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●A young Nayliä moved around her nearly empty marui. She packed her things up hastily as today was the day her squad would be making the long trip to the forest. Just three days ago word came to their village that Toruk Makto had returned and called for any warrior willing to join their fight with the sky people.

The Metkayinan people were hesitant in going such a far distance for a clan that they didn't have a strong bond with. So only few agreed to go under the permission of their new Olo'eyktan.

Nayliä was one of those brave people. Although the overwhelming fear of not having a purpose drove her the most. Her closest friends who she considered sisters were settling into new relationships and their roles while she just continued to live everyday the same.

She craved something different but she wasn't the only one. All of her hunting squad were following after her. It consisted of men and women who felt almost exactly the same. So it was her responsibility to lead them to their destination even knowing most of them wouldn't return. There was a soft knock that pulled her out of her thoughts. She wasn't surprised to see an even younger Rey'na standing before her.

Rey'na wordlessly stepped inside the pod and looked around at how empty it was. Her chest constricted painfully as she looked back at an equally silent Nayliä.

"Do you have to go?"

Nayliä sighed and nodded. Ever since she had declared she was leaving, Rey'na and Ronal had been trying to change her mind. Rey'na was more argumentative and pushy so they clashed more often.

"I know you don't understand but please don't let me leave with things like this between us. I just don't feel like I have a purpose for staying here anymore. And I can't stand this feeling of not belonging. Please tell me you understand."

"But you do have a purpose! You belong here with me." Rey'na clasped her shaking hands together to ground herself.

"And what about Aiyakan? You're just getting together and deserve to have a new beginning together."

Rey'na wanted to keep arguing but her words died in her throat. Nayliä was leaving and there was nothing she could say or do to make her stay. Before she knew it tears were falling from her eyes.

"Don't cry, okay? This won't be forever." Nayliä hugged the shorter woman tightly, already missing the way they connected.

"But what if something happens? What if you get hurt and-"

"Rey'na," she pulled away to look into her sister's eyes. "I'm going to return to you in one piece alright?" Her sister gave in and hugged her back saying hundreds of prayers that Nayliä would be okay.

Nayliä stood in front of Ronal and Tonowari. Both were recently put into their roles of Tsahìk and Olo'eyktan.

They were seeing the group off but Ronal was clearly having a hard time keeping herself together. She trusted Nayliä to be safe and keep the others in line but she didn't want to let her leave. Not for this reason at least.

Ronal grabbed both her shoulders, "If they try anything, you come straight home and we will handle it."

Nayliä giggled quietly, "You can't go to war over one person but I promise I'll return."

The Tsahìk huffed to herself but pulled Nayliä into one last embrace. She didn't doubt Nayliä's ability to take care of herself but that didn't mean she wasn't worried.

When they pulled away, Nayliä looked at Tonowari. He nodded at her firmly and reached to give her a quick hug before he also got too emotional. Their bond was one without words as they understood each other better that way.

The hardest part for Nayliä was then looking to Rey'na standing alone. The two women wasted no time in colliding with each other. Nayliä clasped the back of her sister's neck and pressed their foreheads together.

Rey'na sniffled, not even trying to hold back her tears. "Just..take care of yourself." This was the first time they would be separated for more than a day and it hit her harder with each passing second.

"I will." Using almost every ounce of her willpower, Nayliä broke their moment. She gave them one more smile of reassurance then turned her back to them, walking into the water where her group of hunters waited patiently.

Nayliä steadied herself on a large tsurak after securing her things in place. She yipped loudly to those around her. It was a goodbye but also a signal to the others that it was time to go.

No one there had realized Nayliä wouldn't set foot in their waters again till 15 years later.

The trip was long and grueling yet Nayliä pushed them on until finally they arrived.

She wasn't sure what to expect upon approaching their shores but seeing what she assumed to be a good bit of the clan waiting was a little unnerving. There were three Na'vi in the front and she could immediately tell who the Tsahìk was based on her clothing. The other male and female stood just as proudly and she wondered what titles they held. Even with feeling a little anxious she grinned as a show of confidence and kindness.

Hopping off of her mount smoothly and walking up the shoreline, feeling the way sand quickly turned into grass made Nayliä feel an odd sense of excitement.

She approached the Tsahìk first and respectively signed and spoke softly yet firmly, "I see you, Mo'at." Without looking she knew her people behind her followed her lead. More importantly, she could feel the heat radiating off of a body closely behind her. She knew who it was without a single glance. Täìo was like a second in command and someone she trusted with her life. He was extremely quiet and took his job of keeping her safe very seriously.

