Son of Hades

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"Tell them all that I know now"

Godly parent: Hades

Full name: Xavier George Williams

Nickname: none

Gender: male

Age: 24

"Woke up and realized that this is my life"

Faceclaim: Moritz Hau

Xavier.. how do I explain him. He isn't necessarily someone to hate, but he also isn't someone to just push around either. Who he is with people versus when he is by himself is completely different.

See, Xavier is in survival mode all the time. This means that any and everything to him is a fight to be more than what he is. To many people, Xavier is seen as a ruffian, a man who can and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. But while this façade isn't all off, he truly will do what it takes to survive. However, if he can, he'll do it peacefully.

He doesn't really like conflict, or who his father. He never did like being the child of Hades. It seemed as if it was a curse bestowed upon him, knowing full well that it was just the way it worked. People feared death, and so to them he was a walking embodiment of death. Even if he wasn't.

See, behind closed doors, Xavier is a man who is broken down. He worked so hard to be who he was, and only to watch it all fall apart. His father busy, and mother dead, he knows what it's like to be broken. He cries, yes, even the big, strong, tough guy  can have a moment of feeling broken. More often than not, when he really feels a meltdown coming, he either works out, goes on a run, or does a handstand so as to stop the tears from flowing.

In public, however, it is a different story, unfortunately. He is brazen, and uncaring. Cold in his own right. You insult him, he will just meet your eyes. And if it must, it'll lead to a stare-down. Similar to other men, he likes to have as much dominance and control as he can. See, it's not that he's greedy for control, money, and power. But that he vowed a long time ago that he no longer would be the one stuck beneath someone else's thumb. Have his life threatened by another. So I'm some ways, yes, he is a ruffian. He will get into fights, and he will do whatever it takes to win. Be it biting, pinching, kicking or punching. Don't instigate a fight with him.

However, for some reason, when he's with those he loves, he becomes a completely different person. He becomes loving, kind, and gentle. He will do anything for the ones he loves. If someone insults you, he will fight. If they hit you, he will fight. He will kill for those he loves if he has to. This could be a weakness in its own right, as people are conniving and cunning, causing them to be able to lie. If someone were to lie their way into Xavier's world, they could use this to their advantage and manipulate the poor guy.

So does this make him extremely trusting? Please. Don't make him laugh. Getting extremely close with him is like winning the lottery. He distrusts everyone and everything around him, all from simple incident: his father not being there when his mother was struggling. His image of a good man has been shattered since young, even if it means that his best friend can't be trusted. He never did trust anyone anyways. Why? All it takes is one moment to make a decision to make things permanent.

He's a puzzle with millions of pieces.

Backstory: Xavier was born to Lila Williams and Hades. Though Hades is the king of the underworld, and technically married to Persephone, this didn't stop him from falling in love with Lila. And by love, I mean it was more lust at first sight.  Lila was a beautiful woman from a middle class family. She never really had taken love seriously. She had a few flings of course, but she wasn't expecting to catch a a god's attention. Hades had met Lila a couple weeks before, slowly winning her over with his endless charms. When he said he could give her the world, she had believed it. After having a blissful fling with Hades, Lila awoke to see the man she had met was gone. And that was when she learned what heartache felt like. She had gotten pregnant on top of it. Heartbroken and pregnant. However, Persephone got wind of this. While she was unwillingly married to the god of the underworld, she still didn't like Hades finding comfort in other women. Angry, Persephone threatened to strike the woman dead, but Hades stopped it in time. He convinced her to just torment the woman instead. When Xavier was born, he was born to a life of constant danger and heartache. He didn't understand why he was growing up in such a hateful world. And then when Hades made himself known to Xavier at the age of 16, Xavier was so angry, he demanded his father give his mother live a better life. However, Hades couldn't guarantee that. Nodding with angry tears, he turned his back and went home to help his mother. But when he arrived.. he found her dead. And that was when he realized, he had to fight if he wanted to survive.

"I'm in the belly of the beast again"

Weapon of choice:
Throwing dagger

-Cap of invisibility

Power limitation:
-if there are no shadows nearby, his umbrakinesis is pretty much useless
-the cap of invisibility only works in areas where a shadow can't be cast

"She would tell me if she was here, good things come to those who wait"

Will do in "Hold My Hand ||OC extras||•

-He is in year four of school
-Persephone has an utter distaste for him
-he and Persephone don't get along
-for some reason people find him trustworthy
-has some daddy issues
-Persephone is the reason his mother is dead
-hasn't loved anyone since his mother
-has three half siblings
-has mommy issues
-works out constantly
-an avid swimmer
-his favorite food is shepherds pie
-he actually cooks sometimes if he's feeling stressed
-sees relationships like a bullseye
-plays basketball

"Trust me"
"If you say another word—"
"Has anyone taught you that being curious gets you killed?"
"I can and will kill you. Now shut up"
"I'm sorry..."
"Well, if it isn't Persephone"
"How about we solve it like adults"
"Hey, hey. We don't have to fight this out..."
"Or maybe we do"
"What are you looking at?"
"Take a picture, it lasts longer"
"Did you know eyes talk?"
"You? Love me? Don't. Everyone who has.. died"
"Yeah, and?"
"*insufferable crying*"
"You don't know anything, remember that"
"And who the fuck are you to tell me who I am?"
"What did I do now?"
"I don't know what you people think I did.."
"I said... leave"
"Wait.. I'm sorry..."
"Yes, I'm scared!"
"You make me feel uneasy"
"Only those who are impatient end up with a bad outcome"
"Who are you?"
"What do you want?"
"Yeah, I know Persephone, what's wrong with that?"
"Do NOT bring my mother into this"
"Tears are vapor, sweat it out"
"Don't lecture me on honor"
"Fuck off"

-actually a lowkey daydreamer
-has some attachment issues

"Write it on the skyline"

Host: Alabaster_Vixen

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