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{Before you all storm my house, please wait until the next two chapters to act out your murderous plans.}

●Once back on the death trap, Nayliä and Neteyam looked for Lo'ak frantically.

Nayliä then noticed him on a lone ilu but she also saw the rest of their family making their way off the ship with Quaritch following them.

"I'll go after Lo'ak!"

She then gave him a look he couldn't decipher but whatever she saw in him, made him feel prideful that she trusted him to be able to look out for himself.

She squeezed his arm and sped off.

"You're not leaving, are you Jake?" Quaritch inched his way closer with a mocking smirk on his face. "You know I'll never stop coming. I'm coming for you and when I do, I'll kill your whole family."

Jake looked back at his family and knew he couldn't back down. He noticed Nayliä hopping on to the platform and it only strengthened his resolve.

"Let's get it done." (Currently screaming but the S is silent)

He swung at the avatar and the men began to fight each other, every blow having the intent to kill behind it.

Nayliä grabbed onto a distraught Liia and Neytiri finally acknowledged her presence.

"What are you doing-"

"No time, we need to go! The fire is surrounding everything! " Nayliä didn't want to leave Jake but she knew he would make his way back to them.

The group made their way farther onto the ship and the two adults tried to keep the kids together.

Tuk screamed out when a current dragged her into an opened door. Neytiri and Nayliä reached for her but the water was too strong for her tiny body and she fell in.

"Tuk!" Neytiri jumped in with Nayliä following her without a second thought.

"Mama!" Kiri called for them but Spider only pulled her along.

"Come on! We gotta go!"

The water raced around them causing Nayliä to slip and become separated from her wife and daughter.

She fell into another opened hatch.

"Nayliä!" Neytiri screamed for her but received nothing but silence.

Nayliä harshly banged her head against metal and felt something sharp pierce her stomach and then she blacked out.

The first thing she noticed was that her lungs were burning. She opened her eyes but couldn't see anything clearly. The panic started to sit in when she noticed a horrible pain in her stomach. She reached and flinched at what felt like a deep stab wound. She didn't need anyone to tell her that she and her baby were dying.

Her heart raced when she realized this was her nightmare. No, it was a vision. This time around she knew what to do. She assumed she was only out for a very few minutes otherwise she would've died a long time ago.

She swam as hard as she could towards the air bubble she knew would be there. When she made it, she gasped for air and reached down to her stomach. She cried out at the feeling of how deep the cut was. She had to get out of here quickly or she would bleed out.

She tried her best to calm her heart rate because she knew the air bubble was decreasing every second.

She whispered quiet prayers, "Please, don't let me go through this again."

Her prayers went unanswered once again. Even though she knew what would happen, fear latched onto her very being. Her eyes were wide and terrified. The sounds of the creaking ship and the water rushing around her in darkness made her tremble.

She waited and waited for the voice she prayed would come.


Her head whipped around frantically. This time it was Neytiri's voice. She frowned, something had changed from her vision.

"Neytiri! I'm over here!"

She forced her body to move, all the pain from her devastating wounds made each movement feel like pure agony.

"Ma Tiri! I can't see anything, where are you?"

She took a deep breath and peeked under the water. There were the golden fishes and she dove after them.

After Nayliä disappeared, Neytiri felt like she was losing her mind. She fought like hell to open the door that trapped Nayliä inside but she couldn't get it to budge. Now, she was stuck in a room with Tuk with the water slowly rising. She looked around for a way to escape but it was too dark and their freckles didn't light up enough space for her to see clearly.

There was a quiet bang next to them and Neytiri pressed her ear against the wall. Her ears perked up when she heard gasping, it sounded like-


Tuk gasped and moved to listen in as well.

"Neytiri? I'm over here!"

Neytiri looked around once again, hoping there was a way to reach her wife. She could barely make out Nayliä's voice.

"Mom! Look!"

Neytiri saw something light up and come towards them.

Tuk looked and saw Kiri and Liia swimming their way to them.

"It's Liia and Kiri!"

They broke the water's surface and Neytiri smiled at them, tearfully and in awe.

"Where's mama? I thought she was with you two."

Neytiri broke out her trance, "I think she's next door, we have to hurry!"

Nayliä was struggling to keep swimming and following the fishes. She was so exhausted and wanted to give up. Her blood seeped into the water around her.

A hand grabbed onto her leg and she freaked out.

It let go and she saw it was Neytiri, and their daughters. They all noticed the blood and were put on edge. Neytiri put the jellyfish-like creature on her back and they all worked together to help Nayliä to the surface.

Jake, Neteyam and Lo'ak were trying to catch their breaths on top of Payakan's fin. The boys had a heart to heart with their father and Lo'ak got the chance to gain approval from his dad and big brother. They saw him. That meant the world to him.

