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Chiแปu cao dรฒng

7th May, 2028

3rd person POV

The last two days have been pure bliss for the newly engaged couple. Breakfast in bed, tours all around the City of Love and spending every hour of every day next to each other, it's fair to say the couple were on Cloud Nine lately. Every morning, they have been waking up to newly sent flowers/gifts from their friends and family to congratulate the couple.

This morning, the couple were woken up by incessant knocking on their bedroom door.

"More flowers for you two!" Rebekah announced in an half-annoyed, half-amused tone.

"I think Bex is getting tired of her house turning into a flower garden," Kaitlyn states groggily and Klaus chuckles from behind her, with his arms wrapped around her and his face buried into the crook of her neck.

"Only because we have so many well-wishers, love," Klaus replies with a sarcastic smile.

"Or many all our family and friends are just way too dramatic," Kaitlyn jokes back, "we should get up soon," she nudges Klaus, which only makes him tighten his grip on her.

"Five more minutes," he pleads, "as soon as we walk out of that door, Rebekah is going to steal you away anyways. Let me have some alone time with my fiancรฉe, at least," he says and Kaitlyn smiles at his words.

"Fiancรฉe," Kaitlyn repeats, "I don't think I'll ever get used to that."

"You don't have to, love. It'll be 'wife' soon anyways," Klaus retorts, causing her smile to widen.

"Hm. Who would've thought we'd be here, right?" she says as she turns around to face him.

"Here is Paris or here in each other's arms?"

"Both. All of it seems surreal. You and me, after sixteen years. It's crazy to think how much has changed in just a few months," Kaitlyn replies and Klaus hums as he stares at his fiancรฉe with lovesick eyes.

Kaitlyn notices and slightly shoves him to break him out of his daze, "what're you thinking about?" she asks.

"You," he replies almost immediately and Kaitlyn's cheeks blush red.

"I am here, you don't need to think of me," she jokes.

"I was thinking of how I got so lucky to have you. Soulmate or not, I know there's no one else for me but you. And to think that I finally get to make you mine forever, finally raise our daughter together. All your kids, even," he says with a smile.

Kaitlyn too smiles at his words, "hm and Oreo, of course," she teases and Klaus immediately frowns.

"Yeah that I'm not too excited about," he says and now it's Kaitlyn's turn to frown.

"You should be because he's my baby too."

"You've had him for two days, love," Klaus points out.

"Still my baby," she huffs as Klaus smiles at her and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Have you ever thought of having kids of your own?" he asks her all of a sudden, earning a confused look from her.

"I have kids of my own," she replies and Klaus quickly corrects himself, "no I meant, before we knew about Hope. I know you see Ryan and the twins as your own kids but have you ever thought of having biological kids of your own?"

Kaitlyn remains quiet for a while before speaking up again, "I've always wanted kids. Ryan and the twins...no matter what, they are mine. I think before Chris passed away, I did consider kids of my own for a bit. Maybe years down the line when the twins were older. But then, I turned and Chris passed away, so I completely shut off that thought altogether because there was no point in thinking of having kids of my own again since I couldn't, even if I wanted to."

Klaus sighs loudly, "I'm sorry, love," he says as he pulls her into a side hug.

"No it's okay. I have four kids, a beautiful family, amazing friends and a fiancรฉe now. What more could I ask for?" she says with a small smile and Klaus nods.

"I wish I could give you kids of your own, one we'd get to raise together. Even with Hope, I missed out most of her childhood trying to protect her or away from her. I just wish I got to experience what a normal family life is like, for once," Klaus says and Kaitlyn looks up and him.

"You can now. There's no guarantee nothing will go wrong in the future but that's how you know you have to make the most of whatever you can get," she says as she cups his face in her hands and he smiles at her.

"Do you...ever think of how because of me being born as a werewolf, we could still have Hope, maybe it could be the same for you? I mean, yes all vampires are born human but you're not an ordinary vampire. You're a heretic, with magic from some ancient powerful bloodline. Heretics in itself are so rare so maybe..." he trails off.

"I know what you're getting at and honestly, I don't know. Two months ago, I didn't even know about my ancestry. Maybe if I explore my bloodline history a little more, I'd understand my magic better and finally have an explanation as to why I got to keep my magic even after I turned. As for the possibility of me being able to have kids because of my 'rare abilities', I don't even know but if there's one thing I've learned over these years is that anything is possible in the supernatural world. But I don't know if I even want to explore that idea anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love you and I love my kids but four kids in enough work. You know it better than anyone, the constant worry of past enemies showing up, putting your child's life at risk, the fear of not being able to protect them all the time- it's all too much sometimes and I don't know how strong I can be for all of them and for how long," Kaitlyn confesses.

