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Kaitlyn's POV
Lockwood Cellar, Mystic Falls Forest

Freya, Davina and Bonnie were currently setting up a spell that I had found in my family's grimoires. It was an 'extraction' spell and seemed fit enough to remove the dark magic from Josie. The complication was that the dark magic needed to be put somewhere. We thought of putting the magic in the pendant Jo had brought along from the Supernatural Plane but we can't risk overpowering it and losing the pure magic in the process so we decided to put the magic in the dagger it had come from. We would then hide the dagger under a series of spells, to ensure no evil could get their hands on it.

While they prepared the spell, Stefan and Damon were driving the girls over here. Josie wouldn't be out for too much longer and we needed to extract the darkness from her as soon as possible. We decided it was better if Elena stayed away from all this so, last minute, Damon got Caroline to compel Elena and Stefanie a flight to New Orleans too.

As my thoughts trail off to Nik again, I see Jo approach me, from the corner of my eye.

"Hey," she greets with a strained smile. Alaric, Kol and Caroline seem to be too invested in their conversation to notice what else was going on here.

"Hi Jo," I smile back, genuinely happy that she was back and at least, got to see her daughters once.

"I...there's so much I could tell you right now but I don't even know where to start," she confesses, "I mean, let's start with me telling you how thankful I am for everything you've done for the girls and even Ric. They wouldn't have been where they are now if it weren't for you holding everyone together, like you always did. If it had to be anyone, I'm glad it was you who got to be the mother to these wonderful girls," she says as her voice cracks and tears start to pool in my eyes.

"And after the 'thank you' comes the 'I'm sorry'. I am sorry you had to adjust your entire future and give up on many of your own dreams because the protection spell picked you and you were made to feel responsible for two little kids when you were just 21, yourself. I am sorry you were put through so much chaos even all these sixteen years because of a stupid system that my coven had established on our bloodline. Ric told me how you got all your friends to look all over the world for a solution, about the countless sleepless nights you spent watching and worrying over them. He told me how you gave up on your own love for the girls and how you chose them over your own happiness, every time. I know you love the girls so much and you always tell everyone how thankful you are to have them in your life but I can't help but feel guilty for pushing you into something that changed the entire course of your life," Jo started to sniffle through her words as tears spilled down both our eyes.

"Jo, please you have nothing to feel guilty for. I...I'll be honest that I was terrified about raising two kids at first and for a while, I did think I'd just give birth to them and hand them over to Ric before going on with my own life. But the moment I held them in my arms, nothing else mattered. I didn't care who I was with or where I was. My own happiness didn't matter anymore because in one second, they became my source of happiness, my light in the darkness. They are the greatest things that ever happened to me. If anything, I feel guilty every time I think of everything you were stripped away from. Their first words, first steps, first day of school, first birthday- all these times and more, all I could think about was how you were supposed to be there with them, be their mother and how much you deserved it all. I am sorry life was so cruel to you," I reassure with a strained voice.

She smiles at me and wipes some of her stray tears away, "you haven't changed a bit, have you? Still the same, thinking of everyone but yourself."

"Yeah it's one her annoyingly nice traits that makes her better than all of us," Caroline jokes as she walks up to us and side-hugs me. Alaric and Kol too join soon.

"You guys weren't supposed to be listening, you know," I state with a chuckle.

"Well, the instructions were unclear," Alaric jokes as Jo nudges him and we all laugh.

"Damon called. They'll be here with the girls soon," Kol states next and I raise my brow at him.

"Damon called you?"

He rolls his eyes at the statement, "no, he called Caroline. Stefan doesn't have a phone yet."

As if on cue, Damon's car pulls up a little away from us and the back door opens for us to see Lizzie rushing our way.

She sprints past everyone and wraps me into a tight hug, "mom, there you are! Where were you? You promised to stay with us!"

"I am here. We were just preparing the spell to extract the darkness from Josie," I reassure when we break away from the hug.