"Ma Jake!"

At Neytiri's urgent voice they looked towards the girls.

By this time, Nayliä was weak and unable to move through the water so they did it for her. Her head bobbed on its own and she whimpered every now and then. She knew her baby was gone. When she felt the last of their pure energy leave and disconnect from her own, all her strength had left her.

Kiri had her hands on the wound, hoping the new discovery of her powers would slow the bleeding. But it was too much, there was practically a hole straight through her mom's body. She was able to buy her a little more time though and it gave her hope she could do more.

They all had blood on their skin from fighting to get Nayliä some air.

Liia and Tuk were already crying but did the best they could to help their mama.

Jake flung into action, ignoring his own battle wounds, and helped place Nayliä on Payakan's fin.

Lo'ak shouted at his spirit brother to bring them back to the rock as fast as possible.

Nayliä felt her senses fading in and out. She was coughing up blood almost non-stop.

"Put pressure on it!" Jake shouted at his sons.

Neteyam was choking back his own cries but did as asked. Lo'ak put his hands on top of his brother's hands but their mom's blood flowed through them easily.

Neytiri was looking through every small bag they had for something to stop the bleeding yet she knew she used them all earlier but soon Nayliä gripped her arm. Neytiri couldn't see her clearly through her tears so she blinked them away. The look on Nayliä's face made her lose her grip on the sobs trying to force their way out. It was a look of acceptance.

Neytiri shook her head and grabbed Nayliä's hand tightly, "No! You're not leaving us!"

Jake knew the moment he saw the damage that Nayliä didn't have much time left but he didn't want to believe it. He placed a shaking hand to her cheek and she leaned into it.

"Baby, please. Don't do this to us. To me!"

She couldn't find her voice but her eyes said a million words.

'..I'm sorry.'

Kiri knocked her brothers out the way and took their place. She let out strings of prayers that she could save her mom.

A watery laugh left her when her hands glowed.

Nayliä gasped loudly and felt some of her strength return to her.

Hope blossomed in all of them but it left just as quickly as it came when the beautiful golden light faded away.

Kiri sobbed and kept trying to force it to come back. She didn't understand why it wasn't working.

"No, no, no! Why isn't it working?!"


Her head snapped to Nayliä who was looking down at her with a tiny smile.

'It's okay.'

Liia and Tuk were hugging onto her legs with small sobs.

"Mama! Stay with us!" Liia clenched her teeth and the pain she felt was one she couldn't handle. She could deal with the bruises on her small body but this? She couldn't handle it at all.

Tsireya cried along with her and tried comforting both girls but nothing could help make them feel better. Their mother was dying.

The teen girl was in complete shock when Jake placed Nayliä on the rock, right in front of her. She didn't know how to respond to knowing she was watching someone she loved take their last breaths.

Neytiri laid her head on Nayliä's chest, listening to her weakening heart. The tears were endless but she made no move to wipe them away.

"You still have to teach me.." She hiccuped and sniffled, "I'm so sorry I didn't want to learn! But if you stay I'll learn whatever you want me to." Her voice was raspy and filled with pain in its purest form.

"So please, my love, just stay!"

Jake felt so lost but the way Nayliä gazed at him shattered his entire being. Memories of when he first laid eyes on her, all the way to now played on a loop inside his head.

"Nayliä. You're not going anywhere, you hear me?" His voice was firm but the way his words shook allowed them all to hear how he was close to losing it.

He wanted to stay strong but eventually it clicked in his head he was losing his mate and child so he started to break down.

The kids flinched at his agonized cries, never having heard or seen their dad like this.

Jake didn't care about trying to be a pillar for his family anymore and placed his forehead to Nayliä's. Tears fell from his eyes and landed onto her face.

Neytiri reached for his hand and they held each other tightly.

Nayliä knew she didn't have much time left. She would be unable to bear the storm once more for her family.

Her arms raised and she placed her trembling hands on both of her mate's heads.

Neytiri clenched her eyes shut and tried to embrace the feeling of her wife, one last time.

Jake only tensed up more, he knew this was it but he didn't want to feel her leave.

She used the remaining of her strength and almost gurgled on the blood clogging her throat, "I love you all."

For Nayliä, she had the sneaking suspicion that this wasn't the end of her story. Maybe that's why as she took her last breath, she had a gentle smile on her face.

Jake watched the light leave her eyes and the air in his lungs disappeared with it.

The snapping of their bond breaking made both Jake and Neytiri collapse. It felt like someone had ripped a major piece of their souls and left them with less than half of who they were.

Neytiri felt like it was a burning pain eating away at her heart. A fire that would never get put out.

