Song Xiao Xi

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"I don't believe love was made to break."

Name: Song Xiao Xi/Jasmine Aria Brown

-Jasmine. She is most commonly known by her English name of Jasmine Brown.

-Xi'er. She is known as this by her parents and her close friends of Chinese origin. This is often her childhood nickname, and most notably what she's best known as in the community she lives in.

Age: 18-27 will vary

Sexuality: heterosexual 

Face claim: Ju Jingyi

"I'll love you, even if you don't want me to."

Personality: Xiao Xi is very sweet and lovable to say the least. She has that innocent vibe that makes you just want to protect her and love her. She has a soft heart, and despite being overly sheltered, even she has her moments of explosion. She's normally quiet, and unlikely to speak up or to anyone that isn't inside her friend circle.

This young lady is actually quite introverted, but with the right people, she will be a ball of sunshine and light. In times with her friends, she often times is the one who can be forgotten or ignored, despite her being there for everyone else. This causes her to deal with things on her own, and not really like people. She isn't a people person, but will always do whatever she can to ease worries.

Xiao Xi is a good influence on the worst of people, making her the ideal girlfriend/wife/sister material. Despite being all these good things, there are moments even she can't take being pushed around. When she's with someone she trusts and loves, the horror that she's holding in is unleashed. She doesn't like others seeing her upset or cry, as she's been told crying will make her ugly.

She seems as though she's got it all together, but the reality is she has no idea what she's doing. Being a soft person who sees the good in just about everything in a cruel world makes it difficult to survive. She will always be willing to give her shirt off her back, money to those who need it etc. She's tender, quiet, and despite having many opinions, holds her tongue.

Feeling lonely? She'll sit there and listen to you while you let it out. She'll look after you when you're sick, pamper you when you're stressed and so much more. She has so much in her heart to give, but her introversion makes it hard to do so.

When she begins to feel herself going down a dark path, she takes deep breaths and isolates for sometime, just to recollect her thoughts and often will write. Her writing is her prized possession, and the one thing in this life she is the most proud of, of course is her plots and ideas. She has so many ideas and plans for the future, it's insane.

Basically, despite being an introverted, quiet young lady, she's sweetest person you'll ever meet.

Backstory: In order to be where we are now, we have to start at the beginning. Her parents met in Beijing, China at her mother's famil-owned restaurant. Her father, Song Lian Chen, was hired as a waiter by her mother's parents. Her mother, Han Li Young, was visiting from abroad. The two began to go on dates, and after a year of dating, her father proposed to her mother, who accepted. They were married in a small church, and moved to the eastern side of the world. Xiao Xi was born on October 17, in a small rural area. She grew up speaking Chinese, but soon learned English as a second language. Soon enough, she became accustomed to English, and took an English name, Jasmine. She was known as that outside of her community, but within her family and friend group, she was referred to by her Chinese name. She eventually moved out and began to work at a library, renting a small apartment not far from her job. She never took the time to get to know others, and more or less stayed to herself.

"I'll pick up the pieces."

-apple juice
-the color turquoise
-sea colors
-starry nights
-her friends
-volunteer work
-beefy noodles
-fried chicken

-being forced out of her comfort zone
-being called by her name in a disrespectful manner
-people who don't back off after she says no
-feeling trapped
-cloudy days
-bad behavior
-people taking advantage of kindness
-being of no use
-being told what to do
-people assuming because of her race
-being told she can't do something
-the water
-people trash talking her or others
-her hard work going to waste

-doesn't speak up when she has to
-trying to complete hopeless tasks
-doesn't voice her thoughts
-a pushover
-can't seem to say no

-isolates when she needs time to cool down
-writes when she's feeling strong emotions
-stutters when afraid
-takes several steps backwards when at a location of swimming
-helps others when she needs to feel useful
-humming and rubbing others backs to calm them
-speaking in her native language when frustrated

-none. She's afraid of the pain that'll come with it.

-none. She'd cry if she had to use force.

-she has two fish named Jackie and Lincoln. They're goldfish.
-she has a puppy named Loren. Loren is an Aussie-doxen mix.

-Jasmine is her English name
-she prefers to be called by her English name
-she can't swim
-she babysits on weekends for low pay
-she's studying creative writing in college

"I'm a stranger to the pain of always being let go."

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