"Yeah, I wake up to hear Uncle Stefan is back? I mean, good for Aunt Care but how is that even possible?" she questions as Damon and Stefan walk over to us. I can automatically feel this awkwardness settle into the air as my eyes land on Jo, who is looking down at her feet as Alaric has a comforting hand around her shoulder.

"Jo's in the trunk," Damon says, diverting the question.

"You say it like you just kidnapped her. Guess old habits die hard," Lizzie jokes and Damon playfully glares at her. The first time I visited NY with the girls, Damon took them to the Mall and lost Lizzie. When he found her, she got so scared, she started crying, think he was a kidnapper. Damon got called into the Mall Security and they then contacted me to verify if all was well. This, eventually, turned into a big joke among us all and Lizzie misses no chance to point it out to Damon that he had lost a four year old in a NYC Mall.

"Okay well, the spell should be ready soon too," I say and they nod as we walk look back at our Powerpuff Girls doing their witchy stuff.

Damon called me Buttercup because she was 'the toughest fighter' and he said I was the same. Honestly, Bonnie would be Buttercup too. She was strong-willed and she ever gave up on her loved ones. Davina would be Bubbles, no doubt. And Freya would obviously be Blossom- being the oldest, wisest and a born leader.

Elijah's POV
Leipzig, Germany

It has been hours since I had arrived at the neighborhood where my informant had noticed my brother last. I would be lying if I said I wasn't irritated at him for his behavior. No, not snapping my neck as it wasn't the first time he had done so. But how could he leave Rose alone at such a crucial pint in her life? How could he do this to her, again? I have spent a thousand years chasing after my brother's redemption as the sole purpose of my life, only because I failed him the very first time Mikael raised his hand on him. When Kaitlyn came along, I finally saw a glint of that redemption settle into him and I admit, he fought hard for it that time, but fate had other plans. Now, years later, he finally has the chance to have the love he has always craved for- her love. The life he has always wanted but wouldn't admit to anyone. The life we have always wanted for him. And I refuse to let him walk away from it this time. This time, I shall not let his paranoia get to the best of him.

Ever since I met Kaitlyn Hart, I have felt an immense amount of adoration and protectiveness over her, a familiarity I know all too well in myself too. Yet she is one of a kind and she is important to us all. She is the girl you speak to once and you can't help but be fascinated by her. The way she listens to you, understands you, her aura makes you want to trust her, be her friend and to protect her at all cost. That is exactly what happened to me too and ever since, I have considered her to be as important to me as Freya or Rebekah are. And I failed her too, sixteen years ago when I was the first person to promise her 'Always and Forever' but didn't see her through all her battles. This time, I refuse to fail either of them.

"Where is he?" I ask as I approach the informant I had gotten the lead from.

"He...he isn't here anymore. He was here, looking for someone. Didn't find him, killed some random people in anger and poof, he just disappeared like he always does," Morris, the informant tells me.

"Who was he looking for? Tell me all you know about this man. And I want a list of all the people he has 'randomly killed'. Knowing Niklaus, the list might not be so random, after all. You have an hour," I order and Morris nods and walks away.

"Yes Rebekah, is everything alright?" I inquire as I answer my buzzing phone.

"Uncle Elijah, it's me. I...I wanted to know if you find out anything. I know you're not just randomly in Germany all of a sudden. Dad is there, isn't he?" Hope's voice echoes through the call, meaning she had the phone on speaker.

"Hello Hope. And I'm guessing Ryan is with you too?"

"So are we, Elijah," Rebekah's voice is then heard. Just great. I didn't want anyone to know f this until I had solid information to pass on to the others but this family has always been of the nosy kind.

"Well yes, I heard of Niklaus' presence here but it seems I was too late. He isn't here anymore."

"What did he do?" Hope asks in a scared, whisper-like tone.

"Nothing, he was looking for someone," I sigh, leaving out the part where he murdered those other people. Hope and Ryan didn't need to hear that now.

"Do you have a new lead?" I hear a new voice- Ryan.

