16. when the wall came tumbling down

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"we live in cities you'll never see on screen"

Caitlyn and Katrina held Vi up, she moved her arm off Caitlyn's shoulder to hold her wound. She groaned in pain, "Silos goons aren't far behind us" Caitlyn spoke as the sound off foot steps were heard "what's that?" Vi spoke and looked over at the sign that was glowing purple. "It's a sign" Caitlyn spoke "doesn't matter just get me to the edge" she spoke and Kat helped her to the edge "Vi I don't thin-" to late vi jumped down onto the metal pipe and then swung herself onto a different pipe but her foot slipped and she fell on her stomach and then fell of the pipe and onto the floor.

"Shit" Caitlyn mutter the both of them followed down the way Vi when minus the falling part.

The two got down on the ground and walked down the small hill, the two got to Vi, Katrina helped her up, "what is this place?" Caitlyn asked as she looks around at the people who were hidden in the dark.

"There the people you topsides don't want to think about" Vi snaps, Caitlyn starts to shine a light around at everyone the man and woman and children moved back into the darkness away from the light. Caitlyn puts the light away as Vi point to a shack "in there" she says as Katrina helps her to walk inside. They open the door and Kat moves Vi over the wooden seat.

Caitlyn walks up to Vi and took out a handkerchief, she moved to wipe the blood of Vi's face, but vi quickly blocked her arm from coming near her. "I know you don't want me bear you, but for this to work you have to trust me" Caitlyn spoke.

Katrina looks around this place feels vaguely familiar to her but she doesn't know why, Caitlyn continues to talk to Vi "it doesn't work, it never has, you topsides alway friend a way to screw us" Vi breaths out, as she clutches her side "I suppose all topsides are to blame for your misfortune" Caitlyn spoke, Vi's eyes moved from Caitlyn towards Katrina who was looking around not listening to the conversation "no..not all of them" she whispers as Caitlyn follows Line of sight towards her best friend.

"We're not monsters you know, we are people like you"

You don't know anything about me" Vi whispered out

"Katrina's one of the best people I know, she is more human then most of the Enforcers" Katrina turns to the two "sorry I got distracted" she spoke shyly as the two look at her. Vi looks past Katrina and Caitlyn and sees a Younger version of powder and Katrina looking scared. "I never should have left you both" Katrina sits down and moves slightly closer to Vi, "it's okay, you have a good heart, and I can tell you try to protect everyone you know" Katrina coos and presses the cloth to the wound.

"I couldn't protect you" Vi whispers and groans at the contact of pressure. "What do you mean?" Katrina asks softly.

Caitlyn walks out of the room and out to where all the people were hiding in the dark.

"You haunted my mind, every night in that prison, your dead body sat in that cell with me, I couldn't close my eyes because, your body would start talking about everything I didn't do, I didn't kept my promise"

Kat wiped the blood off her lip with the cloth, "I don't remember the promise, but everything I have learnt about you in the last few days, you are kind and you want to protect everyone" Kat spoke and smiled at her.


Caitlyn walked out of the room, she closed the door and saw an old man, leaning against the walls listening, Caitlyn whipped out her gun and pointed it at the man. He staggers back away from the gun "is that Vi and Kat" he asks "I'm a friend, well I'm a friend of their old man, I own him my life proberly more then that" He quickly spoke "Vi's bleeding. She needs a doctor" Caitlyn stated

He chuckled "that really hard to come by" He spoke as he started to get up by jumped back, when the gun is still pointed at him. He stated to stammer "B-but I know s-someone w-who can help?" the man had a large mutation on his head.

"Come on" he spoke as he pulled up his hood as she walks into the darkness. Caitlyn hesitates to just follow him, but she need to help Vi, she walks into the darkness.

The old man runs his hands alone the metal chimes, they click together, the door opens and a monster looks at the old man "ailment" she snarled "um uh" he looks towards Caitlyn "she's been stabbed" she spoke. The door closes, as she walks away, the old man turned to her "she makes potions...uh helps people with this" he turns a little to show her the mutation, "shimmer why would you take something that does that to you" she questions, he sighs "i wanted to feel powerful, i want to know what it is like to be Feared" the man spoke, he hesitated before continuing "Katrina's feared.." Caitlyn looks confused "no she's not"

"Yes she is, she is the thing that everyone is afraid of, she is an Enchantress.....a witch, with magic beyond anything anyone has seen, chaos magic people call it"

"she is....." But he stops unsure if he should continue speaking

Caitlyn goes to question him further but the door open "trade" the women said Caitlyn looks at it for a second, but the bottle was moved back, she grabs her gun emptying the bullets to the floor, and makes the gun fold up again.

She places it down on the table. The Monster takes a vile, from her earing and puts a tiny drop of summer into the bottle before pushing it forwards.

Caitlyn takes it, and starts saying thank you, but she shut the door before Caitlyn could continue, she turns back to the man. "Come on Vi and Kat would be happy to see a friendly face, well Kat can't remember anything, but Vi would be happy"

"No I can't- I can't let them see me like this, just tell them I said thank you for everything" he spoke Caitlyn pulled him into a hug, before starting to walk back.


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