"Thank you for coming such a long way from home. What is your name child?" Mo'at was used to dealing with people from other clans and took the lead in their introductions.

"Nayliä and this is Täìo." She could feel two pairs of eyes seemingly staring relentlessly into her head but ignored it for the time being.

"Nayliä, this is my daughter Neytiri and this is-"

Nayliä tensed up as the unfamiliar smell filled her nostrils as she gazed at the large man standing off to the side. Out of reflex she hissed and bared her teeth, unintentionally triggering a chilling chain of events.

The dark skinned woman moved protectively in front of her mate holding a sharpened blade close to her chest.

Nayliä took that as a threat and crouched a little in defense. The Metkayinan squad moved in closer to protect their hunting leader but Nayliä held her hand up to keep them back. Täìo in particular stepped up until he had an arm in front of Nayliä. His face gave none of his emotions away but his sharpened eyes screamed dangerously.

"This man is not true Na'vi." Nayliä's voice rang out cautiously among them all even as she kept her gaze locked on the hissing woman in front of her. She had never encountered an avatar and had no idea that their existence was possible.

"This man is Toruk Makto and my mate. Show respect." At Neytiri's words, Nayliä's cyan colored eyes widened as her face twisted into an expression of pure confusion.

Truth be told, Jake didn't take it personally. He understood their differences and that it would take a while for them to accept him fully. But looking at the curly haired woman, he didn't mind taking on that challenge. Although the tattooed man behind her rubbed him the wrong way. Subconsciously he began to size him up. That only made Täìo boredly glance at him, completely unimpressed.

"It seems we have a lot to talk about." Nayliä's eyes flicked back and forth between the pair of mates standing before her. Something inside her seemed to click into place and she was intrigued into learning more about them. Now that she was up close she was able to take in the little details. There was no doubt they were gorgeous and looked good together. She may have felt her heart skip multiple beats the longer she stayed in their direct line of sight.

Mo'at nodded then glanced at her daughter and Jake, "You both will show Nayliä around and answer any of her questions. I will lead the others back and help them get settled." For once no one, not even her daughter complained.

Nayliä took in the different sights of the forest with a childlike eagerness. A yellow flower in particular stole her breath away and she crouched down to play with it, giggling quietly to herself.

Neytiri and Jake noticed that she had stopped walking but neither interrupted her. Nayliä made that impossible.

The genuine smile and how her entire face lit up from something as simple as a flower was endearing. She was in her own little bubble and completely unaware of the soft looks she was receiving.

Neytiri decided at that moment that she wanted to show the other woman everything the forest had to offer just to see that look of awe on her face. Her heart nearly stopped beating when those sapphire eyes looked up at her. They were blue as the sea yet ignited flames inside her.

Nayliä's ears twitched from the sudden silence and she got up feeling a little embarrassed. "My apologies, it's just everything is so different here. In a good way of course." The forest had a certain charm that she could get used to.

Jake chuckled, "Trust me I know the feeling."

She sent him a grin then cleared her throat, becoming serious again. "So let me make sure I understand. These sky people," she quickly glanced at Jake, "which you were part of," she looked back to Neytiri, "are coming here to obtain resources underneath your home? And you need our help?"

"Yep." Jake's nonchalant and blunt answer made her roll her eyes.

She figured that the details didn't matter at the time and simply accepted it. "Okay then. We will help protect your home to the best of our ability." That was the entire point of their long journey in the first place.

Neytiri smiled gratefully at the declaration. She knew the water clans were more reserved especially when it came to wars and fighting. They rarely joined unless it directly concerned them so having Nayliä bring her group was truly appreciated.

Jake looked down at the short woman, "Your people will have to be trained and must be able to adapt quickly. Do you think they can handle it?"

She scoffed, "Do not underestimate us. We are mighty."

He raised his hands in defense making his wife snort in amusement.

"Excuse him, he's ignorant to how resilient the Metkayina people are."

Nayliä shrugged, "Then I'll have no issue in educating him during my time here. It must be hard having such a slow mate."

The man ignored the insult and took the opportunity to subtly ask what's been on his mind. "Speaking of mates, I'm surprised Täìo allowed you out of sight. From what I've seen he's protective of you."

Nayliä furrowed her nonexistent eyebrows, "Täìo is not my mate, he's not even interested in women." She missed the small bit of relief shared between the two mates. Right as she said that they had approached the edge of what she assumed to be their home.

"Now that we're here, may I ask where will I be staying? Please don't say I'll have to climb a tree."

Neytiri shook her head, entertained by the almost desperate tone in Nayliä's voice.

"You will learn soon but for now you will stay near us along the center. Since you are the leader of your group, being close by for any meetings would be ideal."

