ฤฑllฤฑllฤฑ ๐–ข๐—๐–บ๐—‰๐—๐–พ๐—‹ 8 ฤฑllฤฑllฤฑ

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Chiแปu cao dรฒng

I was glad the weekend was here but I still ignored the "important" things I'm supposed to complete before going back to class. Just thinking about it made my day worse.

It was the same thing everyday. Nothing exciting ever happens. College parties are just way too boring to go to now. There's not much else I would rather be doing.

Best to say that my life is really boring, but I don't mind it. I have my modeling job for big company brands. The only thing I consider busy in life right now.

After my classes were over, I left to my car. I was ready to sleep all day when I get home. I was seeing text messages from my Dad about meeting with my tutor. A tutor in college? I don't fucking need one.

I just left him on read as usual and I look up to see Yoji standing awkwardly next to my car. If I had security watching the vehicle, she would've already been gone by now. I paid no mind to her as I threw my stuff in the back seat.

"Mr. Kim." She lightly said.

I look up at her. Her movements looking timid, "We have a study day today. Your father wants me to-"

"I know what my father said. He said it very clear." Not even waiting for a reply back from her, I got in and started my car.

She backed away from the parking space as I drove off. I looked in my rear mirror as I just see her with her head down walking off towards the elevator. My gut and mind were debating to go back or not.

She reminded me of her in that moment. Frustrated, I turned the car around. I pull up beside her before she entered the elevator. She looked at me confused. I put my window down.

"Get in." Frustration still in me.

She gets in and puts her seatbelt on.

"Where are we going?" I asked.


"You didn't plan that out?" I glared at her.

"Well, what place you're most comfortable with?"

"I don't care. Anywhere."

"Your place?"


"My place?"

"We literally just met and you want some random man you don't know at all come into your house? That's dangerous."

"I'm . . . sorry?"

I just heaved a big sigh and I just started driving off, "We're just going to go to the on campus library."

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The whole ride there was in silence and I was glad. As soon as we get into the library, others were already staring. I shrugged it off and I sat at the first open table I see. Yoji sat across from me.

"Which subject would you like to start with?" She looked up at me.

"Whatever you feel like is needed I guess." I just sat there waiting.

I caught the little glare in her eyes towards me as she started getting her books and whatever. I smirked a little at that.

An hour passed and I simply answered whatever she told me to write down or answer aloud. There was really nothing to review as I answered everything correctly.

The whole time I didn't even pay attention to what she said.ย  She'd furrow her eyebrows at times. I thought that was cute.

She looked up towards me, "You're doing everything fine. There seems to be no problem with you doing anything."

"I know. That's the point I've been trying cross with you and you simply did not listen." I leaned back as a wave of relaxation hit me.

"How come you haven't been doing so well on your work?" She looked at me curiously.

"That's my business you don't need to know." I said while feeling I might fall asleep in my current position.

"Well a part of it I should know about because if I'm just here to babysit you, you're wasting my time. I have a life of my own." I hear shuffling of her stuff being moved on the table.

I open my eyes to see that she was getting ready to leave.

"I'm not the one who agreed to tutor me. I warned you in the first place." She just ignores me as she gets up to walk away.

"Just saying now. If my father hears about you not tutoring me, he's not afraid to make your father's life a miserable hell." She stopped in her tracks.

She stood there for a moment and she turned back around sat back in her current seat. She started glaring me down as I only sat in my chair waiting for her next move.

"Then what am I supposed to do?"

I leaned forward and I whispered, "Well, if any favors come up, I'll let you know. Until then, go on about your life and wait until time is up."

She rolled her eyes, "Your father wants me to help you by getting back on track in getting good grades in all of your classes again. This won't end for awhile. You know this."

"Well, I'll do what I can and like I said. When your time is up, you'll be let go. Until then," I tore a little piece of paper out of her notebook and grabbed my pen while writing down my phone number.

"do as I say and your family will be fine." I handed it to her.

She took it and looked at me suspiciously, "I'm not being your slave. Find someone else."

She got up again, "I'll text you and let you know. If you don't show up when I do ask that favor, well, the choice was yours."

