Daughter of Circe

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"This is your last warning"

Godly parent: Circe

Full name: Lilura Mariah Drazhan


Gender: female

Age: 23

Faceclaim: Sharon Alexie

Lilura... oh dear where to start. Lilura can be a handful, to say the least. She is definitely a more aloof person, having no reason to go out of her way to show her interest in someone. She could care less about who your parent is, or how rich you are. What she wants from you? To leave her alone.

People often associate Lilura with "psychopath" or "sociopath". Maybe even a witch. And they're right. She is a witch. She won't mind tearing people apart for angering her. Similarly to her mother, her way of showing she's displeased, is to either turn you into an animal of some sort or to make your life a living hell.

So how does Lilura make someone's life hell? Does she just turn them into pigs, the way her mother did to Odysseus' crew? No. No, she does something much worse. She goes out of her way to ensure she's better than you, will flaunt her success in front of you, find ways to mess with your mind.  Even worse? She may get physically violent. How does her hurting someone matter? She will make sure she lives her own mark on you. You will always fear she is right behind you, or think she's watching. She doesn't have to do much to ensure her wrath has been calmed.

Does Lilura even have a soft side? Is she all bite? Is that it? Is she not gentle? To earn her gentle side, you will have to go through so much. She makes herself impossible to love or understand everyone she has taken the time to care for, it all has ended up in hell. All the people who have loved her eventually dropped her. She cried like no one else knows. She truthfully does hurt when someone tells her she's nothing more than a witch, an accident, a travesty, or come for her as a person. And even if she smiles at you and acknowledges everything, she will hurt.

Lilura can also come off as cunning, or even calculating. She seems polite upon first meeting. Good girls go to heaven. But not her. She's got two faces. When meeting someone in power, she will smile politely. But the actuality is that she's always on alert. She will examine your smiles, your actions, your words, and most importantly, you as a person. One more ally for her means one more potential puppet. Yes. You heard it right. Puppet. While nine out of ten times she will solve situations on her own, if she feels you will be useful one day, then you should be ready to deal with her.

So when Lilura feels like she's close with someone she shows a side of her that she has a tendency to hide. She shows the parts of her that a broken. She tries so hard to not cry, because those who cry will eventually be prey to those who are more powerful. Due to her aloof attitude and unwillingness to submit, she is difficult to love.

She is able to love. But that has been expressed towards very, very few. Not a lot of people have seen her show love towards others. When she loves someone or cares deeply about them be it platonic or romantic, she will be ready to kill if she has to for you.

She has a heart hidden in thorns upon thorns.

Lilura was born to Tristan Drazhan and Circe. Circe had convinced her father, Tristan, to come stay on her island for a short time. But that time became longer and longer. The outside world eventually lost sight of Tristan Drazhan. His family began to believe he was dead, and his friends had lost hope. Meanwhile on the island, Circe became pregnant. Pregnant with a mortal man's child. This mortified her, as she had never intended to have fallen in love with nothing but a mere human. A human who had no idea what she was capable of. On August 30th, in the middle of the day, Lilura was born. Circe was angry that she had a half-human as her descent. Furious, she sent Tristan and the baby away. The two spent a day at sea, before running into a  fishing boat. They were stunned that an infant and a man had survived. The fisherman instantly took the two aboard, and when Tristan gave his name, it came across as a shock. For a little over a year he had been missing, and his face had been everywhere as a missing persons. He gave Tristan food and water, and then was confused about the baby. When he asked about the mother, Tristan said she had abandoned them. Which, was half-true. Eventually, they reached land. As young Lilura was growing up to be a beautiful young lady, she had began to learn about her powers. And when she was ten, she was given an invitation to a school for demigods, in which she was skeptical. But as she discovered and began to master them, she began to realize who she was. She was Circe's daughter, and this caused all the other demigods to stay away from her. And she didn't mind really, she did find them as insignificant as a bug. When sent to a better school, she hopes this place won't be so pathetic.

"I feel just fine when the chill runs down my spine"

Weapon of choice:
Twin throwing daggers

-illusion casting
-Projective animal metaphorphisis

"Sick of all this noise"

Power limitations:
-she can only cast illusions of up to a thousand feet away
-she can only turn a person or herself into animals she's seen before, it will also drain some of her energy, depending on the animal size.

"There's no use crying about it"

Hehe will be in "Hold My Hand ||OC extras||"

"My methods are controversial but it keeps them all in line"

-her favorite color is midnight purple
-her favorite food is apple pie
-she doesn't do small talk
-she's overly ambitious, so be warned
-has no time for pathetic people or things
-soft for only some, and that is close to impossible to achieve
-you literally just got to stick to her and she'll warm up... maybe
-lowkey vengeful

"Did I ask? No? Then shut up"
"If I really cared, I'd pay attention"
"What did you just say?"
"Love? That's a word made up from fairy tales"
"Get your head out of the clouds"
"I refuse to accept this"
"Go. Away."
"Ah, ah, ah. Where do you think you're going?"
"Who made me like this? Not you"
"You get this one warning. Don't fuck it up"
"Don't go after my father if you want to live"
"You're looking to become swine?"
"Last chance"
"I don't mind being your villain"
"You have a choice, choose wisely"
"You? Love me? Don't delude yourself"
"If you tell anyone, I'll kill you. And that's not a threat, but a promise"
"Nosey bitch huh?"

-loves her father to pieces
-has loved one person and that is her father
-has mommy issues to the max

"I'm gonna survive"


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