18| Tᕼᗴ ᗪᗩY

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27th July, 2013

The day was here. Saturday. The day a lot of people were looking forward to. Adelaide was excited to see her friends from The Originals again. She was scheduled to shoot her flashbacks as Kaitlyn today. And she also had a date(?) today. She was unsure on whether she was looking forward to it or dreading it.

Joseph Morgan was excited and nervous because he was going to confess his love to the girl he's admired from afar for over a year now. Nobody knew but Joseph had the biggest crush on Adelaide when he first joined the TVD cast but it died down when they became really good friends, or so he thought. Soon enough, he began dating his now ex-girlfriend, Persia White. They began dating around June 2011 but broke up early 2012, when the relationship began to turn more toxic than lovely. Another factor was that Joseph's feelings for Adelaide were resurfacing but he didn't know what to do about it. He didn't know if he should confide in someone or if he should tell her. He was well aware of her self-rule of not dating a costar as she didn't want to face an awkward situation in her workplace, in case something ever went wrong.

He tried, but he couldn't stop loving her. If anything, everytime they talked, they touched- he would fall deeper into love with her. Her captivating smile, enchanting smile, witty personality- it was all for him. She was all for him. But he was just another friend to her.

And now, he was close to losing the love of his life to a man who had just come into her life a few months ago. Thanks to Daniel, he had decided he would tell her about his feelings. He only hoped she'd feel the same for him. Because he didn't know what he would do if she didn't. 

With a deep sign, Joseph rings the doorbell to Adelaide's house, as he was picking her up and they were driving to the set together.

After a minute of waiting, the main door opens and Joseph is greeted with the same captivating smile that could make him forget about everything else that existed.

"Hey Jo," Adelaide greets as she steps out with her duffel bag and locks the main door before turning back to him. When Joseph realizes he hadn't replied yet and was staring, he clears his throat before taking the bag out of her hands and smiling at her, "hey Del, you look beautiful," he compliments, "oh, and this is for you," he says as he hands her a single rose he had gotten for her from his home garden.

"Aww thank you. This is beautiful. What's the occasion?" Adelaide smiles as she admires the rose while Joseph admires her.

"No occasion, just thought I'd get you a rose."

"Because that's what Klaus and his family call Kaitlyn? You're already in character, huh?" Adelaide teases as they walk back to his car.

"Sure, that too," he replies as he opens the passenger door for her and then moves to the driver's seat, himself.

"Oh, I forgot to ask. How're you doing now? You seemed so down that day," Adelaide asks as they begin to drive off to their destination.

"I'm fine. I was just hungover, I guess," Joseph lies as Adelaide hums in understanding.

"So, you excited to be Kaitlyn again?" he asks after a moment of comfortable silence.

"Yepp, I'm so excited. I missed being her, you know. I mean, Queen Mary is cool and all, but Lyn will always be special to me," she tells him as he nods in understanding, "how long is it going to take us to get there?"

"About 40 minutes, why?"

"I think I wanna take a little nap, I barely got any sleep last night. Seb and Jenny are fighting a lot lately," she tells him, "I don't think it's going to last."

"That's sad to hear," Jo mumbles, breakup talk making him more nervous.

"I know right, it's scary how easily people fall out of love sometimes. Oh, did you talk to Phoebe today? She isn't answering my calls."

"No, I didn't," he replies before asking the much dreaded question, "are you excited for your dinner-date with Toby?"

"I wouldn't necessarily call it a date," Adelaide sighs, "and honestly, I don't know if I'm excited or dreading this. I just don't want our friendship to get messed up over feelings, you know? Plus, we've got years of working together left. If something does happen between us and then messes up, I'm doomed."

Joseph places his left hand over hers and gives it a reassuring squeeze while keeping his eyes on the road, "I'm sure everything will turn out fine, Del. You don't need to think so far in advance yet," he reassures her as she gives him a grateful smile.

"What would I do without you?" she quizzes rhetorically, "all the guys are so pissed over this. At least, you understand my situation."

"Of course, I do," Joseph mumbles softly.

