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Kaitlyn Rosalia Hart has always been known as a compassionate, forgiving and understanding person.

Growing up at an orphanage, without ever knowing the comfort of family, Kaitlyn left the shelter as soon as she turned 16. She found herself in the small town of Mystic Falls, where she found everything she had ever wanted with her life, and maybe a little more as well.

Due to her outstanding merits, she was granted full-time scholarship at the Mystic Falls High School, under the recommendation of Mrs Lockwood.

That's how she came to know Tyler Lockwood and his friends. Very soon, she was a significant part of the infamous Scooby Gang.

Her life was better than she had ever imagined it could've been. But things never stay good for too long.
She soon found herself getting plunged into the supernatural world, fighting one villain after the other. Losing people that she considered family and constantly living on the edge, she matured way earlier than one of her age would.

In 2011, she finds herself and her friends battling against The Originals, the first vampires to have ever existed. Along the way, she caught the eye of a certain hybrid.

They both felt this unexplainable pull towards each other, that no matter how hard they both tried to resist, they just couldn't seem to stay away from each other.

After endless highs and lows, the hybrid finally asks her to be his forever love. The year that they shared with each other was inarguably the best parts of both their lives. However, fate seemed to have other plans.

Due to her boyfriend constantly threatening her friends and pushing her away whenever she tried to be there for his emotional moments due to his own paranoia and abandonment issues, she decides to fall it quits, even though it completely breaks her heart to do so.

Two days after the breakup, she was an absolute wreck and found herself outside the Mikaleson mansion, herself not knowing why she was there in the first place or what awaited her inside.
As soon as she steps into the mansion, she found herself hoping she hadn't. She found herself wanting to forget everything she had witnessed in the last few minutes.

She had found her ex-boyfriend, her soulmate being intimate with someone she considered a friend- Hayley Marshall.
Even though all her friends hated Hayley,ย  Kaitlyn had been nice and accepting to her.

Although she knew she had no right to feel this way, she was absolutely shattered by what she had seen. She knew she was the one who called it quits but she hadn't expected her soulmate to move on from her so soon, while she spent her days as a wreck, he had already found someone else to love (not knowing that her ex-boyfriend had actually gotten into such a situation only because he couldn't forget his soulmate and just wanted a way to drown his regrets into drinks and a no-strings attached one-night stand)

Except there were strings attached. The girl was pregnant with his kid. His firstborn. His daughter. His redemption.
So without any notice, he left Mystic Falls with his family. Leaving behind his one true love. He knew he would regret this decision but he couldn't bring himself to break the news to her, so he chose the easier way out. He walked out of her life, without even a second glance back, without saying goodbye.

That's how Kaitlyn found herself alone. Not only had her soulmate left town without a goodbye, but so did all his family. The family she had started to consider her own, the people that had become significant parts of her life- all gone without a goodbye.

Kaitlyn didn't even find a second to catch her breath from her heartbreak as she and her friends found themselves battling against a greater evil- Silas.

At 21, she died for the first time. She died fighting for her friends. She died a human. However, to her surprise, she found herself on the Other Side, where supernatural entities would end up after death.

Turns out it was Quetsiyah who brought her there as she had noticed how Kaitlyn held the entire Scooby Gang together and she planned on using Lyn as a weapon against them and Silas.

On the other side, she ran into Kol Mikaelson- her best friend that she had mourned after he was killed by Jeremy Gilbert. They accompanied each other thinking this was their end. Until all of a sudden, a light swallows her and she gasps open back into the real world.

Silas had somehow figured out Quetsiyah's plan and he manipulated Bonnie into bringing Lyn back so he could use her against the Scooby Gang and Quetsiyah instead.

That's how Lyn ended up with her magic powers, although she never found a proper explanations, she knew it was from Silas. But as they eventually ended up killing Silas, the magic stayed with her. She and Bonnie attempted to save the Other Side and the people there but Lyn couldn't find Kol, no matter how hard she looked, until she had no choice but to give up as the Other Side came crashing down. Once again, she mourned her best friend.

Eventually when Kol came back to life, accepting his mother's deal, he decides that the very first thing he wanted to do is visit his best friend before he walked into battle against his own family.

Although Lyn was sceptic at first (as he wasn't in his own body), he reminisced memories that only they had shared and Kaitlyn finally accepted the truth, overjoyed, that her best friend was back.

This was when Lyn learned about the Mikaleson Miracle Baby and how even after everything, the baby couldn't be saved.ย  Kol knew his best friend well enough to know she would convince him to not side with his mother, against his siblings, so he left out those details.

Kaitlyn then told him that she had forgiven the Mikaelsons family for everything, specially now that they were going through such a rough time and she thought no one deserved to go through this. When it was time to go, Kol promised he would come back to his best friend but obviously, he didn't, as he once again meets his end due to a hex his brother- Finn had placed on him.

Kaitlyn waited for her best friend's return, while continuing to fight one evil after the other with her friends.

Kaitlyn had accepted that she would never find love again, so she swore to protect the loved one's she had in her life as she thought she wouldn't be able to bear any more losses in her life. She decided to fight for her family with everything she had.

At 22, she then found herself pregnant with twins- twins of Josette and Alaric, that had been magically transferred to her after Josette met her end against the Gemini sociopath- Kai Parker.

Although not hers biologically, she considered the twins as her own and swore to protect them with her life.

When 3 months pregnant, she meets Christopher Fraser, a packless werewolf who had moved to Mystic Falls with his 4 year old son, Ryan Fraser.