Nayliä sighed in temporary relief, although she was nervous yet excited to stay so close to them. Within one conversation their dynamics had been set and the bond had been made. A strong feeling that she couldn't quite understand let her know that right now this was where she belonged.

Present day Nayliä smiled warmly from the memory playing out in her head. She truly had no idea that meeting Jake and Neytiri would alter her life in this way. Even with the obstacles thrown their way she wouldn't change a single thing.

She currently floated peacefully with a sleeping Malìk resting on top of her. The concentrated amount of salt made it easier to stay on top of the water. The warmth of it reminded her what she felt when she had first woken up in the arms of the great mother.

When she was young she could hear Eywa's voice whispering to her without the use of words. Now she could hear each vowel like never before.

It was early in the morning and she had snuck away from her family with her youngest child. Floating was something she noticed he seemed to enjoy especially when the water was slightly warmer than usual. He laid with his body tucked into a small ball laying on her chest and stomach.

She used to worry about how tiny he was compared to her other children but she knew it was because of the traumatic stresses during her pregnancy. The bond they shared was just as strong as it was when she was pregnant with him which was something she was grateful for. Maybe it was because of what they had gone through before but Malík felt like an extension of herself. She could feel what he felt in the back of her mind.

A small splash caught her attention. She turned her head slightly to see who had decided to join her.

"Sorry mama, I didn't mean to disturb you."

Nayliä only smiled and waved her oldest son over to her. "You could never disturb me." Both their voices were hoarse from sleep tugging at their minds.

She put a hand to keep Malík close to her body as she now stood in the warm water.

Neteyam gave her a crooked smile and made his way over to her. He was taller than her but still leaned his head against her shoulder. There was no doubt he was mama's boy and enjoyed being tucked in her side.

She wrapped her free hand around him. "You're awake early."

He nestled closer to her while looking down at his baby brother. "Couldn't stay asleep with you both gone."

Nayliä kissed his head tenderly. A peaceful silence enveloped them briefly until Neteyam broke it.

"Back on the ship, you saved me..." He trailed off but Nayliä knew where he was going with his statement.

"Neteyam, I would have done that a million times over. You're my son. Never question your worth like that again, okay?" She put her hand on his cheek, "No matter how old you get you'll always be my baby."

The teen felt his eyes water slightly and fought to keep his tears from falling. He leaned into his mother's hand and closed his eyes completely at peace.

"Let me show you something."

He opened his eyes, seeing Nayliä's hand hovering over the water.

"Eywa is the mother of all mothers," she moved her hand and surprised her son when the water followed her command.

"She moves in ways we don't understand because we can't see the greater picture from our position in life." She let one finger dip into the refreshing liquid and watched the ripples flow from it. "Although she holds us at the very center, every choice we make has consequences that sometimes we won't even live to see."

Neteyam watched, mesmerized by how the glowing water chased Nayliä's hand like a magnet. She allowed the water to form a ball in the palm of her hand while smiling sadly. "I saw visions of that very night we died."

Neteyam's eyes widened in shock, "You knew? How did you...how did you choose between...?" He looked down at his baby brother sleeping in her arms and couldn't fathom how she had made that decision and somehow chose him.

Nayliä sent the collection of molecules swirling in her hand to float in the air above them. "It was never a choice between saving you or saving myself and Malík. It was simply choosing to trust in the great mother's plan even though I couldn't see the full picture. And that's what I want you to do."

He looked at her confused and she grinned, "I want you to trust in me and in my words, even if you don't understand, when I say that you are worthy of being loved, protected and cared for." She knew he struggled with his self worth and wanting to be as selfless as possible, often believing that others were more deserving than he was.

She reached her hand up to gather the water once more only to let it return back to its source. Her eyes found their way back to her son's, "Neteyam you are worthy of being saved." And that statement hit him like a truck. As the oldest, he was used to putting his siblings and their needs before his own. He was always taking their burdens and making them his own even at the cost of his own mental state. Hell even at the cost of his own health. But here was his mother telling him that he was deserving of something as simple yet complex as life itself. He needed a moment to process it.

Nayliä patiently waited until he gathered himself to gently tug him back towards their home. "Come, the others should be waking up soon." As she moved to get out of the lake, there was a small ripple in the water and she felt something soft brush against her leg.

It was a glowing flower that was multiple shades of blue and purple. Even though it was no longer attached to its stem, it still looked very much alive.

She carefully bent down to pick it up and she could feel the pure life flowing out of it. She had no doubt who had sent it and sent a quiet thank you to the divine being lingering in the depths of her mind.

