6. "some mysterious are better left unsolved" {Ep 2}

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"Hey mum, look what I drew" A blue eyed and brown haired girl ran into the room, where her brother and mother sat, with her drawing book. Kat was always an amazing artist, it was an escape for her to draw. The drawings on the page, filled every inch of the page. "I'm jealous that you can draw and I can't." Katrina let out a laugh and poked her tongue out at her brother.

Katrina was proud of her drawings. And her drawings only got better as she grew. But when her brother and mother died she stopped. She had no reason to continue, but a certain pink haired female and Blue haired girl came into her life and made it better. She did start drawing again sometimes.

KAT SAT DOWN ON THE CRATES AS VI WAS AT HER BOXING SET. They got her that for her birthday. Kat had been tasked with distracting Vi.

"Katrina where are we going?" Vi asked as her eyes were covered by the witch's hands. "Well then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" Katrina said and a laugh passed her lips making Vi's lip twisted up into a slight smile. "Stay there, keep your eyes closed" Kat knocked on the door twice and got three back meaning that they could come in. Kat pulled Vi inside, she placed Vi in front of the gift "open your eyes" Kat whispered in Vi's ear and stood next to her.

"Surprise!" Katrina grinned. A smile broke through Vi's face, as she looked at the red boxing machine. The floating machine was flying up in the middle of a boxing ring. It had robotic arms with boxing gloves at the end of them that would punch at the boxer at random direction, in the middle was a metal plate that had Mylo's face on it, courtesy of Powder. It would spin around when you hit it, on one side was Mylo's face on it and on the other his face had crosses through his eyes.

"Happy Birthday Vi!!" Everyone shouted and surrounded her in a group hug "I hope you like it, Powder did the design in the middle" Kat smiled as Mylo rolled his eyes "yeah thanks Powder" Mylo spoke annoyed that his face was the boxing target. "We hooked it up to the leader board as well," Powder excitedly said.

Katrina loved that memory, she glanced around the room, Mylo and Powder were bickering at the shooting arena, Powder did the designs of the metal people. The face spun around when you shot them. It was glowing different colours. Claggor was sitting on the crate near Katrina, Vi was dodging the boxing gloves. Vi always beat her high score.

Mylo was picking his nose before flicking the bogger on his finger away "Remind me why we even bother with this dump" Mylo asked as he looked at the gun. "Vander said to lay low" Vi replied

"Enforcers never come down here, so this is as good a place as any" Vi wiped the sweat off her forehead as she spoke.

"Oh, what's the matter Mylo? you worried Powder's gonna beat you again" Claggor teased, Katrina let out a laugh. As she looked up at her friends, before back down at her sketchbook, which she hasn't touched in 3 years. "Hey, if she didn't keep fixing these things, I wouldn't keep missing"

"No I think you keep missing cause your shit at shooting" Katrina piped up whilst still looking down at her book. Powder stood up abruptly from the other side of the counter, scaring the shit out of Mylo. She holds two pipes and connects them together, green liquid drips down one of them, she twists them into place and a clunk noise is heard before the arena lights up in blue lights. Powder climbs over the counter to the other side as Mylo finishes loading the gun. He points it at them, he shoots at the human shaped targets as they move past and he misses all of them.

Vi took off her boxing gloves, "you guys know I wouldn't take you on a job you couldn't handle, right"

Powder starts to reload her gun, "are you kidding? That was the best job we've ever done" Mylo said as he looks at Vi before trying to shoot the targets but again missing them all "maybe just don't take Powder next time" Kat glared at Mylo "shut up Mylo" Powder glares at him as well, Powder picks up her gun and shoots at the targets hitting them all two times or so. She hears a ding, she puts the gun down and looks at Mylo with a 'i'm better than you' face. She walks over to the game machine.

Vi walks over to where Kat was sitting, she sits down next to Kat and looks at what she is drawing. "You're really good, Princess" She comments "nah, you should see Maya, she is amazing" Katrina said as she took her eyes off the book and to Vi's hand. She moves her book and pencil to the side before turning herself to the side to be facing Violet. Katrina took the pink haired girl's hand and placed her other hand hovering over her knuckles. Wisps of magic emitted from her hand as she concentrated, the magic healed her knuckles.

