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{Baddiesavy, Ik you going through a rough time so I hope this makes you smile}

●The Sun has risen and with it so has Nîryni.

She wasn't surprised to see her dad had already left due to the fact he usually woke up earlier than her.

On the way out her home she stopped to look at her bow. Next to it was a collection of arrows leaning inside a small box. She hummed to herself and decided to leave it today.

Each step made her happier and her tail swung side to side showcasing her good mood.

Neytiri was the first to notice the excited girl and she motioned her inside their home quickly.

"You're here early Nîryni. I wanted to say you're getting better with your accuracy but you're still a little shaky in the air. I have a few minutes if you want to train."

Neytiri actually enjoyed training her. Nîryni was a fast learner and always pushed herself to improve.

Kiri's slim body pushed past her, "Sorry ma, she's with me today. Right, Ryn?" She skipped over to Nîryni and linked their arms together.

Nîryni giggled and leaned into the other girl, "Of course, anything for my favorite girl." She winked at Kiri and Neytiri smiled at their display of affection.

"Oh! My dad wanted to ask to join you on patrol today. He said there was some activity close by and wanted to show both you and Jake."

"Of course, I'll tell Jake after I leave Tuk with my mother."

Nîryni nodded but then noticed that Lo'ak had yet to make his own appearance.

"Where's Lo'ak?"

Neytiri glanced at Kiri who was trying to make up an excuse for the boy.

Kiri shrugged, "He said he had something important to do and that he'd meet us there." Technically she wasn't lying but she wasn't telling Nîryni the whole truth.

Kiri held onto Nîryni's hand as they both watched the girl's human mother speak on the computer screen. Nîryni was amazed by the technology of sky people. It made her wonder how they were able to even create avatars and she wanted to see the process of it.

"Your mother is very beautiful. You look just like her."

It made Kiri melt that she used the present tense and it made her love the girl even more.

"So who do you think knocked her up? Pretty sure it was Norm."

At his question both Nîryni and Kiri looked at him in disgust.

"Ew Lo'ak. I did not need to picture that." The younger girl walked over to him and he laughed at her spiteful expression. He wrapped a arm around her shoulder like it was a reflex.

Spider chuckled while still sitting on top of the tank, "Totally."

Kiri looked like the image of it physically pained her. "You do not deserve to live."

"No,no,no, think about it right?" Lo'ak put his hand up and gestured to the computer then back to the tank. "I mean he's the teacher's pet. He's out at the lab with her all the time."

Nîryni had to admit that they did seem close before the woman had died.

On the other hand Kiri refused to acknowledge the possibility. She leaned one hand against the cold surface, "I would kill myself. I would drink acid."

The two boys continued to tease Kiri who looked completely unimpressed.

"See, I'm thinking their two avatars were out in the woods," Lo'ak grabbed Nîryni's hand and twirled her slowly, "all alone."

She laughed and pushed him away lightly. "Very funny you two but we all know Grace is way out of his league. No offense to him."

Kiri giggled quietly, "Thank you. At least someone here has common sense."

"Guys, I mean, sometimes it's not so great to know who your father was."

The mood became heavy instantly and the three Na'vi teens looked at the human boy with pity.

Spider noticed their looks and sighed, "Whatever. Don't even remember him."

Nîryni frowned and put a hand on his shoulder, "Spider..." she trailed off not knowing exactly what to say.

Kiri hopped over and put a comforting hand on his other shoulder, "You are not him."

He smiled gratefully at them both.

It was lunch time among the clan and they sat in the general sitting area to eat.

Nîryni waved bye to both Kiri and Lo'ak and went to sit next to her father who already had a serving of food for her.

"You are late."

"Sorry, father. We lost track of time."

He hummed in response and offered her food. She thanked him quietly and began eating while looking around briefly.

Throughout her meal she could feel eyes trained on her and so she searched for them but had no luck in figuring out who was staring.

Well not until her father murmured, "Don't look but that boy is staring."

Of course she peeked to see but Sìkve pushed her head back down.

"Don't make it obvious." He was smirking at his daughter trying to sneak a glance at Lo'ak.

Nîryni tried to ignore the urge to stare back and focused on her food.

"You may want to eat quicker."

"Huh? Why?"

Her dad grabbed another piece of meat and ate it before replying nonchalantly, "Because he is making his way over here."

Nîryni nearly choked on her food and quickly wiped her mouth just as Lo'ak reached them.

He carried something close to his chest and Nîryni eyed it curiously.

"Sìkve, Nîryni, " He motioned 'I see you' to the older man who returned it.

"Uh, is it okay if I borrow Ryn for a moment?"

He was a little afraid of the older Na'vi who stared at him with an unreadable expression. Even though he had asked Sìkve's permission for what he was about to do, he was anxious to actually face the man.

Sìkve then elbowed Nîryni gently with a tiny smirk and knowing eyes, "Yes, she would love to join you."

Lo'ak grinned and offered his hand to Nîryni.

The slightly embarrassed girl glanced at her dad then at the boy waiting for her.

She took his hand and as always her eyes found his and the connection between them was solidified once again.

Lo'ak pulled her up with ease and led her away from the wandering eyes surrounding them. They both had wide smiles reserved only for each other.

Sìkve smiled after them and was glad his daughter had found her happiness.

As the teens passed through the crowd, Neytiri spotted their conjoined hands and nudged Jake.

