17| ᘜᖇOᑌᑭ (ᑕᕼᗩTˢ) & ᗩ ᑕᗩᒪᒪ

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"Olive My Friends"

Drunkard Salvatore🥃
*sent an attachment*
You have exactly 2 mins to explain yourself, young lady

Witch Bitch🔮
Oh god, here we go again

Don't even start, Ian. I don't remember anything, I swear

O, Marcello
What do you mean you don't remember? Did he...

Oh god, no no no. I meant that, I was very drunk. So I blacked out, I guess. I don't remember when it happened.

'When' as in, you're sure it happened?

Rachie Skarr
Oh yeah, it sure happened. They facetimed this morning after Pheebs left and he confirmed it.

I don't get who leaked it, though. Like...it was just us.

Probably someone from the staff team. Sorry it happened, Addy.

SeaBass The Crab 🦀
So what, you talked to him and what conclusion did you come to?

Drunkard Salvatore🥃
That is was a MISTAKE

Original Barbie
Let her answer, will you?

Oh so

I kinda

Offered to have dinner with him on Saturday?😅

Witchy Lisbet

Can we all just please calm down?

We would, if you weren't being extra dumb right now

Oh come on, not you guys too! What's so bad about him?

The Godfather
Addy sweetie, just answer one simple question. Do you like this guy?

...I don't know?

SeaBass The Crab 🦀
Ugh I'm so done with this dumbass🙄

Preggo Little Wolf

Thank you, Pheebs.

Yeah so, as I was saying. I mean, he's really nice and all but he's my costar. You all know my rule! I don't know what to do

Hunter Boy🏹
Well, I don't know. Maybe not go out with him after he kissed you at your party???

Oh please, you didn't even come.

And what I don't understand is that most of you were there, how did none of you see us?

Hero Hair
Most of us left by then, I'm guessing

Suit guy🤵🏻
Sorry I just got here. Who died?
What did you do?
I leave you alone for one party and you do this

Can you please not? Gosh, this is horrible. What do I do???

Barnes (not Bucky)
You already asked him out. What else could you possibly do?

I didn't ask him out! I just offered for us to have dinner and sort this out so things didn't get awkward between us later on.

Spider Momma 🕸️
Why would things be awkward? It was just a drunk kiss. Tell him that and get it over with.

Yeah so, I forgot to mention. He kinda confessed that he likes me? And he has for a while but he didn't want to ruin our friendship so he didn't tell me?

Drunkard Salvatore🥃
OHMYGOD I'm going to lose my mind.

Witchy Lisbet
Was this before or after you asked him to dinner?


O, Marcello
God, give me patience

Little Harvest bb🔮
I don't understand what the big deal is. I mean, he seemed like a very nice guy yesterday.

Blondie Lookalike Therapist
Yeah. Addy, maybe you should just go for dinner and see where it leads to. Maybe that'll help you figure out your feelings better.

That's the most logical thing I've heard someone say today

Yeah, maybe you're right.

Suit guy🤵🏻
No, she's not. That honestly sounds like an awful idea.

And you're not at all biased. You guys hate Toby for no reason.

America's Evass
Well, he's kissing you when you're drunk. That seems like a reason to hate him.

Original Barbie
Wait, isn't your shoot with us on Saturday?

Preggo Little Wolf
*gasps* we had a lunch date planned, Addy!
And just for the record, I totally called this, remember? And what did you say? "You can't fall for someone that quick" 🙄

Ugh, I hate you all and I know! That's why I proposed dinner instead of lunch.

Suit guy🤵🏻
But lunch is friendly. Dinner is date-ish.
You're sending the wrong goddamn message!

Tough Ruff
Honestly, let the poor girl breathe.

Thanks Marko

So, what're you going to do?

I can't cancel. That's be wrong. So like Leah said, let's see where this leads.

And this is a warning to all you people who don't like Tobs for no reason, LEAVE HIM ALONE, okay?

Suit guy🤵🏻

Toby, I meant

Witchy Lisbet

Whatever. Where's Jo? He's supposed to pick me up on Saturday, on the way to set.

