Chapter 48

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I felt a warm pair of arms on either side of mine, my back brushed against his chest. He inclined forward and clutched my hand.

"It's so straightforward, simply shake your dish until the pancake slides and afterward lift your skillet somewhat noticeable all around and straightaway flip the vertical way. See everything's done" I could feel him grin.

"So, check it out again?"

"Without a doubt, I will." 

I felt him take his hands off mine. I took the skillet and flipped it as instructed. But it didn't come out well.

"You sure, you were attempting to do a flip? It should move from thepan, simply shake it somewhat more alright? Attempt again."

"I'm ravenous as of now, would we be able to proceed with the cooking classes later on."

"Try again," he said harshly while mixing.

"Would we be able to switch our position?"

"Switch what?" He gave me a problematic look.

"I implied I will mix while u do this," I said looking profoundly at him.

"What about you do both? That will be fascinating." He giggled at me. "Attempt indeed, if not I will help you."

“It's so easy, I can do it competently,”  I had a go at persuading myself.

"Good for you then. I will cause you to do it until you make it right," he said while watching my moves.

I lifted the pan and  was going to do a flip when that two hands of his meddled and assumed responsibility for mine.

“You needed to shift it a piece that is where  you turned out badly the entire time,“ he said in the middle.

"Awesome!" I realized he was grinning despite the fact that I was unable to see his face.

“Ahem, ahem!”

We both investigated and found Tae gazing at us.

"Oh, morning Tae!"  I grinned at him.

He welcomed me back and showed his square-shaped grin which later on went to be a smile.

I heard Suga mumbling, “Shit!”. What was that for?

Shit, our position.

He eased off right on schedule and that is when Jin entered the kitchen alongside Jungkook.

"Are u done, Yoongi?" Jin came over to investigate everything.

"I surmise not," Tae replied while attempting to hold his snicker.

I was sending scowls at him.

"My task's finished here." I grinned at Jin.

 Well then, go orchestrate the table,"  Jin said while making some syrup.

"No, no, that is not what I implied. I want to rest."

"She may be drained hyung, let her be." Tae upheld me.

"Then, you go orchestrate the table Tae."

"No!" He whined like a child.

"He will do it." I hauled Tae out of the kitchen with me.

"What you saw back there was a hallucination."

"Goodness, it wasn't Rose." He grinned at me.

"It was every one of them was a misconception. He was simply attempting to instruct me. So better not say this to anybody, okay?"

"No doubt, I comprehended,"  he said.

"Well and great, so return to work, my best friend." I left him there and went to the living room.

I found Jimin and Jhope dancing to some song. I thudded down on the couch and was watching their dance.

"You want to go along with them?" Jungkook thudded close to me.

"Not now. I’m hungry. I want to eat something."

"What about we steal something from the kitchen?"

"They will be done soom. Why should we steal?"

"It’s fun, come  on." He hauled me with him towards the kitchen.

"Agent Rose, we are going on. Wait for my order, agent JK going in."

I was gazing at his coconut head. I saw that he was moving on the ground. Wouldn't he be able to simply stroll in?

I plunked down on the table and sat tight for him.

That is the point at which Jin's voice echoed.  I went into the kitchen to look at what was happening.

What a sight! I saw Jin all covered in  flour. What just happened?

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