"I don't, but I will soon. You do not have to worry about this. Enjoy your time away. Rebekah and Marcel, Rose trusted you with the kids, look after them," I divert the conversation, not wanting the children to become too engrossed into the matter.

"You know we will," Marcel reassures.

"Also, we visited Mom Hayley's grave today. We ran into the man you compelled to place flowers there everyday. That was very sweet of you," Hope adds with a soft tone and I smile to myself.

"Alright well, take care of yourselves and for the sake of your mother, please do not do something that might get you into trouble. I will let you know if I find something new," I say and hang up the call.

A smile creeps its way into my face at the thought of Hayley's grave never being empty, but filled with her favorite flowers every day. I know these gestures do not make a difference after a person is gone but if there is even the slightest possibility that she can see us from wherever she is, and she is indeed watching over us all; I owe it to her- my wife, the love of my life, to know that I haven't forgotten her. I never will. And every day, every moment I am alive and breathing, I think of her, I wish for her presence. Sometimes, I even feel her around me, just when things get too overwhelming. It could be my mind playing tricks on me but sometimes, I think she is around, just when I need her the most.

These few months have felt longer than any of the thousand years I have spent before and for once, I wish to be selfish. I wish to give up everything and just be with her again-wherever that is. But I can't do so until I fulfill my promises- to my family, to Rose, to her. Reunite the soulmates and help my brother establish the life he has always wanted and deserved, watch over Hope (and now, my other nieces and nephew too) and ensure they are safe and happy. Above all, protect my family at all costs.

3rd person POV
Mystic Falls Forest

"The spell is complete," Freya informs the others.

"I'll go get Josie," Alaric mumbles as he comfortingly reaches for Jo's hand and then walks back to Damon's car. Lizzie frowns, noticing the new yet familiar face among her family. She knew who this person was, she had seen her before. But she couldn't quite figure out where she knew her from, due to her mind still being fuzzy from all the struggles from before. She felt so familiar yet was a complete stranger.

"Pstt, Aunt Care, who is that?" Lizzie whispers as she leans towards Caroline, trying to be discreet. But of course, all the others with supernatural hearing had heard her, loud and clear. Kaitlyn turns to face Lizzie as Caroline answers, "that's...that's Jo. Josette Parker."

The color instantly drains off of Lizzie's face as she hears the name and it all falls into place in her mind. This was her mother. Her biological mother. She was back? Why did no one tell her? Lizzie stumbles as her mind starts to get fuzzier with all these emotions overpowering her thoughts.

"Hey hey, sweety, it's alright. Just stay calm, we're fine. We'll talk about this once Josie is okay," Kaitlyn reassures her as she rushes to Lizzie's side and holds her in her arms.

"When did she come back? Does she know us?" Lizzie mumbles as she hugs Kaitlyn tightly, looking for her mother's familiar comfort.

"She came back with Stefan. Your grandma Catherine sent her to stop the merge. She...of course, she knows you two. We all just thought it would be better if both you and Jo were here when you officially met," Kaitlyn mumbles to her in a reassuring manner as they see Alaric walking back to them, carrying an unconscious Josie, bridal style.

"Place her in the middle of the triangle," Bonnie guides him as he walks past the group and to the Powerpuff Witches.

"Can you place a pillow under her head? She looks uncomfortable," Caroline mumbles under her breath as Stefan puts his arms around her and she rests her head on his shoulder.

"We need to start the spell now. You guys need to step way back," Bonnie informs, ignoring Caroline's statement and ushering the group a few paces away.

Bonnie then holds out her hand and Enzo places the Dark dagger in her hand before moving back to Damon's side.

Bonnie crouches down next to Josie and holds the dagger over her chest as Davina and Freya begin to chant the spell. The wind picks up, as usual and a circle of fire surrounds Josie and Bonnie. As the chanting goes on, everyone is on edge, hoping and praying all goes well.

But of course, this was Mystic Falls. This was the Scooby Gang and the Mikaelsons. Nothing ever goes well enough around here, around them. Suddenly, Bonnie is thrown out of the fire circle and against a tree as the wind gets fiercer and the fire burns brighter.