Suit guy🤵🏻
He's not coming on anytime soon

Everything okay?

Suit guy🤵🏻

...okay. I'll text him later.

America's Evass
What about the media?

They'll make headlines out of anything. It's better if I don't react.

True. And don't worry Ads, you'll figure it out. We're here for you!

Drunkard Salvatore🥃
As long as you don't fall for this guy

Shut up, Ian.




Joseph Morgan [Big, Bad Wolfie🐺]


Adelaide Brown [Del💝]

Hey Jo, I haven't heard from you all day. All good or are you too hungover to talk?

Hey Del, yeah definitely still hungover. But we can talk. Did you need anything?

No, just checking up on my dear friend.

Well, your dear friend is alright. How're you?

A little irritated, little worried. You know, the usual

Yeah, I saw the chat. Everyone's being harsh

A little? They're being very harsh and for no reason at all. I mean, he's not a bad guy, you know.

They're just looking out for you, Del.

I know. It's just...I can look after myself too. And I did what I thought was right. But instead of being understanding, they're lashing out of me.

They don't want you to get hurt.

Toby wouldn't hurt me.

You seem so sure

I am. He's a nice guy, Jo. I swear

If you say so. Besides, it's your life. Make your own decisions. Even if it goes against your friends' wishes.

That sounded very sarcastic

It wasn't meant to. I meant that in the nicest way possible.

I know, I'm just so stressed. Anyway, how's rehearsals coming along? You wanna practice lines over a call?

Not today, sorry. I'm not feeling it.

Oh, no worries. You sure you're okay, though? Do you need me to come over with aspirin and bad movies?

No, it's alright. I just need to sleep it off.

If you say so. I hope you feel better soon, Jo.

Yeah, me too.

Take care, I'll let you rest now.

Take care, del.




Joseph Morgan [JoMo]


Daniel Gillies [DG]

Man, how are you?

Not now, Daniel.

Hey, I'm just trying to make sure you're fine

I'm fine

You don't sound fine

Well, I am

I know what this is about

No, you don't

It's about her, isn't it?

I don't know what you're talking about

Answer the bloody call.

Incoming call from DG



Daniel, I said not now

Tell her


Tell her before you lose her

You need to be less cryptic if you want me to understand what you're trying to say

[Daniel scoffs in disbelief]

As if you don't know who I'm talking about

I don't

Fine, if you want me to say it.

Tell Addy you love her before you lose her to newbie blondie

What're you talking about?

[Daniel scoffs again]

Oh please, you might be able to fool the others but not me. Not about this. I know you've been in love with her for years now.

Stop speculating

[Sadness is written all over his face, although he tries to sound as unaffected as possible]

You were scared you'd lose her friendship if you told her and now what? This guy told her and he's got himself a date. Girl's literally fighting against all her friends for him.

Because she cares about him

No, because she's just too nice and dumb for her own good. You need to tell her

There's no guarantee she'll feel the same way

[Daniel smirks at his confession]

So you admit it? Yes, I fucking new it!

[Joseph rolls his eyes at this]

What are you suggesting?

You have a lunch plan with her, right? I'll convince Phoebe to stay back with me, somehow. You take her out and tell her before she can even go on dinner with him.

You said lunches are friendly

It's your only fucking option right now, so just work with it

She'll say no

Oh stop it! Man up! Get the girl before you lose her. You've silently pined for her too long already

Why didn't you say anything if you knew all this time?

Because I was waiting for you to tell me yourself. And you didn't have competition till now. But now, you don't have time. Like, AT ALL.

I'm aware

Oh, stop sulking! You have two days to plan the perfect way to tell her, get to work

[Joseph smiles at Daniel's encouragement]

Thanks man

Thank me when you get the girl

[Joseph nods with a smile and ends the call]

*call ended*

He was scared. No, horrified. What if she said no? What if she had fallen for Toby? What if he loses her as a friend too? He didn't know the answer to any of these questions but he had to try. Try to finally get the girl he had been in love with.

Author's Note

Boo, he sounds so sad, I felt bad writing this :(

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