Christopher and Kaitlyn instantly become friends and although they both, along with all the other friends, saw potential for more; Kaitlyn found herself scared to commit after the heartbreak she had suffered once.

Eventually, she does overcome her fears and in 2015, Kaitlyn and Christopher had started dating. Meanwhile, she had become a mother of three-the twins and Christopher's son, Ryan.

After years of grief, she was finally content with her life then, but as always, it wasn't easy.
Fighting against travelers and what not, she found herself constantly living on the edge. She never was scared of death but now the stakes were higher, she had three kids- the kids that made everything in her life worth it. The kids that she had promised the best of motherly love and protection to, specially since she never got to experience it herself.

Just when she thought life couldn't get any better, Christopher proved her wrong. After dating for three years, he finally asked her to be his wife, his eternal love.

Two months after her engagement, she and her friends were now fighting against Katherine Pierce, once again, but this time she had hellfire and all the antagonists of Hell on her side.

During the ultimate battle to save their town and all their loved ones, Stefan Salvatore and Christopher Fraser sacrificed themselves to protect the others, leaving Caroline Forbes-Salvatore a widow and leaving Kaitlyn Hart stripped away from true love once again. When her fiance passed away, Kaitlyn had turned unknowingly, as she died with Damon's blood in her system from when she was recovering from a wound she had incurred during the battle.

She was now a Heretic. No one knew how but even after turning, she hadn't lost her magical abilities. Kaitlyn had a hard time coping with bloodlust and all the heightened emotions that came with being a Vampire. Although Damon and Caroline tried their best to help her through it, it didn't get any better. So she asked Caroline to have her kids away while she learned to cope with all the changes she had experienced in such a short amount of time.

Meanwhile, when Kol Mikaelson came back to life once again, he found himself in Mystic Falls, once again, in hopes of finding his best friend again. And to his surprise and satisfaction, Lyn was still there, except this time she had three kids.

Kaitlyn confided in her best friend and he comforted her throughout all her struggles into finding normalcy once again. He helped her with Vampire Crash Course 101, as he liked to call it. And even though later on he went back to New Orleans, he would visit his best friend and his nephew and nieces every few months and would always keep in contact through texts and Facetimes. He was happy for her and he soon became Uncle Kol to the kids.

He, however, kept it all a secret from the Mikalesons, knowing Lyn wouldn't want them to know and he thought they didn't deserve to know about her life after they abandoned her the way they did.

Kol had told Kaitlyn about Hope and often ranted to her about his crazy family, conveniently leaving out mentions of certain Hybrid that he knew she wouldn't want to hear about. He even told her about Davina and she helped him out all the time with his attempts to win her over. Overall, they were each others bestest friends and biggest supporters, through and through.

Consequently, Elena and Damon had moved to New York to carry on with their lives. Bonnie and Enzo were out travelling the world and Caroline had decided to accompany them.

Damon had left the keys to the Salvatore Boarding House under the care of Kaitlyn and Alaric.

Due to all her kids being from significant supernatural species, she and Alaric decided to find a way to help all supernatural kids with their true form and with learning to control and accept what they are.

The Salvatore Boarding School For The Young and Gifted opened its doors in April 2019. Kaitlyn found herself fill in the role of the Headmistress while Alaric was the Headmaster. And this is how they spent 9 years of their lives, being the perfect parents to their kids, co-parenting in sync and running a school full of supernaturals along with it.

On the other side of the country, in New Orleans, the Mikaelsons too were in one war after the other. When eventually the Mikaelsons defeat the Hollow, they consider leaving New Orleans as they felt like there was nothing left for them there. After crossing out multiple suggestions, due to Hope's endless grovelling, most of the Mikaelsons decide to move back to Mystic Falls, having no idea of what awaited them there.

Hope had grown up listening to stories about Lyn from Rebekah,Elijah and even Hayley sometimes joined in. She hoped to one day meet the woman who was so significant to all her family.

โ€ŒThrough Klaus' journals that he compelled had Cami to write for him, she realised Lyn was more than just a friend to her dad, she was the epic love of her father's life and that even years later, he was still so in love with her that a mere mention of her would change his mood an entire 180ยฐ. She didn't understand why her dad let Lyn go if he loved her so much but she promised herself that somehow she'd find a way to reconcile them and give her dad the one love that he needed and deserved in his life.

Although they all did think of how they could be running into familiar faces from the past, they weren't up to date with Mystic Falls and were all pretty sure that after everything, their Lyn would've left the town by now, as she had always spoken to them about wanting to see the world when she can, in the past.

Rebekah and Marcel decided to move to Paris separately instead of going back to Mystic Falls, as Rebekah didn't want anything to do with "that small, phony miserable town."
While the Mikaelsons moved to Mystic Falls and Rebekah moved to Paris, Kol didn't join either group and said he would meet his wife and family in Mystics Falls soon but for now, he had some work to do. Little did they know that Kol and Davina were fully aware of Lyn and her family's existence and that Kol was actually travelling to an extremely ancient Greek coven when he had heard about the merge from his heartbroken best friend/ sister-like figure.

Meanwhile, Hope finds out about the Salvatore School and having always felt alone, she was eager to be in company of people her age and so she begs her parents to let her join a normal school instead of homeschooling now. The Mikaelsons, being unaware of Lyn's current presence in Mystic Falls, agree to consult the school to see if it would be good enough fo the Mikaleson heir.

And so the story continues...

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