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Hey guys! I was so excited to make them meet😄. So decided to write this chapter very soon. Enjoy reading😊!
Dedicated to urjapan for the kind support ☺️

3rd person's pov

After a journey of 1 hour, Nikki finally reached her destination, the BB sets at Ramoji Film City. She was awestruck the moment she set her foot there seeing the gigantic sets😲😲. She was gaping at the huge chariot that was in front of her when suddenly someone covered her eyes👀.

She smiled thinking that it will be Sweety who covered her eyes and called out her name😄. The hands left her eyes and she saw Sweety in front of her. She shrieked with joy and hugged her tightly🤗😘😘.

S- Arrey Nikki leave me. I may die due to lack of oxygen😦😂.
N- Sorry my cupcake😛😁.

Then she suddenly thought something and widened her eyes😳.

N- The moment my eyes were uncovered, I saw you in front of me. Then who covered my eyes🤔??

She turned back with the speed of lightening and saw our mighty Baahubali standing with his mischievous smirk😏💪. Nikki jumped with happiness taking his hands in hers while Sweety couldn't control her laugh seeing our Darling bouncing along with her as Nikki pulled him with her whenever she jumped🤣🤣. Prabhas was laughing along with her.

N- Darling broooo😍😍😍😃😃

After she got back to normal, Prabhas maintained a straight face with a glare😐😤 and asked Nikki

D- I covered ur eyes hoping that when u will turn and see me, u will jump with happiness and that u would forget about Sweety seeing me☹️😔 ( He pouted). But the reverse happened. After seeing her u didn't bother to look at the person who intended to give u a surprise😔.

N- Awww my bro😘... Don't be sad. I gave Sweety all the attention when I came, coz afterwards I will only be with you. I can see Sweety whenever I want. But I can't get to spend much time with my darling bro so easily😄😄😘

Saying this she pulled his cheeks😂. Darling made an irritated face and rubbed his cheeks🤣🤣. Darling raised his brows in a playful🤨 way at Sweety and Sweety rolled her eyes🙄.

D - See Sweety everyone wants to spend their time with me😏. But I want to spend my time with my Sweetu. And you are running away from me😒.

S- Hey modhhu bava, if you are trying to  jump upon me like a lion pouncing on its prey whenever I appear in front of u, what should I do other than running away🙄😬😬??

Darling glared at her while Nikki chuckled hearing this🤣🤣.
Sweety soon realised her folly and bit her tongue😋.

N- By the way, bro I was telling that I should spent time with u instead of her because this poor soul always used to phone me and tell me about your naughtiness😉😉. So I decided to make her free for some time not because that I'm dying to be with you😝😝.

Darling realised that Nikki was teasing him and glared at both the ladies😡 who were laughing uncontrollably🤣🤣.

Both stopped seeing him glaring🤐. Nikki in order to escape said-

N- Bro u were dying to spend time with Sweety right? Go, take her and romance as much as u want. But pls don't destroy her ability to walk. She has to shoot her portions😝😜.

Both D&S who failed to understand the double meaning in her words soon understood🤣.

Darling widened his eyes and the tip of his ears reddened due😳😂 to embarrassment while Sweety glared at Nikki still failing to hide her blush☺️😂.

Nikki chuckled seeing their condition🤣.

N- I was just joking bro😉. I know that u both are yearning to spend time with each other. Don't waste your valuable time for me☺️. Just tell me where can I meet Rajamouli Garu🙂.

D- Leave you alone😯?? Why talli, to say to Raj Garu that we left u alone and are romancing😰? No way madam. We'll come along with u🙏. Also will show around the sets come. Please grace the great Baahubali's Mahishmati with ur divine presence, my lady🙇😄!

Nikki and Sweety chuckled hearing Darling's words and followed him😂.

They reached the room of Raj Garu where he along with Rama Garu, Valli Garu, Ramya Garu, Satyaraj Garu, Nasser Garu, Senthil, Prashanti , Shobu Garu and Sabu sir were discussing their plans for the day. Seeing an unfamiliar face along with Sweety and Darling, all looked at each other🤔.

But Raj Garu and Rama Garu understood that she must be Nikki and smiled at them😊😊.

S- Hey everyone, I have told u all that my friend would be joining us as Rama Garu's assistant😊. She's the one. Nikki - I mean Nikitha Varma a fashion designer by profession.

All looked at the cute girl in front of them and smiled😊😊. She excitedly smiled in return😃.

(SSR-  Raj Garu, Ra- Rama Garu, V- Valli Garu, P - Prashanti, SC - Sabu Sir, Sh- Shobu Garu)

SSR- welcome to our team ma. We're really happy to get u on board. We've seen it works and Rama was really impressed with ur work😊😄.

Ra- yes, yes. U r really talented and u r apt for this profession☺️. Are u planning to stay in this profession or u just came for an experience?