"What is happening?" Caroline shouts out as Enzo and Kaitlyn rush to Bonnie's side and Davina and Freya go on with their chanting.

"She...she is fighting them. She is waking up and the darkness sensed the magic, the dagger. So it pushed me away. It's taking over her mind at twice the rate due to the threat," Bonnie answers as Enzo helps her up.

"How can the magic do that?" Kaitlyn quizzes, not being able to comprehend how that was possible.

"This isn't just any kind of magic, Lyn. It's dark and it's one of a kind. A cursed kind. It's like...as if it has a mind of its own or something."

"Oh god," Kaitlyn whispers. Even after decades in this crazy Supernatural world, these things never failed to surprise her. Of course things weren't going well. It was wrong of her to even think it would. All their attention is diverted from Bonnie as they hear a piercing scream. Blood rushes out of Davina's eyes and nose as she suddenly collapses. Kol reaches out just in time to prevent her from hitting the ground.

"I...I can't do this alone. The magic is too strong!" Freya screams out in agony too and she starts to struggle to stay standing.

"Tell me what to do!" Kaitlyn yells out as she rushes to Freya's side.

"Channel your magic. Channel it to fight the darkness. We can't pull the magic out of her while it's wrapped around her mind. We need to fight the magic first," Freya instructs and Kaitlyn nods in understanding. She wasn't someone who used her magic often, not unless it was absolutely necessary. She always thought it was Silas' magic and she didn't deserve or need it with her. But things changed when she met her mother and learned about her lineage. She was a descendant of one of the most renowned, ancient witch royalties. This was her magic. And she could use it, to save her daughter. To protect her family.

With that thought, Kaitlyn began to mumble the spell she had caught a glimpse of when the others were chanting it. At first, she struggled to tap back into her magic as she hadn't used it or kept practice in a while. The last time she used her magic was when the girls were 13 and cycling outside when a car nearly hit Josie. Kaitlyn had used her magic to shield Josie and stop the car's advances. That was over 3 years ago now. Crazy how quickly time goes by and how drastically things had changed since then.

Soon enough, a spark of red could be noticed around Kaitlyn's palms as she cupped her hands into a hollow circle-like shape. Bonnie, Freya and Kol gasp is surprise when they notice. It was rare for any witch to have discernible magic. For the most part, one's magic was concealed and unseen to the ordinary eyes. But Kaitlyn's magic was not disguised and it burn a bright red. Like fire, like fury.

"Like pure-blood," Kol mumbles to himself as realization hits him. He could recognize this form of magic anywhere. This was the ancient magic a coven of witches had used on him, to help his bloodlust when he had gone off the rails once while in Italy. But how could Lyn be a descendant from that bloodline when it had died down centuries ago? She was a Hart, not a Hoffman or a Heathrow. It couldn't possibly be the same bloodline as that one, could it?

Kol gets snapped out of his thoughts when Josie starts to stir awake from where she lay in the middle of the triangle.

"It's working!" Freya encourages Kaitlyn as they both carry on with their spell, a newfound sense of hope taking over the air as they watch Josie toss and turn in her place.

Abruptly, Josie jerks awake and looks around, frantically taking in her surroundings. Her lips start to quiver as her eyes land on Kaitlyn and tears immediately start to well up in her eyes.

"M-mom? " she whimpers and Kaitlyn immediately weakens her spell, "mom, what's happening? Why does it hurt so much?"

"Sweety, it's okay. It's going to be okay, just hold on a little longer," Kaitlyn reassures as Freya gives her a look to continue the spell. By now, Davina slowly regains her consciousness and Bonnie too joins Freya and Kaitlyn in the spell, again.

All of a sudden, Josie yells out in pain as blood starts to pool out of her mouth and drip down her chin.

"What the hell?" Alaric mumbles as he tightens his grip on Lizzie's arm.

