💝 Apologises💝

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Jin and Ji-Hye returned to Ji-Hye's room, where they discovered Jang-Mi lost in contemplation. Casting a mutual glance, the two of them approached and took seats beside her. With a questioning look, Jang-Mi inquired, "Did you find them?"

Jin nodded in confirmation, and said "They are standing near the deck" he said to which Jang-Mi asked, "Is he really upset right now?" Jin shifted his gaze to Ji-Hye, who, seated behind Jang-Mi, offered an explanation, "We didn't talk with him. When we went near them, Oppa told us to give him some space, but we could see he was hurt."

Determined to address the situation, Jang-Mi declared, "I will go talk with him, then and apologize as well" As she prepared to stand, Jin interjected with a hesitant tone, "Mimi, Hoseok told us not to let you go near Jungkook." Jang-Mi sighed, resigning herself to the situation.

She turned to Ji-Hye and said, "Can you please tell him I am sorry on behalf of me? I'm mad at him for what he did this morning, but I really think I shouldn't have said that to him." The words conveyed the thoughts that had been lingering in her mind for quite some time.

"I did try apologizing, but Hoseok didn't let me complete, and Jungkook didn't even look at us," Jin recounted to her. She sighed once more. "I am going to my room," she declared, and without waiting for their reply, she left the room.

In the quiet room, Jin and Ji-Hye shared concerned glances. Jin suggested, "Let's give her some time. Emotions are high, and she needs a moment alone." Ji-Hye agreed, acknowledging the emotional complexity.

"You're right, Jin Oppa. Let things settle before we talk to Hobi Oppa or Jungkook again," she said, showing understanding and worry.As they stayed in the room, uncertainty lingered. The unresolved issues among friends weighed heavily, and unspoken words added tension. Jin thought about following Jang-Mi but hesitated, unsure whether she needed space.

Meanwhile, Jang-Mi headed to her room, laying on the bed. Thoughts of guilt consumed her as she reflected on her actions. The heaviness of the situation sank in, and she pondered on how to mend the fractures between her and Jungkook, realizing the weight of her words.

Jang-Mi abruptly sat up, a surge of determination coursing through her. The weight of guilt and the desire to mend things urged her to seek out Jungkook. Leaving her room, she started going through the corridors, the echoes of her steps accompanying the swirling thoughts in her mind. She decided to start at the deck where Jin had last seen them.

Upon reaching the deck, a sense of emptiness greeted her. The place seemed void of any traces of Jungkook or Hobi Oppa. She furrowed her brows, looking around as if expecting them to appear suddenly.

"Oppa said they were here... maybe they went to his room," she mused, "maybe they are in Jungkook's room" she thought and started going in their room's direction

On her way, a familiar figure appeared. It was Namjoon, someone whom she have seen with Jungkook and Hoseok before. A spark of hope ignited within Jang-Mi as she considered that he might know information about Hoseok and Jungkook's whereabouts. Approaching him, she noticed the slight raise of his eyebrow as he acknowledged her presence.

"Yes? How may I help you?" Namjoon inquired, his voice resonating with a calm demeanor. Jang-Mi hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts before asking, "Um... do you happen to know where Jungkook or Hobi Oppa are?" The slight nod from Namjoon prompted a sigh of relief from her.

"Where are they? I wanted to talk with them regarding some work," she added, intentionally avoiding the true reason for her search. Namjoon, seemingly understanding, provided the information she sought. "They are in Jimin's room. 5th room to your left," he disclosed.

Gratitude filled her expression as she thanked Namjoon and started going to the told room. Having located the room, Jang-Mi knocked on the door and took a step back, anticipating its opening.

It didn't take long before the door revealed Taehyung, who greeted her with an intense glare. In his deep voice, he questioned, "What do you want?"

Stumbling over her words, Jang-Mi managed to request, "Uh... can I please talk to Jungkook?" Taehyung's response was curt, "No, you can't. You have already hurt him enough. Now please get lost. Thank you." He started to close the door, but Jang-Mi intervened, pleading, "Please, Taehyung-shi. I'm not here to hurt him. I just want to apologize. Please."

There was a moment of contemplation as Taehyung assessed her sincerity. His gaze shifted between her and the room before finally nodding. He opened the door, allowing Jang-Mi to enter. "Thanks," she expressed her gratitude as she stepped inside, hopeful for a chance to convey her apologies to Jungkook.

As she came in, she saw Jungkook laying on the bed while Jimin running his hands in his younger brother's hairs while Hoseok was talking to him about something. Maybe comforting him. She unknowingly smiled at the sight. She fake coughed to get their attention.

Jimin and Hoseok turned to her and saw her standing there awkwardly. "Jang-Mi, what are you doing here?" Hoseok asked standing up. Hearing him, Jungkook also sat on the bed and turned to Jang-Mi. "I came to apologise to Jungkook. I am really sorry. I shouldn't have said that when I knew nothing about you or your family. Please forgive me Jungkook" she said looking at Jungkook.

"It's okay. I really appreciate the fact that you atleast came to apologise. Or else, I really would have thought that people who are born in rich families are arrogant and rude af" He said chuckling a little. But Jang-Mi was a little shocked. She didn't expected him to forgive her this easily.

She saw Jimin signalling her to sit so she immediately sat on the bed. Not knowing what to say she looked down, but then looked up and said "Wait... did you just called me rude and arrogant just cause I am born in rich family?" She asked. Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok all facepalmed knowing another argument was about to start.

But thankfully, Jungkook shrugged off and said "Maybe I did. And your first impression was that only, so not my fault" he said. Jang-Mi really wanted to fight with him right now but then said "You all are so close with Hobi Oppa. Right?"

She asked. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all nodded their heads while Hoseok looked confused. While Jang-Mi smirked playfully and said "If I am rude and arrogant, so is Hobi Oppa. Infact he is rudest among all of us cause between my, Jin Oppa and this Jung siblings family, they are the richest"

She said while Hoseok looked at her with a 'you have a death wish' look. She just shurgged her shoulders not giving a f*ck to Hoseok who was giving her a death glare.

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Words Count- 1220

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