Neytiri's eyes lit up seeing her wife and two sons enter their marui again. "I was just about to come looking for you three."

The only ones awake were her, Liia and Kiri who was sleepily munching on a ruby colored fruit. Neteyam went to sit next to her and she offered him a bite. He gladly took one as Liia stood up only to curl up into his lap while slowly dozing back off.

"I went to the small lake a little bit away from here. Malìk woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. The floating helped him though." Nayliä bounced the still sleeping child as she spoke.

"You should have woken me up to come with you."

Nayliä giggled lightly and sat next to her mate. "It's alright Tiri. I wanted to give you all a chance to rest, besides we have a long day ahead of us." She loved her family but they were starting to suffocate her a little bit too much. The space she got this morning made her feel refreshed.

"You know I don't mind losing some sleep to be with you." Neytiri gently reached for Malík as she spoke.

Nayliä grinned and nudged her affectionately, "I know."

"Mama?" Tuk's tiny voice reached their ears. She rubbed her eyes and sat up and out of her dad's arms. At some point through the night she had crawled next to him for comfort. But waking up and not seeing her mom almost sent her into another frenzy.

"I'm right here baby." Nayliä opened her arms for her daughter to sit on her lap. Small arms wrapped around her neck as Tuk snuggled into her, smiling sleepily.

"Should we wake them up?" Neytiri nodded towards Jake, Lo'ak and Spider. The three still slept soundly, all three snoring in sync but Spider's was muffled due to his mask.

Nayliä hummed to herself quietly. "Yes, we should get an early start on getting ready. Neteyam can you-"

"Goodmorning!" Rey'na nearly skipped inside their pod, clearly in a good mood. She carried a few things in her hands that looked like a outfit.

She received quiet greetings from everyone but an unamused Nayliä. "Rey'na what are you doing here so early?"

"I've come bearing gifts for my beautiful sisters and nieces!" She noticed Neteyam's flat expression and hissed, "Don't give me that look. I didn't forget about you boys but I didn't have time to do more than this."

Just as she finished speaking, her daughters walked in carrying things. They froze when spotting their supposedly dead aunt. Their mother groaned and ushered them to hurry.

"Yeah, yeah she's alive, now come here we don't have much time."

Nayliä could only sigh due to her sister's antics but she beamed at Lonia and Towon with a welcoming smile. Towon hid behind her older sister while Lonia awkwardly waved and went to sit next to Neteyam.

Nayliä didn't take their actions to heart. Well Rey'na didn't allow her to and demanded her attention.

"Okay so I want you to wear-"

"With all due respect, please get the hell out. It's too early for this." Jake laid flat on his back with one arm covering his eyes. He was tired after their late night adventures and by the snoring nearby, so was his son.

Rey'na rolled her eyes and continued to show Nayliä and Neytiri the goodies she brought. She was too excited and even the grumpy looks she received couldn't ruin her good mood.

Time passed by quickly and before they knew it, it was time for them to leave. The children left excited to see how the Metkayina clan celebrated in comparison to them. Lo'ak almost begged to be able to take Malìk with them while their parents finished getting ready. Nayliä trusted him and her older children so she let them take her youngest.

Nayliä carefully ran her fingers over the top that her sister insisted she wear. It was one of the things Rey'na had made to honor her but now that she was back she could actually wear it.

The vibrant blues, pinks and purples tied together wonderfully. On her loincloth, one side had shells dangling randomly while the other side had multiple tassels all bright colors. She had already put it on but something about the top made her pause.

"It'll look good on you." Jake stood in front of her, already dressed and ready to go.

Neytiri was finishing putting the last few flowers in Nayliä's hair. She wore her usual clothing style but Rey'na had convinced her to let her hair down once again.

Nayliä continued to stare at the clothes in her hands with what looked like millions of indescribable emotions. She was never supposed to be able to wear this. She was never supposed to be able to feel this yet somehow she could.

Soft hands tugged at the strings tied together holding her current chest coverings in place. She didn't need to look to know that it was her wife. Even if she wanted to protest, her breath was stolen when Jake gripped her chin gently.

"What's on your mind?"

She tried to ignore the way she got chills as Neytiri's hands worked through the rest of her clothes. Her chest was now bare but Jake's eyes stayed connected to her own. The gesture gave her butterflies instantaneously.

"Wondering how I was blessed enough to be here."

Jake snorted and pecked her lips quickly. "Tell me about it." Oftentimes he would spend hours thinking the exact same thing. They were both chosen by a higher being neither could understand.

Neytiri began to tie the new covering in place causing Nayliä to shudder. "You two question Eywa too much." She moved away briefly to grab the large glowing flower then she tucked it in the side of Nayliä's hair.

