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●"This is the Cove of the Ancestors. Our most sacred place." Tsireya sat on the back of an ilu leading the others to the spirit tree. She was excited to see their reactions and to see them connect with it for the first time.

Nîryni was speechless while looking around at the floating islands that created gorgeous formations. Her eyes were wide and moving rapidly due to her trying to take in everything she saw. She wished Lo'ak was here to experience this as well.

"Eclipse is the best time of day to be here." She looked back at Nîryni and was glad to see the older girl looking just as amazed as she had hoped.

Nîryni held onto Tuk's hand while they both followed after Tsireya. The spirit tree glowed brightly underneath them in waves. It gave off a sense of belonging and peace. Eywa's presence was strong here and they all could feel it even without the physical bond.

Tsireya stopped them when they were close enough and gestured for them to make the connection.

After making sure Tuk was okay, Nîryni glanced at Tsireya with a little bit of hesitation.

She received a nod with a smile and that was enough to make her reach around to grab her long braid and use it to reach out to not only the ancestors but to the great mother as well. Subconsciously, her eyes closed and suddenly she was no longer in the water.

Her lashes fluttered when she opened her eyes once more. All around her was the forest she didn't realize she had missed. She could hear the sounds of the various and familiar animals going about their day. The breeze flowed through her strands of hair and made her headpiece move subtly against her skin.

"Nîryni, will you help me with the rest of the gathering? Your father will join us later."

The teenager tensed up and slowly turned around to see a woman that had not aged in years standing behind her. Äslla looked younger than what Nîryni remembered. Her braids were nowhere to be seen causing her hair to flow freely in the wind. The stress lines had faded from her face and she stood tall without an ounce of sickness plaguing her body.

Nîryni had forgotten how similar they looked over time but now it was like she was looking into a mirror that showed her future.

"Nîryni, are you alright?"

How long had it been since she heard her mother's voice? She choked back her cries and nodded. This wasn't the first time she saw her mother after her passing so she was able to hide her feelings of sorrow better.

"Yeah, sorry. I was daydreaming as usual. You said you needed help?"

Äslla didn't look convinced but waved her over, "Yes please. Your dad said he would help but he's running late."

Nîryni grabbed a basket from her hands. "Of course he is." The two started to walk along the trail, stopping whenever they found something worth taking. Nîryni felt like she was back to being a little girl and genuinely smiled in the presence of her mother. They talked about everything they could think of and the moment seemed to last forever. Yet the second they stepped off the trail and stopped at the edge of their home, Äslla lost her playful nature. She sat her basket down and looked down at her daughter with unreadable eyes.

Her mouth opened like she was about to speak but she would never get the chance to say what she needed to.

Nîryni swore she blinked and was back in the ocean. It took a few seconds for her to see what happened. The tree lost all its light and they were plunged into darkness.

A hand shook her shoulder and she realized that Tsireya had broken the bond and was now pointing to a convulsing Kiri. The two girls swam over at the same time Neteyam and Rotxo did and together they helped push Kiri's body to the surface with Tuk swimming after them.

Neteyam broke the surface first and dragged Kiri to his ilu. Nîryni cradled the back of Kiri's head to keep it above the water.

"Kiri!" Tuk called out multiple times but didn't get a response. "What is wrong? What is it?"

Nîryni worriedly looked at the unconscious girl trying to find a reason for her to be unresponsive. "What happened?"

"It was a seizure." Neteyam tilted his sister's head back and began to blow air into her lungs.

"Is she breathing?" Rotxo moved closer and pressed a hand to Kiri's back. "Is she breathing?"

It was silent until Kiri coughed and gasped yet her eyes remained close.

"Get her to the village! Hurry." He didn't need to be told twice. He commanded the ilu to move, trusting Nîryni to keep the others together until they made it home.

"Tuk, come!" Nîryni climbed onto her ilu before helping the younger girl onto it. Tuk held onto her tightly and pressed her little body firmly against her back.

"Will Kiri be okay?"

Nîryni and Tsireya locked eyes, having a silent conversation. "Of course." She had to be.

Outside a large pod were the shaken up group. They listened to the voices and murmurs coming from inside in silence. Neteyam sat closest to the entrance, holding Tuk close to his side. Although his eyes were closed, his ears were perked up listening to every word. Inside were his parents, the clan leaders, a few healers and most importantly his sister. Kiri still hadn't woken up and the signs of her doing so seemed low.

Lo'ak sat with Nîryni taking her place in his lap and Tsireya leaning against his shoulder holding Nîryni's hand. None of them knew how they ended up like this but it brought them comfort so they didn't question it.

Regret ate away at Lo'ak for not being there when Kiri had seized. Nîryni wasn't any better. She was lost in her own thoughts and anxiety over someone she had deemed to be her sister.

Tsireya watched the two with all the empathy in the world. She wanted to take their minds off of what they couldn't control but didn't know how. She looked to the shore where the ocean met their land and in that moment she got an idea.

"Come." Lo'ak and Nîryni looked at her with similar looks of reluctance. "There's something I want to show you."

Neither wanted to leave Kiri but sitting out here was all they could do at the moment so why not?

"Reya, where are we going?" The trio had swam out pretty far underneath the night sky. All of their freckles shone brightly with Nîryni's being brighter than the other two.

"Just trust me." She took a deep breath and dove under the surface. The other teens gazed at each other before following her into the cool water.

She led them to a collection of plants that were shaped like giant balloons. Around them were glowing coral and other plants that shone in multiple shades of purple, green and pink.

When they got inside, Nîryni was surprised to find there was an air pocket and enough space where they could relax comfortably.

Tsireya giggled at their looks of awe and pushed herself a little out the water before yipping. The sound echoed around them and they could almost feel the vibrations of it.

Lo'ak took after her and yipped louder then they all listened before breaking out in innocent, childlike laughter. He nudged Nîryni while grinning."Your turn."

Without hesitation Nîryni used the side of the plant to lift herself out the water then let out a series of calls. She dropped back down into the sea with laughter. It was stupid but gave them a chance to be kids and took their minds off their unpleasant circumstances.

The trio's laughter faded eventually as reality began to sink back in and their giddiness died down. Moments like these made them look to each other with feelings they were unsure of yet were starting to embrace.

Tsireya sighed in content and looked around their little bubble. "Whenever my mind is troubled I come here." She would often sing in these air pockets enjoying the way her voice bounced back to her.

Lo'ak nodded with his grin turning into a half smile. "I can see why."

"It's peaceful and calm." Nîryni grabbed Tsireya's hand making the girl look to her, "Thank you for bringing us here." And she truly meant it. Now they had a literal bubble that isolated them from all the chaos that plagued their minds. The best part was knowing she was able to share this space with two people who meant so much to her.

Tsireya gave her one of her softest and most genuine smiles, "Of course."

Lo'ak watched the exchange with fondness filling his heart. He wasn't sure where their relationship was heading exactly but he knew seeing them together made him happy.● 

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