"Love, you raised three beautifully strong kids all on your own. You're stronger than you give yourself credit for but yes, I know what you mean. And I promise you, from now to as long as forever is, I will be right by your side, protecting you and your loved ones with my life. Always and forever," Klaus promises, placing a loving kiss on Kaitlyn's forehead.

"And I promise you the same," she replies, "but Nik, now that we're promising each other this, there's something you should know about the twins-" Kaitlyn goes to speak but gets cut off by sudden knocking on their bedroom door again.

Klaus sighs, "we'll be out soon, Rebekah!" he yells out and the knocking subdues.

"You were saying?" he asks as he turns back to Kaitlyn.

"No it's alright. It can wait. We should head down now or Bekah is going to get mad at us again," she states with a short laugh.

"Nothing new in that," Klaus replies with an eye-roll as they both get up to freshen up and start their day, officially.


Upon stepping into the downstairs living room of Rebekah and Marcel's home, the newly engaged couple were greeted to the fresh scent of countless flowers mushing into the air. Following the scent in the air, they saw countless flower bouquets and foil balloons stacked across the joint kitchen/living room couch area.

"Sorry about all these flowers, guys," Kaitlyn says as they join Rebekah and Marcel in the kitchen. Rebekah places breakfast plates before Klaus and Kaitlyn while Marcel stands by the stove, flipping eggs and bacon on different pans.

"Oh it's no bother," Marcel says and Rebekah joins in, "yeah. Flowers are better than death threats showing up on the doorstep," she says as everyone else laughs.

"So what are we doing today?" Kaitlyn asks as she gets herself some coffee from the counter.

"The day's free but we have tickets to the Opera this evening," Marcel answers as he places bacon and scrambled eggs on the breakfast plates set before Kaitlyn and Klaus.

"We could go shopping," Rebekah suggests Kaitlyn with a smile as both the men frown.

"I like that idea," Kaitlyn replies with a smirk.

"Or," Klaus chimes in, "we could go do some sightseeing instead of blowing all the money in our bank accounts."

"Who said anything about paying for any of it?" Rebekah jokes as Klaus and Marcel laugh but Kaitlyn frowns.

"If we're going shopping, we're paying for it, Bex. That's part of the whole shopping experience," she says.

"Okay mom," Rebekah jokes as Kaitlyn lightly shoves her from across the kitchen counter.

"I wanna see Notre-Dame," Kaitlyn says as she turns to Klaus.

"We can go see Notre-Dame then," Klaus says as Marcel and Rebekah nod.

"Oh and the Palace of Versailles?" Kaitlyn asks again, looking at Klaus with puppy eyes. He rolls his eyes at her, knowing exactly what she was doing and hating how it was working on him, as always.

"Anywhere else, love?" Klaus asks sarcastically.

"Actually, there's the Arc de Triomphe and Luxembourg Gardens and-" Kaitlyn starts to list but Klaus cuts her off.

"Alright alright, we'll see how many places we can visit today. Leave the rest for later," he says as Kaitlyn squeals in excitement, placing a small kiss on his cheek before rushing off upstairs to get ready.

"Kol was right, you are whipped," Marcel states as Klaus glares at him.

"As if you and Kol are any better," he retorts as Rebekah chuckles at their banter.

"I'm honestly surprised at how easily her friends accepted you both, even after everything," Rebekah says and Marcel nods.

"Well that's what Rose said too. I, however, haven't check my phone is the last two days so I wouldn't know," Klaus replies.

"You should, they were very nice about it all. Maybe text and thank them," Rebekah says as her and Marcel too walk back to their room to get ready.

Klaus notices Kaitlyn's phone on the kitchen counter and unlocks in to check the texts Rebekah was talking about, considering it was all one big groupchat Kaitlyn had forced them all into.

He smiles at the texts and makes a mental note to thank them all later before putting the phone down and heading upstairs as well.


"Need help with anything, love?" Klaus asks with a smirk as he watches Kaitlyn struggle with her dress zipper when he walks into their room.

"Yes please," she huffs as he walks up to her and pulls the zipper up, effortlessly.

Kaitlyn smooths her dress down and turns to face Klaus as he wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

"So, how do I look?" she asks him with a smile.

"Beautiful as always," he compliments her with a cheeky smile, "so beautiful that I almost want us to bail out on the trip and just stay in," he says as he leans in closer.

Kaitlyn chuckles, "not happening, Nik. We have to go back home soon, anyways," she says as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"Exactly why we should make the most of every moment we have alone, don't you think?" he whispers as his lips brush against her.

"I think we're making the best of every moment just fine," she retorts with a chuckles and he frowns at her words, "now come on, loverboy, get ready. I'll meet you downstairs," she says, placing a soft kiss on his lips but pulling away quick enough when he tries to deepen the kiss, knowing that won't end well now.

"What?" she asks with an innocent smile when she notices Klaus glaring at her as she puts her heels on.