Jake on the other hand was hyperventilating. He failed as both a father and a husband.

Neytiri shook Nayliä's body harshly but deep down she knew her wife was gone.

"No! Nayliä!" She started to wail like a newborn with primal screams leaving her. Her entire body felt weak and there was so much pain covering her being. It hurt worse than anything she had ever felt.

"Please, great mother! Not my wife! Ma Liä!"

Jake suffered more in silence but he squeezed his eyes shut and still kept his head against Nayliä's. This was too overwhelming for him and he felt as if he would never be able to handle this loss. When her hand dropped from his head, he cried out even more.

"I'm so sorry baby." It killed the last bits of himself when he closed her eyes.

Neteyam was full on sobbing, he was hugging Lo'ak who was also in complete tears. His ears fell and he thought about their new phrase, 'we go together.' He couldn't help but wish he had died alongside her so she wouldn't have to face death alone.

Lo'ak knew she had only left because he left. He was shaking so terribly as he looked at his hands. Her blood was on his hands, figuratively and literally. If only he never left this damn rock, maybe she would still be here.

His role model, the one who stood up for him, the one he could always run to, would never open her eyes again. He clung onto Neteyam more than he had ever done before.

Kiri was heartbroken and almost numb. She couldn't save her. She wrapped her arms around herself, imagining that it was her mom instead. She desperately wanted someone to comfort her but the one she needed was laying in front of her, unmoving.

"Mama, wake up!" Tuk shook Nayliä's body using all her little strength but Tsireya pulled her away and hugged her close to her chest.

As the sun began to rise, the family realized it was a new day.

A day without Nayliä being with them.

Rey'na had made sure her family made it home safely. The only ones missing was the Sully family. So now, she was waiting for them to return. Her heart was racing but she had faith in Neytiri's promise. She knew her sister and their family would be fine.

Almost an hour later, she saw them. She immediately smiled in relief but it slowly disappeared when she saw Jake carrying a body. Her heart dropped when she saw the teal blue skin. She allowed her eyes to make their way to the person's face.

The scream that left her lips would scar whoever heard it, forever.

Everyone's first reaction seemed to be to deny the truth in front of them.

"No, no, no, no! My sister!" She fell to her knees with heartbreaking sobs escaping her.

It felt like her entire body had gone numb and she slumped to the ground with one hand outstretched towards the cold body of Nayliä. One hand clenched her chest as she tried to ease the aching pain while the other gripped onto the loose sand. She couldn't see anything anymore through her overflowing tears.

Jake and Neytiri still had the look of utter despair on their faces with nonstop tears. Their mate was dead, taking their unborn child with her.

Aiyakan tried hugging the hysterical Rey'na but she pushed him away and ran up to the broken family.

Her hand shakily made its way to her older sister's beautiful but frozen face. The smile Nayliä still had, pained her so much more than she expected.

"Naylia, please...you can't leave me. I just got you back!" Her voice cracked and she felt her throat close up as she tried to speak, to beg for her big sister to respond but there was only silence. A silence that was too loud and deafening to her ears that were flat against her head.

Jake didn't move and let her have her moment. He owed her that at least.

Her breathing picked up and she turned to Neytiri. Her eyes were wide and her mouth twisted into a snarl.

"You promised! I never should've trusted you!"

Aiyakan could feel the anger through their bond and rushed to hold her back from lashing out. His mate only collapsed in his arms, she felt all her strength leave her.

Neytiri wasn't phased though. Nothing could hurt her more than looking at her wife's limp body. Her belly was still round with their child who would never take their first breath.

Rey'na couldn't do anything but scream and sob. She felt her heart continue to shatter the longer she looked back at Nayliä's body. This couldn't possibly be real.

Memories of them growing up flashed in her mind. The first time they met, the first hug they shared, the last time they locked eyes, the last embrace they had. It all felt like torture now. Her mind began to picture Nayliä's laugh, her smile that lit up the entire room.

Rey'na heard that adorable laughter and saw that loving smile fade away in her brain.

It suddenly sat in that her sister was truly gone.

Warmth. That was the only sensation she could feel. She opened her eyes and saw she was back in the forest.

Her hair fell to her back as she sat up. Something felt off. She looked down and saw her belly was completely flat.

The woman almost panicked but a sound made her pause.

Her ears twitched and she listened intensely.

A child's innocent giggle made her smile and look around.

When she saw him, her face lit up and she grinned.

She knew they would be okay.

A voice so ethereal and velvety came across her.

"Welcome home, child."

Nayliä beamed.

She was home.

{Believe it or not, I almost ended the entire story here lmfao but I couldn't do that to yall or myself soooo see yall in the next chapter}

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