The rest of the car ride is not as eventful, filled with carpool karaoke and small talk here and there, until they finally reach their destination.


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[tagged: adelaidebrown]

[reposted by: adelaidebrown]

"I look cute," Adelaide jokes as she views Joseph's Instagram story of her as she sits down at the back of his car with two wraps in her hands- one for her and one for him.

"You always look cute," Joseph compliments her genuinely.

"Aww Jo, you're being such a softie today," she teases as she hands him his wrap, "here, they'll get cold and mushy if we wait too long."

Their phones keep dinging continuously as fans over the internet freak out over their posts and stories, "people are going crazy," Adelaide mumbles with a mouth full of food. Most times, it would be gross but when it came to her, Joseph found even this adorable. She was happy she felt comfortable being this goofy around him, "can't believe Pheebs ditched us like this."

"Daniel and her had rehearsals," Joseph lies, knowing Daniel was holding back Phoebe by coming up with some excuse.

"But why on the only day I'm here? This is unfair," Adelaide whines as Joseph smiles at her admiringly. He was nervous and didn't know how to bring up the topic and tell her about his long-time feelings for her, but her smile was helping calm his nerves a bit.

"Del, we need to talk about something," he tells her, finally gathering enough courage, "...I need to tell you something."

"Yeah, what is it?" she questions casually as she continues to concentrate on her wrap.

Just as Joseph opens his mouth to talk, her phone starts ringing loud and clear, interrupting both their actions.

"Sorryyy," Adelaide apologizes as she stands up and grabs her phone out of her bag to see a group call from Toby and Torrance, "I need to take this," she says as she walks away a few paces to answer the call and Joseph sighs in frustration.

"Heyy Torr and Toby, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Adelaide jokes as she answers the call and their faces pop up on her phone screen.

"We have news for you," Torrance begins.

"Good and better," Toby chimes in excitedly.

"Well, tell me then. What are you waiting for?"

"So, we're going to Ireland for 6 months to continue filming Season One and Two now," Torrance grins as Adelaide frowns.

"What? Ireland already? I thought that was if...oh my god, don't tell me," she gasps when she realizes what it meant.

"Yes!"  Toby yells excitedly, "Reign got renewed for a third Season!"

"Oh my god, that is such great news, you guys!"

Just then, Torrance's girlfriend and now Adelaide's good friend, Alyssa Campanella pops up on the screen beside Toby, "oh hi guys, congratulations. Torr just told me about the good news."

"Alyy, hi. I miss you. Why didn't you come to the party?" Adelaide greets with a big smile.

"Yeah sorry, I was at my grandparents', I'll be there next time."

"Addy, stop flirting with my girlfriend," Torrance jokes and the others chuckle, "and we gotta go now. Date today. Talk to you all later," he bids goodbye before hanging up the call, leaving only Adelaide and Toby on the call.

"Hi," Toby then greets and a blush overtakes Adelaide's cheeks, "you look good today, Addy."

Behind them, Joseph clenches his knuckles as he hears them talk. 'They just had to call now, didn't they?' he thinks to himself.

"Thank you, you look good too," Adelaide compliments back, softly.

"I'm literally in my gym fit" Toby chuckles, "but don't worry, I'm not wearing this for our date."

Adelaide tries her best to mask her surprise as Toby calls it a 'date' but somehow, the idea didn't seem as bad to her now.

Joseph clenches his jaw at the comment, fury and fear bubbling in his chest.

"That's reassuring," Adelaide teases back, "because I wouldn't go on a date with you if you wore sweaty, spy-like clothes to a restaurant."

Joseph's face falls when he notices the genuine smile and blush on Adelaide's face. Did she really have feelings for Toby? What should he do now?

"Oh no, only the best for you, Addy," Toby flirts and Adelaide blushes further and Joseph's heart breaks further. Joseph clears his throat to remind her he was still there.

"I'll see you at 7, Tobs. Looking forward to it!" she tells his excitedly.

"See youu," he replies before they hang up the call and Adelaide turns to look at Joseph with a big smile on her face.

