untitled (bnha)

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i just found this in my notes so here u go lol. im pretty sure it was a snippet for an idea i had for an old bakugo fic, back when i had my lil crush on him in 2019 (it was a brief crush i hate his guts lol <3/hj). i mightve published this before but i dont rmember so enjoy

a girl who does not belong to his world only wishes to go back to hers.

She didn't have the will to do it in that house. The place she was supposed to call home but couldn't call home because the walls suffocated her and simple lamps were spotlights that triggered her flight response (there wasn't much fight left). She hated every second of it, she felt like the shy child of the subconscious thoughts she had tried so hard to bury so long ago.

But she loved her family. These strangers were not her family. They never would be. But they looked at her with the same adoration and crinkled smiles that she once watched over her dad with. They carried fading giggles in their chests and superiority in their heads that made her arms ache for her little brother.

She was their family, but they were not hers.

So to preserve the integrity of the spirit of family she decided to do it where her supposed friends might mourn her but would understand if they were the guardian angels and earthly chains they claimed to be.

And so for once she trusted the words that guided Michelangelo's paintbrush and fell to greet the world she once knew.


"What's wrong with you, dumbass," Katsuki hissed. He didn't yell. He kept the chorus of passion silent and the floodgates of power closed. What scared her most was not that though, but how his eyes — once clear with a red and fiery future — were now clouded with rainwater and betrayal.

The hands that brought chaos held her face. Like a hero he kept her grounded here, in the place she had only studied from a distance before and now trapped her desperately. Maybe yesterday she would have felt brilliantly happy to know that the boy before her was willing to prove his unnatural love, to expose himself by searching for her fallen corpse in the locker room that could ruin his perfect attendance streak.

Yesterday was not today though. Yesterday the strings of conviction snapped, and today she had no strings.

Yesterday she thought she could handle the stress — like she always had — but today, the stress was all she knew. She was numb.

She was in a situation that thousands like her dreamed of, and she dare be numb.

"I just wanted to see them." Her mind was numb but her body betrayed her. Her voice wavered and her body shook as if she had been sentenced to walk a tightrope. Her throat was swollen and raw as if she had been screaming.

She was screaming. For someone to understand. Her mind could no longer do the pleading so her body took the task on itself.

But he didn't notice. With a simple "They're not real, idiot!" her body became numb too.

He didn't mean it. He never did when it came to her. But she broke. And sometimes broke things aren't worth fixing, so she sobbed. She finally accepted his embrace, and she sobbed.

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