CH. 4. SHE'S HERE😻🤩!!

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This chapter won't be much long and our heroine is gonna make her entry😍🤩...
Enjoy reading😊!

3rd person's pov

Raj Garu had sent the driver to pick up Nikki from the airport. The driver reached the airport and kept the board carrying her name high. Few seconds after he raised the board, a girl came thrashing everyone out of the way and people were glaring at her due to this🤣. The girl came so fast and hugged the driver🤗.

He stared at her and blinked unable to register what just happened 😳😂. She shook the driver after she saw that he was not responding and squealed at him calling 'annayya'😃😃.

(N- Nikki, Dr- Driver)

N- Hi annayya☺️... I'm Nikitha Varma and I'm going to assist Rama Garu as a designer in the movie. U can call me Nikki😊.

She told with excitement🤩🤩.

He was shocked seeing her excitement and he came back to normal after some time😲😂. He greeted her by calling 'madam'. She glared at him hearing that😡 and told him

N- When I came, what did I just call u😒?

Dr- That, madam, u called me annayya😕

N- Oh, this man! Again madam aah😬. I called u annayya because I'm like ur little sister. U r supposed to treat me like ur little sister. Ok😒?

Dr- That I will for sure madam😁.

N- Again there he goes🤦... If I am calling u annayya, u shouldn't call me madam. U should call me by name. Understand😬?

Dr- But I'm just a driver. I'm not supposed to call u by name😔.

N- Arree, so what? U r my annayya and I'm ur sister Nikki🤗. Thats it. Don't irritate me further by calling me madam😣. Otherwise I won't hesitate to fire u from ur job😏.

The driver became scared😰 and took her threat seriously. Nikki saw this and held back her laugh🤭. This man is so innocent, she thought☺️. Who was she to fire him? She's yet to get appointed and this man wasn't aware of all these😂.

She glanced at him once again and saw his scared face😨😓. She couldn't hold back more and laughed her heart out🤣. The driver was confused seeing her. He asked her😳-

Dr- Why are u laughing🙄?

N- Oh my god, annayya, u r so innocent😂. Who am I to fire u? U didn't think for once when I said that and became all scared. I couldn't hold back my laugh seeing u like that😝😝. Sorry😜!!

Seeing her the driver also began to laugh🤣🤣. They laughed nonstop like crazy people and people around stared at them. Seeing this they zipped their lips🤐. He asked her-

Dr- Mada- , sorry Nikki pls get inside. It's getting late and everyone on the sets would be waiting for you😊😄.

N- ok annayya 😊😁

Nikki smiled hearing him calling her 'nikki' and got in

N- Btw, annayya, what's ur name?

Dr- My name is Sunder😊.

N- Ahha, handsome name for a handsome man haa😉.

She teased him and he blushed☺️😋. Seeing this she laughed😂. The car started at she leaned her head towards the window enjoying the cool breeze🥰. She enjoyed the new place and was excited to meet her 'Sweety' and Sweety's darling😍🤩.

She saw a couple riding on a bike and the girl was hugging the man tightly and enjoying the moment♥️. She imagined herself hugging someone like this but the man's face was not clear to her. She understood that God don't want to show her the face of her prince charming right now and that she had to wait😄😉. She smiled and just thought what the future had in store for her😊😊.

Hey guys....

I know that it's been long since I've updated. I've promised that I would update this week and lo, I've kept my promise. Will try to give another update soon before my exams start.

Thank you for all the love and support and do vote and comment and suggest my story to fellow readers.

And don't worry, our beloved Rana will meet her in the next chapter.


Precap : Rana meets Nikki😍

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