"I've literally died twice. Is it wrong to question her just a little bit?" Her statement made both her mates tense up. It was still a rough topic for them. That day they lost her was easily the worst feeling that they had ever experienced. The grief and agony attached itself to them and refused to let go.

She noticed the silence and the way her mates seemed to be in their own heads. Neytiri's eyes were distant and Jake had stopped all movement. She frowned and her ears flattened against her head.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

Neytiri wrapped her arms around her from behind while Jake used both hands to grasp her face. Physical touch was therapeutic to them all. It was the reminder they desperately needed to know she was still there and really here with them.

Nayliä knew and didn't know what to expect when arriving at the beach where there were so many colors and just people enjoying themselves. So much life and joy warmed her instantly. And like she was the village's most beautiful flower, all eyes eventually turned to her as she walked through with her mates by her side. Never before had the people witnessed someone's return from the clutches of death itself. Even after hearing their Tsahìk officially declare Nayliä's return it was still a shock to see.

Still, Nayliä beamed at everyone who made eye contact with her.

She then nodded at her husband and wife as a quick 'see you later,' before she walked towards her two sisters seemingly waiting for her. Ronal's held her usual calm composure with her hands folded underneath her stomach. Rey'na was brimming with excitement and when she saw Nayliä, her grin got impossibly wider.

"So do you like it?" The younger woman had been working hard to make this gathering as perfect as it could be. Ronal had also made sure to keep things organized and timely. She leaned in waiting for Nayliä's answer.

Nayliä suddenly pulled them into a tight hug surprising them both. "Of course I love it." Ronal's shy smile and Rey'na's childish but bright eyes made her night completely. Her sisters meant so much to her and she cherished them more than they'd ever know.

"Come! You must dance with me." Rey'na tugged her hand dragging away from Ronal.

The Tsahìk laughed behind her hand as her two sisters began to move in sync. She was reminded of when they were children and never imagined they could be together like this again.

The festival was in full effect and the people were all in high spirits. Something Tonowari was grateful for. When his wife had suggested the idea he was a little hesitant due to the losses they were still mourning. Yet something was off. Ronal moved lighter on her feet and with the smallest of smiles. He was ecstatic to see her doing better but he was still worried for her but even his children seemed to be doing better.

It wasn't until now that he knew why.

Nayliä danced carefree with a beaming Rey'na. Her hair was flowing in waves decorated with multiple flowers. A large glowing blue one stole anyone's attention as it seemed to have a mind of its own. It matched the bright vibrant colors of her loincloth which wrapped around her hips and swayed with each movement. Right when he was going to approach her, someone beat him to it.

Nayliä was surprised when large arms pulled her into a hug and lifted her off her feet.

"Holy shit! Nayliä you're alive?" Aiyakan's voice sounded nearly breathless, showcasing his shock. He peeked at Jake to make sure he was using the curse word correctly to which Jake gave him a thumbs up.

Nayliä laughed into his shoulder and hugged him back just as fiercely. "I see my husband has been teaching you new words."

He let go of her wearing a boyish grin and went to stand next to Rey'na, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Should I even ask how this is possible?"

She just shook her head, "I was blessed." Everyone knew there was more to it but it was clear it wasn't something Nayliä felt comfortable with sharing. A part of her wanted to say that she was also cursed by the burden weighing on her shoulders. But it was getting easy to come to terms with but still ate away at her thoughts.

A warm hand was placed on her shoulder bringing her out of her thoughts. She looked and there was Tonowari with watery eyes. Her heart tugged with concern, "Are you cry-" And just like that she was tugged into another tight hug.

He was much taller than her and almost enveloped her body completely. She wasn't used to the man being so open to physical touch but welcomed the change all the same.

"It's good to have you back, Nayliä." The unspoken love was blinding and she wondered how she ever thought she could be at peace without her family.

Her heart melted once more, "It's good to be back." And if she felt tears fall onto her skin she would never tell.

Their children were all spread out. Neteyam and Lonia were sitting off to the side speaking lowly but looking like they were having a good time. Lo'ak was being enamored by Tsireya who was showing him the different types of foods they had prepared. Kiri and Spider were feeding ilu together, the girl excited to show off her bond with the animals. Liia, Tuk and Towon were having a splash fight inside the shallow part of the sea.

Lastly Ronal had kidnapped Malìk and was showing him off to her mate. The pregnant Tsahìk adored the tiny Na'vi and never wanted to let him go. He was just so small and fit into her arms so perfectly. She also was intrigued by how he looked to be the perfect mix of the two clans.