The pair of mates were reminded of themselves almost immediately.

They beamed at each other and mentally wished their son good luck.

"Keep up, pretty boy." Nîryni climbed up their tree with pure muscle memory and Lo'ak raced after her.

When they made it to their sitting branch, Nîryni was the first to sit down. She looked at Lo'ak with a tilt of her head and he took a deep breath.

"I made these."

He simply held out the bag he was carrying and handed it to her.

She opened it only to gasp at what was inside.

There were a lot of arrows carefully made and at the end was her favorite pattern of feathers. Nîryni pushed them to the side to look for what other things lay inside. There was a necklace made out of different carved beads and more loose beads for her hair. By the type of wood she could see they were made from the very tree they sat on.

But what caught her attention the most was the armband that consisted of purple and blue. Along its ends were what looked like tassels and tiny feathers. Its design was filled with small swirls that looked like it took forever to create.

Her eyes widened and she carefully picked it up and looked down at it in her hands.

"Lo'ak," she looked back up at him slowly, "What is all this?"

He shrugged like it wasn't a big deal but on the inside he was panicking.

"I know during the blast you lost most of your arrows so I thought I'd make you more."

Nîryni shook her head, "Thank you but this," she gestured to the rest of her gifts and most importantly the armband.

He finally faced her and the genuine adoration on his face was almost too much for the teen girl to handle.

Lo'ak was too embarrassed to admit why he had spent months on these gifts. A part of him desperately hoped she'd catch on before he was forced to say it out loud.

Nîryni's golden eyes looked up at him from under her lashes. They stared at each other for another minute.

It suddenly hit her.

Lo'ak was silently asking to court her.

They were too young to officially mate but this was the next best thing. The armband was proof of his claim on her and that she wasn't up for grabs.

Her heart picked up speed and Lo'ak could see the recognition in her eyes.

"I don't want to pressure you or anything. I just thought- nevermind. You hate it don't you? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

Nîryni grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer. The beautiful smile on her face made all those weeks of hard work pay off.

Lo'ak leaned in and the two closed their eyes. Their lips grazed each other innocently.

The kiss was short, almost too short in Lo'ak's opinion but it filled him with butterflies and warmth.

Nîryni pulled away first and looked at him with a fire burning behind her eyes.


A single word that made all their walls crash down in the best way.

Lo'ak picked up the armband from her hands and slid it onto her arm.

They grinned at each other with a childlike giddiness.

"I see you." It didn't matter who said it because an ethereal eclipse happened as the Sun and the Moon became one.

Nîryni felt the happiest she's ever been as she walked through the clan proudly wearing her gifts.

Lo'ak held her hand tightly and it was obvious he was on cloud nine too.

He never took his eyes off of her glowing face.

She tugged his hand to pick up speed once she spotted their families standing together.

They seemed to be waiting for them and she was more than proud to showcase her and Lo'ak's symbol of bonding.

"They're back!" Tuk's little voice caught everyone's attention and they all looked at the refreshed looking Nîryni.

The girl wore her necklace and her beads were placed in the first two braids on each side of her head. Her arrows were still in the makeshift bag but she had it slung across her back. The armband was eye-catching by itself and pulled the entire look together.

Neytiri grinned when she saw it and stood up quickly. She pulled Nîryni into a tight hug that was invaded by Kiri and Tuk.

Nîryni hugged the girls tightly and they all pulled back with mirrored expressions of happiness.

Next Neteyam calmly walked over and looked over at his little brother. "You finally grew a pair."

Lo'ak rolled his eyes but he knew his brother was only joking.

Jake ruffled Lo'ak's head with pride over his major accomplishment.

Nîryni strolled until she was in front of her father. She playfully smacked his arm, "You knew about this huh?"

Sìkve snorted with a laugh, "Of course I knew. He asked for my permission after all."

The man then went to Lo'ak and the boy bowed his head in respect.

Sìkve placed a heavy hand on his shoulder. "Take care of my girl."

Lo'ak nodded with entire seriousness, "Always."

In just a few hours, none of this would matter anymore yet none of them realised it.●


✪"Of course, anything for my favorite girl."

Kiri wiggled her eyebrows at the boy (Lo'ak) standing off to the side and out of the way of the camera, "Call me Mrs.Steal yo girl."

Nîryni nor Neytiri couldn't hold back their laughter.


"Guys, I mean sometimes it's not so great to know who your dad was."

Nîryni rolled her eyes and looked at her nails, "Here he go ruining the vibe as usual. "

Kiri leaned against her, "Righttttt, it's giving daddy issues."

Spider huffed, "At least I actually know who my dad is."

Lo'ak covered his mouth and walked off set to laugh while Spider stared at the two girls with a small smile.

"Oh right, it's just the man who tried wiping out our entire species." Kiri poked her tongue out at him.

"I actually hate you both."

Nîryni cheekily blew him a kiss, "We love you too."

"Because he is making his way over here."

Nîryni accidentally swallowed without chewing causing her to cough and choke violently.


Sìkve laughed loudly while patting her back to help clear her airways.

Lo'ak picked up the armband from her hands and slid it onto her arm.

They grinned at each other with a childlike giddiness.

The boy noticed Nîryni sniffling and broke character.

"Are you crying?"

She wiped under her eyes, "Yes bro it feels like I just got proposed to for real."

Lo'ak chuckled and brought her into a hug while she hid her embarrassed face into his chest.✪

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