"You seem pretty excited for someone who was 'unsure' in the morning," he teases, trying to mask his concern behind a joke.

"I don't know. Suddenly the idea of a date with him doesn't seem as horrible and scary as it did all this time," she tells him as he practically feels his heart drop to his stomach.

"...what about your rule of not dating costars?" he reminds her.

"It's just one date," she shrugs, "who knows if this'll even go anywhere."

"What if it does?"

"Then, we'll think about it then," she replies bluntly, "we should head back now. Break's almost over."

Joseph clears his throat and nods, "yeah, you go ahead. I'll meet you inside soon."

Adelaide nods, not reading too much into it and heads back to the studio as Joseph sighs and settles down in his car's open trunk, contemplating how the situation got to this. She did have feelings for Toby. So much so, she was ready to break her rule for it. And he didn't even tell her about his own feelings. How could he when she looked so excited about a date with another man? If only...if only he had mustered up the guts and told her earlier than this. If only he had confessed how much she mattered to him, how much he loved her. Maybe he's have his girl then?

"Hey, Addy looked happy," he hears Daniel's voice break him out of his thoughts, "I'm guessing you told her and she said yes?"

Joseph scoffs at the irony, "not even close."

"What?" Daniel frowns.

"If anything, she just told me she likes the idea of dating Toby. She's excited to see where this leads," Joseph mumbles bluntly as Daniel's face falls.

"What the fuck," he curses in anger, "this isn't what we planned!"

"Well, it didn't go as planned!"

"You were supposed to win over your girl, man," Daniel whispers at Joseph's outburst.

"If only. Instead, I just lost the girl. I lost the girl and now I'm in love with someone who I can never have," Joseph mumbles as Daniel pats his back in a comforting manner.

"Never say never, the others will never accept them. Addy won't go against them," he reassures Jo.

Joseph shakes his head 'no', "you didn't see how happy she looked, Daniel. She really likes him. Probably even more than she realizes. And I don't know about the others, but if it means she's happy, I support her."

"Even if she's in love with a scumbag?"

"Well, we never gave him a proper chance. Del swears he's nice and likeable. Maybe we need to try harder to like him and we'll see it to," Joseph points out in a low voice.

"You can't be serious!" Daniel scoffs.

"Well, I am, Daniel!" Joseph snaps, "I am serious! It's my fault I waited till the fear of losing her to even come close to telling her! And now I've lost her and it's still my fault. So yes, I am serious. I just want her to be happy, even if it's not with me, it doesn't matter. Because her happiness comes first. It should, to all of you," he yells before storming back inside the studio, leaving a dumbfounded Daniel.

He could clearly see how heartbroken Joseph was. He wanted to help them, to rush inside and tell Adelaide what Joseph couldn't. He wanted to threaten this Toby to stay away from their Addy.

But what Joseph said was also true, it had been a long time since Addy had opened up to love again. After her rough breakup with Connor Paolo- due to him cheating on her with Taylor Momsen, she had completely shut off to the idea of loving/dating again. And now, after so many years, she was finally opening up to another man, how could he, as her best friend, not support her? With all these thoughts, Daniel was torn between helping Joseph win her over or be happy for Addy on whatever she had with Toby. 

In his eyes, Joseph and Adelaide were a match made in heaven but somehow, the others hadn't seen it yet, not even Adelaide, herself. And he couldn't force her to see it, could he? So if this is what Joseph wanted for her, was for her to be happy, even if it was with another man; as her best friend, Daniel would stick by her side too, although still holding onto hope that oneday Joselaide might actually be real.

Author's Note
Okay, y'all can hate me now 😭

BUT REMEMBER I SAID THIS'D BE A SLOW-BURN! So, let's hold onto hope, just like Daniel said.

Also, please remember this is completely fictional and there is not supposed to be any real hate towards Persia, Connor or Taylor. The cheating story is completely made up, only for backstory purposes and in real, Joseph is still very much in love with his lovely wife, Persia. They are anything but 'toxic'.

So although, these people are portrayed in a certain way in this story, please refrain from showing any real-time hate towards these people, thank youu.

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