I knew she didn't completely know this campus at all. The way she looks around cluelessly is obvious. I waited, and right on time she came back.

"I need a ride back home." She had her head down as if she was in defeat.

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She didn't speak to me the whole way there except telling me the directions. At this point I didn't really give a damn about anything. I just wanted to be home in my own bed.

We arrived at a small shabby apartment complex. We were on the other side of the city. This is part of the city where most crimes are reported on the news. I felt concerned for her.

She looked before getting out of the car. Before she left I grabbed her wrist. Her eyes widened,ย  "The phone number isn't just for favors. If you need help, call me."

She was confused and only nodded. I lightly let go of her. I watch her go inside her apartment on the second floor. She went inside. She better lock her damn doors.

Before driving off, I get a phone call from Kang. I hesitated before answering.


"Your dad just swung by just now. He's looking for you."

I slumped in my seat at the news. What the hell does he want now?

"Did he say anything?"

"Asked if you were in tutoring. Told him I didn't didn't know."

"Really? And you could've simply just say yes. But no, now he probably has people looking for me over the city at this very moment."

"Don't put the blame on me. You don't tell me shit and this is the result because of that. So, I'm sorry if I could not see your invisible ques on telling him a lie."ย  He scoffed.

"Well, it would've been nice if you really had my back. Some real friend you are."

"Your starting to piss me off. Deal with it yourself then if you don't appreciate my help." He hung up right after.

Immediately after a text pops up from my father.

Meet me in my office first
thing tomorrow afternoon.

I threw my phone in the passenger seat and I drove off.

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I didn't really feel like confronting Kang just yet. So I booked me a hotel for the night. Trying to decide on either to actually do homework or take a nap, I was already laying soundly asleep in bed.

My phone started vibrating and I groaned. They won't call again, just ignore it. It finally stopped and I smiled peacefully. Unfortunately, they called again. I quickly got up and tried searching for my phone. It was somewhere in the abyss of covers.

Finally, I found it and I see Jimin calling me. I answered.

"Hello?" I groggily answered.

"You have a hang over don't you?"

"No! You caught me in the middle of taking a nap."

"Whatever, anyways, you sure you'll be there tonight?"

"What's tonight?"

"Are you serious?"

I pondered for a minute, "Oh, the club thing with J-Hope and you. Yeah, I'll be there." I yawned into the phone.

"It's really important if you're there. This is the only time we'll actually be able to talk." Jimin sighs.

"I'll be there, I promise. What time do I have to be there again?"

He groans, "At least eight o'clock. J-Hope will be there later since he has some meeting he'll be in for a while."

"Okay." I rubbed my eyes.

"Great, I'll see you then." I could hear him smiling through the phone before he ended the call.

I looked at the time on my phone. Fucking almost 7:30 already?! How long did I actually sleep for?ย  I got out of bed as I had made my way into the kitchen and downed a whole water bottle.

I rush to my closet to find something to wear and then after started fixing my hair and whatnot in the bathroom. I grabbed my car keys and headed to the elevator as I see the time again. 7:46. Fuck, I need to hurry. The elevator opened and I see an attractive lady with a blue shirt on and a white blouse. I walk in as I see she's headed to the first floor also.

We both made eye contact as she smiled a little. I smiled back. The doors opened and we both started walking out which resulted in bumping into each other.

"Sorry," I said.

"It's alright." She giggled. She purposely started moving her shirt around as her chest revealed only a little.

She went towards the front desk as I headed out of the lobby. I went in my car and started it. Just then, my phone started ringing. I answered without looking, "Hello?"

"Taehyung, not even joking. Your Dad is pissed off right now. Where are you?"

"What do you mean he's pissed?"

"He's just pacing back and forth in the living room right now! What do you want me to do?!"ย  He whispered yelled.

"Are you hiding from him?"

It went silent for a moment, "Your Dad is scary, okay? Especially when he can only look at you in a glare and I'm not going to accompany him when he's like that. And yes, I kind of am. I'm in the bathroom."

"Tell him I stayed in a hotel. That's all, now I gotta go."


I hung up on him and drove off in a hurry to get to the club.

Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: Truyen2U.Pro