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It seemed ironic that Kazuya Sasaki and Megumi Fushiguro decided to hang out that afternoon at the place where they first met. Elementary school had seemed so long ago and yet here they were at the playground, unchanged and untouched by Time. Seemingly as if the world had stood frozen while they rapidly grew hand in hand.

That was another life now, never meant to be theirs, and so they sat somberly on the chipped swings as the sun set on their current life. And with no one else present under the pinks and purples of Fate they were left to mourn by their lonesome.

Megumi Fushiguro had always known Kazuya Sasaki's answer. I think you do too.

"I've always done it with you." Megumi's voice cracked. Whether is was from the prolonged silence or something else— neither wanted to know.

"Done what?" Kazuya inquired, kicking his toes against the wood chips so that his swing would begin rocking. A chilling breeze rolled past.

"I don't know. Everything?"

Sasaki hummed in acknowledgement but did not answer. Fushiguro's words were a last ditch effort to save something that did not to be saved, and the desperation that Sasaki found laced into his syllables and dripping from his tongue was wasted energy. It did not make the sun's sleep come any slower and it did not make the stars shine any duller.

"Megumi Fushiguro," Kazuya spoke his name whimsically. His swing halted in its spot and his hand reached to grip at the chains of his friend's own seat. He looked at the boy with eyes that could be classified as stern of soft. "Megu, look at me."

The other boy did just that, his usual spiky hair flopping over his forehead. "Kazu...."

"Megumi, I won't be attending Jujutsu Tech." Kazuya moved his hand to Megumi's shoulder as he began to shake. "I was never meant to be a sorcerer and I never want to be one. But I... I don't... the past few months made me realize something."

It was as if Megumi Fushiguro wasn't listening, his focus fully on the way his breath shivered and how glistening tears splattered against the woodchips. He was... crying? He couldn't even remember why until Kazuya Sasaki splayed his fingers across his wet cheek and turned his head. The blonde tried to ignore the water seeping in his own dark eyes but it was all the raven haired teen could focus on.

"One day, Megumi, I will have nothing to do with the world of cursed spirits. The Sasaki Clan will be nothing but a relic of the past. But now I know that won't be able to happen now, maybe not for a decade or two. Megumi... Megumi, I'm not leaving you."

The other boy finally spoke through stuttering gasps and the tidal wave that the sunset had brought. "I can't live without you."

Kazuya shook his head. "You could live without air if you tried. You are strong."

"You're worth more to me than air."

"Megumi..." Kazuya cooed once more as his finger traced over his friend's cheek and ignored the stuttering in his heart as the two finally locked eyes. It was pure bliss, looking into the dark void that was Megumi's eyes. Kazuya wanted nothing more than to be sucked up into that same void in this moment. Kazuya Sasaki had spent so long on the edge of the void, teasing it as he teetered for years, and tonight was the night he finally jumped in.

Kazuya loosely stood to his feet and came to a stop in front of Megumi's swing, his hand not once abandoning the latter's tear-stained face. His other hand grasped at the rusted chains of the playground equipment in order to study them both. And despite the explosive sunset behind them, all that Kazuya could think of was the wondrous void staring up at him.

"Megumi," he said one last time.

"You'll stay with me?"

The Sasaki Clan's last hope would never set his feet anywhere near Jujutsu Tech, but his heart would flutter the hallways as it followed one of the school's students. This he vowed with a firm nod. Because of this Megumi Fushiguro's own hands moved to grip at Kazuya Sasaki's sweatshirt and his head tilted upwards.

And then the day and the night, the sun and the moon, connected as one.

(( a/n ))
YES they kissed but i felt like that like was the most perfect place to stop so i did😌 i will have the epilogue up in the next few days (its a bit longer, but im gonna try and write it in my more casual style so hopefully that speeds it along).

the epilogue will also have spoilers for the end of jjk s1 just as a warning 😁

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