Nayliä didn't mind her children going off on their own. In fact she was beyond happy. From the first day they had arrived she dreamed of the day that her family truly enjoyed being in her home. Today seemed to be that day. It hit her again that these beautiful children were proof of the love and happiness shared between her and her mates. That thought alone fueled a desire that she was ready to act on.

She spotted her husband sitting alone and her eyes glazed over. The way she locked eyes with him and never glanced away, pulled his attention to her. He had a good idea what was going on in her pretty little head and sighed. He mentally prepped himself for the night ahead of them.

Nayliä's intense eyes left his as she walked over to their wife. Her hips swayed side to side with her tail following. Neytiri wasn't facing her so she gripped her mate's hips from behind and looked over at Rey'na. "Hey sis you mind if I steal my wife for a bit?"

Rey'na could see the way her sister's pupils were dilated and caught on immediately. "Nah go have fun. I'll watch the kids." She grinned then walked over to Aiyakan.

Neytiri was tense in a good way and finally looked down at her mischievous wife. "I have a feeling we'll be gone for more than just "a bit". Nayliä didn't reply and instead grasped her hand and led them to their shared husband. She winked at him as she pulled their wife past him and away from the crowd of people.

He sat there for a good minute smirking to himself before getting up and following after them, excited in what events would unfold.

Nayliä giggled in between the heavy kisses she shared with her wife. Jake stood behind her and let his hand travel down her stomach and between her legs. She moaned into Neytiri's mouth and bucked her hips trying to create more friction against her husband's hand.

The kiss between her and Neytiri was no longer soft and caring. It was sloppy and filled with an insatiable hunger settling deep in their cores. Nayliä could almost taste the want on her mate's tongue and it only made her whimper with need. Neytiri forced herself to break it. She chuckled when Nayliä whined and chased after her lips.

"Shh we're just taking this off pretty girl." Her hands worked quickly in undoing her own top while Jake removed Nayliä's.

Nayliä didn't have time to whine about the loss of contact because Jake grabbed her hips and turned her to face him. He wasted no time in plopping one of Nayliä's perky nipples into his mouth. The action drew a soft yet breathless moan from his mate. She tangled her hand loosely in his hair, pulling him impossibly closer. He briefly let go to remove his own clothing with a quickness he didn't know he possessed.

Neytiri took the opportunity to press her lips to Nayliä's again feeling as if she could never get enough.

All around her, Nayliä could feel the heat radiating from her mates and it made her crave them more than ever. They always took the time to worship her body like she was the most precious thing in the world and she wanted to return the favor. It was then that she decided she wanted some type of control for the night. She turned to Jake with lustful eyes,"Lay down."

Jake sat back leaning on his elbows eyeing Nayliä's almost dazed expression.

No words were spoken when she straddled him. He resisted the urge to grab onto her hips and only looked up at her with dilated pupils. Her heated gaze dropped to his lips then back to his eyes. She reached down grabbing his already hardened cock then rubbed it between her soft and wet folds making them both moan softly. The man bucked his hips with a breathy whine trying to force his way into heaven but Nayliä refused him what he needed. Precum gathered at her entrance everytime his tip dragged across it.

As she continued teasing her husband, she looked up to her impatient wife then wordlessly opened her mouth letting her long tongue hang invitingly. Her eyes screaming, "I'm yours."

Before she knew it, her head was between Neytiri's thick thighs. Neytiri could feel her breath get trapped in her throat when she felt her mate's hot breath right over her already soaked cunt. She grabbed a fistful of Nayliä's hair waiting desperately for the pleasure she knew would come. "Liä please I can't wait- Oh fuck..." The foreign curse word left her mouth before she could register it.

Nayliä slid herself down Jake's throbbing manhood just as she wrapped her lips around Neytiri's clit with her tongue rubbing over it in long drawn out circles.

It took a moment for them to find their rhythm but when they did, That familiar feeling that felt like Nayliä was floating high above the clouds overtook every thought in her head. It burned through her in rippling waves in the best way possible and she never wanted it to end. But the intense pressure building in her lower stomach let her know she wouldn't have the luxury of feeling this for much longer.

Her ears twitched from the sounds of Jake's quiet strings of curses and grunts. She refused to let him have full control even when he thrusted up into her. She would ride him all the way until she was on her tippy toes but her pussy would quiver from the loss of his length and suck him back in greedily.

The man himself couldn't decide if he could keep his eyes open or not. The sight of seeing the way Naylia was so talented with that tongue of hers lapping at Neytiri's swollen clit was pushing him closer to the edge every second. He wasn't the only one enjoying the view.

