because of the awful stuttering he did in front of his gay crushย 

"What do you even know about guys?" the one with slumped shoulders said making Soobin utterly shocked "Excuse me? I am a boy and I understand them because I am not inflicted by an indecisive gay ass"ย ย 

"Dude you seriously gotta stop hanging out with Taehyun"

"Can't do anything he just barges inside my room for no reason"ย 

They both smiled at each other because of the unnecessary talks early in the morning, it was for no reason just so they can be awakeย 

"Where is your hot sister bruh?"ย 

Soobin looked unimpressed at Beomgyu, if it had been any other boy he would have punched his face to make him lie down on the hospital bed but it was the gay ass Beomgyu we are talking about "Seriously you should really just stick to boys no woman would like you with that dirty flirting of yours"

This statement of his made him receive a blow hit on his head by a swing of the bag from Beomgyu "But seriously thinking of your question I didn't see her from the morning, you go to class I will be going on a treasure hunt for my sister now" Beomgyu nodded clasping his lips together and showing an encouraging thumbs up.

Jin-Hye was walking down the hallway with ragged steps remembering vividly what she saw yesterday, she couldn't get that scene out of her head, she saw her appa die yet she couldn't do anything, she was worthless and useless, that was the feeling which swirled around her mind right now when she suddenly felt someone pat her back, making her annoyed and anger rising up her body for no reasonย 

"Hey Jin-Hye where were you? Did you come late?"ย 

She was in no mood to answer her happy-go-lucky brother Soobin, she was feeling too exhausted and angry to do soย 

"Just go away Soobin" she muttered under her breath enough for her twin to hearย 

"Hey come on I was worried about you and you are making me go away, what is wrong? You can tell me!" it was seriously a breaking point for her, she couldn't handle the commotion around her, her brain is going haywire and here her brother is torturing her.

"Didn't I fucking say you to go away?"ย 

She said in a little bit higher octave which took Soobin by surprise he didn't expect this to burst out, not at all, and frownedย 

"But I was just asking are you okay or not Jin-Hye why scream for that?" Soobin followed her to reach her locker, suddenly she thumped her hand over her locker taking everyone around her by surprise even Soobin who had never seen Jin-hye like thisย 

"You know what? I don't want to tell you what is wrong with me! you got no brains! You just got good looks to whore around with girls and go around with your gay friend, you don't understand what is wrong with me, you would never fucking know because you know why? I saw my appa die in front of my fucking eyes and you! You were just gurgling like an asshole like you are doing right now, just go away!"ย 

Till Jin-hye finished she had tears cascading through her eyes and Soobin was speechless, he didn't what to do, he was not angry nor any emotion was felt by himย 

"Okay I will go, you can just keep your bag and come to class, and oh! take this chocolate milk I bought it for you drink it, you may feel good"ย 

Soobin mumbled handing her over the chocolate milk and walking away slumping his shoulders and letting his head fall down to stare at the floor where his steps were slow and despond.

Jin-hye slumped down against her locker crying looking at the chocolate milk while everyone just went away to their classes, she decided to go to the rooftop she cannot unfold herself in front of his brother, not for now anyways.

Sipping chocolate milk given by her brother whom she insulted in front of the whole school she didn't know what to feel, she felt happy and guilty at the same time clasping her heart and mind and also shivering from the cold warm winds blowingย 

"Oh see who it is now, isn't that hot chick who just insulted her own twin?" hearing a taunting voice knowing very well whose she turned "Just cut it out Jae-hwan," she said not the least bit interested and threw the sachet of the chocolate milk to walk away until to be stopped by Jae-Hwanย 

"Just leave it Jae-Hwan I am not letting you date my only best friend"

She heard him chuckle "Who wanted Sooha when I have a hot chick just right in front of me"ย 

Jin-hye's eyes widened, Jae-hwan was older, a legal still studying in high school because of failing tests and his SATs.

He pinned Jin-hye on the wall of the tank while trying to drag his hand up her thigh to harass her when she felt no presence whatsoever near herย 

"Just get our filthy hands off my sister, you might be our hyung but you are nothing but a worse imbecile" Soobin's voice raged with anger punching Jae-hwan in the face which made him too angry and as a reward Soobin too received a punch on his gut and his face which slit his lips.

But Jae-hwan ran away when he felt another punch from a second person, that being Beomgyu, Soobin quickly took turned around to see a mortified yet relived Jin-hye standing there who hugged Soobin in a dash while tears pooled around her cheeks

"I am so sorry Soobin, I am so sorry I said those things to you I shouldn't have, you are my brother, my twin on top of that I shouldn't have said those things, please forgive me, no dont I am not even close for being forgiven"ย 

She chanted continuously making the heightened twin laughย 

"Jin-hye come on we are siblings, we are a family, I know something is wrong with you and I also know you would tell to me when you feel right, it is okay you are always forgiven Jin-hye but just dont scream like that in front of everyone it hurts my ear and it will hurt your throat"ย 

Soobin laughed along with Jin-hye who chuckled slightly nuzzling her face on her brother's chest but there was someone menacing on the sceneย 

"Stop pouting now come here Beomgyu"ย 

Happily and with pleasure Beomgyu came forward to crash in the hug with the two siblings and Jin-hye was getting squeezed between two heightened males but she liked it, it felt full, it made her feel so light, it made her forget the nightmare she dreamt last night, it made her cherish her familyย 

"I really like this, I really like my family"

A/N:- Okay ya I give up I cannot keep you guys in agony

so here goes another chapter!



Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: Truyen2U.Pro