"You know what," he states with an eye-roll, "plus, I'm not carrying you again when your feet start to inevitably hurt from wearing those," he says as he points at her heels.

"You and me both know you don't mean that, honey," she says with a sly tone and Klaus stutters a little at the sudden use of this new nickname.

"Honey?" he questions her with a raised brow but she only shrugs in response before walking out of the room.

The two couples then spend the rest of the day visiting the different tourist spots across Paris, with Kaitlyn getting multiple souvenirs to take back home for her kids. During lunch, Klaus notices Kaitlyn frowning while looking down at her phone.

"Everything alright, love?" he asks her with a concerned tone, causing Marcel and Rebekah to look at her as well.

"Yeah it's just...none of the kids have responded to my texts in the last 24 hours. Neither has Ric and now Care's phone is unreachable. I have this bad feeling.." she trails off.

"I'm sure everything's alright. Or else Freya would've alerted us," Rebekah states and Klaus nods.

"Do you want me to call her and ask?" Klaus asks Kaitlyn, knowing she was still concerned. She nods and Klaus dials Freya's number. After a few rings, the call disconnects.. Even after three more tries, when there's no answer, Kaitlyn visibly starts to panic and so does Klaus, internally.

"Something's wrong, Nik," Kaitlyn tells him, fear brimming in her eyes.

"Maybe you should call one of your school teachers and see if they know what's going on," Marcel suggests and Kaitlyn immediately dials the school's office number.

After a few rings, the receptionist answers, "Hello. Salvatore School For The Young and Gifted, Keelin speaking," Kaitlyn hears from the other side of the call.

"Miss Keelin, it's me, Headmistress Kaitlyn. I was wondering if you could connect me to Headmaster Alaric's office phone. He isn't answering my calls," Kaitlyn speaks into the call.

"Oh, hello Miss K. I'm sorry but Headmaster Alaric didn't come in today. He said he was going out of town with your daughters for a few days. He granted Hope Mikaelson and your son, Ryan as well. Oh and Miss Freya too," Keelin replies and Kaitlyn frowns in confusion. She looks around to see the same expression on the faces of the other three as they were clearly listening in.

"That's odd. Did he say where they were going? Or when they might be back?" she asks.

"I'm afraid not, ma'am," Keelin replies.

"Oh alright, thanks anyways, Miss Keelin. Have a nice day," Kaitlyn says before hanging up.

"Something's terribly wrong, Nik," Kaitlyn says as she turns back to face him.

"Or maybe," Rebekah chimes in, trying to calm Kaitlyn's nerves, "he just took them on some impromptu trip to somewhere with no cell service?"

"Yeah no, he would tell me if that was the case," Kaitlyn retorts and a wave of concern overtakes them.

"Well, what do you want to do then?" Marcel finally asks.

"I think we should go back home, Nik," Kaitlyn asks in a pleading way.

"We can head back tomorrow then, love," he says and Kaitlyn hesitantly nods.

Afterwards, the two couple are seated at the Paris Opera when Kaitlyn feels her phone constantly buzzing in her purse. She exchanges a look with Klaus before getting up and walking out of their personal balcony and into the back hallway. Kaitlyn pulls out her phone to see Damon's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey Damon," she greets half-heartedly.

"Buttercup hey, I know this is the last thing you might want to hear but you need to come back to Mystic Falls, right now," he says and Kaitlyn frowns as Klaus walks into the hallway, looking at her with a confused expression.

"Damon, what's going on?" she asks.

"It's...look it's too much to explain over the phone but it's the twins and it's Kai Parker. I think you can deduce the rest. Get back here now, me and Elena are boarding a flight right now as well. I already called Bonnie and Enzo, I think you should call Kol," Damon says before hanging up. The color instantly drains out of Kaitlyn's face and her hands start to shake. Klaus cautiously takes a step towards her, holding her hands with his.

"Love, what's wrong? Who is Kai Parker?" he asks her and she looks at him with panicked eyes. Just then, Rebekah and Marcel stumble into the hallways as well.

"Hey, what's going on?" Rebekah asks.

"Kai Parker is...the twins' uncle," Kaitlyn whispers. Klaus still looks confused for a second before realization hits him.

"The Gemini witch in the prison world?" he asks her and she nods, not even bothering to ask how he knew that.

"We...we need to go back home right now," she says, "I...I knew something was wrong. I should've seen it coming... I," she starts to blabber when Klaus puts a comforting arm around her.

"Shh love, there's no way you could've known. They'll be fine. They have Freya, Caroline and Alaric with them and we'll compel ourselves a flight back right now," Klaus tries to comfort her as the four rush out of the Opera Theatre and drive off towards the airport.

Author's Note
Sooo, here's the first chapter for Act Two. Where do you think this is headed?

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