Neytiri gazed down into their shared wife's ocean eyes. The moonlight glittered along her teal skin with her freckles making themselves known. Even the way her tightly coiled hair fell along her back was driving Neytiri crazy. Only Nayliä could look innocent while being nose deep inside someone.

Neytiri stroked her hair gently while struggling to get her words out. "So beautiful," She breathed heavily through her mouth and nose, "Feels so good I'm almost.." She let her sharp fangs sink into her bottom lip and squeezed her eyes shut while rolling her hips wanting to feel every inch of her wife's mouth. Nayliä slipped her tongue into her wife's fleshy walls making Neytiri's moans reach a new height. Broken sentences begged her to go faster and she complied.

The new pace she set was brutal and Jake could no longer restrain himself. He gripped her tiny waist smirking to himself when she arched into his touch. "Shit, just like that baby." His hips snapped up to meet hers halfway driving them closer to the inevitable undoing of them all.

Both Jake and Neytiri felt that they were relearning their little mate all over again and wanted to commit every inch of her to their memory. Words escaped them as they got lost in each other's bodies.

As usual, Neytiri finished first shamelessly whimpering her mates' names through her shattering orgasm. Nayliä continued to pump her tongue in and out of her, lapping up all of her juices. Even after she was done, Nayliä still sucked and licked on her overly sensitive areas. She hissed from the overwhelming sensation and let go of her mate's hair and stepped back trying to catch her breath.

Since her mouth was free Nayliä looked down at her husband while relaxing her body, "All yours." The submissiveness dripping off those two words would drag the purest angel down to the depths of hell.

Almost immediately Jake took off shoving himself into Nayliä at such a rapid pace she was forced to lean forward and catch herself from falling. He moved his hands from her waist to her ass, gripping and spreading her cheeks so he could have easier access. Her round breast bounced in front of his face and if he wasn't so focused on his own orgasm he would've at least given them the attention they deserved.

Nayliä on the other hand, was too busy moaning his name like a prayer and he knew she wouldn't last much longer. Neither would he.

Neytiri having regained her strength, leaned over him to capture Nayliä's lips in a kiss filled with saliva. They took turns sucking on each other's tongues, almost blocking out Nayliä's high pitched moans. She unintentionally squeezed Jake harder making him throw his head back with a clenched jaw.

He needed to pull out. He knew he had to but no matter how loud he screamed that in his mind, his body wouldn't listen. Nayliä wrapped around him tightly like a glove and it felt like a sin not to plant his seed deep inside her. He fucked her so violently and almost vengefully for having to hold back for so long.

God, he just couldn't pull out, she felt too damn good. Her weeping little hole sucked him in constantly almost as if trying to milk him dry.

Between Jake's hurried pace and Neytiri's mouth, Nayliä was losing her mind. She was simply drunk off of both of them. Her thighs clenched around Jake's body and her legs shook slightly. She let her hand travel down to her button-like clit and rubbed it furiously until finally all the tension and pressure left her body all at once.

Having Nayliä squirt and convulse on his dick was Jake's last straw. He forced himself out just in time to unload right on her puffy and swollen pussy. He stroked himself a few times before using his softening cock to spread his cum all over his wife's clit. He loved the gasps it drew from her but then he felt his energy leave him. His body was fucked out so he laid back and closed his eyes with his chest heaving up and down.

He felt plump lips attach to his neck needily marking the area in random patterns. Nayliä.

Another warm pair pressed feather light kisses around his face in adoration. Neytiri.

Yep, this was definitely his heaven.

Nayliä's loud laughter echoed through the night. She was getting a piggyback ride from her husband and enjoyed every second of it. Her hand tightly held onto Neytiri's who walked in front of them leading them back home. They had stayed away for almost two hours, claiming each other, taking breaks and enjoying each other's company. All three silently agreed to ditch the party that was now over.

"The kids are gonna be so mad." Nayliä felt a little bit guilty for leaving them.

"Could be worse. We could be telling them to expect another sibling but nah." Jake had absolutely zero regrets in his actions and would do it all over again.

Neytiri turned to playfully smack his chest, "No thanks to you Mr. Cant-Pull-Out."

"Shhhh!" Nayliä hushed them due to reaching the entrance of their marui. To their surprise Lo'ak and Liia were the ones still awake. The teen was holding Malìk close to his chest and whispering to his sister about something.

They took one look at their parents then looked back at each other. Liia smugly opened her hand, "Pay up! I told you they were fu-" Lo'ak covered her mouth just in time and sheepishly smiled at their parents.

Jake set Nayliä down and walked past them. "You know what, I'm too tired to even care." He did a quick headcount to make sure all his children had found themselves back home. As always, they were a mess of tangled limbs but were all there.