"It hurts!" Josie yelps and Kaitlyn frantically looks at the others for a response.

"We need to stop the spell!" she cries out but Freya shakes her head 'no'.

"We can't do that now! Keep going!"

"But it's hurting her!" Kaitlyn protests and when the others still don't listen, she looks back at Josie to see blood dripping down her eyes too. That was the last straw for her. As a mother, she couldn't see her daughter hurt this way, no matter what. With that, she drops her spell, breaking the link between the three witches. The impact was so powerful that all the three witches are thrown back, out of the circle and Josie's body goes limp again.

Lizzie immediately rushes to Josie's side and holds her up, "Jo, hey it's me. It's okay, it's okay," she comforts as Josie tosses and turns in her arms.

All of a sudden, Josie opens her eyes and they turn back dark as she looks around and smirks when her eyes land on Lizzie. The darkness wasn't gone. This was Dark Josie.

Lizzie widens her eyes in alarm as Dark Josie lifts her hands and sends a blast her way. It, however, doesn't hit Lizzie as in the blink of an eye, Jo rushes to Lizzie's side and pushes her away, getting hit in the process.

"No!" Alaric yells out and Dark Josie raises her hands, ready to attack again when Kaitlyn starts to summon her powers again.

"Jo, sweety I know you're in there. Try to fight this, okay? I'm sorry if it hurts, we'll fix this," she reassures as she gestures for Bonnie, Freya and Davina to join in. Alaric and Kol use this distraction to move Lizzie and Jo away from the fire.

"You think she's still in there?" Dark Josie smirks evilly, "she's long gone. You can't defeat me and you sure as hell can't save her anymore."

"I think we'll be just fine," Kaitlyn retorts and Dark Josie turns to look at her properly.

"Oh really? How about you go against me? I can sense the Pure Blood off of you from miles away," Dark Josie states and all the other witches gasp at her words, while Kaitlyn looks confused.

"And since it's your daughter's mind I'm harboring, show me how far you're willing to go for her," Dark Josie continues, "what say? Every second you waste is another second of your daughter losing her mind."

"Fine, you're on," Kaitlyn answers but in met by protests from everyone else present, "but you can't hurt anyone else."

Dark Josie nods with an evil smirk as she starts to summon the darkness and the woods are swallowed by a dark smoke all around. Only her and Kaitlyn were visible now. Kaitlyn's hands light up with a similar red spark as the darkness surrounds her like an ominous mist.

Dark Josie is the first to attack as she uses her dark mist to wrap around Kaitlyn's throats and choke her while she sends a blast of fire her way. Kaitlyn, however, is quick to react as she flips around and shields herself against the blast before turning back and pushing the darkness from around her, using the same shield.

"I don't mind if you just fight against my attacks but like I said, every second you waste is another second of suffering for your daughter," Dark Josie states in a bored manner as she prepares for another attack that Kaitlyn avoids, again. Many such attacks later, Dark Josie was getting frustrated of her not retaliating.

"Oh, is that what this is then? She isn't even your own daughter and now that you have one, you don't care about the other two anymore," Dark Josie riles up Kaitlyn and it seems to work as she sends her first blast towards Dark Josie.

"You know nothing about how much I care for all my kids," Kaitlyn yells.

"Is that so? Then why is your daughter far away, all safe and sound while these two stayed back in the warzone?" Dark Josie laughs cynically, "what? Don't have an answer?"

"They're here because this is their war," Kaitlyn replies while diverting another attack.

"Yet you fight it for them."

"Because I am their mother, and I won't let anyone harm them while I'm breathing."

"Then let's work on stopping your breathing, shall we?" Dark Josie retorts as she sends all of the dark mist towards Kaitlyn, all at once.

All Kaitlyn could see around her was darkness, it felt like she was being clawed at from all directions and she struggled to keep her hold. Her body felt drained and weak and she could barely feel what was happening anymore, except for all the blood rushing out from all around her body.