"You know, you don't have to do that everytime" Vi stated, Kat shrugs, and kisses her knuckles, "just the perks of have a witch as a friend" Vi was about to speak when Powder spoke first "hey guys, you should see this-" just then a man broke through the stained glass window. Kat ran down towards Powder as everyone stood in shock.

The group of Enforcers turned to look at the group of teens, "search them '' one of them spoke, the others walked forward at the order. Powder moved back as Kat did.

"Go ahead, idiots, We've got nothing" Mylo spoke, raising his hands up, Powder moves the bag of crystals behind her more. Kat remembers them and looks at Vi. An Enforcer approaches Kat, and Powder, Kat stares down the Enforcer.

"Move aside now, Girl" He growled "touch her and I will have you dead in a second" Kat growled back, threatening an enforcer isn't the best idea at all, but the last thing she was going to do was let them get to Powder. The lights turned off and a skull illuminated the place. Everyone took off running. Mylo shot the Enforcers with the toy gun. Vi threw the metal piece of the boxing machine at one of the enforcers heads.

Claggor rams into the enforcer knocking him over, each enforcer shouting at them as they take off running. Powder and Kat run through the target room. The enforcer grabbed Powder's hair through the metal machine, Powder hit a button making the mouth close on his arm. Vi ran past them and grabbed Powder's wrist pulling her with them.

Vi slammed open the door, as they ran. They kept looking behind them as they ran down the alley. They all stopped to a halt as they saw more enforcers in front of them. A whistle was heard from above them. They looked up and a ladder was coming down. "Over here" Ekko whispered. Vi jumped up and grabbed a hold of the ladder pulling herself up and everyone else started quickly climbing up the ladder. Enforcers kept running and one of them quickly grabbed ahold of Kat's foot she kicked him straight in the nose making him reel back in pain. Kat got up and Vi kicked the ladder down before enforcers could climb up after them."You need to hide those crystals" Vi spoke to powder as they entered the hold "yeah no shit" she replied and Kat sighed in relief.

The group walked through the streets of the undercity. Kat caught sight of a red haired female at the art supplies shop, well it doesn't have much, only black paint and stuff like that. Kat went running towards the red haired girl and hugged her from behind, getting a light squeal in surprise. Maya turned around and saw Kat. Maya hit her shoulder "don't do that!" Kat laughed at that and hugged back. The group behind her coughed getting the witch's attention. She smiled and turned around "Guys this is Maya, My best friend, outside of you guys" Everyone said hi, Kat could tell something was bothering Vi. She was going to ask but Mylo pushed her out of the way to talk to Maya "Hey Mylo" Kat said He turned to face her but immediately regretted it upon seeing a glare resting on her face "One don't push me again" Mylo nodded quickly "and two don't flirt with her, she had a girlfriend" Kat continued, Vi's ears pricked up at the word, her attention was turned onto Kat "it isn't you, is it?" Mylo said worried he upset the witch by flirting with her girlfriend, Now that really got Vi attention. "Guys we have to go" She spoke and was ready to walk away, everyone said goodbye and Kat hugged Maya goodbye.

Kat caught up with Vi, but she wouldn't talk to her. Kat groaned, finally had enough "Vi will you just talk to me" Kat pleaded "I don't know what I did in the span of a few seconds, to make you ignore me but I'm sorry" Kat bumped Vi's shoulder with hers. "Please!" Kat whined sounding like a child, Vi wouldn't budge and Kat huffed and dropped back down to the group behind her. "So is she your girlfriend" Mylo asked "No she has a girlfriend, her name is charlotte she is the nicest person you will meet'' Realisation hit her "wait" Kat nonchalantly walked up to Vi, she hit Vi's shoulder with her own "Jealous much" Kat smirked at Vi, who only glared at her "what is the pretty girl upset?" Kat pouts and giggles when Vi pushes her playfully "shut up".

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