"I hope you at least washed off!" Liia yelled after him and chased him inside.

Neytiri shook her head fondly then carefully and silently asked Lo'ak for Malìk. He handed his brother over and Neytiri's eyes filled up with that pure and unfiltered love looking down at her baby. She walked inside while rocking him slowly.

Now it was just Nayliä and Lo'ak standing outside. He awkwardly rocked on his heels waiting for her to say something. He didn't want to think about what she was doing before coming home.

She chuckled at his clear discomfort and wrapped an arm around his neck, "Come on, let's go to bed."

Nayliä slept soundly in between her mates. Well on the outside she looked to be in a deep sleep. The only thing giving away her internal turmoil was the way her fingers twitched anxiously.

She was not dreaming or having a nightmare. No, her mind was somewhere much deeper and scarier than that. The worst part? She could not wake herself nor move on her own free will. In this void she could not see, hear, smell anything around her but she could feel the presence of two other beings.

One was too familiar and its spirit clung to her very own. A child. Her child. Her Kiri. She badly wanted to reach out to comfort her daughter but she was held in absolute stillness.

Then within a second all of her senses returned to her along with an intense pressure that made even the slightest of breathing hurt.


Nayliä blinked slowly as she finally escaped whatever what was but she knew she needed answers and she needed them now. She carefully unraveled herself from her wife and husband and looked around their pod.

Unsurprisingly, Kiri stared back at her in confusion. She crouched along the floor on all fours until they were face to face.

"Mom, what was that?" Kiri whisper-yelled, being mindful of the multiple sleeping bodies around them.

Nayliä exhaled sharply, "I do not know but I am going to the spirit tree to get answers."

"Then I'm going with you."

"No. If you seize again...I can't risk that right now."

Kiri gripped her mother's hand tightly, their skin glowed but by now they were used to it, "Whatever it is that we saw, it was important. There's a reason we were both there." As much as Nayliä wanted to deny it, she couldn't. So with a heavy heart she agreed after making Kiri promise to stick to her side.

The ocean's water no longer contained the warmth they had become accustomed to. It was now cold, uninviting and harshly brushed against their skin. And when they hopped off their shared tsurak, it covered them like a blanket of uneasiness.

That feeling intensified when they spotted the unnatural flashing lights of the sacred tree. The base of the tree felt as if it oozed out a devastating outcry of help. Nayliä had never seen anything like this before. She turned to Kiri and signed, "Stay close." The teen nodded and grabbed onto her tail gently to stay right behind her.

Nayliä tensed up the closer they got. She looked to her daughter and with reassuring nods they both connected their queues to the wavering tree.


It was everywhere yet nowhere all at the same time.

Nayliä didn't understand what she was seeing. Her feet began to carry her across the softness of this green void.

The forest surrounding her didn't feel real but her senses believed it to be so. In her head she knew something was off, she just couldn't tell what.

"Mama?" She whipped her head to face her oldest daughter. But before she could open her mouth, the world completely crumpled around them.

There were bright flashes and loud unintelligible whispers filling their heads and consuming every thought. There were so many voices yet she couldn't understand any of them. Some were familiar while others she had never heard. Kiri ran to the safety of her mother while covering her ears trying to block out the ear melting sirens.

Nayliä put her hands over Kiri's, sacrificing her own ears as they both instinctively ducked down. The woman bared her teeth in distress with wide eyes and pulled her child closer to her body.

Eywa was trying to tell them something and Nayliä focused the best she could with the absolute chaos around them.

"Mother! What is this?" She called out desperately wanting to escape with her daughter. All she could make out were images of fire, ash and smoke blackening the sky. There was an intense feeling of a cloud of dread raining anxiousness over her.

When Nayliä heard the sound of a deep mourning scream then silence, she knew.

It dawned upon her that this was just the beginning of the most treacherous storm Pandora would ever see.


{I know I took a while with this but it was so hard for me to write this chapter. This story was my very first official one and it feels like I'm letting go of an old friend. Im so attached to Nayliä and her story and it quickly became my comfort zone. I'm fr crying while typing this lmfaoooo. But I'm ecstatic to have gone on this journey with every single one of you. I wanted to make a list but gawd I just want to thank everyone who has ever even clicked on this book. I do have more avatar books if yall are interested. One with Ronal and Tonowari called The Eclipse. The other one is with Lo'ak and Tsireya named The Sky.

I definitely will publish quick oneshots or imagines featuring Nayliä and the fam and I'm working on a prequel story but until then....

●Thank you for reading The Storm

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