N- no madam, I'm gonna take this career seriously. Before that I need to get some experience☺️. So thought of assisting u. Couldn't think of a better option😄.

Ra - Don't call me madam and all. Here everyone is like a family. So u can call me aunty😊.

N- I don't want to make u feel old. So I'll call u Rama Garu like everyone😄😄.

Hearing this everyone smiled😄. Soon she was very well introduced to almost all in the sets and everyone really loved her due to her personality and bubbly nature🥰♥️.

S- Hey pabsu pa, where is bro? Haven't seen him today🤔.

D- oh don't u know, he is sitting and caressing his wife😏.

S&N together - What😳😳???

D- Arrey don't be so shocked. I meant the throne😂. He's never leaving it. Today an assistant accidentally sat on it. Then onwards, Sir was really busy wiping and cleaning it🤣. Don't know whether he finished or not😆!

The scene then shifts to our hero who's the villain of the movie😂

R- Don't worry my dear, I won't let anyone else touch u as long as I'm alive. I'm betrothed to u for my entire life. I won't let anyone pollute u😘😘.

Saying this he wiped away his imaginary tears😢 like the hero who saved the heroine from the villain😝😝.

On the other side, our trio while entering the palace set heard Rana speaking and was shocked hearing it😲. Even D got doubt that R was speaking to a girl.
But the scene in front of them shocked them😳.

Rana was caressing and consoling the lifeless throne made by our Sabu sir and team and was talking to it all these while😂. D&S were not much affected as they knew the love their Bhalla had towards the throne but our poor Nikki was shocked beyond imagination😂😂. Sweety sensed this and said-

S- Hey Nikki, ur eyes may pop out of the sockets if u stare like this😂. U r surprised like this as u don't know his love towards this throne. He's not at all like Bhalla in his character. But when it comes to this throne, he may get bad than Bhalla🤣.
He doesn't allow anyone to sit on that throne. He does its cleaning all by himself. He's really possessive about it😁😆.

Rana was humming the Titanic song "Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you...🎵🎶"🤣🤣

D- I really doubt that it is true🤔. He's only having the thoughts about it from morning till night😏.

Rana continued singing his tuneless sing which sounded like the cow mooing🤣.

Three of them controlled their urge to laugh🤭🤭. But Nikki chuckled a bit loud turning his attention towards them😆. He noticed the unfamiliar face and concluded that it might be Nikki. He looked her from top to bottom🧐.

R in his mind- She's short. But she's really cute☺️😘... Her height suites her very much😄. She's really chubby. I feel like pulling her cheeks😘😘...
Hey man! What are u thinking🙄😬? Uhhhh!! Distraction😰...

Rana u have just recovered from a breakup😣. Focus on ur work👊. Leave the girls aside for a while man😬!

Nikki also observed the well built and tall man in front of her.

Nikki (mind voice)- He's not only handsome in movies. He is really handsome😯. Wow what a body😮! Any girl would fall for him😉😋... Wait, wait!! Am I falling for him🙄. No way Nikki, u r here for ur work. Focus😬

He during all these thoughts, he was just staring at Nikki👀. D&S noticed this and cleared their throats and R was out of his trance😂😝. Nikki smiled with a slight blush☺️. Sweety was shocked seeing her bestie blushing😲. But she decided to keep mum🤐.

S- Bro, this is my bestie Nikki😊, I mean-

R- Nikitha Varma right😁!

D, S and N stared at him shocked😳. R was also shocked at how he reacted😲. He tried to cover up.

R-  Darling has already told me about her. So I knew😅😅. (He smiled sheepishly running hand through his hairs)

D nudged S. S raised her eyebrows in question. He winked suggestively😉. S had seen her friend's blush and the way Rana blurted out. She understood and spoke😏.

S- Pabsu, I really forgot. Raj Garu had asked me to meet him to discuss about our workshop. We have to leave right now.

D- Is it Sweetu? Then come let's leave. Otherwise Raj will eat my head😝.

They started to leave and saw that Rana and Nikki was also  following them.

S- why r u guys following us🙄?

R- u only told that Raj Garu called us.

D- Arrey bava, he only called us. Not u both😬.

R- But I'm also part of the movie right.

D- That u r. But he has called us to discuss about the romantic scenes. U both r not required.

R gave a sly grin hearing it😏. He went close to D put his hand over his shoulders and whispered in his ears

R- Enjoy bava😉😝!

D slapped away R's hand and glared at him still failing to hide his smile😤☺️.
Both D and S walked away leaving Nikki and Rana alone.

Both of them smiled at each other nervously☺️.
R extended his hand for a handshake✋☝️. She also gave her hand✋.

R- Rana, Rana Daggubati😎😎

N- As if I don't know u😄. Anyways I'm
Nikitha Varma. U can call me Nikki😊.

They shook their hands firmly🤝 marking a new chapter in their lives💕...

Hope u all enjoyed the chapter. Pls vote, support and comment. Do give it valuable suggestions.



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