Kaitlyn's mind starts to churn a million miles in a second as she thinks of a way out. Suddenly, a spell from her mother's grimoire comes to her head and she begins to chant it through the struggle. The spell was a powerful one and it was draining her at a much faster rate, but it needed to be done. She kneels down and yells out in pain.

Mists of her pure-blood magic burst into the air from all around her, swallowing the darkness and overtaking it. She then directs all her energy towards Dark Josie, causing her to stumble back due to the excess power. The pain in Kaitlyn's body intensifies by the second and she starts to lose her unconsciousness as she carries on with the spell.

And then...
All of a sudden, it all stopped. Kaitlyn slowly opens her eyes to realize she was on the ground all this time. She looks around to see Josie kneeling on the ground in front of her, screaming and clutching her head in pain. Behind her were Freya, Bonnie, Davina, Jo and Lizzie, chanting her spell relentlessly.

"Ahhhh ahhh stop it hurts! It hurts! How did you formulate this spell?" Dark Josie cries out.

"We have friends on the Other Side," Kaitlyn smirks as she too joins in. Dark Josie begins to pant as her breaths get shorter and then it happens...her eyes roll back again and return to their normal color.

"M-mom? Mom, ahhh it hurts! Mom, it hurts so much!" Josie yells out in pain and Kaitlyn frantically tries to get to her feet but when she stumbles back, she crawls towards Josie and holds her in place.

"Is this working? Jo, is this you?" she cries out to the witches and watches Freya slightly nod.

"Mom, I'm burning! Ahh, stop it, mom please, it hurts so much!" Josie continues to cry into her mother's arm.

A sense of helplessness overtakes Kaitlyn but she doesn't ask anymore questions and holds Josie in place as the witches work their magic. Abruptly, Josie stops screaming and her body goes limp in Kaitlyn's arms. She frantically looks back to the witches to see Freya stood right behind Josie. In her hand was the dagger. She had driven the dagger into Josie's back as the other 4 witches went on chanting. Kaitlyn watched through her tears as the dagger turned into a dark shade of black from its previous white shade and within seconds, Freya pulls the dagger out of Josie's back and throws it into the fire.

Kaitlyn doesn't waste a second in biting into her wrist and holding it upto Josie's mouth. Although she was unconscious, the blood is likely to trickle down her throat and help her heal quickly. Kaitlyn then feels a pair of arms wrap around her and she looks up to see Damon smiling down at her.

"Shhh, it's okay. You did it, Buttercup," he reassures her with a hug.

Alaric and Kol join him and they help lift Josie up into a stretcher and carrying her to the car. Damon then helps her up, with most of her body weight leaning onto him. Kaitlyn just blankly stares at him and he already knows what she was going to ask, so he answers, "she's fine now. They just needed to try a more powerful spell and you gave them enough time to prepare for that. They were channeling Kol and Caroline. Don't worry, Josie will be fine. Now, you need to feed," he says as he offers his wrist to her.

She, however, shakes her head 'no', "I can't feed on you," she denies, "just take me home. I'll feed from a bloodbag."

Before Damon would retort, Caroline rushes towards Kaitlyn and pulls her into a bone-crushing hug.

"Thank god, you're okay! We were so scared!" Caroline exclaims into the hug and Kaitlyn chuckles as they break away, "I'm fine, Care."

"Good because otherwise, I'd kick your ass for being so reckless," Caroline jokes, "now come one, let's get you well rested. The others already left in the other car."

'One problem down, one more to go', Kaitlyn thought to herself as they got into Damon's car and drove back to the Mikaelson mansion.

Author's Note
OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M UPDATING THIS AGAIN! I'm working on uploading all of ACT II at once, but here's a start. Ngl, I'm not too proud of this chapter but it's a good enough vision. What do y'all think of the story so far? Are we mad at Klaus or do we understand his POV too? How do you think everyone will react towards him after all this settles down? What does his letter to Kaitlyn say?

Also, I've started the prequel to this story too. It's called, "Till Forever Falls Apart."ย 

Feel free to check it out. Love,


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